Betong och armeringsteknik
Lärobok om betong och armeringsteknik.
5.0 av 5
Betong och armeringsteknik
Lärobok inom betong och armeringsteknik.
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Reinventing Capitalism in the Age of Big Data
Markets have long been acknowledged to be a superior mechanism for managing resources but until the advent of big data, they largely functioned better in theory than in practice. Now, as ideal markets are within reach because of vastly greater access to information, we are on the verge of a major disruption.
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The Conspiracy against the Human Race
In Thomas Ligottis first nonfiction outing, an examination of the meaning (or meaninglessness) of life through an insightful, unsparing argument that proves the greatest horrors are not the products of our imagination but instead are found in reality. There is a signature motif discernible in both works of philosophical pessimism and supernatural horror. It may be stated thus: Behind the scenes of life lurks something pernicious that makes a nightmare of our world. His fiction is known to be some of the most terrifying in the genre of supernatural horror, but Thomas Ligottis first nonfiction book may be even scarier. Drawing on philosophy, literature, neuroscience, and other fields of study, Ligotti takes the penetrating lens of his imagination and turns it on his audience, causing them to grapple with the brutal reality that they are living a meaningless nightmare, and anyone who feels otherwise is simply acting out an optimistic fallacy. At once a guidebook to pessimistic thought and a relentless critique of humanitys employment of self-deception to cope with the pervasive suffering of their existence, The Conspiracy against the Human Race may just convince readers that there is more than a measure of truth in the despairing yet unexpectedly liberating negativity that is widely considered a hallmark of Ligottis work.
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The Afterlives
Jim Byrd died. Technically. For a few minutes. The diagnosis: heart attack at age thirty. Revived with no memory of any tunnels, lights, or angels, Jim wonders what--if anything--awaits us on the other side. Then a ghost shows up. Maybe. Jim and his new wife, Annie, find themselves tangling with holograms, psychics, messages from the beyond, and a machine that connects the living and the dead. As Jim and Annie journey through history and fumble through faith, they confront the specter of loss that looms for anyone who dares to fall in love. Funny, fiercely original, and gracefully moving, The Afterlives will haunt you. In a good way.
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Gravity's Rainbow
"The greatest, wildest author of his generation". ("Guardian"). We could tell you the year is 1944, that the main character is called Tyrone Slothrop and that he has a problem because bombs are falling across Europe and crashing to earth at the exact locations of his sexual conquests. But that doesn't really begin to cover it. Reading this book is like falling down a rabbit hole into an outlandish, sinister, mysterious, absurd, compulsive netherworld. As the "Financial Times" said, 'you must forget earlier notions about life and letters and even the Novel.' Forty years since publication, "Gravity's Rainbow" has lost none of its power to enthral.
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Blood on the Page
On 14 June 2006, police were called to 9 Downshire Hill in Hampstead. The owner, Allan Chappelow, was a writer and notorious recluse who had not been seen for several weeks. Inside the darkened house, officers found piles of rubbish, trees growing through the floor, and the body of Chappelow, battered to death, partially burned and buried under four feet of paper.The man eventually arrested on suspicion of his murder was a Chinese dissident named Wang Yam, who claimed to be the grandson of one of Mao's closest aides. His trial was the first in modern British history to be held `in camera': closed, carefully controlled, secret. Wang Yam was found guilty, but has always protested his innocence. Did Wang Yam do it? Or was he framed for a crime he didn't commit? When everything is hidden, how do we know what's really true?
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Existentialism: A Very Short Introduction
Existentialism was one of the leading philosophical movements of the twentieth century. Focusing on its seven leading figures, Sartre, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, de Beauvoir, Merleau-Ponty and Camus, this Very Short Introduction provides a clear account of the key themes of the movement which emphasized individuality, free will, and personal responsibility in the modern world. Drawing in the movement's varied relationships with the arts, humanism, and politics, this book clarifies the philosophy and original meaning of 'existentialism' - which has tended to be obscured by misappropriation. Placing it in its historical context, Thomas Flynn also highlights how existentialism is still relevant to us today.ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
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Reinventing Capitalism in the Age of Big Data
Markets have long been acknowledged to be a superior mechanism for managing resources but until the advent of big data, they largely functioned better in theory than in practice. Now, as ideal markets are within reach because of vastly greater access to information, we are on the verge of a major disruption.
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Depression : Kognitiv självhjälp
Att känna sig olustig, hängig och låg ibland är helt normalt – det hör till livet och är ofta ett sätt att varva ner. Lite slarvigt säger vi att ”vi är deppiga, jättestressade, utbrända…”. Det hänger säkert samman med den hektiska livssituation och den otrygga arbetsmarknad som är en verklighet för många idag. Den deppigheten har oftast ingenting att göra med själva sjukdomen depression. Däremot kan känslan av tillkortakommande, stress och uppgivenhet med därtill hörande aptit- och sömnrubbningar vara tidiga tecken på en begynnande depression. Kanske behöver man professionell hjälp? Vid lindrigare depressioner och i förebyggande syfte kan man dock göra mycket för att hjälpa sig själv. I boken lär man sig att uppmärksamma tidiga tecken. Den ger oss också praktiska exempel på kognitiva självhjälpsstrategier med vilka man kan förändra invanda och icke ändamålsenliga tanke, känslo- och handlingsmönster. Thomas Silfving arbetar som psykolog och psykoterapeut. Han är författare och redaktör till åtta böcker och ett antal artiklar i psykologi.
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The Art of War
In the words of Sun Tzu, "To win without fighting is best." This timeless Chinese classic captures the essence of military strategy used in ancient East Asia, with lessons on how to handle conflict confidently, efficiently, and successfully. The techniques and instructions discussed in The Art of War apply to competition and conflict on every level, from the interpersonal to the international. Its aim is invincibility, victory without battle, and unassailable strength through an understanding of the physics, politics, and psychology of conflict. Thomas Cleary's translation is a breakthrough achievement that has been a gold standard among translations for three decades, offering the complete text in eminently readable prose with short commentaries by other ancient Chinese strategists and philosophers interwoven throughout.
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Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology, 4 Volume Set,
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I Think, Therefore I Draw
Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klien have been thinking deep thoughts and writing jokes for decades, and now they are here to help us understand Philosophy through cartoons, and cartoons through Philosophy. Covering topics as diverse as religion, gender, knowledge, morality, and the meaning of life (or the lack thereof), I Think, Therefore I Draw gives a thorough introduction to all of the major debates in philosophy through history and the present. And since they explain with the help of a selection of some of the smartest cartoonists working today, you'll breeze through these weighty topics as you guffaw and slap your knee. Cathcart and Klein's Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar... and Heidegger and a Hippo Walk Through Those Pearly Gates have been a favorite of philosophers and non-philosophers alike for years. Packed with dozens of witty cartoons and loaded with profound philosophical insight, I Think, Therefore I Draw will delight readers and leave them enlightened.
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Thank You for Being Late
THE NEW INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE WORLD IS FLAT We all sense it: something big is going on. Life is speeding up, and it is dizzying. Here Thomas L. Friedman reveals the tectonic movements that are reshaping our world, how to adapt to this new age and why, sometimes, we all need to be late. 'A master class ... As a guide for perplexed Westerners, this book is very hard to beat ... an honest, cohesive explanation for why the world is the way it is, without miracle cures or scapegoats' John Micklethwait, The New York Times Book Review 'Wonderful ... admirably honest ... injects a badly needed dose of optimism into the modern debate' Gillian Tett, Financial Times 'His main piece of advice for individuals, corporations, and countries is clear: Take a deep breath and adapt. This world isn't going to wait for you' Fortune 'A humane and empathetic book' David Henkin, The Washington Post
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Leadership Challenges in Academia
Eventful challenges are intellectually compelling to study, in that they stand out as different from the background of the common everyday practice of leading. Through four case studies, this doctoral thesis focuses on leadership challenges in academia. An analysis of the cases shows that the challenges contain various notions and practices of leading that reach a state of tension or conflict with one another in stressful situations. These tensions are here understood as organisational paradoxes, i.e. problems that cannot be solved but can be lived and led. The findings also suggest that a both/and approach, and the psychoanalytic concept of holding can be helpful in an understanding of leading towards constructive outcomes of these leadership challenges. Thomas Sewerin has 45 years of experience working with teaching and consulting in the field of leadership, team and organizational development. In this doctoral thesis, he links the the learnings from his own business practice with the generous and plentiful world of knowledge and rigour that the university and research offer.
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Måtte Djävulen ta SVT - USA är faktiskt en nobel nation
Boken handlar i huvudsak om SVT:s nyhetsredaktioners partiska USA rapporteringar. En förödande stor del av svensk nyhetsrapportering som har politisk anknytning till USA är partisk. Det gäller inte minst inom statsägd Public Service som t.ex. SVT. Sveriges befintliga säkerhetsanordningar som skall utgöra hinder för partiskhet hos SVT:s nyhetsförmedling fungerar inte. SVT:s nyhetsredaktioners USA rapporteringar drar orättmätig fördel av sin stora marknadsandel genom att de aktivt och systematiskt undanhåller medborgarna centralt väsentliga uppgifter som fäller skuggor över president Barack Obama. Det här sker genom att SVT:s exklusiva nyhetsförmedlarklubb i god tro främjar sin egen världsbild som framträder i deras egen ideologiska utblick, nyhetsförmedlarna ignorerar därmed händelser som stör nyhetsförmedlarnas personliga politiska helhetssyn. Jag utvecklar den här tolkningen mer närgående i bokens inledande sidor. Frånvaron av en svensk vederhäftigt bedriven Public Service TV-kanal och/eller en konkurrerande TV-nyhetskanal som tillhandahåller balanserade USA rapporteringar här i Sverige ger till följd att svenska befolkningen duperas. Det svenska samhällets utbredda folkliga hat mot George W Bush:s Irak krig konstruerar och befäster än idag missuppfattningar och felaktiga historiebeskrivningar om vad som i själva verket ägde rum efter den 11 september 2001 fram till 2008 då Barack Obama tog över USA:s presidentpost vilka i väsentligt hög grad är en direkt konsekvens av SVT:s partiska nyhetsrapporteringar. Utifrån rena oförvanskade fakta som inte ryckts ur något oberättigat, missvisande sammanhang eller liknande visar jag i boken hur SVT:s nyhetsredaktioners USA rapporteringar genom sina partiska rapporteringar på orättfärdiga grunder systematiskt undanhållit medborgarna politiskt väsentlig information. Omfattningen av de partiska illgärningar och brott som SVT sedan många år tillbaka gjort sig skyldiga till är så grava att de inte längre kan repareras. Jag menar att medborgarna på angelägna punkter varken tillhandahållits eller tillhandahålls förväntad information om vad som i själva verket sker i vår värld, och det inte minst i en så brännande tid som just nu. Det är dags att lägga ner SVT och starta om därför vi behöver trots allt i vart fall en någorlunda opartisk Public Service TV kanal. I USA så finns det tre politiska partitillhörigheter, de är Republikaner, Demokrater och ”Independents” (oberoende neutral/mitt i mellan). En Gallupundersökning från hösten 2013 av de amerikanska medborgarna uppvisar: Republikaner 25%, Demokrater 31% och Independents/Oberoende 42%. Jag tillhör den utomordentligt lilla svenska handfulla skaran som hyllar George W Bush insatser och ogillar Barack Obamas presidentskap. Mitt ideologiska¹ nolläge vad gäller hur USA skall styras är på så sätt ”Independent”. Du som är en trygg liberal dvs. en amerikansk Demokrat bör ändå få en god behållning av boken eftersom du som en sådan utan svårighet bör kunna skilja på vad som är faktauppgift respektive min åsikt.
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Omgiven av idioter : hur man förstår dem som inte går att förstå
Omgiven av idioter beskriver konkret och underhållande en av världens mest spridda metoder för att sortera olikheterna inom mänsklig kommunikation. Med vetenskapliga grund och genom vardagens möten ger den dig konkreta hjälpmedel att förstå de viktigaste skillnaderna mellan olika kommunikationsstilar. Den visar på en av de vanligaste orsakerna till konflikter i vardagen: dålig kommunikation. Och den ger dig som läsare svaret på frågan: Vad gör jag åt det?
4.0 av 5
Green Grass, Running Water
When Medicine River was published in 1990, the New York Times said of Thomas King, He knows his territory. His first novel is economical, precise, and elegant. Now King returns with his totally fresh voice - carefully controlled, yet without artifice - to present a complex web of character, myth, folklore, and contemporary and universal experience. Green Grass, Running Water is the story of five Blackfoot Indians in the town of Blossom and its nearby reserve, whose very different lives nevertheless continually cross. Alberta, a university professor who wants a child but not a marriage, is involved with two men who seem to represent opposite possibilities: Charlie, a flashy lawyer, and Lionel, a self-effacing TV salesman. Latisha, Lionel's sister, runs the Dead Dog Cafe, a local hangout and tourist trap. And then there's Eli, who moved to the city and its white man's establishment, never intending to look back to Blossom or the reservation's ancient way of life. All the while, four old Indians, escapees from a mental institution, drift mysteriously and hilariously in and out of time, from the beginnings of the universe to its undecided future. Wildly combining Native American and Western spiritual traditions in the stories they tell, they attempt to recreate and reorder the world. And the trickster Coyote follows along, wreaking havoc as he prowls through the novel. This is a rich tale, weaving subtle, magical humor, revisionist history, muted nostalgia, and sacred humanity into one bright, whole cloth.
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Med sin unika inblick i Sveriges maktelit ger Thomas Bodström oss en vass skildring av en populism som sprider sig som ett gift i alla läger i media, i politiken och i rättsväsendet.Populisten är den fjärde och avslutande delen i serien om advokaten Mattias Berglund, Susanne Dahlgren på läns­kriminalpolisen och justitieminister Gerd Lundin.Mattias är nyskild och har flyttat ihop med Susanne, som har gjort karriär och fått jobb som biträdande justitieminister till Gerd Lundin. För första gången börjar han tvivla på sitt yrke, när han försvarar en präst som påstår sig vara oskyldigt anklagad för hustrumisshandel. Dessutom kompliceras saker av att en annan av hans klienter, en hemlös narkoman, råkar ut för en mystisk dödsolycka. Gerd har en otäck känsla av att hon är förföljd och Susanne får veta hur det är när journalister jagar politiker med blåslampa.När regeringskansliet utsätts för en hackerattack är katastrofen ett faktum. Hela landet står på randen av ett sammanbrott.
4.5 av 5
Inherent Vice
Part noir, part psychedelic romp, all Thomas Pynchon private eye Doc Sportello comes, occasionally, out of a marijuana haze to watch the end of an era as free love slips away and paranoia creeps in with the L.A. fog. It's been awhile since Doc Sportello has seen his ex-girlfriend. Suddenly out of nowhere she shows up with a story about a plot to kidnap a billionaire land developer whom she just happens to be in love with. Easy for her to say. It's the tail end of the psychedelic sixties in L.A., and Doc knows that 'love' is another of those words going around at the moment, like 'trip' or 'groovy', except that this one usually leads to trouble. Despite which he soon finds himself drawn into a bizarre tangle of motives and passions whose cast of characters includes surfers, hustlers, dopers and rockers, a murderous loan shark, a tenor sax player working undercover, an ex-con with a swastika tattoo and a fondness for Ethel Merman, and a mysterious entity known as the Golden Fang, which may only be a tax dodge set up by some dentists. In this lively yarn, Thomas Pynchon, working in an unaccustomed genre, provides a classic illustration of the principle that if you can remember the sixties, you weren't there...or...if you were there, then you...or, wait, is it...
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