Ideological Horizons in Media and Citizen Discourses : Theoretical and Methodological Approaches
In which ways does the media discursively make sense of contemporary society? In which ways does the public, through the media, deal with and negotiate ongoing changes in society? How can we study this? Such questions are addressed in this volume. The authors consider societal changes not only as structural, material processes, but also as deeply ideological. They further consider ideologies to be observable in various discursive practices. A new concept, ideological horizon, is introduced, and its theoretical and methodological fruitfulness is developed. The analytical richness of the concept is demonstrated and different methods are suggested for empirically studying ideological horizons in the media and among citizens. Areas of current interests, such as the global war on terrorism, drug trafficking, crises events, mental illness and violence, health and healthism, and contemporary working life, are analysed.
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I takt med att medvetenheten om mediernas centrala roll i samhället ökar inom olika vetenskapliga ämnen växer också behovet av kunskap om mediesamhället. Utifrån elva olika begrepp ger "Mediesamhället. Centrala begrepp" en bred introduktion till relationen mellan medier och samhälle. Författarna tar bland annat upp mediernas roll i skapandet av maktförhållanden, offentlighet, identitet, mobilitet, risker och interaktiva processer. Vad finns det för forskning om detta, och hur kan man inkludera medierna i den egna samhällsforskningen? Denna introduktion till studier om mediesamhället riktar sig till studenter, lärare och forskare inom medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap men också till samhällsvetare och humanister i allmänhet.
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Metoder i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap
Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap är ett samhällsvetenskapligt och humanistiskt ämne som använder sig av många olika forskningsmetoder. Denna bok syftar till att möta behovet av en ämnesspecifik metodlära. Här behandlas grunder för vetenskaplig metod, samt både kvalitativa och kvantitativa ansatser: metoder för studier i naturliga situationer (etnografiska fältstudier, etnografi online och samtalsanalys), frågeundersökningar (intervjuer, surveyundersökningar och experiment) samt text-och medieanalyser (kvantitativ innehållsanalys, språklig analys av text, kritisk diskursanalys, multimodal analys, samt retorisk analys). Denna tredje och kraftigt omarbetade upplaga innehåller flera nya kapitel. Övriga kapitel har skrivits om med hänsyn till aktuell forskning och metodutveckling. Metoder i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap ger en stabil grund och värdefulla verktyg för såväl studenter på grund- och fortsättningsnivå som avancerade forskare.
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Handbok i journalistikforskning
Journalistiken har en särskild ställning genom att den speglar samhällsutvecklingen samtidigt som den också är med om att forma den. I en tid när informations- och medielandskapen genomgår omvälvande förändringar, är frågor om journalistiken, dess historia, framtid och roll i samhället, viktigare än någonsin. I den här boken samlas och presenteras de viktigaste frågorna, teorierna och resultaten inom journalistikforskningen för en svensk publik. I 32 kapitel redogör ledande forskare för journalistikens historia, ideal och produktionsvillkor, för olika genrers innehåll samt för journalistikens relation till samhället och till framtidens medielandskap. Varje kapitel tar upp de viktigaste teorierna samt svenska och internationella forskningsresultat på det aktuella området. Handbok i journalistikforskning vänder sig främst till studenter i journalistik och medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, men den vänder sig också till forskare och till yrkesverksamma inom olika medier – samt till alla som är intresserade av att förstå journalistikens villkor, innehåll och betydelse ur ett samhälleligt perspektiv.
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Journalistik i förändring : om mediestudiers innehållsanalys 2007 och 2014
Redaktionerna är jämställda - men nyheterna ännu mansdominerande. Rapporteringen om brott minskar - tvärtemot vad många tror - sin andel av nyhetsflödet både digitalt och analogt. Politik är överrepresenterat bland de nyheter som delas mycket - och det är de mest hårdvinklade politiknyheterna som delas mest. Det är några av fynden i Mediestudiers återkommande innehållsanalys sedan nyeter från 2007 och 2014 har studerats. I denna skrift rapporterar tolv ledande forskare i tolv kapitel resultat från analys av 10 000 nyheter ur 21 medier från tre städer.
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Global Journalism
Peter Berglez sets out to develop the idea of global journalism as an epistemological updating of everyday mainstream news media. He theoretically understands and explains global journalism as a concrete practice and argues that the future of professional news journalism is about leaving behind the dominant national outlook for the sake of a more integrated (global) outlook on society.
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Mediernas språk
Hur används språk för att kommunicera i nyhetsrapportering, intervju- och debattprogram, TV-serier, fiktionsfilm, dataspel, på chatt-sidor eller i operativsystemen i våra datorer? Att förstå hur språk kan användas i tal, skrift och bild är viktigt både för dem som vill kunna analysera budskap kritiskt och för dem som i olika yrkesroller ska jobba med medier och kommunikation. Mediernas språk är den första boken på svenska som presenterar de mest inflytelserika teorierna om språk och kommunikation i modern medievetenskap.Läs merBoken är en lättillgänglig och forskningsbaserad introduktion som utgår från sex olika teoretiska perspektiv: semiotik, berättande analys, retorik, samtalsanalys, kritisk diskursanalys samt teorier om sociala representationer.Dessa teorier kan ses som olika ”glasögon”, genom vilka vi kan undersöka hur kommunikation i och genom medier egentligen fungerar. Teoriernas användbarhet illustreras med konkreta analyser. I slutet av varje kapitel ges tips för vidare studier.Bokens huvudsakliga målgrupp är studerande på grundnivå inom universitetskurser i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, men också andra kurser inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap.Om författarnaMats Ekström är professor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Örebro universitet. Övriga författare i boken är Peter Berglez, Göran Bolin, Birgitta Höijer, Ulla Moberg, Brigitte Mral och Ulrika Olausson.
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Watching the Dark
Banks is back - and this time he's investigating the murder of one of his own. Detective Inspector Bill Quinn is killed by a crossbow in the tranquil grounds of a police rehabilitation centre, and compromising photos are found in his room. DCI Banks, brought in to investigate, is assailed on all sides. By Joanna Passero, the Professional Standards inspector who insists on shadowing the investigation in case of police corruption. By his own conviction that a policeman shouldn't be deemed guilty without evidence. By Annie Cabbot, back at work after six months' recuperation, and beset by her own doubts and demons. And by an English girl who disappeared in Estonia six years ago, who seems to hold the secret at the heart of this case ...
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Not Safe After Dark
<p>From the New York Times bestselling author of Sleeping in the Ground comes this brilliantly nuanced short story collection of twenty stories--most never before published in the US, and one of them an Edgar winner--which also features three Inspector Banks tales.</p><p>Peter Robinson pens thrilling tales rich with keen observations, pitch perfect dialogue, and shocking plot twists that have fascinated readers all over the world and made him one of the greatest suspense novelists alive. His acclaimed novels featuring Detective Inspector Alan Banks rank among the most celebrated police procedural series in modern fiction. In Not Safe After Dark and Other Stories, Robinson showcases once again his extraordinary talents with a collection of twenty stories, including three featuring Inspector Banks.<br><br>In "Going Back", Inspector Banks' trip to celebrate his parents' Golden Anniversary reveals how evil can wear many disguises. In the Edgar Award-winning "Missing in Action", the disappearance of a young boy in the early days of WWII sparks a mob mentality with chilling results. "Innocence" captures the desperate plight of a man trapped by a set of coincidences that derail his life and lead him down a path he was destined to travel. The title story, Not Safe After Dark, is an exhilarating tale with a sudden conclusion that will leave readers' hearts pounding. </p><p>Not Safe After Dark and Other Stories deftly explores the darkest edges of humanity in which everyday people must commit desperate acts as they face fear, temptation, and impulses too irresistible to control.</p><p><strong>"American readers who know Robinson only through his nine Inspector Banks novels are in for a treat. . . . The finish throughout is faultless."--Kirkus Reviews</strong></p><strong></strong><p><strong>Publisher's note: </strong>Peter Robinson is both a widely acclaimed and internationally bestselling novelist and an Edgar-winning author of short stories. This special edition of Not Safe After Dark collects 20 of his finest short stories -- previously published in different editions under the same title, but never before available in its entirety in the US. The new Not Safe After Dark is a publication to be celebrated by Robinson fans and newcomers alike<strong>.</strong></p>
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The Designer's guide to VHDL
2nd Edition, Published In 2002. Book Can Be Used For Learning Or As Reference For The VHDL Language.
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En märklig affär
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The Deathless
rom the Gemmell Award-winning author of THE VAGRANT, a thrilling new series of power, intrigue, and magic. THE DEMONS Creatures lurk in the endless forests of the Wild, plucking victims from those who scratch a living by the sides of the great Godroads, paths of crystal which provide refuge from the infernal tide. THE DEATHLESS Humanity's protectors reign within crystal castles held aloft on magical currents - seven timeless royal families, born and reborn into flawless bodies. As immortal as the precious stones from which they take their names, they fight to hold the Wild at bay. For generations a fragile balance has held. AND THE DAMNED. House Sapphire, one of the ancient Deathless families, is riven by suspicion and grief. Their hunting expeditions against the Wild are failing and entire villages have begun to disappear. Then, when assassins strike, House Sapphire shatters. NOTHING LASTS FOREVER
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The Ruthless
THE REBEL For years, Vasin Sapphire has been waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Now, as other Deathless families come under constant assault from the monsters that roam the Wild, that time has come.THE RUTHLESS In the floating castle of Rochant Sapphire, loyal subjects await the ceremony to return their ruler to his rightful place. But the child raised to give up his body to Lord Rochant is no ordinary servant. Strange and savage, he will stop at nothing to escape his gilded prison.AND THE RETURNED Far below, another child yearns to see the human world. Raised by a creature of the Wild, he knows their secrets better than any other. As he enters into the struggle between the Deathless houses, he may be the key to protecting their power or destroying it completely.THE WILD HAS BEGUN TO RISE
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Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life
In Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith, a distinguished philosopher of science and a skilled scuba diver, tells a bold new story of how nature became aware of itself - a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared.Tracking the mind's fitful development from unruly clumps of seaborne cells to the first evolved nervous systems in ancient relatives of jellyfish, he explores the incredible evolutionary journey of the cephalopods, which began as inconspicuous molluscs who would later abandon their shells to rise above the ocean floor, searching for prey and acquiring the greater intelligence needed to do so - a journey completely independent from the route that mammals and birds would later take.But what kind of intelligence do cephalopods possess? How did the octopus, a solitary creature with little social life, become so smart? What is it like to have eight tentacles that are so packed with neurons that they virtually 'think for themselves'? By tracing the question of inner life back to its roots and comparing human beings with our most remarkable animal relatives, Godfrey-Smith casts crucial new light on the octopus mind - and on our own.
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After Earth (Film Tie-In)
But when an asteroid collides with their craft, they make a crash landing that leaves Cypher seriously - and perhaps fatally - wounded.With his father's life on the line, Kitai must venture out into the strange, hostile terrain of a new world that seems eerily familiar: Earth.
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Color Me Crazy
From the mind and expert hand of popular illustrator Peter Deligdisch, this stunning book will appeal to anyone who likes to doodle, draw, relax, get in the zone, or get the creative juices flowing. Not just for kids anymore, coloring at this level delivers a deeply satisfying experience that will delight creative souls of all ages. This isn t about perfectionism; with pages this detailed, wherever you color is between the lines.
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Ancient secret of the fountain of youth
Offering practical instruction on how to perform the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation, which will take only minutes a day, many practitioners have experienced benefits, including increased energy, weight loss, better memory, new hair growth, pain relief, better digestion, and feeling overall more youthful.
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Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth, Book 2
Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth, Book 2 provides the complete Fountain of Youth health program, with detailed information on a variety of topics discussed only fleetingly in the original bestseller
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Queer City
In Roman Londinium the city was dotted with lupanaria ('wolf dens' or public pleasure houses), fornices (brothels) and thermiae(hot baths). Then came the Emperor Constantine, with his bishops, monks and missionaries. And so began an endless loop of alternating permissiveness and censure.Ackroyd takes us right into the hidden history of the city; from the notorious Normans to the frenzy of executions for sodomy in the early nineteenth century. He journeys through the coffee bars of sixties Soho to Gay Liberation, disco music and the horror of AIDS. Today, we live in an era of openness and tolerance and Queer London has become part of the new norm. Ackroyd tells us the hidden story of how it got there, celebrating its diversity, thrills and energy on the one hand; but reminding us of its very real terrors, dangers and risks on the other.
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