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Visar resultat för 'P. J. Tracy'

    Dött lopp

    Dött lopp

    P. J. Tracy

    Grundarna av mjukvaruföretaget Monkeewrench, Grace McBride och Annie Belinsky, kör tillsammans med poliskonstapel Sharon Mueller från Minneapolis till Green Bay i Wisconsin, där de tror att en seriemördare precis är i startgroparna. När deras bil kraschar djupt inne i de nordliga skogarna, långt från civilisation och mobilmaster, leder deras fortsatta färd till fots till den lilla vägskälsstaden Four Corners, där de finner - absolut ingenting. Något fruktansvärt har hänt i Four Corners, och den totala avsaknaden av liv, tillsammans med förstörda telefonledningar i alla hus, gör det omöjligt för dem att skaffa hjälp. Grace, med finslipade sinnen efter en livstid av befogad paranoia, ser det ödesdigra i allt de möter, och hennes instinkter räddar dem i sista sekund när de blir vittnen till ett ohyggligt dubbelmord. Grace, Annie och Sharon springer plötsligt för livet, medan resten av Monkeewrench-gänget, tillsammans med kriminalpoliserna Leo Magozzi och Gino Rolseth, famlar i blindo i sina försök att hitta dem.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008


    kr 20
    kr 20

    The Guilty Dead

    The Guilty Dead

    P. J. Tracy

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018



    Ice Cold Heart

    Ice Cold Heart

    <b><b>Minneapolis detectives Leo Magozzi and Gino Rolseth join Grace MacBride and Monkeewrench to uncover a dark and ugly conspiracy that reaches deep into the safety of homes in this latest electrifying thriller from New York Times bestselling author P. J. Tracy.</b></b> <p>It's a bitter winter in Minnesota--too cold to kill. There hasn't been a murder for a month, but the lull quickly comes to an end for Detectives Leo Magozzi and Gino Rolseth, when they're called to the gruesome homicide of Kelly Ramage. Found in a friend's vacant house, this was no random attack, and clues reveal that she was living a very dangerous secret life. <p>Magozzi and Gino trace her steps back to an art gallery where she was last seen alive. The gallery seems like a dead end, but the art is disturbing and exploitative. It may very well be inspiring a sadistic killer, because in this instance, art doesn't imitate life, it imitates death. <p>Tipped off about a year-old murder that is a mirror-image of Kelly's crime scene, Gino and Magozzi enlist the aid of Grace MacBride and her eccentric, tech genius partners in Monkeewrench Software to help them decipher the digital trail that might connect the cases. <p>As coincidences emerge, Magozzi, Gino, and the team have to work around the clock at breakneck pace to unravel a series of clues that form the framework of a larger, more sweeping, and insidious conspiracy than any of them could have imagined. Is Kelly the last person to die or just the most recent? And is there any way to stop it?

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020



    The Behavioral Significance of Color

    The Behavioral Significance of Color

    <p>Prior to publication the study of animal coloration was plagued by fanciful speculations, post hoc explanations and untestable hypotheses. This title, originally published in 1979, draws together widely scattered research into the coloration of animals; formulates predictive hypotheses to account for color; documents the accuracy of many of these hypotheses; and suggests directions for future research. The book grew out of a symposium, The Behavioral Significance of Color at the 1977 meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, and presents evidence concerning patterns of coloration and their influence on animal behaviour and interaction</p> <p>Physical principles of radiation are discussed in Chapter 1, followed, in subsequent chapters, by an examination of the physiological functions of animal coloration (e.g. thermoregulation, hydroregulation, abrasion-resistance, extraretinal photoreception). Treatment of coloration that affects the animal’s visibility to other animals opens with a masterful overview of theories of color vision and its occurrence throughout the animal kingdom. Chapter 6 explores the role of color vision and fruit color in the selection of food by wild primates with comments on the coevolution of fruiting trees and their primate customers. Dr Jack P. Hailman addresses the elusive concept of conspicuousness. He summarizes a strategy for calculating conspicuous coloration based on measurements in natural habitats. Experiments, naturalistic observations and anecdotes of optical communication are exceedingly numerous. Chapters 8 and 9 review these data and suggest general principles of inter- and intraspecific optical communication. Each chapter is enhanced by the critical evaluations of Drs. C. Richard Tracy and W. J. Hamilton III. In closing, the editor discusses coloration as it affects an animal’s own vision (e.g., black eyelines to reduce glare). </p> <p>Most significantly the book emphasizes the need for a balanced, scientifically rigorous approach to the question of evolution of animal coloration. It is an important source for anyone contemplating or currently involved in research in this field of investigation.</p>

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020



    Inbunden · 2018



    Trust No One

    Trust No One

    A timely and topical thriller which looks at the seedy back dealings of criminals and the police. An addictive read for fans of P.J.Tracey and Peter Robinson.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



    Martinique, terre amerindienne

    Martinique, terre amerindienne

    Aujourd'hui, les traces de la presence amerindienne en Martinique constituent, en dehors des petroglyphes de la foret de Montravail et des pieces exposees dans les musees de l'ile, un patrimoine invisible. Cependant, avant son invasion par les europeens cette ile a bien ete pendant au moins 1500 ans terre amerindienne. Pendant dix annees, entre 1995 et 2005, une equipe pluridisciplinaire internationale a ainsi travaillee a etudier l'occupation precolombienne de la Martinique. Ce programme initialement dirige par J.-P. Giraud puis par Benoit Berard a ete menee dans le cadre d'un Projet Collectif de Recherche intitule "Le neolithique martiniquais dans son contexte antillais" agree par le Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication et finance par la Direction des Affaires Culturelle de la Martinique. La synthese des resultats de ces travaux a ete presentee au public martiniquais dans le cadre d'un seminaire international qui s'est tenu a Fort-de-France en mai 2007 avec le soutient du Conseil General. Elle constitue le coeur de cet ouvrage. Elle a ete completee par un certain nombre de contributions permettant une mise en perspectives des resultats obtenus.Ce volume se divise en trois parties. La premiere fait un etat des lieux de la connaissance sur les differentes cultures precolombiennes qui se sont succedees dans l'ile au travers de la presentation de plusieurs sites de references. Elle se conclue par un regard historique qui grace au recit de l'incroyable vie de Francisco Congo illustre les contacts entre populations amerindiennes, africaines et europeennes au debut de la colonisation et nous offre des informations inedites sur l'origine de la communaute des Caraibes noirs de Saint-Vincent. La seconde partie de l'ouvrage presente un bilan des connaissances sur la relation entre les amerindiens et leur environnement naturel au travers d'etudes archeo-vulcanologiques, archeo-zoologiques et paleo-ethnobotaniques. Ce recours aux sciences paleo-environnementales offre pour la premiere fois la possibilite d'une reelle approche historicisee de cette relation.Enfin, parce ce que la division geopolitique coloniale et post-coloniale de l'archipel antillais n'a pas de sens appliquee a l'etude de son peuplement precolombien, il nous est apparu essentiel de conclure cet ouvrage par une ouverture sur les iles voisines en particulier la Dominique et la Guadeloupe. Cela nous fait entree dans cette perspective archipelique qui guide aujourd'hui le travail des archeologues. Cet ouvrage est le premier volume synthetique sur l'occupation amerindienne de la Martinique publie depuis des decennies. Par son serieux et son accessibilite il met enfin a la disposition d'un public de specialistes et de non-specialistes un bilan des dernieres connaissances produites. Il repond en cela tant a un besoin scientifique qu'a une reelle demande sociale. About the editor: Benoit Berard is currently an associate professor of Caribean Archaeology at the Universite des Antilles et de la Guyane in Martinique campus where he is head of the history department and Vice-director of the "Archeologie industrielle, histoire et patrimoine de la Caraibe" EA 929 laboratory.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013





    <p><b>Longlisted for the National Book Award for Nonfiction</b><br><b></b><br><b>"There Kevin Young goes again, giving us books we greatly need, cleverly disguised as books we merely want. Unexpectedly essential." --Marlon James</b><br><b></b><br><b>Has the hoax now moved from the sideshow to take the center stage of American culture?</b></p><p>The award-winning poet and critic Kevin Young traces the history of the hoax as a peculiarly American phenomenon--the legacy of P. T. Barnum's "humbug" culminating with the currency of Donald J. Trump's "fake news." Disturbingly, Young finds that fakery is woven from stereotype and suspicion, with race being the most insidious American hoax of all. He chronicles how Barnum came to fame by displaying figures like Joice Heth, a black woman whom he pretended was the 161-year-old nursemaid to George Washington, and "What Is It?," an African American man Barnum professed was a newly discovered missing link in evolution.</p><p><i>Bunk</i> then turns to the hoaxing of history and the ways that forgers, plagiarists, and frauds invent backstories and falsehoods to sell us lies about themselves and about the world in our own time, from the pretend Native Americans Grey Owl and Nasdijj to the deadly imposture of Clark Rockefeller, from the made-up memoirs of James Frey to the identity theft of Rachel Dolezal. This brilliant and timely work asks what it means to live in a post-factual world of "truthiness" where everything is up for interpretation and everyone is subject to a contagious cynicism that damages our ideas of reality, fact, and art.</p>

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018



    Piano part for viola friends viola method Book 2

    Piano part for viola friends viola method Book 2

    Piano Part for Viola Friends Viola Method Book 2 33 Simplified Piano Parts Viola Friends Method Book Volume 2 is a fun and colorful collection of great music for the intermediate viola player presenting music from F.Wohlfart, J.S.Bach, A.Vivaldi, J.Kalliwoda, H.Purcell, L.van Beethoven, W.A.Mozart, D.Kabalevsky, S.Saroyan, P.Tchaikovsky, F.Alday, J.Strauss, C.Dancla, O.Sevcik, J.Trott, A.Carse, E.Spiess, and L.Hämäläinen, as well as folk music from Finland. Viola Friends 2 is the second part of the Viola Friends family of music books. All Viola Friends music is easily learnable with the help of simplified piano parts, Youtube play- along videos on the Violin Friends Youtube channel, and mp3 backing tracks on SoundCloud and the Violin Friends homepage www.violinfriends.com.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2023



    Piano part for viola friends viola method Book 3

    Piano part for viola friends viola method Book 3

    Piano Part for Viola Friends Viola Method Book 3 33 Simplified Piano Parts Viola Friends Method Book Volume 3 is a fun and colorful collection of great music for the advanced viola player presenting music from J.S.Bach, G.Tartini, H.Purcell, R.Glinka, E.Elgar, F.Gossec, G.F.Handel, W.A.Mozart, L.van Beethoven, A.Dvorak, P.Tchaikovsky, and N.Baklanova. Viola Friends 3 is the third part of the Viola Friends family of music books. The repertoire and exercises in volume 3 use shifting and playing music in the 3rd position, scales on one string, etudes by F.Wohlfart, bowing exercises by O.Sevcik, and double-stops from J. Trott and J.S.Bach. All Viola Friends music is easily learnable with the help of simplified piano parts, Youtube play- along videos on the Violin Friends Youtube channel, and mp3 backing tracks on SoundCloud and the Violin Friends homepage www.violinfriends.com.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2023



    Piano part for violin friends violin method Book 2

    Piano part for violin friends violin method Book 2

    Piano Part for Violin Friends Violin Method Book 2. 33 Simplified Piano Parts Violin Friends Method Book Volume 2 is a fun and colorful collection of great music for the intermediate violin player presenting music from F.Wohlfart, J.S.Bach, A.Vivaldi, J.Kalliwoda, H.Purcell, L.van Beethoven, W.A.Mozart, D.Kabalevsky, S.Saroyan, P.Tchaikovsky, F.Alday, J.Strauss, C.Dancla, O.Sevcik, J.Trott, A.Carse, E.Spiess, and L.Hämäläinen, as well as folk music from Finland. Violin Friends 2 is the second part of the Violin Friends family of music books. All Violin Friends music is easily learnable with the help of simplified piano parts, Youtube play- along videos on the Violin Friends Youtube channel, and mp3 backing tracks on SoundCloud and the Violin Friends homepage www.violinfriends.com.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2023



    Grant's Cavalryman

    Grant's Cavalryman

    "In this readable and well-researched study, John Langellier establishes himself as the premier biographer of Hollywood's Custer. Custer: The Man, the Myth, the Movies is a fascinating tour of this country's peculiar popular culture." -Gregory J. W. Urwin, author of Custer Victorious: The Civil War Battles of General George Armstrong Custer Far from a standard biography of Custer, this book chronicles his widow's mythmaking influence in the popular press, examines how historians have distorted or conflated facts to suit their ideology, and explores his legacy through the lens of popular culture. Custer: The Man, the Myth, the Movies traces the evolution of a minor incident that became an internationally recognized symbol of the American West, with a focus on Hollywood's ever-changing versions of "Custer's Last Stand." Featured throughout the book are rare photos of Custer and his life on the plains, posters and movie stills, and exhibits of Custer memorabilia. John P. Langellier, currently a museum director, is the author of numerous books and articles on the American West and military history. He is also a contributing author and series editor of Greenhill Books' G.I. Series.

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    Pocket · 2011



    The Concept of Presocratic Philosophy

    The Concept of Presocratic Philosophy

    <p>When we talk about Presocratic philosophy, we are speaking about the origins of Greek philosophy and Western rationality itself. But what exactly does it mean to talk about “Presocratic philosophy” in the first place? How did early Greek thinkers come to be considered collectively as Presocratic philosophers? In this brief book, André Laks provides a history of the influential idea of Presocratic philosophy, tracing its historical and philosophical significance and consequences, from its ancient antecedents to its full crystallization in the modern period and its continuing effects today.<br><br>Laks examines ancient Greek and Roman views about the birth of philosophy before turning to the eighteenth-century emergence of the term “Presocratics” and the debates about it that spanned the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He analyzes the intellectual circumstances that led to the idea of Presocratic philosophy—and what was and is at stake in the construction of the notion. The book closes by comparing two models of the history of philosophy—the phenomenological, represented by Hans-Georg Gadamer, and the rationalist, represented by Ernst Cassirer—and their implications for Presocratic philosophy, as well as other categories of philosophical history. Other figures discussed include Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Diogenes Laertius, Schleiermacher, Hegel, Nietzsche, Max Weber, and J.-P. Vernant.<br><br>Challenging standard histories of Presocratic philosophy, the book calls for a reconsideration of the conventional story of early Greek philosophy and Western rationality.</p>

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019



    Ned Miner and His Pioneering Forebears

    Ned Miner and His Pioneering Forebears

    This biography is the story of Edward G. Miner, a successful businessman, civic leader, and one of Rochester, New York's most prominent citizens. It traces his roots back to the first Miner to reach America in 1629, a founder of Stonington, Connecticut, and later to the small town of Winchester, Illinois. His family lived there during the nineteenth century and was acquainted with Abraham Lincoln from nearby Springfield. In Rochester, Miner became president of the Pfaudler Company, the leading worldwide manufacturer of glass-lined tanks. During the first half of the twentieth century, Rochester benefited from the robust growth of technologically advanced companies whose executivesbacked the development of numerous community enterprises. Miner served as president of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, chairman of the board of trustees of the University of Rochester, and in a number of other civic and cultural organizations. Edward Miner Lamont was a banker for twenty-three years with the World Bank and J. P. Morgan & Co. He also worked for the Marshall Plan and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development in Washington DC. He is a former chairman of the Children's Aid Society in New York City and the author of The Ambassador from Wall Street: The Story of Thomas W. Lamont, J. P. Morgan's Chief Executive. Mr. Lamont is a grandson of Edward G. Miner. He and his wife, Camille, live in Laurel Hollow, Long Island, New York.

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    Inbunden · 2010



    Agile Answered

    Agile Answered

    In software development, the agile paradigm has become synonymous with creativity and business value - but that doesn't mean agile is easy to implement. In "Agile Answered," two leading practitioners offer concrete, dependable and practical answers that can help any software professional or stakeholder adopt agile more successfully, and achieve better results with it. They bring together specific, useful solutions for practitioners across diverse skill levels and corporate responsibilities, paying special attention to Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), and lean-agile. This single source for actionable solutions is organized by levels of difficulty: * Walk: Answers to general agile questions, including: creating user stories, scheduling, running sprint planning sessions and daily stand-ups, and defining roles * Jog: Answers to harder agile questions, including: defining metrics, conducting retrospectives, integrating quality analysts into agile teams, tracking velocity, and managing change * Run: Answers to the toughest agile questions, including: running agile in SDLC/Waterfall environments; extending/distributing agile enterprise-wide;overcoming myths Each section brings together related topics, and offers discussions that explore the issues in real-world context. Informative and fun, this book introduces topics with quotes from figures ranging from Yogi Berra and J.P. Getty, and spices its insights with examples from fields far beyond technology.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    Spår i snön

    Spår i snön

    P. J.

    Kriminalroman av P. J. Parrish

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2001


    kr 40
    kr 40

    Oeuvres de P. J. de Béranger : I-II

    Oeuvres de P. J. de Béranger : I-II

    P. J. de B�ranger

    0.0 av 5

    Inbunden · 1876



    The ultimate instrument of Justice

    The ultimate instrument of Justice

    P. J. Ljung

    THE ULTIMATE INSTRUMENT OF JUSTICE This book contains explicit sexual content, some swearing, &amp; graphic discriptions of murders If you are easily offended. #Please do not read this book# Justin Webber is an honest man. He want´s Karma to pay murderers a visit. His wish is granted, when an old minature trunk is unearthed in a graveyard. The box is opened. Murderers are no longer safe. From The " ULTIMATE INSTRUMENT OF JUSTICE" Justin Webber an American national, now living in Göteborg and working as a grave digger, discovers a machine that dispenses justice! His parents were murdered when he was 15 years old, and moved to Sweden not long after. The machine turns out to be one of the most powerful things ever discovered! Trying to keep it a secret starts to become a problem when murderers are found murdered! A full scale polis investigation follows as more bodies turn up. The jouney takes Justin to different places and eventually leads him back to the United States to try and solve his parents murder. If i was to discribe what category this book should fit into, it would be as follows. --- Detective. Little romance. Science fiction( 30 - 40% ) A medium amount of horror due to the graphic discriptions of the murders. Thriller! With a small amount of secret agency thrown in.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Frankrikes historia under sju decennier 1870-1940

    Frankrikes historia under sju decennier 1870-1940

    M. J.-P. och Winnock Az�ma

    0.0 av 5

    Inbunden · 1970



    Skrift i rörelse

    Skrift i rörelse

    P-O Erixon, J Elmfeldt

    Vad innebär det att växa upp i medielandskapet, i medieekologin? Barn och ungdomar bär på erfarenheter från en multimodal och multimedial värld. Här känner de sig hemma och här har de lärt sig att navigera. Digitala medieteknologier erbjuder nya möjligheter att representera världen. Detta får konsekvenser för hur läs- och skrivförmågor av olika slag utvecklas och därmed också för hur utbildning b

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008



    Wild Animal Abc

    Wild Animal Abc

    null P. J. Rankin Hults,

    With each turn of the page, discover a positive message from A to Z that encourages kindness to old friends and new, while celebrating reading, learning, and creating. The book is filled with original watercolors and simple rhymes, and 26 wild animals with distinct personalities and valuable character traits remind us that simple fun is best, silly is good, and it's important to always be yourself. Join Chester the Chipmunk, Ingrid the Ibis, Wilhelmina the Whale, and all their friends as they bring the ABCs to life. Nonfiction facts and a full spread of all the animals wearing hats add an extra touch of educational fun.

    0.0 av 5

    Inbunden · 2021



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