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Visar resultat för 'Joyce Carol Oates'

    Book of american martyrs

    Book of american martyrs

    Joyce Carol Oates

    Gus Voorhees is a pioneer in the advancement of women's reproductive rights and a controversial abortion provider in the American Midwest. One morning as he arrives at his clinic, he is ambushed by a hardline Christian, Luther Dunphy, and shot dead. The killing leaves in its wake two fatherless families: the Voorheeses, who are affluent, highly educated, secular and pro-choice, and the Dunphys, their opposite on all counts. When the daughters of the two families, Naomi Voorhees and Dawn Dunphy, glimpse each other at the trial of Luther Dunphy, their initial response is mutual hatred. But their lives are tangled together forever by what has happened, and throughout the years to come and the events that follow, neither can quite forget the other. A heart-rending reckoning with some of the most incendiary issues that divide us in our troubled times - religious extremism; abortion; gun violence; capital punishment - this is a novel Joyce Carol Oates was born to write. To read it is to encounter the full spectrum of humanity - its ugliness, misery, beauty and hope.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017



    Big Mouth and Ugly Girl

    Big Mouth and Ugly Girl

    Joyce Carol Oates

    Hard-hitting, page-turning and celebratory of friendship in unlikely circumstances, Joyce Carol Oates' sure touch with small town life hits home in her first young adult novel. Matt Donaghy is the class joker, and Ursula Riggs is the misfit loner. Neither knows the other. But when Matt is suddenly arrested on a charge of threatening to blow up the school and massacre the students, Ursula is the only one who sees through the hysteria and hypocrisy, and corroborates Matt's story. The case is dropped, but Matt's old friends avoid him, and his teachers treat him with kid gloves. Even Ursula, apparently his only friend during the crisis, can't meet his eye. But Ursula can't remain aloof when she catches Matt contemplating suicide -- and a strange friendship is born.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003


    kr 20
    kr 20

    A Widow's Story: A Memoir

    A Widow's Story: A Memoir

    Joyce Carol Oates

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    Mudwoman (TPB)

    Mudwoman (TPB)

    Joyce Carol Oates

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    Vilda gröna ögon

    Vilda gröna ögon

    Joyce Carol Oates

    När verkligheten krossas... Efter succén med "Stor i käften", kommer nu en ny gripande ungdomsroman. Med sedvanlig fascinerande iakttagelseförmåga skildrar Oates här en familjs upplösning. Barnens lojalitet gentemot föräldrarna får plågsamma konsekvenser när våldet i hemmet blir allt mer märkbart. Pappan (f.d. sportstjärna) är en känd teveprofil, och han utövar sin charm och makt på ett smygande manipulerande sätt. Mamman, som inte kan vara stark nog så att det räcker till åt barnen, lyckas ändå själv ta sig från hemmet och bryter delvis med familjen. Kvar lämnar hon två systrar och familjens hund. Äldsta dottern, Vilda Gröna Ögon, berättar sin, och sin familjs, historia från den dag då hennes värld sattes i gungning tills dagen då det står klart vem som mördade hennes mamma.

    0.0 av 5

    Inbunden · 2004



    A Book of American Martyrs

    A Book of American Martyrs

    Joyce Carol Oates

    Two families. Two faces of America. One violent crime that will bitterly divide them - and yet bind them together forever. `A magnificent story of two broken families' Independent. `Page-turning, gripping, full of unexpected twists' Observer. `From its dramatic opening, with the killing of an abortionist, the book rockets forwards ... Ingenious, agile, dazzling' Literary Review. `Morally meaty and always readable' Sunday Times. `A masterpiece' Washington Post.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017



    Pocket · 2017





    Joyce Carol Oates

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014





    Joyce Carol Oates

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    The Accursed

    The Accursed

    Joyce Carol Oates

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    Man without a shadow

    Man without a shadow

    Joyce Carol Oates

    In 1965, a young research scientist named Margot Sharpe meets Elihu Hoopes, the subject of her study, a handsome amnesiac who cannot remember anything beyond the last seventy seconds. Over the course of thirty years, the two embark on mirroring journeys of self-discovery. Margot, enthralled by her charming, mysterious, and deeply lonely patient, as well as her officious supervisor, attempts to unlock Eli's shuttered memories of a childhood trauma without losing her own sense of identity in the process. And Eli, haunted by memories of an unknown girl's body underneath the surface of a lake, pushes to finally know himself once again, despite potentially devastating consequences. As Margot and Eli meet over and over again, Joyce Carol Oates' tightly written, nearly clinical prose propels the lives of these two characters forwards, both suspended in a dream-like, shadowy present, and seemingly balanced on the thinnest, sharpest of lines between past and future. Made vivid by Oates' eye for detail and searing insight into the human psyche, The Man Without a Shadow is an eerie, ambitious, and structurally complex novel, as poignant as it is thrilling.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016





    Joyce Carol Oates

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    The Sacrifice

    The Sacrifice

    Joyce Carol Oates

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    The Lost Landscape

    The Lost Landscape

    Joyce Carol Oates

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    The Man Without A Shadow

    The Man Without A Shadow

    Joyce Carol Oates

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017



    Hazards of Time Travel

    Hazards of Time Travel

    Joyce Carol Oates

    An ingenious dystopian novel of one young woman's resistance against the constraints of an oppressive society When a recklessly idealistic girl in a dystopian future society dares to test the perimeters of her tightly controlled world, she is punished by being sent back in time to a region of North America - `Wainscotia, Wisconsin' - that existed eighty years before. Cast adrift in time in this idyllic Midwestern town, she is set upon a course of `rehabilitation' - but she falls in love with a fellow exile and starts to question the constraints of her new existence, with results that are both devastating and liberating. Arresting and visionary, Hazards of Time Travel is an exquisitely wrought love story, a novel of harrowing discovery - and an oblique but powerful response to our current political climate.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019



    Pocket · 2018



    My Life as a Rat

    My Life as a Rat

    Joyce Carol Oates

    A brilliant and thought-provoking novel about family, loyalty and betrayal Once I'd been Daddy's favourite. Before something terrible happened. Violet Rue is the baby of the seven Kerrigan children and adores her big brothers. What's more, she knows that a family protects its own. To go outside the family - to betray the family - is unforgiveable. So when she overhears a conversation not meant for her ears and discovers that her brothers have committed a heinous crime, she is torn between her loyalty to her family and her sense of justice. The decision she takes will change her life for ever. Exploring racism, misogyny, community, family, loyalty, sexuality and identity, this is a dark story with a tense and propulsive atmosphere - Joyce Carol Oates at her very best.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020



    Pocket · 2019



    Dis Mem Ber

    Dis Mem Ber

    Joyce Carol Oates

    Seven unsettling works from one of our greatest literary imaginations. A precocious eleven-year-old, in thrall to the mysterious black sheep of the family, climbs into his sky-blue Chevy to be driven to an uncertain, unforgettable, fate.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018



    Mitt i livet : En roman om kärlek

    Mitt i livet : En roman om kärlek

    Joyce Carol Oates

    Adam Berendt dör på USA:s nationaldag 4 juli. Han kastar sig i vattnet för att rädda en liten flicka från en kapsejsad segelbåt, men han misstar sig på sin kondition, glömmer att han inte är så ung längre. Hjärtat klarar inte av ansträngningen. Men flickan klarar sig. Men Adam hade inte varit särskilt gammal, runt femtio trodde man, fast ingen i den lilla välbeställda New York-förorten Salthill-on-Hudson visste riktigt. Ingen kände honom egentligen, fast alla tyckte om honom.Han hade flyttat dit för en hel del år sedan, en fattig ungkarl, trodde man. Men snart blev han en del av staden, av dess sociala liv, och när han inte bjöds på middagar eller båtutfärder gick man till honom för att prata, lätta sina hjärtan och lyssna till hans kloka råd. Men vem var han egentligen? En skarp profil och en begåvad skulptör som aldrig sålde ett verk En idealist som strödde pengar omkring sig men var kom pengarna ifrån? En ensam man utan bakgrund och bindningar. Blind på högra ögat och med kläder som mått bra av lite omsorg. Men en man med sanslös dragningskraft på Salthills något uttråkade damer, som alla tror sig vara utvalda. Men han är ingens. Äktenskap spricker och tillvaron omformas för fler än några få. Många är det som måste omdefiniera sin identitet och sin relation till Adam Berendt. En av kvinnorna bestämmer sig för att utforska hans hemligheter

    0.0 av 5

    Inbunden · 2002


    kr 30
    kr 30

    The Triumph of the Spider Monkey

    The Triumph of the Spider Monkey

    Joyce Carol Oates

    Unavailable for 40 years, this seminal novel of madness and murder is acclaimed author Joyce Carol Oates' powerful trip into the mind of a maniac. Abandoned as a baby in a bus station locker, shuttled from one abusive foster home and detention center to another, Bobbie Gotteson grew up angry, hurting, damaged. His hunger to succeed as a musician brought him across the country to Hollywood, but along with it came his seething rage, his paranoid delusions, and his capacity for acts of shocking violence. Unavailable for 40 years, The Triumph of the Spider Monkey is an eloquent, terrifying, heartbreaking exploration of madness by one of the most acclaimed authors of the past century. This definitive edition for the first time pairs the original novel with a never-before-collected companion novella by Joyce Carol Oates, unseen since its sole publication in a literary journal nearly half a century ago, which examines the impact of Gotteson's killing spree on a woman who survived it, as seen through the eyes of the troubled young man hired by a private detective to surveil her...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019



    Jack of Spades

    Jack of Spades

    Joyce Carol Oates

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



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