Viser resultat for 'Tadeusz Olszanski'
Tadeusz Olszanski, Craig Turp, Paul Sullivan
Reiseguiden fungerer som en visuell oppslagsbok med bykart og detaljerte beskrivelser av alle sider ved reisemålet. Den inneholder fargebilder, kart over områder, gater og bygninger, informasjon om lokal valuta, offentlig transport og telefon, oversikter over severdigheter, hoteller og restauranter, kafeer og barer i alle prisklasser, samt underholdningstilbud både for voksne, små og store barn. Har register.
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Pocket · 2001
Pocket · 1999
Barbara Olszanska, Tadeusz Olszanski
Reiseguiden som viser deg det de andre bare beskriver. Revidert i 2011. Budapest er hovedstaden i Ungarn oglandets økonomiske, industrielle, politiske og kulturelle sentrum. Opprinneligvar Buda og Pest (som uttales Pesjt på ungarsk) to byer på hver side av Donau. I 1873 ble de to byene slått sammen. Med sin historie og gamle arkitektur er byen et sværtinteressant reisemål. ByguideGyldendals reiseguider er laget etter et konsept med spennende detaljer og enmengde illustrasjoner som klart viser det andre guider bare beskriver. Områdefor område og emne for emne gir bøkene et vell av informasjon om alle sider vedreisemålene ? og gjør alle andre guider overflødige.
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Pocket · 2011
Norsk Bokmål
Pocket · 2007
Norsk Bokmål
Budapest Eyewitness Travel
Barbara Olszanska, Tadeusz Olszanski
Introducing Budapest Systematic information on more than 300 sights, shops, restaurants, hotels and entertainment venues
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Pocket · 2009
Postdramatic theatre
Hans-Thies Lehmann
<p>Newly adapted for the Anglophone reader, this is an excellent translation of Hans-Thies Lehmann’s groundbreaking study of the new theatre forms that have developed since the late 1960s, which has become a key reference point in international discussions of contemporary theatre.</p><p>In looking at the developments since the late 1960s, Lehmann considers them in relation to dramatic theory and theatre history, as an inventive response to the emergence of new technologies, and as an historical shift from a text-based culture to a new media age of image and sound.</p><p>Engaging with theoreticians of 'drama' from Aristotle and Brecht, to Barthes and Schechner, the book analyzes the work of recent experimental theatre practitioners such as Robert Wilson, Tadeusz Kantor, Heiner Müller, the Wooster Group, Needcompany and Societas Raffaello Sanzio. </p><p>Illustrated by a wealth of practical examples, and with an introduction by Karen Jürs-Munby providing useful theoretical and artistic contexts for the book, Postdramatic Theatre is an historical survey expertly combined with a unique theoretical approach which guides the reader through this new theatre landscape.</p>
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Pocket · 2006
Den lille Apokalypse
Tadeusz Konwicki
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Innbundet · 1981
Norsk Bokmål
Orationes cum senatui gratias egit, cum populo gratias egit, de domo sua, de haruspicum responsis
Tadeusz. Maslowski
<p>Die Bibliotheca Teubneriana, gegr ndet 1849, ist die weltweit lteste, traditionsreichste und umfangreichste Editionsreihe griechischer und lateinischer Literatur von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit. Pro Jahr erscheinen 4-5 neue Editionen. S mtliche Ausgaben werden durch eine lateinische Praefatio erg nzt.</p> <p><br>Die wissenschaftliche Betreuung der Reihe obliegt einem Team anerkannter Philologen: </p> <p><br>Gian Biagio Conte (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)<br>James Diggle (University of Cambridge)<br>Donald J. Mastronarde (University of California, Berkeley)<br>Franco Montanari (Universit di Genova)<br>Heinz-G nther Nesselrath (Georg-August-Universit t G ttingen)<br>Dirk Obbink (University of Oxford)<br>Oliver Primavesi (Ludwig-Maximilians Universit t M nchen)<br>Michael D. Reeve (University of Cambridge)<br>Richard J. Tarrant (Harvard University)</p> <p><br>Vergriffene Titel werden als Print-on-Demand-Nachdrucke wieder verf gbar gemacht. Zudem werden alle Neuerscheinungen der Bibliotheca Teubneriana parallel zur gedruckten Ausgabe auch als eBook angeboten. Die lteren B nde werden sukzessive ebenfalls als eBook bereitgestellt.<br>Falls Sie einen vergriffenen Titel bestellen m chten, der noch nicht als Print-on-Demand angeboten wird, schreiben Sie uns an: </p> <p>S mtliche in der Bibliotheca Teubneriana erschienenen Editionen lateinischer Texte sind in der Datenbank BTL Online elektronisch verf gbar.</p>
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Pocket · 1981
The Axiomatic Method in Phonology
Tadeusz Bato g
First published in 1967. The problems of theoretical phonology are among the most controversial in linguistics. This monograph is a step towards an adequate logical reconstruction of phonological theories and is mainly concerned with Z. S. Harris' structuralist theory, one of the principal phonological theories of the present day. Topics covered in the work include almost all essential problems of theoretical phonology. The author establishes a set of basic concepts which define almost all other concepts of phonology, and gives an axiomatic characterisation of these concepts. The notion of a unit-length segment is analysed and defined, and a precise formulation of the principles of distribution is given. The author offers a formal analysis of the notion of a phoneme, and finally formulates and discusses fundamental hypotheses of phonology.
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Innbundet · 2018
Formy kultu bóstw domowych na terenie Europy w starożytności
Tadeusz Makiewicz
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Pocket · 1987
Ojibwe, Activist, Priest
Tadeusz Lewandowski
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Innbundet · 2019
Mixed Intelligent Systems
Tadeusz A. Grzeszczyk
Correctly functioning evaluation systems directly influence the efficient and effective planning and implementation of projects and the achievement of organisational objectives. This book critically analyses the results of research dedicated to mixed intelligent systems for project evaluation, taking into account the current state of knowledge in the field of project management. It argues for the need to move away from classical concepts and deploy interdisciplinary research methods in the development of comprehensive project evaluation systems. Considering contemporary issues relating to project evaluation, the author deals with both quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods and the problems surrounding systems that integrate them, before discussing the process of modelling mixed intelligent systems. Mixed Intelligent Systems makes a thought-provoking case for harnessing interdisciplinary methods and new ideas in project management research when developing evaluation systems.
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Innbundet · 2018
Tadeusz Różewicz
«Hvordan skrive dikt etter Auschwitz?» spurte mange seg da andre verdenskrig var over. Et mulig svar: Tadeusz Róewicz's poesi. Da Róewicz gikk bort for tre år siden, mistet polsk poesi en nestor, den siste i generasjonen som debuterte etter krigen. Sammen med broren sin, som også skrev dikt, kjempet Tadeusz Róewicz i den polske motstandsbevegelsen. Broren ble drept av Gestapo, og siden viet Róewicz seg til en moralsk og mer indirekte motstandskamp som varte livet ut: poesien. Han bidro betydelig til å gi polsk diktning et helt nytt formspråk, strippet for ornamenter og gamle formler som ikke lenger ga mening. Senere tøyer han diktene sine i retning det ikke-poetiske, ved å inkludere i dem sitater fra media og andre tradisjonelt ikke-poetiske diskurser, og tematiserer det moderne menneskets automatiserte tilværelse. Til tross for sin udiskutable pessimisme, fungerte Róewicz på mange måter som en nasjonal samvittighet for Polen. Han er oversatt til over 40 språk, og med denne boka foreligger det hittil bredeste utvalget av diktene hans på norsk. «En av de store poetene i det 20. århundret», Seamus Heaney.
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Innbundet · 2017
Signal Processing for Telecommunications and Multimedia
Tadeusz A. (EDT) Wysocki
The unprecedented growth in the range of multimedia services offered these days by modern telecommunication systems has been made possible only because of the advancements in signal processing technologies and algorithms. In the area of telecommunications, application of signal processing allows for new generations of systems to achieve performance close to theoretical limits, while in the area of multimedia, signal processing the underlying technology making possible realization of such applications that not so long ago were considered just a science fiction or were not even dreamed about. We all learnt to adopt those achievements very quickly, but often the research enabling their introduction takes many years and a lot of efforts. This book presents a group of invited contributions, some of which have been based on the papers presented at the International Symposium on DSP for Communication Systems held in Coolangatta on the Gold Coast, Australia, in December 2003. Part 1 of the book deals with applications of signal processing to transform what we hear or see to the form that is most suitable for transmission or storage for a future retrieval.The first three chapters in this part are devoted to processing of speech and other audio signals. The next two chapters consider image coding and compression, while the last chapter of this part describes classification of video sequences in the MPEG domain.
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Pocket · 2014
Välkomna till gaskammaren, mina damer och herrar
Tadeusz Borowski
»Här finns dödslägrets vardag med de overkligt kaotiska scenerna vid de ankommande tågen, den dödliga korruptionen mellan fångarna och deras plågoandar, den ständiga hungern, allt i fotografisk detaljrikedom. Nu kommer boken på Modernista med utmärkt förord av Aris Fioretos. Det är naturligtvis inte en sekund för tidigt.« LARS GUSTAFSSON, EXPRESSEN »En oförglömlig novellsamling.« UPSALA NYA TIDNING »I sökandet efter trovärdiga källor läste jag Tadeusz Borowskis rena, självplågande, grymma berättelser. ur IMRE KERTÉSZ Nobelföreläsning »Heureka!« Tadeusz Borowski överlevde Auschwitz. Novellerna i Välkomna till gaskammaren, mina damer och herrar [1948] bygger på upplevelserna i dödslägret. Med iskall klarhet skriver Borowski med perspektivet hos en icke-judisk fånge som för sin överlevnad hjälper nazisterna att frakta judiska familjer in i lägret. Boken har kommit att räknas till den viktigaste litteraturen om Förintelsen, inte minst för den konstnärliga kraft med vilken Borowski förmådde gestalta absurditeten i vardagen vid gaskamrarna. I översättning av Catherine Berg och med förord av författaren och kritikern Aris Fioretos. TADEUSZ BOROWSKI [19221951] var poet och prosaist, född i det sovjetiska Ukraina med polska föräldrar. Såväl hans far som hans mor deporterades till sovjetiska läger på tjugotalet, han själv och hans bror tog sig till Warszawa. Borowski var verksam som författare under den nazistiska ockupationen och publicerade dikter och korta romaner illegalt. 1943 arresterades först hans fästmö Maria sedan han själv av Gestapo. Båda skickades till Auschwitz. Borowski tog sitt eget liv 1951. Novellsamlingen Välkomna till gaskammaren, mina damer och herrar gavs ut i original 1948, med titeln Pozegnanie z Maria (»Farväl till Maria«). »Tadeusz Borowski gestaltar skräcken och galenskapen i lägret med sådan direkthet att det som förmedlas knappt går att uthärda.« THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW
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Innbundet · 2014
A Minor Apocalypse
Tadeusz Konwicki
As in his novel The Polish Complex, Konwicki's A Minor Apocalypse stars a narrator and character named Konwicki, who has been asked to set himself on fire that evening in front of the Communist Party headquarters in Warsaw in an act of protest. He accepts the commission, but without any clear idea of whether he will actually go through with the self-immolation. He spends the rest of the day wandering the streets of Warsaw, being tortured by the secret police and falling in love. Both himself and Everyman, the character-author experiences the effects of ideologies and bureaucracies gone insane with, as always in history, the individual struggling for survival rather than offering himself up on the pyre of "the greater good." Brilliantly translated by Richard Lourie, A Minor Apocalypse is one of the most important novels to emerge from Poland in the last twenty five years.
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Pocket · 1999
Smart Diagnostics V
Tadeusz. Uhl
The aim of the special collection was to bring together the expertise of scientist and engineers from universities and industry in the field of Structural Health Monitoring, Non-Destructive Evaluation, and Condition Monitoring. The study of damage detection, localization and assessment are important in the rapidly growing field of SHM. Due to interdisciplinary character of SHM systems, the contributions come from experts from area of mechanics, materials engineering, electronics, software engineering, and signal processing as well as system users from civil engineering, aviation, power plants,
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Pocket · 2013
Norsk Bokmål
Lecture Notes in Numerical Analysis with Mathematica
Tadeusz. Styś
The contents of this book include chapters on floating point computer arithmetic, natural and generalized interpolating polynomials, uniform approximation, numerical integration, polynomial splines and many more.This book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students in institutes, colleges, universities and academies who want to specialize in this field. The readers will develop a solid understanding of the concepts of numerical methods and their application. The inclusion of Lagrane and Hermite approximation by polynomials, Trapezian rule, Simpsons rule, Gauss methods and Romberg`s met
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Pocket · 2014
Dwight Macdonald on Culture : The Happy Warrior of the Mind, Reconsidered
Tadeusz. Lewandowski
Dwight Macdonald was the most prominent excoriator of mass culture in the 1950s and '60s. Since that time his reputation has not fared well. Derided as elitist and passe, his tracts now represent everything wrong-headed about mid-century cultural criticism. Nonetheless, Macdonald remains relevant and deserves reconsideration. His detractors, though uncovering many of Macdonald's failings, have in part misunderstood him, while the field of cultural studies has misclassified his essays in the radical rather than conservative tradition of criticism. Dwight Macdonald on Culture seeks to amend prev
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Pocket · 2013
Crustal structure and composition of large igneous provinces
Tadeusz P. Gladczenko
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Pocket · 1999
Norsk Bokmål
Diabeł w raju
Tadeusz Wittlin
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Pocket · 1990
Norsk Bokmål
A jak królem, a jak katem bȩdziesz
Tadeusz Nowak
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Pocket · 1993
Norsk Bokmål
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