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Research Methods in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management
Paul Brunt, Susan Horner, Natalie Semley
This book is not available as a print inspection copy. To download an e-version click here or for more information contact your local sales representative.In Research Methods in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management, the authors use a step-by-step approach to guide students through the whole research process, from initial ideas, through to writing up and presenting the findings.Coverage of the Internet and the digital environment as a space to carry out research has been included, and the use of technology in analysis such as SPSS, NVivo and Qualtrics is covered alongside the more traditional `by-hand' methods. Hints, tips, exercises as well as end-of-chapter case studies demonstrate real challenges and practical examples from a variety of settings to help students understand how to manage and present their own research.The book is complemented by examples of tourism destinations from Spain, Switzerland, Italy and India, and a selection of PowerPoint slides for lecturers.Suitable for undergraduate and foundation degree students undertaking a research project in Tourism, Hospitality or Events Management.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2017
Innbundet · 2017
Consumer behaviour in tourism
John Swarbrooke, Susan Horner
It is an useful book to look into the tourism market which is apotential yet challenging industry. It provides an insight to study the tourist industry in marketing perspectives. This text offers an international perspective on consumer behaviour in tourism in a number of aspects including: tour operation; tourist destinations; hospitality; visitor attractions; retail travel and transport. Case studies are used from a range of different world regions. It takes a broad view of tourism and looks at consumer behaviour in a number of sectors. If you study in tourism or hospitality industry, this book can help you to get more leaning insight pinpoint to the marketing problems. If you are looking for a book about marketing in Tourism industry, it is a book that you must put into your cart!
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2007
Consumer Behaviour in Tourism
UK) Horner Susan (University of Plymouth, John Swarbrooke
Now fully revised and updated, the third edition of this bestselling text provides students with a vital understanding of the nature of tourism and contemporary tourists behaviour in political, social and economic context and how this knowledge can be used to manage and market effectively in a variety of tourism sectors including: tourism operations, tourist destinations, hospitality, visitor attractions, retail travel and transport. This third edition has been updated to include:New material on the impacts of IT on research and marketing communications, the rise and influence of social media and virtual technology, the growth in the interest of sustainable tourism products including slow food, the experience economy and new consumer experiences including fulfilment. New international case studies throughout including growth regions such as the Middle East, Russia, Europe, China, India and Brazil.New companion website including Power point slides and a case archive. Each chapter features conclusions, discussion points and essay questions, and exercises, at the end, to help tutors direct student-centred learning and to allow the reader to check their understanding of what they have read. This book is an invaluable resource for students following tourism courses.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2016
This Is Not a Border
J. M. Coetzee, William Sutcliffe, Michael Ondaatje, Teju Cole, Alice Walker, Michael Palin, Deborah Moggach, China Miéville, Jeremy Harding, Henning Mankell
The Palestine Festival of Literature was established in 2008. Bringing together writers from all corners of the globe, it aims to help Palestinians break the cultural siege imposed by the Israeli military occupation, to strengthen their artistic links with the rest of the world, and to reaffirm, in the words of Edward Said, `the power of culture over the culture of power'.Celebrating the tenth anniversary of PalFest, This Is Not a Border is a collection of essays, poems and stories from some of the world's most distinguished artists, responding to their experiences at this unique festival. Both heartbreaking and hopeful, their gathered work is a testament to the power of literature to promote solidarity and courage in the most desperate of situations.Contributors: Susan Abulhawa, Suad Amiry, Victoria Brittain, Jehan Bseiso, Teju Cole, Molly Crabapple, Selma Dabbagh, Mahmoud Darwish, Najwan Darwish, Geoff Dyer, Yasmin El-Rifae, Adam Foulds, Ru Freeman, Omar Robert Hamilton, Suheir Hammad, Nathalie Handal, Mohammed Hanif, Jeremy Harding, Rachel Holmes, John Horner, Remi Kanazi, Brigid Keenan, Mercedes Kemp, Omar El-Khairy, Nancy Kricorian, Sabrina Mahfouz, Jamal Mahjoub, Henning Mankell, Claire Messud, China Mieville, Pankaj Mishra, Deborah Moggach, Muiz, Maath Musleh, Michael Palin, Ed Pavlic, Atef Abu Saif, Kamila Shamsie, Raja Shehadeh, Gillian Slovo, Ahdaf Soueif, Linda Spalding, Will Sutcliffe, Alice WalkerWith messages from China Achebe, Michael Ondaatje and J. M. Coetzee
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Pocket · 2017
Creating Safe and Supportive Schools and Fostering Students' Mental Health
Michael Sulkowski, Philip Lazarus
Creating Safe and Supportive Schools and Fostering Students' Mental Health provides pre- and in-service educators with the tools they need to prevent, pre-empt, handle, and recover from threats to students' mental health. School safety and fostering a supportive learning environment have always been issues fundamental to educators. Over the last decade, teachers and administrators have been called on more than ever to cope with bullying, suicide, and violence in their schools. Handling every stage of this diverse set of obstacles can be unwieldy for teachers and administrators alike. Framed with interviews from experts on each of the topics, and including practical and applicable examples, this volume draws together the work of top-tier school psychologists into a text designed to work with existing school structures and curricula to make schools safer.A comprehensive and multi-faceted resource, this book integrates leading research with the well-respected Framework for Safe and Successful Schools to help educators support school safety, crisis management, and students' mental health.Featuring interviews with:Dewey G. Cornell, Frank DeAngelis, Beth Doll, Kevin Dwyer, Katie Eklund, Maurice J. Elias, Michele Gay, Ross W. Greene, Rob Horner, Jane Lazarus, Richard Lieberman, Troy Loker, Melissa A. Louvar-Reeves, Terry Molony, Shamika Patton, Donna Poland, Scott Poland, Eric Rossen, Susan M. Swearer, Ken Trump, and Frank Zenere.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2016
Constitution-Types in Delinquency
W. A. Willemse
Routledge is now re-issuing this prestigious series of 204 volumes originally published between 1910 and 1965. The titles include works by key figures such asC.G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs. Each volume is available on its own, as part of a themed mini-set, or as part of a specially-priced 204-volume set. A brochure listing each title in the "International Library of Psychology" series is available upon request.
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Innbundet · 1999
Amazing History of Wizards & Witches
Paul Dowswell, Susan Greenwood
Sort the facts from the fairy tales and trace the evolution of wizardry - from Stone Age rituals with gruesome horned gods, through to the modern day, where magicians fair and foul dominate the big screen. Learn about the barbaric witch-hunts that swept across Europe and America, when ordinary people were put to death just because they looked different or behaved oddly. Find out about the arts of the witch, from secret potion recipes to mystic animal companions, and the real-life quest for the Philosopher's Stone!
0.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2016
Southern Writers on Writing
Contributions by Julie Cantrell, Katherine Clark, Susan Cushman, Jim Dees, Clyde Edgerton, W. Ralph Eubanks, John M. Floyd, Joe Formichella, Patti Callahan Henry, Jennifer Horne, Ravi Howard, Suzanne Hudson, River Jordan, Harrison Scott Key, Cassandra King, Alan Lightman, Sonja Livingston, Corey Mesler, Niles Reddick, Wendy Reed, RP Saffire, Nicole Seitz, Lee Smith, Michael Farris Smith, Sally Palmer Thomason, Jacqueline Allen Trimble, M. O. Walsh, and Claude WilkinsonThe South is often misunderstood on the national stage, characterized by its struggles with poverty, education, and racism, yet the region has yielded an abundance of undeniably great literature. In Southern Writers on Writing, Susan Cushman collects twenty-six writers from across the South whose work celebrates southern culture and shapes the landscape of contemporary southern literature. Contributors hail from Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida.Contributors like Lee Smith, Michael Farris Smith, W. Ralph Eubanks, and Harrison Scott Key, among others, explore issues like race, politics, and family and the apex of those issues colliding. It discusses landscapes, voices in the South, and how writers write. The anthology is divided into six sections, including ""Becoming a Writer""; ""Becoming a Southern Writer""; ""Place, Politics, People""; ""Writing about Race""; ""The Craft of Writing""; and ""A Little Help from My Friends.""
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Innbundet · 2018
50 Psychology Classics
Tom Butler-Bowdon
A brand new edition of the thinking person's guide to popular psychology. In a journey spanning 50 books, hundreds of ideas and over a century, 50 Psychology Classics looks at some of the most intriguing questions relating to what motivates us, what makes us feel and act in certain ways, how our brains work, and how we create a sense of self. This edition includes contemporary classics like Thinking, Fast and Slow; Quiet and The Marshmallow Test. EXPLORE the human condition through the great thinkers in psychology:Alfred Adler on human nature - Albert Bandura on self-efficacy - Isabel Briggs-Myers on personality type - Hans Eysenck on the four dimensions of personality - Albert Ellis on emotions - Erik Erikson on identity crises - Anna Freud on defense mechanisms - Sigmund Freud on dreams - Eric Hoffer on mass psychology - Karen Horney on inner conflicts - Carl Jung on the collective unconscious - Alfred Kinsey on sexual psychology - Melanie Klein on envy - Abraham Maslow on human potential - Stanley Milgram on obedience to authority - I. P. Pavlov on conditioning - Carl Rogers on counselling - Jean Piaget on child psychology - B. F. Skinner on the power of environment DISCOVER the findings of contemporary research and practice:Susan Cain on introversion - Carol Dweck on mindset - Martin Gilbert on happiness - Malcolm Gladwell on intuition - John Gottman on marriage - Temple Grandin on autism - Stephen Grosz on self-delusion - Daniel Kahneman on thinking - Walter Mischel on self-control - Leonard Mlodinow on the subconscious - Steven Pinker on nature vs nurture - V. S. Ramachandran on neurology - Barry Schwartz on the burden of choiceGAIN the essence of great writings in psychology:The Nature of Prejudice - The Female Brain - Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - A Guide To Rational Living - The Will To Meaning - The Nature of Love - I'm OK, You're OK - The Divided Self - Gestalt Therapy - The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat - Authentic Happiness - Darkness Visible
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2017
Fra interaksjon til relasjon: tilknytning hos Winnicott, Bowlby, Stern, Schore og Fonagy
Susan Hart, Rikke Schwartz
4.8 av 5
Pocket · 2009
Norsk Bokmål
Spis deg fri: med Bright line eating
Susan Peirce Thompson
Hvis du er i ferd med å gi opp forsøkene på å gå ned i vekt fordi du er lei av å prøve stadig nye metoder uten å lykkes, hvis du på grunn av helsen trenger å ta nye grep om vekten, eller om du bare har noen få kilo til overs og gjerne vil bli kvitt dem for godt, da har jeg gode nyheter til deg. Du kan lære hvorfor hjernen har forhindret forsøkene dine på å gå ned i vekt, og hvordan du kan ta i bruk noen enkle kjøreregler som kommer til å snu opp ned på denne situasjonen en gang for alle. Gjør deg klar til å ta tilbake kontrollen over hjernen din og leve livet ditt på en måte som du aldri har gjort før - lykkelig, slank og fri.
4.2 av 5
Pocket · 2019
Norsk Bokmål
Pocket · 2017
Norsk Bokmål
Electric Circuits, Global Edition
James W. Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel
For courses in Introductory Circuit Analysis or Circuit Theory.Challenge students to develop the insights of a practicing engineerThe fundamental goals of the best-selling Electric Circuits remain unchanged. The 11th Edition continues to motivate students to build new ideas based on concepts previously presented, to develop problem-solving skills that rely on a solid conceptual foundation, and to introduce realistic engineering experiences that challenge students to develop the insights of a practicing engineer. The 11th Edition represents the most extensive revision since the 5th Edition with every sentence, paragraph, subsection, and chapter examined and oftentimes rewritten to improve clarity, readability, and pedagogy-without sacrificing the breadth and depth of coverage that Electric Circuits is known for. Dr. Susan Riedel draws on her classroom experience to introduce the Analysis Methods feature, which gives students a step-by-step problem-solving approach.Mastering (TM) Engineering is not included. Students, if Mastering Engineering is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Mastering Engineering should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.Reach every student by pairing this text with Mastering EngineeringMastering (TM) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, Mastering personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.
4.3 av 5
Pocket · 2018
Den følsomme hjernen: hjernens utvikling gjennom tilknytning og samhørighetsbånd
Susan Hart
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2011
Norsk Bokmål
Pocket · 2017
Norsk Bokmål
Morgen i Jenin
Susan Abulhawa
4.4 av 5
Pocket · 2020
Norsk Bokmål
Innbundet · 2010
Norsk Bokmål
Den offisielle kokeboken: spis deg fri med Bright line eating
Susan Peirce Thompson
Kokeboken er skreddersydd for deg som følger Spis deg fri og Bright Line Eating, og som ønsker et godt, sunt og variert kosthold. Oppskriftene dekker alle måltider, og er samlet fra kvinner og menn som har lang erfaring med Spis deg fri og Bright Line Eating.
4.5 av 5
Innbundet · 2020
Norsk Bokmål
Løven, heksa og klesskapet
C.S. Lewis
Dette er den første boka som er blitt utgitt om Narnia, men er den andre i leserekkefølgen.
4.8 av 5
Innbundet · 2005
Norsk Bokmål
Pocket · 2003
Norsk Bokmål
Stille: Introvert styrke i en verden som aldri slutter å snakke
Susan Cain
Hysj. Lytt. Dette er en stille protest. Personligheten vår former de livene vi lever. Hvor vi befinner oss på skalaen fra introvert til ekstrovert, definerer hvem vi er og hva vi gjør. Men vi verdsetter det ekstrovert alt for høyt. Idealet har blitt å være utpreget sosial og underholdende. Det er på tide å løfte opp den introverte. Stillferdighet gir styrke!
4.2 av 5
Pocket · 2012
Norsk Bokmål
Pocket · 2014
Norsk Bokmål
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry
Abali, Emine E. Cline, Susan D. Franklin, David S. Viselli, Susan M.
I god stand, men med noen merker i starten av boken.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2021
De følsomme relationer: Neuroaffektiv udviklingspsykologi for pædagoger
Susan Hart
Hvordan udvikler vi barnets følelsesmæssige, sociale og personlige kompetencer i relationen mellem pædagog og barn i daginstitutionsmiljøet? Neuroaffektiv udviklingspsykologi giver pædagoger og pædagogstuderende et landkort og nogle anvisninger til, hvordan man med afsæt i relationen kan forstå og støtte barnets sociale, personlige og følelsesmæssige udvikling – alt det, som er grundforudsætningen for barnets indlevelsesevne og mentaliseringsevne. Det er en yderst kompleks udviklingsproces, og ifølge bogens forfatter er vi kun lige begyndt at forstå denne vigtige menneskelige dimension. Denne bog tilbyder såvel pædagoger som pædagogstuderende mulighed for at komme tættere på en sådan forståelse. Barnets alsidige personlige udvikling, dets sociale kompetencer og børneperspektivet er blevet centrale elementer i den styrkede pædagogiske læreplan. Derfor er De følsomme relationer oplagt for pædagoger og pædagogstuderende, men også andre interesserede kan have glæde af bogens neuroaffektive tilgang til udviklingspsykologi. Bogens øvelser understøttes af tilhørende filmklip. Det er p.t. ikke adgang til disse film.
4.5 av 5
Pocket · 2020
Innbundet · 2020
Om fotografi
Susan Sontag
Den amerikanske kulturkritikeren Susan Sontag (f. 1933) er kjent for sine romaner, et brennende engasjement og for sine kulturteoretiske essayer, hvorav flere om kunst, film og litteratur. Som essayist, teoretiker og engasjert intellektuell er hun en verdensstjerne, og sist fikk hun en prestisjefylt internasjonal pris for sitt virke for ytringsfrihet. Ingen av Sontags bøker om kunst er blitt utgitt på norsk, men endelig oversettes hennes mest berømte . og mest leste . bok Om fotografi (On Photography, 1976). Her drøftes forholdet mellom kunst og virkelighet, og fotografiets og fotograferingens funksjon. For hvordan .lese. fotografi? Som kommentar til en virkelig hendelse, eller som en egen form for virkelighet? I essayet .Against Interpretation. hadde Susan Sontag argumentert mot tolkning og for .en kunstens erotikk.. Heller ikke fotografiet skal ihjeltolkes eller .forstås., skriver hun i Om fotografi. Fotografier verken representerer eller fortolker verden, men er selv .biter av verden.. Som kunstverker må de erfares, dvs. sanses og oppleves. Det alminnelige behovet for å fotografere, for stadig flere bilder, er imidlertid knyttet til behovet for å konsumere. Sontag kan videre fastslå at fotografiets utbredelse i sin tur får oss til å se på verden fotografisk . som et bilde! Utgis med et etterord av kunsthistoriker Ina Blom.
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2004
Norsk Bokmål
Pocket · 1981
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