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Sophie Hannah
HVOR HØYT ELSKER DU BARNA DINE? «Sannheten eksisterer alltid, selv når mennesker tror på løgnen. Sannheten er at jeg ikke drepte babyene mine. Jeg elsket dem, mer enn du noensinne kan forestille deg.» Tv-produsenten Fliss Benson mottar et postkort fra en anonym avsender. På kortet står 16 sifre oppstilt i fire sirlige rader. Tallene sier henne ingenting. Samme dag blir hun bedt om å lage en dokumentar om krybbedød og tre mødre som er blitt tiltalt for drap på sine spedbarn - for deretter å bli frifunnet. Legen som gjorde sitt ytterste for å sende dem i fengsel på livstid, er nå selv under etterforskning, og mediene er langt fra ferdige med saken. Så blir en av de tre kvinnene funnet død i hjemmet sitt, og i lommen hennes finner man et postkort med 16 sifre fordelt på fire rader ... "Hannah tar utgangspunkt i hjemmelivets scenarioer, tilfører urovekkende elementer og skrur opp spenningen helt til du ender opp med å sjekke under sengen din etter mordere ... overbevisende og foruroligende." Independent "en tett velkomponert thriller" Financial Times "En overbevisende fortelling ... et fengslende komplekst plot" The Times "En forfatter som holder deg på kanten av stolen." Daily Express "Hannah er en mester av den intense psykologiske thrilleren ... Full av vrier og vendinger, og dessuten gyselig skremmende." Heat Magazine "Fengslende kompleks ... En gripende fortelling med mangfoldige tråder." Sunday Times "Fascinerende, angstvekkende og oppslukende ... en usedvanlig vellaget psykologisk thriller, der - som i Hannahs andre romaner - psykosen like under menneskesinnets overflate blir avdekket ... En bemerkelsesverdig roman, og en fryd å lese. Uten tvil en førsteklasses mordgåte som vil holde deg oppe til langt på natt." Scotsman
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2014
Norsk Bokmål
Innbundet · 2013
Norsk Bokmål
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
Stuart Turton
A brilliantly original high concept murder mystery from a fantastic new talent: Gosford Park meets Inception, by way of Agatha Christie and Black MirrorOne of Stylist Magazine's 20 Must-Read Books of 2018One of Harper's Bazaar's 10 Must-Read Books of 2018One of Marie Claire, Australia's 10 Books You Absolutely Have to Read in 2018`Somebody's going to be murdered at the ball tonight. It won't appear to be a murder and so the murderer won't be caught. Rectify that injustice and I'll show you the way out.'It is meant to be a celebration but it ends in tragedy. As fireworks explode overhead, Evelyn Hardcastle, the young and beautiful daughter of the house, is killed.But Evelyn will not die just once. Until Aiden - one of the guests summoned to Blackheath for the party - can solve her murder, the day will repeat itself, over and over again. Every time ending with the fateful pistol shot. The only way to break this cycle is to identify the killer. But each time the day begins again, Aiden wakes in the body of a different guest. And someone is determined to prevent him ever escaping Blackheath...
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2018
Pocket · 2018
Verre enn døden
Sophie Hannah
«Sidene vendes om liksom av seg selv [...] Spenningen vil holde deg på pinebenken helt til siste slutt.» Sunday Telegraph, Australia Hvordan kan noen finne på å tilstå drapet på en som ikke er død? Ruth Bussey vet hva det vil si både å begå en urett og å lide urett. En gang gjorde hun noe hun angrer på, og straffen holdt på å knekke henne. Nå er Ruth i ferd med å bygge opp livet sitt igjen, og har funnet den store kjærligheten i Aidan Seed. Aidan er også plaget av fortiden. Han liker ikke å snakke om den, men en dag velger han å betro seg til Ruth. Han forteller henne at han drepte noen for mange år siden: en kvinne som het Mary Trelease. Ruth er sikker på at hun har hørt navnet før, og idet hun gjenkjenner det, blir hun grepet av frykt og forvirring. For den Mary Trelease som Ruth kjenner, er høyst levende ...«Denne totalt oppslukende thrilleren burde etablere henne som en av sjangerens mestre som ikke er til å komme utenom - intelligent, elegant og med en vidunderlig, gotisk fantasi.» The Times «Et mesterstykke av plottkonstruksjon som leverer den ene vrien etter den andre helt til den febrilske avslutningen.» Sunday Times «Nydelig skrevet og omhyggelig konstruert med tanke på maksimal uhygge.» Guardian
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2013
Norsk Bokmål
Innbundet · 2012
Norsk Bokmål
Sophie Hannah
5.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2014
Norsk Bokmål
Pocket · 2015
Norsk Bokmål
Blikket fanger: Crime scene
Sophie Hannah
Psykologisk triller
4.0 av 5
Pocket · 2016
Norsk Bokmål
Innbundet · 2014
Norsk Bokmål
Lying in wait
Liz Nugent
Sunday Times Top 10 Bestseller!From the author of the No 1 bestseller SKIN DEEP - out now!'My husband did not mean to kill Annie Doyle, but the lying tramp deserved it.'Lydia Fitzsimons lives in the perfect house with her adoring husband and beloved son. There is just one thing Lydia yearns for to make her perfect life complete, though the last thing she expects is that pursuing it will lead to murder. However, needs must - because nothing can stop this mother from getting what she wants ...Featured in the Richard and Judy Spring 2017 Book Club 'What an extraordinary novel ... crackles and snaps like a bonfire on a winter's night; you shudder even as you draw closer to it. Spellbinding.' A J Finn, bestselling author of The Woman in the Window'Gone Girl fans will love Liz Nugent's Lying in Wait ... it twists, it turns, its characters are utterly despicable and it is a compulsive triumph' Stylist'A stunningly talented writer' Sophie Hannah'Devastating ... exquisitely uncomfortable, utterly captivating' Publishers Weekly'The intricate plotting and jolting suspense hold you in a vice till the last page' Sunday Times'Clear your diary if you pick up this seductively sinister story. The twists come together in a superbly scary denouncement which delivers a final sting in the tail. Brilliantly macabre' Sunday Mirror'Brilliant plotting ratchets up the tension in this chilling tale of obsessive love, madness and motherhood' Woman & Home'The wit is sharp and the plot full of punishing twists' The Times Crime Club'An unputdownable psychological thriller with an ending that lingers long after turning the final page' Irish Times'Lydia is a Gothic villain for the ages ... a page-turner chock full of lies and betrayals' Kirkus Reviews'An excellent example of "Domestic Noir" ... excitement and curiosity mount until you realise you can't put the book down. Highly recommended.' Literary Review'A tense, taut, almost gothic thriller where the tension tightens to near unbearable proportions ... impossible to stop reading. A brilliantly written, stand-out novel.' Marian Keyes'Deliciously twisted, shot through with dark and acid humour and the denouement is truly chilling.' Sarah Hilary'Liz Nugent's characters are as unforgettably monstrous as they are believable. A superbly crafted novel and an absorbing portrait of the purest kind of evil.' Jane Casey'I thought it impossible to match the brilliant Unravelling Oliver, but this Liz has done. Not only is her style beautiful, but she keeps the reader on the edge of their seat from page one until the completely unexpected ending. I read Lying in Wait in one sitting. I just couldn't bear the suspense. I absolutely loved it.' Amanda Redman'She writes compellingly, creates posh sociopaths like no-one else and doesn't flinch when the end demands what it demands. Lying In Wait is a story you genuinely should not miss' Rick O'Shea, RTE
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2016
The kind worth killing
Peter Swanson
'Hello there.' I looked at the pale, freckled hand on the back of the empty bar seat next to me in the business class lounge of Heathrow airport, then up into the stranger's face. 'Do I know you?' Delayed in London, Ted Severson meets a woman at the airport bar. Over cocktails they tell each other rather more than they should, and a dark plan is hatched - but are either of them being serious, could they actually go through with it and, if they did, what would be their chances of getting away with it? Back in Boston, Ted's wife Miranda is busy site managing the construction of their dream home, a beautiful house out on the Maine coastline. But what secrets is she carrying and to what lengths might she go to protect the vision she has of her deserved future? A sublimely plotted novel of trust and betrayal, The Kind Worth Killing will keep you gripped and guessing late into the night.
4.2 av 5
Pocket · 2016
Pocket · 2015
The husband's secret
Liane Moriarty
The Husband's Secret is a gripping story about love, deception and how the smallest choice can have the biggest consequences. From the bestselling author of the hit HBO series Big Little Lies.How well do you know your husband?My Darling CeciliaIf you're reading this, then I've died.Happily married and the mother of beautiful children, Cecilia has the perfect life . . . until she finds the envelope. Written in her husband's hand, it says: to be opened only in the event of my death. Curious, she opens it - and time stops.John-Paul's letter confesses to a terrible mistake which, if revealed, would wreck their family as well as the lives of others.Cecilia - betrayed, angry and distraught - wants to do the right thing, but right for who? If she protects her family by staying silent, the truth will destroy her. But if she reveals her husband's secret, she will hurt those she loves most . . .The Husband's Secret is about the things we know, the things we don't, and whether or not we ever get to choose. Above all, though, it's about how we must live with the consequences of our actions - whether we like it or not. 'The Husband's Secret is a staggeringly brilliant novel. It is literally unputdownable' Sophie Hannah'The book's finely-wrought tension holds up until the final page' The Telegraph'The writing is beautiful: sometimes funny, sometimes sad but always compelling' Good Housekeeping 'Gripping, acutely observed, thought-provoking and funny' Marie Claire'Captivating' Closer'It's a tense, page-turning story which gradually draws everyone together in a devastating climax. The writing is insightful on the subjects of families and friends, parents and children, husbands and wives. But what makes this a great read are the agonising dilemmas the characters face over blame and guilt, forgiveness and retribution, love and betrayal' The Mail on Sunday, You Magazine
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2016
The orphan choir
Sophie Hannah
Louise's seven year old son has been sent away to boarding school against her wishes, and she misses him desperately. And her neighbour from hell is keeping her awake at night by playing loud, intrusive music. So when the chance comes to move to the country, she jumps at it as a way of saving her sanity. Only it doesn't. Because the music has followed her. Except this time, it's choral music sung by a choir of children only she can see and hear...
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2013
Hurting distance
Sophie Hannah
Dette er andre roman med Simon Waterhouse og Charlie Zailer.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2007
Pocket · 2007
Little face
Sophie Hannah
Dette er første roman med Simon Waterhouse og Charlie Zailer.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2006
The point of rescue
Sophie Hannah
Sally is watching the news with her husband when she hears a name she ought not to recognise: Mark Bretherick. Last year, a business trip Sally had planned was cancelled at the last minute. Desperate for a break from her busy life juggling her career and a young family, Sally didn't tell her husband that the trip had fallen through. Instead, she booked a week off and treated herself to a secret holiday. All she wanted was a bit of peace - some time to herself - but it didn't work out that way. Because Sally met a man - Mark Bretherick. All the details are the same: where he lives, his job, his wife Geraldine and daughter Lucy. Except that the man on the news is a man Sally has never seen before. And Geraldine and Lucy Bretherick are both dead ...
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2011
Pocket · 2008
A room swept white
Sophie Hannah
Dette er den femte boka om Simon Waterhouse og Charlie Zailer.
4.0 av 5
Pocket · 2010
Pocket · 2010
Monogrammorden : ett nytt fall för Hercule Poirot
Sophie Hannah
Lagom till Agatha Christies 125-årsjubileum släpps den första nya Hercule Poirot-romanen på 39 år. Den brittiska deckarförfattarinnan Sophie Hannah handplockades till uppdraget att skriva denna spännande återkomst. London, 1920-tal. Under sin sedvanliga torsdagsmiddag på Pleasants Coffee House råkar Hercule Poirot på Jennie. Hon är jagad, rädd och påstår att hon kommer att bli mördad, men att mordet på henne är det enda sättet att skipa rättvisa.Samma kväll inträffar tre mord på det eleganta Bloxham Hotel. Tre offer påträffas i tre olika sovrum vart och ett med en manschettknapp med ett monogram i munnen.Inga fans lär bli besvikna när Hercule Poirot återvänder i en ny elegant pusseldeckare. I Monogrammorden briljerar den älskade detektiven med sitt knivskarpa öga för detaljer och intuitiva förståelse för det människliga psyket."Det gör mig lycklig att se den belgiske detektiven i så goda händer. Att läsa Monogrammorden är som att återvända till ett favoritrum i ett sedan länge förlorat hem."Gillian Flynn, författare till Gone Girl"Hannah gör ett fantastiskt jobb! [...] man kan bara önska att hon fortsätter förse oss med sin version av den belgiske detektiven." Publishers Weekly Sophie Hannah , f. 1971 är en brittisk författare och poet vars verk givits ut i trettio länder. Hon beskrivs som nydanande inom kriminallitteraturen och hyllas för sin psykologiska skärpa. 2013 vann hon pris i Storbritannien för årets bästa kriminalroman. Sagt om Sophie Hannah:"Hannah ger sig in i kriminalvärlden med en fängslande självsäkerhet. Hennes karaktärer känns levande, berättelsens dubbla perspektiv klarar hon av med stil och upplösningen är genial." The Sunday Times Agatha Christies romaner har sedan flera år varit out-of-print. Med start hösten 2014 kommer nyöversättningar ut av den stora deckarförfattarinnans verk. I nyöversättning av Helen Ljungmark har Agatha Christies romaner fått en enhetlighet som spänner över författarskapet. Förlegade begrepp har moderniserats utan att böckerna har förlorat en språklig förankring till den tid då de skrevs. Samtidigt har en brittisk underfundighet som tidigare förbisetts lyfts fram. Först ut är: Mordet på Orientexpressen och Huset på udden i september 2014 följt av Och så var de bara en i november, Poirots jul i december och Döden på Nilen , Badortsmysteriet , Fem små grisar och Miss Marples mysterier under 2015.Serien är formgiven av Sara R. Acedo och ges ut av Bookmark Förlag. Agatha Christie (1890-1976) är känd över hela världen som kriminalromanernas drottning. Hennes böcker har sålts i mer än tre miljarder exemplar över hela världen vilket ingen annan författare i modern tid kommer i närheten av. Totalt har Christie skrivit åttio kriminalromaner och novellsamlingar, nitton dramer samt sex romaner under pseudonymen Mary Westmacott.
0.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2014
A Game for All the Family
Sophie Hannah
Justine thought she knew who she was, until an anonymous caller seemed to know better... After escaping London and a career that nearly destroyed her, Justine plans to spend her days doing as little as possible in her beautiful home in Devon. But soon after the move, her daughter Ellen starts to withdraw when her new best friend, George, is unfairly expelled from school. Justine begs the head teacher to reconsider, only to be told that nobody's been expelled - there is, and was, no George. Then the anonymous calls start: a stranger, making threats that suggest she and Justine share a traumatic past and a guilty secret - yet Justine doesn't recognise her voice. When the caller starts to talk about three graves - two big and one small, to fit a child - Justine fears for her family's safety. If the police can't help, she'll have to eliminate the danger herself, but first she must work out who she's supposed to be...
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2015
Pocket · 2015
Blikket Fanger
Sophie Hannah
God psykologisk thriller
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2016
Norsk Bokmål
Marrying the Ugly Millionaire
Sophie Hannah
Poet Sophie Hannah is a disarmingly witty but sharp-eyed chronicler of everyday life and its peculiarities. This book collects all of her previous collections of verse and also includes new and uncollected poems.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2015
Innbundet · 2015
The Other Half Lives
Sophie Hannah
The fourth psychological suspense novel from the phenomenal word-of-mouth bestselling Sophie Hannah. A must-read for fans of Clare Mackintosh and Paula Hawkins. 'Utterly gripping' The Times'Thrilling' Sunday TelegraphWhy would anyone confess to a murder that never happened?Ruth Bussey knows what it means to be in the wrong and to be wronged. She once did something she regrets, and her punishment nearly destroyed her. Now Ruth is rebuilding her life, and has found a love she doesn't believe she deserves: Aidan Seed. Aidan is also troubled by a past he hates to talk about, until one day he decides he must confide in Ruth. He tells her that years ago he killed someone: a woman called Mary Trelease.Ruth is confused. She's certain she's heard the name before, and when she realises why it sounds familiar, her fear and confusion deepen - because the Mary Trelease that Ruth knows is very much alive ...
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2009
Pocket · 2009
Lasting damage
Sophie Hannah
3.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2011
Pocket · 2011
The carrier
Sophie Hannah
WINNER OF THE SPECSAVERS NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FOR CRIME NOVEL OF THE YEAR 2013 An overnight plane delay is bad. Having to share your hotel room with a stranger is worse. But that is only the beginning of Gaby Struther's problems. Gaby has never met Lauren Cookson. So how does Lauren know so much about her? How does she know that the love of Gaby's life has been accused of murder? Why is she telling her that he is innocent? And why is she so terrified of Gaby?
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2013
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