Viser resultat for 'Shannon Hale'
Flammer og is
Shannon Hale
Flammer og is (4)Langt borte i det frosne nord ligger en landsby. På overflaten en helt vanlig landsby, men de utvalgte oppdager snart at under isen skjuler det seg en hemmelighet. En hemmelighet som truer med å ta livet av dem alle. Dette er den fjerde boka denne i den multimediale storsatsningen Spirit Animals..
5.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2015
Norsk Bokmål
Ever After High: books 1-3 in a box
Shannon Hale
For Ever After High-fans, de tre første bestselgende bøkene i et episk bokssett! The Storybook of Legends; The Unfairest of Them All; A Wonderlandiful World. På Ever After High, en fortryllende internatskole, forbereder barna til eventyrlegender seg til å oppfylle sine skjebner som neste generasjon Snow Whites, Prince Charmings og Evil Queens...enten de vil eller ikke. Hvert år på Legacy Day signerer studentene Storybook of Legends for å besegle deres skjebner. I generasjoner har Village of Book End hvisket at det å nekte å signere betyr slutten - både for en historie og for livet ditt. Men i år tar en modig student historien hennes i egne hender og prøver å stenge boken om tradisjon. Finn ut om det fører til en lykkelig slutt... eller en lykkelig aldri etter.
5.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2014
Den svartkledde prinsessen og den perfekte prinsessefesten: og den perfekte Prinsessefesten
Shannon Hale, Dean Hale
Det er bursdagen til Prinsesse Magnolia, men monsteralarmen ringer i det gjestene ankommer. Det blir vanskeligere og vanskeligere å skjule hemmeligheten når monsteralarmen går hver gang hun skal til å åpne en presang. Vil Prinsesse Magnolias bursdagsgjester få vite at hun også er Den svartkledde Prinsessen?
5.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2018
Norsk Bokmål
Innbundet · 2018
Norsk Bokmål
Shannon Hale
Jane is a young New York woman who can never seem to find the right man-perhaps because of her secret obsession with Mr. Darcy, as played by Colin Firth in the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. When a wealthy relative bequeaths her a trip to an English resort catering to Austen-obsessed women, however, Jane's fantasies of meeting the perfect Regency-era gentleman suddenly become more real than she ever could have imagined. Is this total immersion in a fake Austenland enough to make Jane kick the Austen obsession for good, or could all her dreams actually culminate in a Mr. Darcy of her own?In this addictive, charming and compassionate story, Shannon Hale brings out the Jane Austen obsessive in all of us.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2007
Shannon Hale
Maisie `Danger' Brown needs excitement. When she wins a harmless-sounding competition to go to astronaut boot camp, that's exactly what she gets . . . But she never imagined it would feature stumbling into a terrifying plot that kills her friends and might just kill her too. Now there's no going back. Maisie has to live by her middle name if she wants to survive - and she'll need to be equally courageous to untangle the romance in her life too. A clever, suspenseful thriller-adventure by New York Times bestselling author and master storyteller Shannon Hale.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2014
Shannon Hale
Høyt oppe på fjellet bor Miri. En dag kommer et sendebud fra kongen som forteller at prestene ved hoffet har spådd at prinsens fremtidige brud kommer fra fjellet. Alle jentene må begynne på prinsesseakademiet. Tiden ved akademiet blir både lærerik og vanskelig. Miri dras mellom ønsket om å bli prinsens utkårede, og lengslene etter å være sammen med landsbygutten Peder. Da røverne kommer til akademiet for å kidnappe jentene, blir Miris spesielle evner avgjørende.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2011
Norsk Bokmål
Innbundet · 2009
Norsk Bokmål
Fire and ice
Shannon Hale
The fourth in the fantasy series about children and their spirit animals fighting to save their kingdom Four children separated by vast distances all undergo the same ritual, watched by cloaked strangers. Four flashes of light erupt, and from them emerge the unmistakable shapes of incredible beasts - a wolf, a leopard, a panda, a falcon. Suddenly the paths of these children - and the world - have been changed for ever. Enter the world of Erdas, where every child who comes of age must discover if they have a spirit animal, a rare bond between human and beast that bestows great powers to both. A dark force has risen from distant and long-forgotten lands, and has begun an onslaught that will ravage the world. Now the fate of Erdas has fallen on the shoulders of four young strangers ...and on you. Part engrossing book series, part action role-playing game - discover your spirit animal and join the adventure.
0.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2014
Princess Academy: Palace of Stone
Shannon Hale
Miri is so happy to be helping her best friend prepare to become a Princess! But not everyone wants to have a king and queen ruling them, and Miri can see both sides of this argument ...In this next Princess Academy story Miri's fairytale world is in turmoil! Can she help make peace and find her own place in it?Skilled storyteller Shannon Hale continues Miri's compelling story in this beautiful and inspiring sequel.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2015
The highly anticipated follow-up to the runaway hit graphic memoir Real Friends.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2019
River Secrets
Shannon Hale
Ikke brukt/lest
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2006
The Goose Girl
Shannon Hale
'Hale's writing is beautiful, with a vivid eye for detail' Daily Telegraph Anidora-Kiladra Talianna Isilee, Crown Princess of Kilindree, spent the first years of her life listening to her aunt's incredible stories, and learning the language of the birds. Little knowing how valuable her aunt's strange knowledge would prove to be when she grew older. From the Grimm's fairy tale of the princess who became a goose girl before she could become a queen, Shannon Hale has woven an incredible, original and magical tale of a girl who must understand her own incredible talents before she can overcome those who wish her harm. Shannon Hale has drawn on her incredible gift for storytelling to create a powerful and magical grown-up fairytale.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2003
Princess Academy
Shannon Hale
Miri lives on a mountain where, for generations, her ancestors have quarried stone and lived a simple life. Then word comes that the king's priests have divined her small village the home of the fu...
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2005
Pocket · 2015
The book of a thousand days
Shannon Hale
0.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2007
Real Friends
Shannon Hale
Following little Shannon's life from kindergarten through fifth grade, Real Friends captures the emotional roller coaster ride of friendship, from navigating the tricky waters of cliques and bullies to her never-ending struggle to stay in 'The Group.' Shannon's honest and heartfelt story reminds us of how hard it was to learn what real friends are - and why finding them is worth the journey.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2017
Den svartkledde prinsessen og den sultne kaninhorden
Shannon Hale, Dean Hale
Prinsesse Magnolia skal unne seg en deilig brunsj med hesten sin da monsteralarmen ringer! Hun skifter til sin hemmelige identitet Den svartkledde prinsessen! Hun rir av gårde for å kjempe mot de sultne monstrene. Men når hun kommer til geitebeite er det kun en flokk med søte kaniner. Hvor er alle monstrene? Og er kaninene så uskyldige som de ser ut?
5.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2019
Norsk Bokmål
The Princess in Black and the Mysterious Playdate
Shannon Hale, Dean Hale
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2019
The Princess in Black and the Science Fair Scare
Shannon Hale, Dean Hale
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2019
The Princess in Black and the Perfect Princess Party
Shannon Hale, Dean Hale
Princess Magnolia struggles to conceal her secret superhero identity in this action-packed sequel to New York Times bestseller The Princess in Black.A superhero princess, inconvenient monster alarms, a glittering party and spot-on slapstick pacing all abound in this sequel to the New York Times bestseller The Princess in Black. Today is Princess Magnolia's birthday party, and everything is going wrong. Just as her guests are arriving ... Brring! Brring! It's the monster alarm! Princess Magnolia has to run to the broom cupboard, ditch her frilly clothes, and become the Princess in Black! She rushes to the goat pasture, defeats the monster, and returns to the castle before her guests discover her secret. But every time Princess Magnolia is about to open her presents, the monster alarm rings again. And every time she rushes back - an inside-out dress here, a missing shoe there - it gets harder to keep the other princesses from being suspicious. Don't those monsters understand that now is not a good time for an attack?
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2017
The Princess in Black and the Hungry Bunny Horde
Shannon Hale, Dean Hale
The third adventure in the bestselling, hilarious and action-packed series for young readers who like their princesses not only prim and perfect, but also dressed in black.Princess Magnolia and her unicorn, Frimplepants, are on their way to have brunch with Princess Sneezewort when Princess Magnolia's glitter-stone ring rings. The monster alarm! After a quick change in the secret cave, Princess Magnolia and Frimplepants are transformed into the Princess in Black and her faithful pony, Blacky. But when they get to the goat pasture, all they can see is a field full of darling little bunnies. Are these bunnies as innocent as they appear?
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2018
The princess in black
Shannon Hale, Dean Hale
<b>Who says princesses don't wear black? When trouble raises its blue monster head, Princess Magnolia ditches her flouncy dresses and becomes the Princess in Black </b> <p>Princess Magnolia is having hot chocolate and scones with Duchess Wigtower when . . . <i>Brring Brring </i>The monster alarm A big blue monster is threatening the goats Stopping monsters is no job for dainty Princess Magnolia. But luckily Princess Magnolia has a secret --she's also the Princess in Black, and stopping monsters is the perfect job for <i>her</i> Can the princess sneak away, transform into her alter ego, and defeat the monster before the nosy duchess discovers her secret? From award-winning writing team of Shannon and Dean Hale and illustrator LeUyen Pham, here is the first in a humorous and action-packed chapter book series for young readers who like their princesses not only prim and perfect, but also dressed in black.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2015
Pocket · 2017
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