Viser resultat for 'Reto Guntli'
Living in Japan
Reto Guntli
So rich and unique is traditional Japanese architecture that it's hard to improve upon. Yet contemporary Japanese designers and architects keep finding new ways to refurbish and take inspiration from the ways of old. Whether it's a pristinely preserved traditional house or a cutting-edge apartment, the best Japanese homes share a love of cleverly designed spaces and warm materials such as wood, bricks, and bamboo. From a thatched roof farmhouse occupied by a Zen priest to Tadao Ando's experimental 4x4 House, Shigeru Ban's conceptual Shutter House, and a beautiful homage to bamboo in the form of a home, this book traverses the multifaceted landscape of Japanese living today. Also included is a list of addresses and a glossary of terms, such as tatami.
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Innbundet · 2018
Innbundet · 2013
Luxury Living New York
Reto Guntli
Lekker coffeetable-bok som viser fantastiske hjem i New York.
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Innbundet · 2009
Living in style: New York
Reto Guntli
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Pocket · 2010
Living in China
Reto Guntli, Daisann McLane, Angelika Taschen
Great walls in China. This title deals with the splendid and traditional homes in the People's Republic. Dating back more than six thousand years, China is the world's oldest civilization and most populous nation. With its remarkable history, rich culture, and diversity of ethnic groups, China is an endlessly fascinating country. Sneaking a peek at an array of different homes, from ancient to modern, "Living in China" brings you to places that most will never have a chance to visit. Whether it's the Bamboo Wall by Kengo Kuma, a 600-year-old round earth house in Fujian, the artsy Shanghai apartment of a celebrated but banned Chinese writer, the Hong Kong residence of the owner of the China Clubs and Shanghai Tan, or an artist studio and home in the largest art community in the world, all of the interiors featured here capture intriguing facets of life in China today.
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Innbundet · 2013
Living in Style Paris
Arguably the most stylish city in the world, Paris has long been known for its sleek, sophisticated interiors. This inspiring volume takes us on a tour of the French capital's most notable dwellings. These luxurious living quarters will truly take your breath away! The decor ranges from classic to contemporary, with intriguing choices of furniture, finishes and materials. Reto Guntli's spectacular yet accessible photography makes you feel right at home.
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Innbundet · 2010
100 interiors around the world
How to live well? This is a diverse and inspiring selection of interiors from around the world. This special edition rounds up the creme de la creme of today's most exceptional and inspiring interiors around the world. Making stops in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, this painstakingly picked and sumptuously photographed selection of 100 homes represents TASCHEN's favorite ways people are decorating their dwellings these days.
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Innbundet · 2012
Innbundet · 2015
Professional Android
Reto Meier, Ian Lake
The comprehensive developer guide to the latest Android features and capabilities Professional Android, 4th Edition shows developers how to leverage the latest features of Android to create robust and compelling mobile apps.
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Pocket · 2018
Professional Android 2 Application Development
Reto Meier
Godt brukt
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2010
Am Boden des Kopfes : Verwirrungen eines Mitteleuropäers in Mitteleuropa
Reto Hänny
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 1991
Norsk Bokmål
Professional Android 4 Application Development
Reto. Meier
Developers, build mobile Android apps using Android 4 The fast-growing popularity of Android smartphones and tablets creates a huge opportunities for developers. If you're an experienced developer, you can start creating robust mobile Android apps right away with this professional guide to Android 4 application development. Written by one of Google's lead Android developer advocates, this practical book walks you through a series of hands-on projects that illustrate the features of the Android SDK. That includes all the new APIs introduced in Android 3 and 4, including building fo
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Pocket · 2012
Norsk Bokmål
Who S Who in Food Chemistry: Europe
Reto Battaglia
The 2nd completely revised edition of the directory Who's Who in Food Chemistry - Europe comprises carefully checked and evaluated information on more than 750 European food scientists, including complete addresses, telephone and fax numbers, fields of expertise, research topics as well as consulting activities. Private, governmental and official laboratories for food control are also included. Exhaustive indexes allow easy access to all entries. The increasing demand for internationally approved professionals in all fields of food science makes this volume an invaluable source of information for the food industry, R + D institutions, consultants, private laboratories and university departments seeking for cooperation and service partners or consultancy.
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Innbundet · 2001
Instant Apache Stanbol
Reto Bachmann-Gmur
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. Instant Apache Stanbol How-to will enable you to become an expert in content management with semantics at the core, with the help of practical recipes. Instant Apache Stanbol How-to is for Java developers who would like to extend Stanbol or would just like to use Stanbol without caring about its internals. A few recipes that show how to extend Stanbol require some familiarity with Java and JavaScript.
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Pocket · 2013
The Fascist Effect
Reto Hofmann
During the interwar period, Japanese intellectuals, writers, activists, and politicians, although conscious of the many points of intersection between their politics and those of Mussolini, were ambivalent about the comparability of Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy. In The Fascist Effect, Reto Hofmann uncovers the ideological links that tied Japan to Italy, drawing on extensive materials from Japanese and Italian archives to shed light on the formation of fascist history and practice in Japan and beyond. Moving between personal experiences, diplomatic and cultural relations, and geopolitical considerations, Hofmann shows that interwar Japan found in fascism a resource to develop a new order at a time of capitalist crisis.Japanese thinkers and politicians debated fascism as part of a wider effort to overcome a range of modern woes, including class conflict and moral degeneration, through measures that fostered national cohesion and social order. Hofmann demonstrates that fascism in Japan was neither a European import nor a domestic product; it was, rather, the result of a complex process of global transmission and reformulation. By focusing on how interwar Japanese understood fascism, Hofmann recuperates a historical debate that has been largely disregarded by historians, even though its extent reveals that fascism occupied a central position in the politics of interwar Japan. Far from being a vague term, as postwar historiography has so often claimed, for Japanese of all backgrounds who came of age from the 1920s to the 1940s, fascism conjured up a set of concrete associations, including nationalism, leadership, economics, and a drive toward empire and a new world order.
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Innbundet · 2015
Auto Didaktika
Alexis Malefakis, Reto Togni, Thomas Lealy
The unique wire model collection of the Swiss collector Edmond Remondino documents an early phase of a craft that today enjoys international renown with collectors and researchers.
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Innbundet · 2017
Lo Mejor de Clemente de Alejandria: El Pedagogo
Alfonso Ropero
Clemente supo aceptar el reto lanzado por los intelectuales paganos contra la incipiente fe cristiana y, sin apartarse para nada de las doctrinas centrales del Evangelio, acerto a responderles con su mismo lenguaje. Asi, se sirve de lo mejor de la cultura griega, en la cual era un experto, para demostrar que la verdad que desean alcanzar los filosofos se encuentra en las ensenanzas de Cristo. Prolifico escritor, lamentablemente, tan solo una pequena parte de sus obras se han conservado, siendo las mas conocidas sus Exhortaciones a los gentiles, El Pedagogo y Stromateis o Tapices.
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Pocket · 2018
Cuidado Pastoral / Pastoral Care
Association for Hispanic Theological Education (COR)
La experiencia migratoria suscita un sinnumero de situaciones complejas que presentan un reto subito e inesperado al liderazgo pastoral. En su tarea pastoral el lider se enfrenta diariamente con gran numero de personas que reflejan y le recuerdan su propia condicion, asi como sus conflictos y dificultades, como inmigrante en muchos casos. Tal experiencia pude resultar agotadora y emocional y espiritualmente debilitante, debido a la identificacion o sobreidentificacion con las personas a quienes sirve. Este libro explora estas ideas y sus dinamicas. The immigration experience stirs up an endless number of complex situations that present a sudden and unexpected challenge to pastoral leadership. In their Hispanic ministerial task, every day, church leaders are faced people who share their struggles and conflicts particularly immigrants. Effectively carrying out this ministry can be exhausting and emotional and spiritually debilitating, due to the unique difficulties this ministry faces. This book explores ideas and the dynamics of this ministry.
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Pocket · 2010
Spaceshop Architekten
Heinz Wirz
Four architects - Beno Aeschlimann, Stefan Hess, Reto Mosimann and, since 2012, Hanspeter Stauffer - are responsible for the Biel office Spaceshop. Since 1998, it has produced an impressive series of highly exciting buildings and renovation projects. They include the extension to the Sonnenhof Primary School in Bern, which reinterprets the repertoire of the 'Solothurn school' in a new and sensitive way. Text in English and German.
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Pocket · 2017
Thomas Schutte
Thomas Schutte, Robert Walser
Pairing a selection of recent watercolours from 2011 and 2012 by Thomas Schutte with a selection of previously unpublished poems by Robert Walser, written between 1924 and 1933, this book is a deeply personal exploration of our everyday selves, choreographed by one of the greatest living artists. This book is dedicated by the artist to the gallerist Donald Young, who invited the artist to participate in an exhibition dedicated to Walser in Chicago in 2012. Published in original German with new English translations of each poem and with an introduction by Dr. Reto Sorg, director of the Robert Walser Archives.
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Innbundet · 2015
Sigfried Giedion Befreites Wohnen (Liberated Dwelling)
Sigfried Giedion
Sigfried Giedion's small but vocal manifesto Befreites Wohnen (1929) is an early manifestation of modernist housing ideology and as such is key to the broader understanding of the ambitions of the International Congresses of Modern Architecture (CIAM) and the debate on the industrialization of construction processes and its impact on public housing at the beginning of the twentieth century. An important step in Giedion's rise as one of the foremost propagators of modern architecture, this manifesto is based on the argumentative power of visual comparisons, and is the only book the art historian both authored and designed. Along a facsimile edition in German, Giedion's Befreites Wohnen is presented here for the first time in English translation (by Reto Geiser and Rachel Julia Engler). It is completed with annotations and a scholarly essay that anchors the work in the context of its time and suggests the book's relevance for contemporary architectural discourse.
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Innbundet · 2018
Young Mungo
Douglas Stuart
The extraordinary, powerful second novel from the Booker prizewinning author of Shuggie Bain, Young Mungo is both a vivid portrayal of working-class life and the deeply moving story of the dangerous first love of two young men: Mungo and James. Born under different stars, Protestant Mungo and Catholic James live in a hyper-masculine world. They are caught between two of Glasgow's housing estates where young working-class men divide themselves along sectarian lines, and fight territorial battles for the sake of reputation. They should be sworn enemies if they're to be seen as men at all, and yet they become best friends as they find a sanctuary in the doocot that James has built for his prize racing pigeons. As they begin to fall in love, they dream of escaping the grey city, and Mungo must work hard to hide his true self from all those around him, especially from his elder brother Hamish, a local gang leader with a brutal reputation to uphold. But the threat of discovery is constant and the punishment unspeakable. When Mungo's mother sends him on a fishing trip to a loch in Western Scotland, with two strange men behind whose drunken banter lie murky pasts, he needs to summon all his inner strength and courage to get back to a place of safety, a place where he and James might still have a future. Imbuing the everyday world of its characters with rich lyricism, Douglas Stuart's Young Mungo is a gripping and revealing story about the meaning of masculinity, the push and pull of family, the violence faced by so many queer people, and the dangers of loving someone too much.
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2022
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