Don't Wake Me: The Ballad Of Nihal Armstrong
Don't Wake Me: The Ballad Of Nihal Armstrong is the unforgettable true story of a mother and her disabled son; a dramatic and poetic testimony of one woman's tireless battles in the struggle for her son's rights.
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Kiranjit kom til England som en ung vordende brud av god indisk familie totalt uforberedt på sex og samliv. Familien hadde presset henne hardt, for som ugift kvinne var hun en belastning for familien. I England var ikke Deepak lenger den hyggelige gutten hun hadde opplevd før bryllupet, men en humørsyk, voldelig og uberegnelig tyrann. Livet ble et mareritt, men skilsmisse var utelukket p.g.a. familiens ære. Til slutt orket hun ikke mer, og hentet bensin og tente på mannen mens han sov. Han døde av brannskadene. Kiranjit ble fengslet, men en kvinnegruppe kjempet for å få henne løslatt.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Literary Non-Fiction: A Writers' & Artists' Companion
Literary Non-Fiction: A Writers' & Artists' Companion is an essential guide to writing in a wide range of genres, from travel writing to feminist polemic and writing on nature, history, death, friendship and sexuality.Part 1 explores the full range of genres and asks the question: what is literary non-fiction?Part 2 includes tips by such bestselling literary non-fiction writers as: Lisa Appignanesi, Rosemary Bailey, Gillian Beer, Bidisha, Lizzie Collingham, William Dalrymple, Stevie Davies, Colin Grant, Rahila Gupta, Philip Hoare, Siri Hustvedt, Alice Kessler-Harris, Barry Lopez, Richard Mabey, Robert Macfarlane, Sara Maitland, Neil McKenna, Caroline Moorehead, Susie Orbach, Jennifer Potter, Susan Sellers, Dava Sobel, Diana Souhami, Dale Spender, Francis Spufford, Daniel Swift, Colin Thubron, Natasha Walter, Sara Wheeler and Simon Winchester.Part 3 offers practical advice - from planning and researching to writing a proposal and finding an agent or a publisher when your work is complete.
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Indian Economy Since 1947
According to the World Economic Forum, India's growth is extraordinarily high. In its bi-annual World Economic Outlook (January 2018 update), IMF has projected a 7.4% growth rate for India in 2018-19 and 7.8% in 2019-20. This is against the 3.9% global growth rate predicted for 2018-19. India will be the world's fastest-growing major economy for the next two years. The Indian economy has the potential to achieve, and even surpass, the 10% growth rate. This work is grouped into 10 theme Parts which touch almost all aspects of the Indian economy.
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Buddhas lære
Denne boka gir en pålitelig og lett tilgjengelig fremstilling av buddhismens grunnprinsipper, slik de er å finne i de eldste tekstene. Forfatteren henvender seg til mennesker av i dag, i et verk av høy vitenskapelig standard. Boka inneholder et lite utvalg av de mest sentrale tekster fra den buddhistiske skriftsamling, de fleste ikke tidligere oversatt til norsk.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Perlen som sprengte skjellet
Perlen som sprengte skjellet er en sterk og realistisk bok som skildrer kvinneliv i Afghanistan på begynnelsen av 1900-tallet og i vår egen tid. Kabul 2007: Taliban regjerer i gatene. Med en far som er rusavhengig og ingen brødre, er det sjelden Rahima og søstrene hennes får lov til å forlate huset for å gå på skolen. Deres eneste håp ligger i den eldgamle afghanske tradisjonen med bacha posh, som tillater Rahima å kle seg og bli behandlet som en gutt, helt til hun kommer i gifteferdig alder. Som gutt har hun en frihet hun bare kunne ha drømt om før, og som vil forandre henne for alltid. Men Rahima er ikke den første i familien som er gjenstand for denne skikken. Et århundre tidligere reddet hennes tippoldemor Shekiba seg selv og skapte seg et nytt liv på samme måte, en forandring som førte henne ut på en reise fra den avsidesliggende landsbyen og til rikdommen og overfloden i kongens slott i Kabul. «Nadia Hashimi har først og fremst skrevet en følsom og vakker familiehistorie. Denne engasjerende historien skildrer flere generasjoner og er et portrett av Afghanistan med all sin forvirrende og gåtefulle storhet. Samtidig gir den et bilde av den kampen afghanske kvinner fortsatt må kjempe.» Khaled Hosseini, forfatter av Drageløperen «Et fascinerende innblikk i livet til afghanske kvinner som tilhører ulike generasjoner og er skilt av store avstander, men som likevel har mye felles. Dette er en historie som får deg til å tenke.» Shilpi Gowda, forfatter av Indias datter
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Professional EJB: proffesional
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You are Your Child's First Teacher
"You Are Your Child's First Teacher" was the first book in America to popularize the insights of Rudolf Steiner, founder of the Waldorf schools, regarding the developmental needs of young children. This revised and updated edition offers new ways for parents and educators to enrich the lives of children from birth to age six. Since this book first appeared, the complexity and stressfulness of life for young children has increased, and parents are bombarded by contradictions when seeking advice on raising children. "You Are Your Child's First Teacher" is not just another set of child-rearing rules, but a new way of understanding child development--body, mind, emotions, and spirit--that equips parents to make their own decisions based on cognitive and intuitive knowledge and to raise a well-rounded child.
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Archetypes in Literatures and Cultures : Cultural and Regional Studies in Collaboration with Sevinj Bakhysh and Izabella Horvath
The formation of new countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern European block necessarily brings about an increased awareness of national identity and has given rise to more urgent attempts to define national literary and cultural facts. Among the facts to be determined are the circulation of similar cultural motifs, situations, symbols, plots, genres, words, and rituals. Such a situation gives rise to questions concerning the relationship between things that were constructed over centuries and relatively new archetypal plots and situations created by different authors, developed in different periods and in national literatures. For example, how does translation influence the migration of plots? Does the blurring of borders between sources and re-interpretations make it difficult to distinguish the original and the "kidnapped" texts? The forms of archetypes have changed and continue to change, creating a hyper-text. Taking these things into consideration, the question arises: "Where are the borders between an original text, influences, and plagiarism?"
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Stereotypes in Literatures and Cultures : International Reception Studies
Imaginative representations of different cultures are one of the major stumbling blocks to understanding, deepening the gap between people as they are passed from one text to another, especially in periods of historical transition. These transfers are sometimes innocent, while at other times they serve political agendas. The sample of images and estimations of others becomes a priority and, frequently for this reason, stereotypical. This is the subject of investigation for the majority of the authors in this collection. This book with articles presented here is an attempt to understand the core of confirmed or standardized social norms. <br> The book contains articles in English and in Russian language.
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Norsk Bokmål
From the Colonial to the Contemporary
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In White Ink
Darkly disturbing meditations on motherhood by an exceptional Irish writer.
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Molly's Will
Molly is now in her eighties and she helps her grand-daughters Cara and Freya bring up their young children with unstinting care. Hers has been a life of unselfpitying service, from her working-class Dublin girlhood to her current status as the wealthy widow of a famous artist. But her own children, particularly her daughter Eileen, are her life's great failure: unhappy, self-indulgent women who resent the younger generation's apparent freedom from guilt and their unconventional family arrangements. This intricate web of female relationships comes under terrible strain when Molly, her health sapped by her constant efforts on behalf of others, decides to consult the family solicitor about changing her will. This is a novel of great tenderness in its depiction of the small pleasures of family life and ruthless in its portrayal of the dangerous power of money.
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What The Buddha Taught
A classic introductory book to Buddhism, What the Buddha Taught contains a selection of illustrative texts from the original Pali texts, including the Suttas & the Dhammapada. The author, himself a Buddhist monk & scholar, removes a number of common misconceptions about Buddhism, & provides a comprehensive, compact, lucid & faithful account of the Buddha’s teachings that persistently enjoys great popularity in colleges, universities & theological schools both here & abroad. “For years," says the Journal of the Buddhist Society, "the newcomer to Buddhism has lacked a simple & reliable introduction to the complexities of the subject. Dr Rahula’s What the Buddha Taught fills the need as only could be done by one having a firm grasp of the vast material to be sifted. It is a model of what a book should be that is addressed first of all to ‘the educated & intelligent reader.' Authoritative & clear, logical & sober, this study is as comprehensive as it is masterly."
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What the Buddha taught
Clarifies the fundamental principles of Buddhist doctrine by explicating the original Pali text of the Tipitaka
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The Internationalization of German Software-based Companies
This book takes an in-depth look at the software industry as a major factor in future global economic performance. It explores how software-based companies are a significant factor behind economic growth and serve as important bridge builders between industries. Countries with a weak and underdeveloped software industry risk being left behind in the 21st century.The book examines the case of Germany as one of the world's major industrial nations, which is facing loss of competitiveness due to its underdeveloped software sector. It shows how the German software market is characterized by a multiplicity of small and medium sized companies and exhibits a shortage of globally dominating companies. This is presented and examined in the light of Germany being a powerhouse for technologies in sectors other than the software industry.The book analyzes the current situation and future potential of the German software industry. Using empirical analysis and international case studies, it presents the status quo and offers recommendations for policy makers. It shows effective management strategies for the sustainable international growth of software-based companies. The recommendations in this book are intended to secure Germany's front seat on the express train bound for the second half of the 21st century.
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The Pearl That Broke Its Shell
Afghan-American Nadia Hashimi's literary debut novel is a searing tale of powerlessness, fate, and the freedom to control one's own fate that combines the cultural flavor and emotional resonance of the works of Khaled Hosseini, Jhumpa Lahiri, and Lisa See. In Kabul, 2007, with a drug-addicted father and no brothers, Rahima and her sisters can only sporadically attend school, and can rarely leave the house. Their only hope lies in the ancient custom of bacha posh, which allows young Rahima to dress and be treated as a boy until she is of marriageable age. As a son, she can attend school, go to the market, and chaperone her older sisters. But Rahima is not the first in her family to adopt this unusual custom. A century earlier, her great-great grandmother, Shekiba, left orphaned by an epidemic, saved herself and built a new life the same way. Crisscrossing in time, The Pearl the Broke Its Shell interweaves the tales of these two women separated by a century who share similar destinies. But what will happen once Rahima is of marriageable age? Will Shekiba always live as a man? And if Rahima cannot adapt to life as a bride, how will she survive?
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Girl at War
Growing up in Zagreb in the summer of 1991, 10-year-old Ana Juric is a carefree tomboy; she runs the streets with her best friend, Luka, helps take care of her baby sister, Rahela, and idolizes her father. But when civil war breaks out across Yugoslavia, football games and school lessons are supplanted by sniper fire and air raid drills. The brutal ethnic cleansing of Croats and Bosnians tragically changes Ana's life, and she is lost to a world of genocide and child soldiers; a daring escape plan to America becomes her only chance for survival. Ten years later she returns to Croatia, a young woman struggling to belong to either country, forced to confront the trauma of her past and rediscover the place that was once her home.
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The General Elections in Kenya, 2007
The 2007 general elections in Kenya led to major unrest. The aim of this book is to examine and analyse the events that set the country on fire for several weeks. The situation has largely stabilised since April 2008, when the articles collected in this book were first individually published. Some political information has been updated post April 2008. The coalition government took shape with Mwai Kibaki remaining President while Raila Odinga became the Prime Minister. The country however remains in suspense, as do the donors who had made it possible for Kenya to restore a semblance of peace.
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Considering art at the center of network theory, from the rise of the electronic media age in the 1960s to the present.
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