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Viser resultat for 'Mario Livio'

    Brilliant Blunders

    Brilliant Blunders

    Mario Livio

    Mario Livio shows how even geniuses made major mistakes and how their errors were an essential aspect to achieving scientific breakthroughs

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    Pocket · 2014




    Mario Livio

    Astrophysicist and author Mario Livio investigates perhaps the most human of all our characteristics--curiosity--as he explores our innate desire to know

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    Innbundet · 2017


    The golden ratio

    The golden ratio: the story of phi, the extra ordinary number of nature, art and beauty

    Mario Livio

    The author takes us into the heart of this extraordinary number that has captured our imagination for millennia. This is also a story of obsession, of those who have devoted their lives to discovering phi's secrets. With index and bibliography.

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    Pocket · 2003


    kr 69
    kr 69

    Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing

    Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing

    Stefano Bonnini, Livio Corain, Marco Marozzi, Luigi Salmaso

    A novel presentation of rank and permutation tests, with accessible guidance to applications in R Nonparametric testing problems are frequently encountered in many scientific disciplines, such as engineering, medicine and the social sciences. This book summarizes traditional rank techniques and more recent developments in permutation testing as robust tools for dealing with complex data with low sample size. Key Features: * Examines the most widely used methodologies of nonparametric testing. * Includes extensive software codes in R featuring worked examples, and uses real case studies from both experimental and observational studies. * Presents and discusses solutions to the most important and frequently encountered real problems in different fields. Features a supporting website (www.wiley.com/go/hypothesis-testing) containing all of the data sets examined in the book along with ready to use R software codes.Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing combines an up to date overview with useful practical guidance to applications in R, and will be a valuable resource for practitioners and researchers working in a wide range of scientific fields including engineering, biostatistics, psychology and medicine.

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    Innbundet · 2014


    The Way of the Hermit

    The Way of the Hermit

    Mario I. Aguilar

    At first sight the lives of hermits, living in solitude and committed to a life of prayer and contemplation seems to be a world apart of the active practice of interfaith dialogue. Yet, there is a long tradition of seeking the divine together and thus making a contribution to better mutual understanding and an active contribution to peace between Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism in India.Drawing on his experience of travelling to some of India's holy places, the life and work of writers like Thomas Merton, Charles de Foucauld and Abishaktanda and being himself a Benedictine hermit and Professor of Divinity at the University of St Andrews, Mario Aguilar opens up new possibilities for dialogue between three of the world's major religions in today's world. He shows how his own experience of an eremitic life has brought him into deep communion with pilgrims of other faiths, be it through shared silence or listening to each other's experience, through reading sacred scriptures together, through poetry or interfaith worship that draws on practices and texts from Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity.This is a book for all engaged in interfaith dialogue and seeking to explore how spiritualities of silence, contemplation and prayer can make a contribution to peace and harmony in the world today.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Empty Words

    Empty Words

    Mario Levrero

    An eccentric novelist decides to go back to basics on his journey of self- improvement: he will strip out the literary aspect of his writing and simply improve his handwriting. The novelist begins to keep a notebook of handwriting exercises, hoping that if he is able to improve his penmanship, his personal character will also improve. What begins as a mere physical exercise becomes involuntarily coloured by humorous reflections and tender anecdotes about living, writing, and the sense - and nonsense - of existence.The first book by Mario Levrero to be translated into English, Empty Words is the perfect introduction to a major author and a significant point of reference in Latin American writing today.

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    Pocket · 2019


    Enigmas : the Egyptian moment in society and art

    Enigmas : the Egyptian moment in society and art

    Mario. Perniola

    'What do we fear most? Repetition or difference? The return of a barbarism that is remote and prehistoric or the advent of a barbarism that is technological as post-human?' In this succinct and innovative book, Mario Perniola, one of Italy's most influential philosophers and critics, argues that our society is living through an 'Egyptian moment' - a postmodern era marked by a particular brand of reification. As the products of high technology come increasingly to assume organic properties, to be endowed with an independent capacity for perception, humanity becomes thing-like, not in the familiar sense of unconscious alienation, but rather in the sense of a deliberate and cynical treatment of itself as an object. We are, he claims, undergoing a process of self-mummification. Perniola mixes philosophy and aesthetics with clarity and erudition, whether he is discussing 'strategic beauty' in the work of Baltasar Gracian, the 'anti-cynicism' of Carlo Michelstaedter, or Guy Debord's notion of the secret.In his approach to such topics as periodization, the place of the mirror in Western thought, hermeneutics and utopianism, he draws from 'high' and 'mass' culture with sometimes startling effect. The scope of Perniola's enquiry is impressively wide, ranging from Pulcinella to the latest form of video culture, via baroque aesthetics. But his focus, always, is on contemporary experience, an experience brought about neither by a return of the repressed nor by future shock but by their enigmatic coincidence. Enigmas provides an original and acutely perceptive guide to a condition in which ancient past and imaginable future are not merely similar, but can all to easily be confused.

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    Pocket · 1995

    Norsk Bokmål


    Committed Teams

    Committed Teams

    Mario Moussa, Madeline Boyer, Derek Newberry

    Build high-performing teams with an evidence-based framework that delivers results Committed is a practical handbook for building great teams. Based on research from Wharton s Executive Development Program (EDP), this concise guide identifies the common challenges that arise when people work together as a group and provides key guidance on breaking through the barriers to peak performance. Committed draws its insights from the EDP s living lab: an intensive two-week simulation during which executive-level participants run complex global businesses. The authors have observed over 100 teams collaborating and competing for over 100 combined years in this intense environment. It has yielded fundamental insights about teamwork: what usually goes wrong, what frequently goes right, and the methods and techniques that will help you access your team s full potential. These insights have been distilled into a simple, repeatable process that you can start applying today. Getting teams engaged and aligned is hard.Committed will give you the tools you need to deal with all of the familiar teamwork challenges that get in the way: organizational politics, delegation, coordination, and aligning skills and motivation. Using vivid stories and examples from the worlds of business, sports, and non-profits, it will teach you how to: * Understand the dynamics of successful teams * Achieve peak performance using a research-backed methodology * Gain expert insight into why most teams underperform * Learn the critical points common to all great teams Committed gives you the perspective you need to combine the right people with the right way of collaborating to achieve extraordinary results.

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    Innbundet · 2016


    The 100 Hour War

    The 100 Hour War

    Mario Overall, Dan Hagedorn

    In July 1969, while the world was expectant about the upcoming first manned landing on the moon, two little-known Central American States crossed sabers in what was derogatorily coined by the media as 'The Soccer War'. Far from a simple out-of-hand sports passion, this conflict had its complicated origins back in the early 20th century when the North American companies United Fruit and its rival, Standard Fruit, operated in Honduras - and both deemed it necessary to import workers from El Salvador, since the locals were insufficient in numbers. What followed was an exodus of more than 300,000 Salvadorans who settled in Honduras - and for a while, the latter country's government saw this with good eyes. That is until the early 1960s, when political changes and the liberalization of the region's commerce through the Common Market Treaty made it painfully evident that the country that benefited the most from it was El Salvador, while Honduras would be destined to carry a heavy economic burden. Inevitably, it chilled the relations between the two countries and had a direct bearing in the treatment from the Hondurans towards the Salvadoran peasants. Amidst sporadic violence against the immigrant peasants, the two governments began negotiations aimed at solving the immigration problem and signed three agreements. However, while the negotiations were taking place, clandestine armed groups were organized in Honduras with the purpose of harassing and controlling the Salvadoran people living in that country. This situation was worsened by a coup d'etat that brought to the presidency the Honduran General Oswaldo Lopez Arellano, who had a very different point of view than his predecessor regarding the immigrants' situation. Shortly after, the expelling of thousands of Salvadorans began. The return of the peasants to El Salvador brought a series of problems for that country, since all were returning unemployed and needing food, clothing and some kind of shelter - all of this in the midst of an economic crisis that not even the advantages obtained through the Common Market Treaty had been able to alleviate. Thus, it didn't take long for the Salvadoran society to begin clamoring for some sort of military response against Honduras. With this delicate political background, the eliminatory rounds for the Jules Rimet World Soccer Cup (to be held in Mexico the next year) began - and during these, the national teams of El Salvador and Honduras would have to face each other in order to obtain a classification. During those games, the violence against Salvadoran immigrants in Honduras increased and caused strong protests from the Salvadoran Government, which ended in the rupturing of diplomatic relations and followed by additional border incidents, which included the strafing of a Honduran airliner while it was taking off from Nueva Ocotepeque. Eleven days later, the war began. This book, backed by more than 20 years of research, explores meticulously the actions undertaken by both countries in the air and on the ground during this short but intense confrontation, and that saw the last dogfights between World War II-era piston-engine aircraft in the world. Besides an impressive selection of photos, the book also features a section of color profiles and markings, and a set of tables detailing the identities of the aircraft operated by both countries during the conflict.

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    Pocket · 2017


    Information Medicine

    Information Medicine

    Ervin Laszlo, Pier Mario Biava

    A look at the future of medicine based on cutting-edge stem cell research The universe is not a mechanical system of matter--it operates like a cosmic network that runs on and is connected by information. Information "in-forms" and underlies all of the physical world, including the human body. In this book, Pier Mario Biava, M.D., and Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D., show how this "information" worldview can be applied to healing and medicine and, specifically, how it underlies a revolutionary new approach to cancer and disease treatment, one that works directly with the epigenetic code--the information that programs the function and growth of every living cell. The authors explain how tumor growth and cellular dysfunction are manifestations of disconnections in the information network of an organism. Unveiling Dr. Biava's groundbreaking research on stem cell differentiation stage factors (SCDSFs), they explain how SCDSFs work directly with the epigenetic code to reconnect aberrant cells to the body's information network and reset them to their original function--in the case of cancer cells transforming them from malignant to benign, from dysfunction back to normalcy and health. Dr. Biava's research on SCDSFs--derived from Zebrafish embryos, which have 95 percent the same proteins as humans--has shown great success in reprogramming and inhibiting cancer cells in clinical trials with patients with advanced liver cancer, as well as success in in vitro studies with 7 different human tumor lines. SCDSFs have also shown promise in the treatment of chronic diseases such as psoriasis and neurodegenerative conditions, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Unveiling the holistic future of medicine, the authors show how we will no longer need to approach the treatment of cancer and other degenerative diseases as a "fight," but as a restoration of our cells' original programming. With the advent of Information Medicine, we now have the power to program ourselves to heal.

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    Pocket · 2019


    Vogue Living

    Vogue Living

    Hamish Bowles

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    Innbundet · 2017


    Innbundet · 2007



    In Search of the Free Individual

    In Search of the Free Individual

    Svetlana Alexievich

    "I love life in its living form, life that's found on the street, in human conversations, shouts, and moans." So begins this speech delivered in Russian at Cornell University by Svetlana Alexievich, winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature. In poetic language, Alexievich traces the origins of her deeply affecting blend of journalism, oral history, and creative writing.Cornell Global Perspectives is an imprint of Cornell University's Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies. The works examine critical global challenges, often from an interdisciplinary perspective, and are intended for a non-specialist audience. The Distinguished Speaker Series presents edited transcripts of talks delivered at Cornell, both in the original language and in translation.

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    Pocket · 2018


    Bread is gold

    Bread is gold

    Massimo Bottura

    Massimo Bottura, the world's best chef, prepares extraordinary meals from ordinary and sometimes 'wasted' ingredients inspiring home chefs to eat well while living well. 'These dishes could change the way we feed the world, because they can be cooked by anyone, anywhere, on any budget. To feed the planet, first you have to fight the waste', Massimo Bottura Bread is Gold is the first book to take a holistic look at the subject of food waste, presenting recipes for three-course meals from 45 of the world's top chefs, including Daniel Humm, Mario Batali, René Redzepi, Alain Ducasse, Joan Roca, Enrique Olvera, Ferran & Albert Adrià and Virgilio Martínez. These recipes, which number more than 150, turn everyday ingredients into inspiring dishes that are delicious, economical, and easy to make.

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    Pocket · 2017





    Juan Gabriel Vásquez

    A taut new novel by the award-winning author of The Sound of Things Falling - `one of the most original voices of Latin American literature', Mario Vargas Llosa'An affecting, carefully paced work of psychological realism' Times Literary Supplement As Colombia's famed political cartoonist, Javier Mallarino, strolls through downtown Bogota before a public celebration of his career in the grand Teatro Colon, he contemplates the start of his professional life; how he set down his oils and took up a pen to begin drawing caricatures for a living. But the celebration has far-reaching consequences: as he leaves the theatre a figure from his past, now a young woman, emerges from the crowd and forces Mallarino to confront an incident that took place in his home half a lifetime ago, calling into question his reputation and the value of his life's work.

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    Pocket · 2017


    Community Health Narratives

    Community Health Narratives

    Mark struggled at school and became depressed because he was bullied. Ana Maria feared leaving her home after dark due to gun violence. Mario and his family benefited from an intervention to prevent the spread of avian flu in his village.Health problems like these affect not only individuals but also families and communities. These examples suggest how community health is realized in peoples' lives and affects people living in the same place who share similar beliefs and values. For example, feeling safe within one's community is an essential part of living a healthy life.The narratives in this book explore a wide range of topics-social ties, gender and sexuality, mental illness, violence, prevention, and health-care access-that shape community health. Featuring "Communities in Action" sketches describing good community health programming as well as a guide for teachers, this book, along with its companions Global Health Narratives: A Reader for Youth and Environmental Health Narratives: A Reader for Youth (UNM Press), provides a comprehensive curriculum that examines people's health experiences across cultures and nations.

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    Pocket · 2015


    Havana Red

    Havana Red

    Leonardo Padura

    On August 6 th 1989 , the day on which the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration, the body of a strangled transvestite is discovered in the humid undergrowth of the Havana Woods. He is wearing a beautiful red evening dress and the red ribbon with which he was asphyxiated is still round his neck. To the consternation of Lieutenant Mario Conde, in charge of the investigation, the victim turns out to be Alexis Arayan, the son of a highly respected diplomat. His investigation begins with a visit to the home of the 'disgraced' dramatist, Alberto Marques, with whom the murdered youth was living. Marques, a man of letters and a former giant of the Cuban theatre, helps Conde solve the crime. In the baking heat of the Havana summer, Conde also unveils a dark, turbulent world of Cubans who live without dreaming of exile, grappling with food shortages and wounds from the Angolan war.

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    Pocket · 2005


    kr 109
    kr 109



    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Nova Science Pub Inc) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

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    Pocket · 2017


    Pocket · 2015


    Awesome Minds: Video Game Creators

    Awesome Minds: Video Game Creators

    Alejandro Arbona

    And did you know that the very first video game was called Tennis for Two and was created by a US government scientist named William Higinbotham? Today, video games play a gigantic role in our culture and none of this would have been possible without people like Shigeru Miyamoto, the creative mastermind that turned a failed business venture into the game that eventually inspired him to build Donkey Kong and Mario Bros., or Donna Bailey, who created the arcade video game sensation Centipede. With full-colour illustrations and lively text, and chock-full of interesting facts, Awesome Minds: Video Game Creators tells the stories of these amazing men and women who turned a small hobby into a multimillion-dollar industry that changed the way we play and interact, from our living rooms to the arcades, on our computers to our handheld devices. Awesome Minds: Video Game Creators is the perfect read for those with creative spirits, curious minds, and a love of technology and video games.

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    Innbundet · 2018


    Lights, Camera, Game Over!

    Lights, Camera, Game Over!

    Luke Owen

    Since 1993, Hollywood has been rendering popular video games on the silver screen, mainly to critical derision and box office failure. While a few have succeeded, many have been hailed as the "worst movie ever" and left gamers asking: how did that get made? Super Mario fans expecting plumbers jumping on Goombas got an inter-dimensional battle between humans and evolved dinosaurs. Players expecting to see Ryu, Ken, and the rest of the World Warriors compete in the Street Fighter Tournament instead got a live-action GI Joe movie. This in-depth and entertaining work recounts the production histories of many of these movies, revealing the sometimes inspired and convoluted path Hollywood took to turn pixels into living flesh, with insights from more than 40 industry insiders, including film directors Paul W. S. Anderson (Resident Evil), Simon West (Tomb Raider), and Steven de Souza (Street Fighter).

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Thousand Faces

    Thousand Faces

    Philippe Thirault, Marc Males

    Take nothing with you, but two mules, a rifle, and ten bullets. Those words echo in ex-surgeon Frank Quinn s head as he flees across mid-19th century America to escape the demon known as Thousand Faces, an evil entity that uses blood to enslave others and will stop at nothing to conquer the world. Philippe Thirault, writer of the acclaimed Miss: Better Living Through Crime and Balkans Arena, collaborates with artists Marc Males (Different Ugliness Different Madness) and Mario Janni to chronicle a sweeping historical epic where science and the supernatural blend in a fusion of horror and redemption."

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


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