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Viser resultat for 'MELISSA ALBERT'

    The Hazel Wood

    The Hazel Wood

    Melissa Albert

    Alice has spent most of her life on the road, always one step ahead of the strange bad luck biting at her heels. But when Alice’s grandmother, the reclusive author of a book of pitch-dark fairy tales, dies alone on her isolated estate - the Hazel Wood- Alice discovers how bad her luck can really get.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    kr 249

    Pocket · 2018


    kr 59
    kr 249




    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Macmillan Usa) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 69

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 169
    kr 69

    Hazel Wood

    Hazel Wood

    Melissa Albert

    Skremmende magisk! En del av deg kommer aldri til å forlate Hazel Wood. Sytten år gamle Alice og moren har tilbrakt størsteparten av Alices liv på veien, alltid et steg foran den nifse uflaksen som alltid forfølger dem. Men da Alices mormor, den hemmelighetsfulle forfatteren bak en kultroman med bekmørke eventyr, dør alene og isolert på godset sitt, Hazel Wood, forstår Alice hvor forferdelige uflaksen kan bli: Moren blir kidnappet - av en skikkelse som hevder å komme fra Hinterland, den onde overnaturlige verdenen der mormorens historier fant sted. Alices eneste ledetråd er beskjeden moren etterlot seg: «Hold deg unna Hazel Wood.». Alice har alltid holdt seg langt unna mormorens merkelige fans. Men nå har hun ikke annet valg enn å alliere seg med klassekameraten Ellery Finch, en Hinterland superfan som kan ha skjulte motiver for å stille opp for henne. For å finne moren, må Alice først reise til Hazel Wood, så inn i verdenen der mormorens fortellinger begynte - og der hun kanskje kan finne ut hvorfor hennes egen fortelling gikk så dårlig.ennom nifst og fengende.» «Tvers igjennom nifst og fengende.» Kristin Cashore. «Denne boka er ren fantasygodteri.» Stephanie Garber. «Skjebnebestemt til å bli en klassiker.» - Kami Garcia.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79
    kr 79

    The night country

    The night country

    Melissa Albert

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 59
    kr 59




    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Portrettet på loftet

    Portrettet på loftet



    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009


    Our Crooked Hearts

    Our Crooked Hearts

    Melissa Albert

    Seventeen-year-old Ivy’s summer break kicks off with an accident, a punishment, and a mystery: a stranger whose appearance in the middle of the road, in the middle of the night, heralds a string of increasingly unsettling events. As the days pass, Ivy grapples with eerie offerings, corroded memories, and a secret she’s always known―that there's more to her mother than meets the eye.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2022


    kr 89
    kr 89

    The night country

    The night country: the Hazel Wood

    Melissa Albert

    Alice has fought hard for a normal life. Having escaped the Hinterland - the strange, pitch-dark world she was born into - she has washed up in New York City, determined to build a new future for herself. But when her fellow survivors start being brutally murdered, Alice must face the fact that the Hinterland cannot be so easily escaped. And that, from the shadows of her past something - or someone - is coming for her...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020



    A Guinea Pig Pride & Prejudice

    A Guinea Pig Pride & Prejudice

    Jane Austen

    It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single guinea pig in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. It is a truth personally acknowledged by Mrs. Bennet that all five of her furry daughters--Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty, and Lydia--are in need of husbands. To her mother's grave disappointment, Elizabeth Bennet is headstrong and won't take just anyone, especially not the haughty Mr. Darcy.* Elizabeth blames the arrogant gentleman for steering Mr. Bingley, one of the rare men in possession of a good fortune, away from her older sister Jane. But when boy-crazy Kitty and Lydia fall in with the wrong crowd, it is Darcy who saves the day--and the Bennet family honor--and wins Elizabeth's tiny, rapidly beating rodent heart. This delightful retelling of Pride and Prejudice is illustrated throughout with full color photos of the finest guinea pig actors working today. Costumers familiar with the elegant curves of the guinea pig form have tailored lush period looks. And of course, it is the love between guinea pigs that can best illustrate the depth of feeling between Jane Austen's Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. * The guinea pig playing Darcy struggled with looking supercilious, though rest assured, when carrots were removed from the elegant sets, the actor was able to still his nose long enough to look down it, and once he donned his summer-weight waistcoat, he made a fine and dashing Darcy.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015



    Innbundet · 2015


    Functional Assessment

    Functional Assessment

    Paul A. Alberto, Melissa Hughes, David Cihak, Anne C. Troutman


    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Costume in Performance

    Costume in Performance

    UK) Barbieri Donatella (Victoria and Albert Museum and London College of Fashion

    This beautifully illustrated book conveys the centrality of costume to live performance. Finding associations between contemporary practices and historical manifestations, costume is explored in six thematic chapters, examining the transformative ritual of costuming; choruses as reflective of society; the grotesque, transgressive costume; the female sublime as emancipation; costume as sculptural art in motion; and the here-and-now as history. Viewing the material costume as a crucial aspect in the preparation, presentation and reception of live performance, the book brings together costumed performances through history. These range from ancient Greece to modern experimental productions, from medieval theatre to modernist dance, from the `fashion plays' to contemporary Shakespeare, marking developments in both culture and performance. Revealing the relationship between dress, the body and human existence, and acknowledging a global as well as an Anglo and Eurocentric perspective, this book shows costume's ability to cross both geographical and disciplinary borders. Through it, we come to question the extent to which the material costume actually co-authors the performance itself, speaking of embodied histories, states of being and never-before imagined futures, which come to life in the temporary space of the performance.With a contribution by Melissa Trimingham, University of Kent, UK

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    The Believer

    The Believer

    Heidi (EDT) Julavits

    The Believer March/April 2010 Film Issue Cinema, Happiness Six short films by KARPO GODINA Watching Shrek in Tehran BRIAN T. EDWARDS Buddy Ebsen HILTON ALS Creative Accounting: Independent Feature Film M. REBEKAH OTTO The Apocalypse Will Be Televised MARK HOLCOMB Black Notes GRAHAM T. BECK Bonus Disc Fever ALEX ROSE Whatever Surrogate: a new poem ALBERT GOLDBARTH Musin's and Thinkin's: a monthly column JACK PENDARVIS The Believer Book Award Shortlist THE EDITORS The Healing Machine MIKE PLANTE Austerity Program DAVID KHOURY & TUCKER NICHOLS Projections LEYLA ERTEGUN Schema: Classic Movie Tie-Ins STEVE SEID Charlyne Yi Interviewed by SHEILA HETI "Comics" Edited by ALVIN BUENAVENTURA Missed Encounters with the Movies ELIF BATUMAN Real Life Rock Top Ten: a monthly column GREIL MARCUS I. Barbash & L. C. Taylor Interviewed by PETER ORNER Harmony Korine Interviewed by ROSS SIMONINI Teamwork Should Come From the Soul HEATHER CHRISTLE Sedaratives JULIE KLAUSNER Gary Hustwit Microinterviewed by MELISSA GOLDSTEIN

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010



    Best Loved Songs: 51 Sentimental Pop Chart Favorites (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)

    Best Loved Songs: 51 Sentimental Pop Chart Favorites (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)

    Alfred Publishing

    Alfred's Best series centers around impeccable piano/vocal/guitar arrangements of the most loved and recognizable songs in modern music. Best Loved Songs highlights such ever-present tunes as "At Last," "Over the Rainbow," "Bridge Over Troubled Water," "Don't Stop Believin'," "Let It Go," "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me," and many more Titles: At Last (Etta James) * Both Sides Now (Judy Collins) * Bridge Over Troubled Water (Simon and Garfunkel) * Celebrate Me Home (Kenny Loggins) * A Change Is Gonna Come (Sam Cooke) * Colour My World (Chicago) * Come Softly to Me (The Fleetwoods) * Conga (Miami Sound Machine) * Dancing Queen (ABBA) * Don't Stop Believin' (Journey) * The End of the World (Skeeter Davis) * Evergreen (Love Theme from A Star Is Born) (Barbra Streisand) * Feelings (Dime?) (Morris Albert) * Fernando (ABBA) * Ghostbusters (Ray Parker, Jr.) * Glory of Love (Theme from The Karate Kid Part II) (Peter Cetera) * Goldfinger (from Goldfinger) (Shirley Bassey) * Gonna Fly Now (Theme from Rocky) (Bill Conti) * Good Morning, Heartache (Standard) * The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Hugo Montenegro) * The Greatest Love of All (Whitney Houston) * Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Holiday) * Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me (Mel Carter) * How Can We Be Lovers (Michael Bolton) * How Do I Live (LeAnn Rimes) * How Do You Keep the Music Playing? (from Best Friends) (Patti Austin and James Ingram) * (Everything I Do) I Do It for You (Bryan Adams) * I Saw Her Standing There (The Beatles) * Theme from Ice Castles (Through the Eyes of Love) (Melissa Manchester) * If I Could Turn Back Time (Cher) * I'm Alright (from Caddyshack) (Kenny Loggins) * Let It Go (from Walt Disney's Frozen) * Love Is in the Air (John Paul Young) * Misty (Johnny Mathis) * Theme from New York, New York (Frank Sinatra) * Over the Rainbow (Judy Garland) * The Pink Panther (from The Pink Panther) (Henry Mancini) * The Shadow of Your Smile (

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Spring 2016

    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Spring 2016

    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) provides academic and business economists, government officials, and members of the financial and business communities with timely research on current economic issues.Contents:Editors' IntroductionCredit Policy as Fiscal Policy, Deborah LucasComments by Alan J. Auerbach and William G. GaleLearning from Potentially Biased Statistics, Alberto Cavallo, Guillermo Cruces, and Ricardo Perez-TrugliaComments by Stefan Nagel and Ricardo ReisDoes the United States Have a Productivity Slowdown or a Measurement Problem?, David M. Byrne, John G. Fernald, and Marshall B. ReinsdorfComments by Martin Neil Baily and Robert J. GordonUnderstanding Declining Fluidity in the U.S. Labor Market, Raven Molloy, Christopher L. Smith, Ricardo Trezzi, and Abigail WozniakComments by Erica L. Groshen and John HaltiwangerMeasuring Income and Wealth at the Top Using Administrative and Survey Data, Jesse Bricker, Alice Henriques,Jacob Krimmel, and John SabelhausComments by Katharine G. Abraham and Wojciech KopczukIncome Inequality, Social Mobility, and the Decision to Drop Out of High School, Melissa S. Kearney and Phillip B. LevineComments by Miles Corak and Robert A. Moffitt

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Negative Cosmopolitanism

    Negative Cosmopolitanism

    From climate change, debt, and refugee crises to energy security, environmental disasters, and terrorism, the events that lead nightly newscasts and drive public policy demand a global perspective. In the twentieth century the world sought solutions through formal institutions of international governance such as the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, and the World Bank, but present-day responses to global realities are often more provisional, improvisational, and contingent. Tracing this uneven history in order to identify principal actors, contesting ideologies, and competing rhetoric, Negative Cosmopolitanism challenges the Kantian ideal of cosmopolitanism as the precondition for a perpetual global peace. Uniting literary scholars with researchers working on contemporary problems and those studying related issues of the past - including slavery, industrial capitalism, and corporate imperialism - essays in this volume scrutinize the entanglement of cosmopolitanism within expanding networks of trade and global capital from the eighteenth century to the present. By doing so, the contributors pinpoint the ways in which whole populations have been unwillingly caught up in a capitalist reality that has little in common with the earlier ideals of cosmopolitanism. A model for provoking new and necessary questions about neoliberalism, biopolitics, colonialism, citizenship, and xenophobia, Negative Cosmopolitanism establishes a fresh take on the representation of globalization and modern life in history and literature. Contributors Include Timothy Brennan (University of Minnesota), Juliane Collard (University of British Columbia), Mike Dillon (California State University, Fullerton), Sneja Gunew (University of British Columbia), Dina Gusejnova (University of Sheffield), Heather Latimer (University of British Columbia), Pamela McCallum (University of Calgary), Geordie Miller (Dalhousie University), Dennis Mischke (Universitat Stuttgart), Peter Nyers (McMaster University), Liam O'Loughlin (Pacific Lutheran University), Crystal Parikh (New York University), Mark Simpson (University of Alberta), Melissa Stephens (Vancouver Island University), and Paul Ugor (Illinois State University).

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Innbundet · 2017


    Mind in Architecture

    Mind in Architecture

    Leading neuroscientists and architects explore how the built environment affects our behavior, thoughts, emotions, and well-being.Although we spend more than ninety percent of our lives inside buildings, we understand very little about how the built environment affects our behavior, thoughts, emotions, and well-being. We are biological beings whose senses and neural systems have developed over millions of years; it stands to reason that research in the life sciences, particularly neuroscience, can offer compelling insights into the ways our buildings shape our interactions with the world. This expanded understanding can help architects design buildings that support both mind and body. In Mind in Architecture, leading thinkers from architecture and other disciplines, including neuroscience, cognitive science, psychiatry, and philosophy, explore what architecture and neuroscience can learn from each other. They offer historical context, examine the implications for current architectural practice and education, and imagine a neuroscientifically informed architecture of the future.Architecture is late in discovering the richness of neuroscientific research. As scientists were finding evidence for the bodily basis of mind and meaning, architecture was caught up in convoluted cerebral games that denied emotional and bodily reality altogether. This volume maps the extraordinary opportunity that engagement with cutting-edge neuroscience offers present-day architects.ContributorsThomas D. Albright, Michael Arbib, John Paul Eberhard, Melissa Farling, Vittorio Gallese, Alessandro Gattara, Mark L. Johnson, Harry Francis Mallgrave, Iain McGilchrist, Juhani Pallasmaa, Alberto Perez-Gomez, Sarah Robinson

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    The Pisces

    The Pisces

    Melissa Broder

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 109

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 89

    Andre utgaver · 5

    kr 109


    Stargate: en julefortelling

    Ingvild H. Rishøi

    «Jeg kalte deg ikke Ronja for at du skulle vokse opp på Tøyen», sier Ronjas far.Men det er Tøyen de bor på, Ronja, faren og storesøsteren Melissa. Det nærmer seg jul. Faren har mistet enda en jobb. Derfor må Melissa ut og lempe juletrær, Ronja må selge kranser og nek, faren må på puben Stargate, og desember handler om våte votter, provisjon og øl. Men også om tre vise menn, en stjerne og en skog.Stargate er en julefortelling for vår tid: magisk realisme i et juletreutsalg på Tøyen.Vinner av Klassekampens Neshornpris 2021.«Så bra at jeg blir helt tullete […] Ingvild H. Rishøis første roman bør ligge under samtlige juletrær i år.»Ellen Sofie Lauritzen, Dagens Næringsliv«Det trengs fortsatt sekulære evangelier tilpasset vår tid og samfunnsforhold. Stargate. En julefortelling fortjener å bli lest av mange, gjerne årlig, når det nærmer seg juletider.»Knut Hoem, NRK

    4.5 av 5

    Innbundet · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79
    kr 79

    Conversations with friends

    Conversations with friends

    Sally Rooney

    Frances is twenty-one years old, cool-headed and observant. A student in Dublin and an aspiring writer, at night she performs spoken word with her best friend Bobbi, who used to be her girlfriend. When they are interviewed and then befriended by Melissa, a well-known journalist who is married to Nick, an actor, they enter a world of beautiful houses, raucous dinner parties and holidays in Provence, beginning a complex ménage-à-quatre. But when Frances and Nick get unexpectedly closer, the sharply witty and emotion-averse Frances is forced to honestly confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time.

    4.4 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    kr 59
    kr 59

    Ni vilt fremmede

    Ni vilt fremmede: et spahotell, ti dager

    Liane Moriarty

    Velkommen til Villa Ro. Et avsidesliggende spahotel med luksus, velvære og meditasjon. Ni fremmede booker seg inn på Villa Ro. Sett utenfra, fører de ni helt perfekte liv. Men hver og en av dem skjuler svært uperfekte hemmeligheter. Løftet er at 10 dager ved Villa Ro vil forandre livet ditt for alltid. Men noen løfter er -- akkurat som perfekte liv -- kun en løgn... Umulig å legge fra seg, #1 Sunday Times bestselger og Richard & Judy Bokklubb-valg. Fra den prisvinnende forfatteren av HBOs Big Little Lies. Oppdag den avhengighetsskapende og gripende Ni vilt fremmede før den sensasjonelle, stjernespekkede Hulu-premieren med Nicole Kidman, Melissa McCarthy, Regina Hall, Many Jacinto, Bobby Cannavale and Luke Evans. 'En superspennende sidevender' Mail on Sunday 'Fantastisk' Times 'Twisten overrasket meg veldig' Marian Keyes 'Spenningen bare bygger seg mer og mer opp i en skikkelig underholdende thriller' Guardian 'Original, spennende, rett og slett briljant' Clare Mackintosh 'En av de morsomste, mest originale og mest velskrevne bøker jeg har lest.' 5***** Leser-anmeldelse 'Griper tak i deg fra første side' Sunday Express 'Jeg var helt hektet' Daily Mail «En av de få forfatterne jeg vil gjøre alt for.» JOJO MOYES «Moriarty skriver levende, morsomt og umoralsk!» THE SUNDAY EXPRESS

    4.4 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79

    Pocket · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 79

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