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Viser resultat for 'Louise Munro'

    GIFT! Ropte katten

    GIFT! Ropte katten

    Louise Munro

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1994

    kr 69

    Pocket · 1994

    kr 59
    kr 69

    Puskas lukter blod

    Puskas lukter blod

    Louise munro

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1994

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Tyver på ferde!

    Tyver på ferde!

    Louise Munro Foley

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1993

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    Kiki og Puskas i: Tyver på ferde!

    Kiki og Puskas i: Tyver på ferde!

    Louise Munro Foley


    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1993

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    When will there be good news?

    When will there be good news?: Jackson Brodie 3

    Kate Atkinson

    In rural Devon, six-year-old Joanna Mason witnesses an appalling crime. Thirty years later the man convicted of the crime is released from prison. In Edinburgh, sixteen-year-old Reggie works as a nanny for a G.P. But Dr Hunter has gone missing and Reggie seems to be the only person who is worried. Across town, Detective Chief Inspector Louise Monroe is also looking for a missing person, unaware that hurtling towards her is an old friend -- Jackson Brodie -- himself on a journey that becomes fatally interrupted.

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    Pocket · 2015



    Pocket · 2009



    Andre utgaver · 3


    The Aesthetics of Children's Poetry

    The Aesthetics of Children's Poetry

    Katherine Wakely-Mulroney, Louise Joy

    This collection gives sustained attention to the literary dimensions of children's poetry from the eighteenth century to the present. While reasserting the importance of well-known voices, such as those of Isaac Watts, William Blake, Lewis Carroll, Christina Rossetti, A. A. Milne, and Carol Ann Duffy, the contributors also reflect on the aesthetic significance of landmark works by less frequently celebrated figures such as Richard Johnson, Ann and Jane Taylor, Cecil Frances Alexander and Michael Rosen. Scholarly treatment of children's poetry has tended to focus on its publication history rather than to explore what comprises - and why we delight in - its idiosyncratic pleasures. And yet arguments about how and why poetic language might appeal to the child are embroiled in the history of children's poetry, whether in Isaac Watts emphasising the didactic efficacy of "like sounds," William Blake and the Taylor sisters revelling in the beauty of semantic ambiguity, or the authors of nonsense verse jettisoning sense to thrill their readers with the sheer music of poetry. Alive to the ways in which recent debates both echo and repudiate those conducted in earlier periods, The Aesthetics of Children's Poetry investigates the stylistic and formal means through which children's poetry, in theory and in practice, negotiates the complicated demands we have made of it through the ages.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    The Complete Christmas Collection

    The Complete Christmas Collection

    Kristine Rolofson, Christine Flynn, April Arrington, Christine Rimmer, Cara Colter, Donna Alward, Sara Orwig, Janice Maynard, Lucy Monroe, Louise Allen, Heidi Betts, Susan Carlisle, Emma Darcy, Barbara Dunlop, Susanne Hampton, Alison Hardy, Brenda Harlen, Fiona Harper, Anne Herries, Laura Iding, Patricia Kay, Alison Lennox, Alison Lynn, Alison Mann, Fiona McArthur, Josie Metcalfe, Sophie Pembroke, Karen Rose Smith, Teresa Southwick, Barbara Wallace, Scarlet Wilson, Alison Winters, Alison Forbes

    The Compete Christmas Collection of Mills & Boon 2019 Romances

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019




    Hilde Louise Asbjørnsen

    En sjokkerende og inspirerende bok om ambisjoner, synd, skam og ekstase. Fortalt med glimt i øyet og ispedd utdrag fra tekstene til forrige århundrets største jazzhits. Blanding av fiksjon og fakta gjør dette til en forrykende historie om kvinnefrigjøring, musikk og showbiz. Bokken Lasson booket sin egen soloturné fra Trondheim til Oslo i 1895 og gikk i dundrende underskudd, men endte som headliner på de største Vaudeville-scenene i Tyskland og Frankrike. Bessie Smith slo ned store mannfolk på fest, holdt seg med både elskere og elskerinner og solgte en million plater i 1923. Mae West ble satt i fengsel for å ha «fordervet ungdommens moral» med Broadwayforestillingen «Sex» på 1920-tallet. Josephine Baker dro fra jobben som klovn i USA for å bli megastjerne i Paris og spion for den franske regjeringen under 2. verdenskrig. Tyske Marlene Dietrich, var biseksuell, levde i et åpent ekteskap og spilte på sag for amerikanske tropper i Nord-Afrika. Edith Piaf skrev selv tekstene til sine aller største hits, ble mor som 16-åring og var manager for flere av sine elskere. Billie Holiday sjefet over bandet til Count Basie, gikk rundt med boxer i bånd og skapte bevisst imaget som ensom, såret kvinne. Marilyn Monroe var den første kvinnen som startet sitt eget produksjonsselskap og ble verdens best betalte filmskuespiller som 29-åring. Forestillingen Stardust spilles 1.-3. og 15.-17. juli på Chat Noir Teater, og billetter kan nå bestilles på: https://chatnoir.no/forestillinger

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 169
    kr 169

    Modernist Fraud

    Modernist Fraud

    Dalhousie University) Diepeveen Leonard (George Munro Professor of Literature and Rhetoric

    Focusing on literature and visual art in the years 1910-1935, Modernist Fraud begins with the omnipresent accusations that modernism was not art at all, but rather an effort to pass off patently absurd works as great art. These assertions, common in the time's journalism, are used to understand the aesthetic and context which spawned them, and to look at what followed in their wake. Fraud discourse ventured into the aesthetic theory of the time, to ideas ofartistic sincerity, formalism, and the intentional fallacy. In doing so, it profoundly shaped the modern canon and its justifying principles. Modernist Fraud explores a wide range of materials. It draws on reviews and newspaper accounts of art scandals, such as the 1913 Armory Show, the 1910 and 1912 Postimpressionist shows, and Tender Buttons; to daily syndicated columns; to parodies and doggerel; to actual hoaxes, such as Spectra and Disumbrationism; to the literary criticism of Edith Sitwell; to the trial of Brancusi's Bird in Space; and to the contents of the magazine Blind Man, including a defense ofDuchamp's Fountain, a poem by Bill Brown, and the works of, and an interview with, the bafflingly unstable painter Louis Eilshemius. In turning to these materials, the book reevaluates how modernism interacted with the public and describes how a new aesthetic begins: not as a triumphant explosion that initiates irrevocablechanges, but as an uncertain muddling and struggle with ideology.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    Reflections on the Aesthetic Experience

    Reflections on the Aesthetic Experience

    Gregorio Kohon

    Interest in the relationship between psychoanalysis and art - and other disciplines - is growing. In his new book Reflections on the Aesthetic: Psychoanalysis and the uncanny, Gregorio Kohon examines and reflects upon psychoanalytic understandings of estrangement, the Freudian notions of the uncanny and Nachtraglichkeit, exploring how these are evoked in works of literature and art, and are present in our response to such works. Kohon provides close readings of and insights into the works of Franz Kafka, Jorge Luis Borges, Louise Bourgeois, Juan Munoz, Anish Kapoor, Richard Serra, Edvard Munch, Kurt Schwitters, amongst others; the book also includes a chapter on the Warsaw Ghetto Monument and the counter-monument aesthetic movement in post-war Germany. Kohon shows how some works of art and literature represent something that otherwise eludes representation, and how psychoanalysis and the aesthetic share the task of making a representation of the unrepresentable. Reflections on the Aesthetic is not an exercise in "applied" psychoanalysis; psychoanalysis and art are considered by the author in their own terms, allowing a new understanding of the aesthetic to emerge. Kohon's book makes compelling reading for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, art therapists, literary and art critics, academics, students and all those interested in the matter of the aesthetic.

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    Pocket · 2015


    A Vintage Christmas

    A Vintage Christmas


    Rich with candlelit memories of another time, these old-fashioned works from classic authors invite you to a feast of Christmas nostalgia. Stories and poetry have been part of the Christmas season for generations, reminding us that the heart of the holiday never changes. A Vintage Christmas is a unique collection of lesser-known Christmas tales, reflections, and poems from beloved authors across the centuries. Discover the charming story from L. M. Montgomery about love and sacrifice in a little log house. See Christmas through the eyes of a child in a New England colonial village with Harriet Beecher Stowe. Remember the reason Christ came to earth in the poetry of Anne Bronte. Share with your family the delightful letter Mark Twain wrote as Santa Claus to his three-year-old daughter. This beautiful treasury takes us back to the firesides, simple gifts, and warm family moments of Christmases past as we cherish the timeless truths and joys of the season.A Vintage Christmas includes stories from Louisa May Alcott, Charles Dickens, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mark Twain, L.M. Montgomery, and Selma Lagerlof, as well as poems from John Milton, Christina Rossetti, William Makepeace Thackeray, Anne Bronte, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Innbundet · 2018


    The Elements of Reasoning

    The Elements of Reasoning

    St. Louis) Munson Ronald (University of Missouri, St. Louis) Black Andrew (University of Missouri

    THE ELEMENTS OF REASONING is a concise and lucid introduction to the basic elements of argumentative prose and the conceptual tools necessary to understand, analyze, criticize, and construct arguments. This text is not only perfect for a college course in argument analysis, but also as a reference tool when confronted with arguments outside the classroom experience. While THE ELEMENTS OF REASONING covers the standard formal tools of introductory logic, its emphasis is on practical applications to the kinds of arguments students most often encounter.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Saving The Single Dad Doc

    Saving The Single Dad Doc

    Louisa Heaton

    Dare she dream of a future... ...with Cameron and his little girl? Returning to her Scottish hometown, GP Bethan Monroe has no idea the handsome single father she's replacing, Dr Cameron Brodie, hides a serious illness. Bethan's healing from her own heartache, but the gorgeous doc and his young daughter bring light back into her life. Does she have the courage to give them her heart and grasp the happiness life still has in store.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Style book

    Style book: fashionable inspirations

    Elizabeth Walker

    Some looks come and go, but this collection of 472 images as tutely edited by a seasoned fashion expert and grouped into a dozen themes with staying powerwill inspire your personal style. True style transcends fashion. With her sharp eye and clever pen, long-time fashion editor and style maven Elizabeth Walker navigates fashion devotees through the recurring themes that define the essence of style. Handpicked from decades of archives, these iconic looks from famous stars and anonymous fashionistas include Diana Rosss striped jumpsuit, Marilyn Monroes simple sheath dress, Louis Armstrongs argyle socks, Kate Mosss bondage dress, Raquel Welchs itsy-bitsy bikini, Jackie Os embroidered peasant blouse, Lauren Huttons menswear suit, and Farrah Faucetts chainmail tank dress, as well as leopard print sunglasses, platform clogs, and a natty fedora. Clever juxtapositions of the images attest to the durability of these signature looks. A portrait of an Indian army commander clad in tartan from 1865 is paired with painter Fujita in plaid both men could have appeared on the catwalk of a Comme des Garcons show in Paris last week. Rocker Keith Richards and a chic model from the 50s sport animal-print details with dramatically different effects. This source book is all about proportion and contrasts, creative innovations, and rarely glimpsed photographs. From bold floral patterns to ethnic accents; from menswear and swimwear to one-piece ensembles; with metallics and beading, lace and feathers, this book offers endless inspiration from the style setters throughout history who have shirked the slavish dictates of runway trends in favor of a bespoke style drawing on classic themes.

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    Pocket · 2011



    You Gotta' Stand Up : The Life and High Times of John Henry Faulk

    You Gotta' Stand Up : The Life and High Times of John Henry Faulk

    Chris. Drake

    If it's true that we're known by the company we keep, then Texas humorist, First Amendment Advocate, "Hee Haw's homespun philosopher, and 1950s media blacklist buster, John Henry Faulk's character was first quality. His story intersects some of America's best and brightest: Eugene Victor Debs, the "Texas Triumvirate," Edward R. Murrow, Mark Goodson, Louis Nizer, Myrna Loy, Eleanor Roosevelt, Joe Papp, and host of others. Consciously risking a lucrative television career, he seized "the buz...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007



    Travellers' Tales

    Travellers' Tales

    Hidenori Kusaka

    Much can be learned about a person from the manner in which they travel. From heiresses to actors, aristocrats to pop stars, writers, composers, dancers and designers, here are the personalities who have travelled through our modern era, whether by train, plane, car or canoe, accompanied by luggage that defines good taste. With suitably glamorous style, over fifty individuals are described in witty and perceptive detail. Everyone who's anyone is here: from Madonna to Marilyn Monroe, from the Duchess of Windsor to Karl Lagerfeld, from Audrey Hepburn to Keith Richards, from the firm's eponymous founder Louis Vuitton to artist Jeff Koons, who has created his own controversial homage to the masters of art on the company's bags. Every traveller has a tale to tell: every bag reveals a personal secret. In her canvas Louis Vuitton bag Greta Garbo never kept more than a pair of blue espadrilles, flannel pyjamas and some pots of her favourite jam. (But she had a trunk specially made for her seventy pairs of Ferragamo shoes.) Ernest Hemingway, who owned and lost several Vuitton trunks, rediscovered in 1957 notes for a novel that he'd absentmindedly left in a trunk in the basement of the Paris Ritz some thirty years before. Richard Burton made sure that Elizabeth Taylor always had enough Louis Vuitton trunks (as well as furs and jewels), through both their marriages; in fact, the trunks outlasted her next two husbands as well.

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    Innbundet · 2018


    Opening Doors to Quality Writing - 6 to 9

    Opening Doors to Quality Writing - 6 to 9

    Bob Cox

    In Opening Doors to Famous Poetry and Prose, Bob Cox introduced teachers to engaging strategies which use literary heritage texts as the stimulus for excellent learning. This new companion book, Opening Doors to Quality Writing, for ages 6 to 9, puts the focus on pupils producing quality writing - developing their literacy skills and a love of reading in the process.In the course of his educational consultancy work, Bob has seen many teachers successfully use the scope and depth which literature can offer to inspire high standards, mastery learning and, above all, a love of language in its many forms. Schools using the 'opening doors' strategies told Bob they led to: More teacher empowerment and confidence.More knowledge building for pupils and teachers.A growing confidence with literature, including poetry.Planning from the top becoming a norm.Planning for mastery learning becoming a norm.Improved comprehension skills.Improved quality writing and associated exciment.They also asked Bob for further examples of inspiring, quality texts, and more ways in which pupils of all abilities can access them. Bob was only too happy to oblige.These 15 units of work cover poetry and prose: each unit provides exciting stimulus material, creative ideas for writing projects, and differentiation and support strategies, meaning all pupils can achieve the quality writing objectives. All the units should help teachers facilitate understanding of the challenging texts and maximise the huge potential for quality writing. Discover a multitude of ready-to-use ideas, inspired by classic literature and great writers' works, along with plenty of new strategies and advice.Units include:Part 1: Opening doors to poetry1. His Waistcoat and Trousers Were Made of Pork Chops - 'The New Vestments' by Edward Lear 2. Prefabulous Animiles - 'The Hippocrump' by James Reeves 3. Slowly the Tide Creeps Up the Sand - 'Slowly' by James Reeves 4. Colour Your World - 'What is Pink?' by Christina Rossetti 5. The Nymph and the Goblin - 'Overheard on a Saltmarsh' by Harold Monro 6. Pictures in My Head - 'A Child's Thought' by Robert Louis Stevenson 7. He's Behind You! - 'The Elf Singing' by William Allingham 8. The Sounds of Silence - 'Lonely Street' by Francisco Lopez Merino 9. Pond Dipping - 'Daddy Fell into the Pond' by Alfred NoyesPart 2: Opening doors to prose10. The Making of World-pap - The Water Babies: A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby by Charles 11. Master No-book and the Fairy Teach-all - Uncle David's Nonsensical Story about Giants and Fairies by Catherine Sinclair12. Turning the Key - The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett 13. The Old Oak Chest - The Riddle by Walter de la Mare 14. The Winking Scarecrow - The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum 15. The Psammead - Five Children and It by E. Nesbit

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Opening Doors to Famous Poetry and Prose : Ideas and resources for accessing literary heritage works

    Opening Doors to Famous Poetry and Prose : Ideas and resources for accessing literary heritage works

    Bob. Cox

    Illustrations and innovative ideas to help pupils access the meaning and wonder of the text add to the book's appeal.The UK Government National Curriculum Assessment for 2016 sample material includes past literature examples. Opening Doors to Famous Poetry and Prose contains 20 units of classic literature for use in the classroom.Pupils are encouraged, throughout the units of work, to engage with language, invent questions and write with flair and accuracy, bringing literature from the past to life and opening doors to further reading and exploration.Also included is an introduction to the concepts used in the book and suggestions for a range of methods and pathways which can lead to language development and literary appreciation. Although the units are diverse and have a range of poetry and prose for teachers to use, the book presents cohesive methods for engaging children with a variety of different literary texts and improving standards of literacy.Opening Doors both informs and excites. It contains everything you need for outstanding English lessons, including a free CD full of resources for primary English, including extracts from the literary works and activities to get started with. Let's begin.For teachers of 7-13 year olds and lower Secondary.Contents include:Part 1: Opening doors to poetry1. Voices on the Sharp Air - 'The Call' by Charlotte Mew2. Sunset - 'Great City' by Harold Monro3. The Abbot and the Rover - 'The Inchcape Rock' by Robert Southey4. Sickness - 'The Land of Counterpane' by Robert Louis Stevenson 5. Paths of Mystery - 'The Path' by Edward Thomas6. Zero at the Bone - 'Snake' by Emily DickinsonPart 2: Opening doors to prose7. Moon Seeds - The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells8. A Ghastly Waxwork - Great Expectations by Charles Dickens9. Through Beauty's Eyes - Black Beauty by Anna Sewell10. Code Breaking - A Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne 11. Playing Cards in Wonderland - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll12. Windswept Pavilion - 'The Pavilion on the Links' by Robert Louis Stevenson13. The Face and Hands of a Vampire - Dracula by Bram Stoker14. Fire at Thornfield - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte15. Whirlpool! - 'Descent into the Maelstrom' by Edgar Allan PoePart 3: The other side of the door: poetry for writing16. The Crag and the Sea - 'The Eagle' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson17. Images in a Candle Flame - 'Old Furniture' by Thomas Hardy18. Horses Born with Eagles' Wings - 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' by Robert Browning 19. I Shot an Arrow ... - 'The Arrow and the Song' by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow20. Cat Moments - 'The Kitten and Falling Leaves' by William Wordsworth

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Theorem proving in higher order logics : 15th international conference, TPHOLs 2002, Hampton, VA, USA, August 20-23, 2002 : proceedings

    Theorem proving in higher order logics : 15th international conference, TPHOLs 2002, Hampton, VA, USA, August 20-23, 2002 : proceedings

    Thisvolumecontainstheproceedingsofthe 15th International Conference on TheoremProvinginHigherOrderLogics(TPHOLs2002)heldon20-23August 2002inHampton,Virginia,USA. Theconferenceservesasavenueforthep- sentationofworkintheoremprovinginhigher-orderlogics,andrelatedareas indeduction,formalspeci?cation,softwareandhardwareveri?cation,andother applications. Eachofthe34paperssubmittedinthefullresearchcategorywasrefereedby atleastthreereviewersfromtheprogramcommitteeorbyareviewerappointed bytheprogramcommittee. Ofthesesubmissions,20paperswereacceptedfor presentationattheconferenceandpublicationinthisvolume. Followingawell-establishedtraditioninthisconferenceseries,TPHOLs2002 alsoo?eredavenueforthepresentationofworkinprogress. Fortheworkin progresstrack,shortintroductorytalksweregivenbyresearchers,followedby anopenpostersessionforfurtherdiscussion. Papersacceptedforpresentation inthistrackhavebeenpublishedasConferenceProceedingsCPNASA-2002- 211736. TheorganizerswouldliketothankRickyButlerandG'erardHuetforgra- fullyacceptingourinvitationtogivetalksatTPHOLs2002. RickyButlerwas instrumentalintheformationoftheFormalMethodsprogramattheNASA LangleyResearchCenterandhasledthegroupsinceitsbeginnings.TheNASA LangleyFormalMethodsgroup,underRickyButler'sguidance,hasfunded, beeninvolvedin,orin?uencedmanyformalveri?cationprojectsintheUSover morethantwodecades. In1998G'erardHuetreceivedtheprestigiousHerbrand Awardforhisfundamentalcontributionstotermrewritingandtheoremproving inhigher-orderlogic,aswellasmanyotherkeycontributionstothe?eldof- tomatedreasoning. HeistheoriginatoroftheCoqSystem,underdevelopment atINRIA-Rocquencourt. Dr. Huet'scurrentmaininterestiscomputationall- guistics,howeverhisworkcontinuestoin?uenceresearchersaroundtheworldin awidespectrumofareasintheoreticalcomputerscience,formalmethods,and softwareengineering. ThevenueoftheTPHOLsconferencetraditionallychangescontinenteach yearinordertomaximizethelikelihoodthatresearchersfromallovertheworld willattend.Startingin1993,theproceedingsofTPHOLsanditspredecessor workshopshavebeenpublishedinthefollowingvolumesoftheSpringer-Verlag LectureNotesinComputerScienceseries: 1993(Canada) 780 1998(Australia)1479 1994(Malta) 859 1999(France) 1690 1995(USA) 971 2000(USA) 1869 1996(Finland)1125 2001(UK) 2152 1997(USA) 1275 VI Preface The2002conferencewasorganizedbyateamfromNASALangleyResearch Center,theICASEInstituteatLangleyResearchCenter,andConcordiaU- versity. FinancialsupportcamefromIntelCorporation. Thesupportofallthese organizationsisgratefullyacknowledged. August2002 V'?ctorA. Carreno " C'esarA. Muno "z VII Organization TPHOLs2002isorganizedbyNASALangleyandICASEincooperationwith ConcordiaUniversity. Organizing Committee ConferenceChair: V'?ctorA. Carren"o(NASALangley) ProgramChair: C'esarA. Muno "z(ICASE,NASALaRC) So?'eneTahar(ConcordiaUniversity) ProgramCommittee MarkAagaard(Waterloo) MichaelKohlhase(CMU&Saarland) DavidBasin(Freiburg) ThomasKropf(Bosch) V'?ctorCarren"o(NASALangley) TomMelham(Glasgow) Shiu-KaiChin(Syracuse) JStrotherMoore(Texas,Austin) PaulCurzon(Middlesex) C'esarMuno "z(ICASE,NASALaRC) GillesDowek(INRIA) SamOwre(SRI) HaraldGanzinger(MPISaarbruc ken) ChristinePaulin-Mohring(INRIA) GaneshGopalakrishnan(Utah) LawrencePaulson(Cambridge) JimGrundy(Intel) FrankPfenning(CMU) ElsaGunter(NJIT) KlausSchneider(Karlsruhe) JohnHarrison(Intel) HennySipma(Stanford) DougHowe(Carleton) KonradSlind(Utah) BartJacobs(Nijmegen) DonSyme(Microsoft) PaulJackson(Edinburgh) So?'eneTahar(Concordia) SaraKalvala(Warwick) WaiWong(HongKongBaptist) Additional Reviewers OtmaneAit-Mohamed AlfonsGeser HaraldRuess BehzadAkbarpour HanneGottliebsen LeonvanderTorre NancyDay MikeKishinevsky TomasUribe BenDiVito HansdeNivelle Jean-ChristopheFilliatre AndrewPitts Invited Speakers RickyButler(NASALangley) G'erardHuet(INRIA) VIII Preface Sponsoring Institutions NASALangley ICASE ConcordiaUniversity INTEL Table of Contents Invited Talks FormalMethodsatNASALangley...1 RickyButler HigherOrderUni?cation30YearsLater...3 G' erardHuet Regular Papers CombiningHigherOrderAbstractSyntaxwithTacticalTheoremProving and(Co)Induction ...13 Simon J. Ambler,RoyL. Crole,AlbertoMomigliano E?cientReasoningaboutExecutableSpeci?cationsinCoq...31 GillesBarthe,PierreCourtieu Veri?edBytecodeModelCheckers...47 DavidBasin,StefanFriedrich,MarekGawkowski The5ColourTheoreminIsabelle/Isar...67 GertrudBauer,TobiasNipkow Type-TheoreticFunctionalSemantics...83 YvesBertot,VenanzioCapretta,KuntalDasBarman AProposalforaFormalOCLSemanticsinIsabelle/HOL...99 AchimD. Brucker,BurkhartWol? ExplicitUniversesfortheCalculusofConstructions...115 Judica. elCourant FormalisedCutAdmissibilityforDisplayLogic...131 JeremyE. Dawson,RajeevGor'e FormalizingtheTradingTheoremfortheClassi?cationofSurfaces...148 ChristopheDehlinger,Jean-Fran,coisDufourd Free-StyleTheoremProving...164 DavidDelahaye AComparisonofTwoProofCritics:Powervs. Robustness...182 LouiseA. Dennis,AlanBundy X TableofContents Two-LevelMeta-reasoninginCoq...198 AmyP. Felty PuzzleTool:AnExampleofProgrammingComputationandDeduction . . 214 MichaelJ. C. Gordon AFormalApproachtoProbabilisticTermination...230 JoeHurd UsingTheoremProvingforNumericalAnalysis...246 MicaelaMayero QuotientTypes:AModularApproach...263 AlekseyNogin SequentSchemaforDerivedRules ...281 AlekseyNogin,JasonHickey AlgebraicStructuresandDependentRecords ...298 VirgilePrevosto,DamienDoligez,Th' er' eseHardin ProvingtheEquivalenceofMicrostepandMacrostepSemantics...314 KlausSchneider WeakestPreconditionforGeneralRecursiveProgramsFormalizedinCoq .

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2002



    Never Ending Stories

    Never Ending Stories

    Ralf Beil

    The loop is omnipresent-whether in music and video art, or hotel lobbies and living rooms, where flickering flames or aquariums with ceaselessly darting fish run continually on monitors. At the same time, the self-contained circuit, the endless loop, has been a theme in the fields of cultural history, alchemy, religion, and philosophy since classical antiquity, at the latest. With Never Ending Stories, the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg presents the first extensive examination of the loop phenomenon in art, film, architecture, music, literature, and cultural history, taking a comprehensive interdisciplinary look at the subject as regards time and place as well as form and content.?The exhibition will be accompanied by an extensive scholarly catalogue edited by Ralf Beil, which will shed light on this multifaceted theme, examining it from the aspects of science, literature, and creativity. Featuring thirteen essays, numerous original sources, and more than three hundred illustrations, this catalogue is a foundational work that revolves persistently around its theme, constantly opening up new and surprising perspectives and insights.With works by:Adel Abdessemed, Abramovic/Ulay, Francis Alys, Robert Barta, Thomas Bayrle, Max Beckmann, Joseph Beuys, Michel Blazy, Etienne-Louis Boullee, Marcel Broodthaers, Julio Cortazar, Salvador Dali, Marcel Duchamp, Thomas A. Edison, Omer Fast, Leon Ferrari, Sandra Filic, Robert Filiou, Fischli/Weiss, Robert Fludd, Douglas Gordon, Rodney Graham, Max Grau, Anton Henning, Seiko Hirata, James Joyce, William Kentridge, Athanasius Kircher, Ragnar Kjartansson, Kraftwerk, Yayoi Kusama, Stanley Kubrick, Robert Muller, Juan Munoz, Eadweard Muybridge, Bruce Nauman, Markus Raetz, Bridget Riley, Peter Roehr, Raymond Roussel, Gregor Schneider, Richard Serra, Schunso Shoju, Nedko Solakov, Daniel Spoerri, Gertrude Stein, Roland Topor, Salla Tykka, Gunther Uecker, Andy Warhol et al.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


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