Viser resultat for 'Larry E.'
Clinical Chemistry
Michael L. Bishop, Edward P. Fody, Larry E. Schoeff
Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Techniques, and Correlations, Enhanced Eighth Edition demonstrates the how, what, why, and when of clinical testing and testing correlations to help you develop the interpretive and analytic skills you’ll need in your future career.
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Pocket · 2020
Loving Your Wife as Christ Loves the Church
Larry E McCall
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (BMH Books) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Pocket · 2009
Measuring Race and Ethnicity
Larry E. Davis
Racial and ethnic issues stand at the core of social, political, and economic concerns in an increasingly diverse America. Accordingly, how individuals from the various ethnic groups regard themselves and others is a salient focus of research studies across the disciplines. Measuring Race and Ethnicity gathers psychological measures of common phenomena such as racial identity, acculturation, and intra- and intergroup relations enabling researchers to compare concepts across groups and better evaluate differences and disparities. Researchers in psychology, social work, and public health examining cultural and race-related topics will find an immediately relevant source of valid and reliable scales in Measuring Race and Ethnicity."
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Innbundet · 2010
Larry E. Tise
Probing at the very core of the American political consciousness from the colonial period through the early republic, this thorough and unprecedented study by Larry E. Tise suggests that American proslavery thought, far from being an invention of the slave-holding South, had its origins in the crucible of conservative New England.Proslavery rhetoric, Tise shows, came late to the South, where the heritage of Jefferson's ideals was strongest and where, as late as the 1830s, most slaveowners would have agreed that slavery was an evil to be removed as soon as possible. When the rhetoric did come, it was often in the portmanteau of ministers who moved south from New England, and it arrived as part of a full-blown ideology. When the South finally did embrace proslavery, the region was placed not at the periphery of American thought but in its mainstream.
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Innbundet · 2018
Stalin's World War II Evacuations
Larry E. Holmes
In the face of the German onslaught in World War II, the Soviets succeeded, as Molotov later recalled, "in relocating to the rear virtually an entire industrial country." It was an official declared "one of the greatest feats of the war." Focusing on the Kirov region, this book offers a different and considerably more nuanced picture of the evacuations than the typical triumphal narrative found in Soviet history. In its depiction of the complexities of the displacement and relocation of populations, Stalin's World War II Evacuations also has remarkable relevance in our time of mass migrations of refugees from war-torn nations.
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Innbundet · 2017
English translations of the Scandinavian medieval ballads : an analytical guide and bibliography
Larry E. Syndergaard
These proceedings cover all the presentations from the conference which include a review of styrenic TPE with improved compression set for sealing applications, a new TPE with high vibration damping characteristics and high performance TPE compounds suitable for medical/pharmaceutical use. New processing techniques for compounding TPVs together with new TPVs for automotive applications and the UV performance of TPVs were also amongst the topics for discussion.
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Pocket · 1995
Norsk Bokmål
Fundamentals of Neurologic Disease
Larry E. Davis
This textbook is intended for students in neurology and a variety of related disciplines who wish to learn the basic principles of neurology and to understand common neurologic diseases. It is designed to be read from cover to cover in a 3-4 week neurology rotation, or in a classroom situation, giving the reader a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of neurology. The initial chapters cover the basic approach a clinician takes when encountering a patient with a neurologic problem, the key elements of the neurologic exam, and an overview of common neurologic tests. They discuss how to use
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Pocket · 2005
Norsk Bokmål
The 12 Principles of Manufacturing Excellence
Larry E. Fast
Following in the tradition of its bestselling predecessor, The 12 Principles of Manufacturing Excellence: A Lean Leader's Guide to Achieving and Sustaining Excellence, Second Edition outlines a comprehensive, proven process for delivering world-class performance while also cultivating the right culture through leadership, mentoring, and hourly associate involvement.While most books on continuous improvement focus on specific tools and methods, this book details a top-down strategy and process that Lean leaders can use to implement and sustain manufacturing excellence. It outlines a clear pathway to excellence via the 12 Principles of Manufacturing Excellence and provides a method for tracking progress-plant by plant and function by function.This updated edition includes a new chapter on real stories about poor leadership at the top. Also featured are new and updated figures and exhibits. It contains chapters devoted to each principle of manufacturing excellence along with a chapter on each leader's role. Illustrating the importance of using Lean and Six Sigma tools to improve your business, the book:Details a comprehensive approach for achieving and sustaining excellence-from board room strategy to shop floor executionIntegrates strategy and leadership development Paves a path for culture change that prepares hourly employees to take control of their processes and prepares management to enable them to do itDetails an audit process for identifying priorities for improvement and tracking progress and ensuring sustainabilityTapping into more than four decades of leadership experience, 35 years of it in the manufacturing industry, Larry Fast explains how to achieve both vertical and horizontal alignment across your organization. Like the previous edition, the book includes a CD with color versions of the images in the book, a manufacturing excellence reading list, and formulas for selected metrics.The CD also includes a sample manufacturing excellence audit (a powerful tool to achieve and sustain the journey), a sample communications plan, a sample communications plan calendar, a sample training plan, and a new Project Prioritization worksheet-all of which can be easily customized to meet your organization's specific needs.
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Innbundet · 2015
Circa 1903
Larry E. Tise
Standing along the coast of today's Outer Banks, it can be hard to envision the barrier island world at Kitty Hawk as it appeared to Wilbur and Orville Wright when they first arrived in 1900 to begin their famous experiments leading to the world's first powered flight three years later. Around 1903, the islands and inland seas of North Carolina's coast were distinctive maritime realms-seemingly at the ends of the earth. But as the Wrights soon recognized, the region was far more developed than they expected. This rich photographic history illuminates this forgotten barrier island world as it existed when the Wright brothers arrived. Larry E. Tise shows that while the banks seemed remote, its maritime communities huddled near lighthouses and lifesaving stations and busy fisheries were linked to the mainland and offered precisely the resources needed by the Wrights as they invented flight. Tise presents dozens of newly discovered images never before published and others rarely seen or understood. His book offers fresh light on the life, culture, and environment of the Carolina coast at the opening of the twentieth century, an era marked by transportation revolutions and naked racial divisions. Tise subtly shows how unexplored photographs reveal these dramatic changes and in the process transforms how we've thought of the Outer Banks for more than a century.
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Pocket · 2019
Integrative Assessment of Adult Personality
Larry E., T. Mark, Gary Groth-Marnat
Som ny, helt uten markeringer
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Innbundet · 2011
In the Wake of Lewis and Clark
Larry E. Morris
In this book, Larry E. Morris complements the compelling story he began with The Fate of Corps, named a History Book Club selection and a Choice magazine Outstanding Academic Title. Illustrating how Thomas Jefferson's vision of a sea-to-sea empire gave rise to the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Morris in turn shows how the expedition impacted a host of fascinating individuals: John Colter, the first European to see Yellowstone, who helped William Clark create his master map of the West; John Jacob Astor, the prominent fur-trade entrepreneur who launched the second American trek to the Pacific; Ramsay Crooks, an "Astorian" adventurer present for the discovery of the Tetons, Hells Canyon, and South Pass who later became one of the most important merchants in the history of the fur trade; Thomas Hart Benton, a North Carolina native who went west after nearly killing Andrew Jackson in a gunfight and became the US Senate's most powerful voice for Western expansion-and the father-in-law of "the Pathfinder," John C. Fremont; and General Stephen Watts Kearny, whose conquest of California during the Mexican War fulfilled Jefferson's vision of a nation that spanned the continent.
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Innbundet · 2018
Introductory Statistics for the Health Sciences
USA) DeShea Lise (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Oklahoma City, USA) Toothaker Larry E. (University of Oklahoma Norman
Introductory Statistics for the Health Sciences takes students on a journey to a wilderness where science explores the unknown, providing students with a strong, practical foundation in statistics. Using a color format throughout, the book contains engaging figures that illustrate real data sets from published research. Examples come from many areas of the health sciences, including medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, and physical therapy, but are understandable to students in any field. The book can be used in a first-semester course in a health sciences program or in a service course for undergraduate students who plan to enter a health sciences program.The book begins by explaining the research context for statistics in the health sciences, which provides students with a framework for understanding why they need statistics as well as a foundation for the remainder of the text. It emphasizes kinds of variables and their relationships throughout, giving a substantive context for descriptive statistics, graphs, probability, inferential statistics, and interval estimation. The final chapter organizes the statistical procedures in a decision tree and leads students through a process of assessing research scenarios.Web ResourceThe authors have partnered with William Howard Beasley, who created the illustrations in the book, to offer all of the data sets, graphs, and graphing code in an online data repository via GitHub. A dedicated website gives information about the data sets and the authors' electronic flashcards for iOS and Android devices. These flashcards help students learn new terms and concepts.
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Innbundet · 2015
Integrative Assessment of Adult Personality: Third Edition
T. Mark, Larry E., Gary Groth-Marnat
A complete, thorough, and pragmatic guide to clinical assessment, this authoritative book meets a key need for both students and practitioners. T. Mark Harwood, Larry E. Beutler, Gary Groth-Marnat, and their associates describe how to construct a "moving picture" of each patient by integrating data from a variety of sources. Included are detailed, systematic reviews of widely used instruments together with strategies for selecting the best methods for particular referral questions. Readers learn to conduct integrated assessments that take the complexities of the individual personality into account, serve as the basis for developing an effective treatment plan, and facilitate meaningful reporting and client feedback.<br><br>New to This Edition<br>*Incorporates the latest research findings and assessment/treatment planning tools.<br>*Chapters on the Personality Assessment Inventory and the NEO-PI-R and NEO-PI-3.<br>*A new extended case example runs throughout the chapters.<br>*Critically evaluates the recently published MMPI-2-RF.
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Pocket · 2011
Mary Edwards Bryan
Jr. Brown Canter, Larry E. Rivers
Mary Edwards Bryan became one of America's best-known writers of popular fiction in the nineteenth century. She reached literary success despite a tough frontier life, the upheavals of secession and war, disruptive affairs with authors and politicians, the tensions of emancipation, and pervading post-war economic disorder. Pairing historical insights with selections of Bryan's best writing, this book illustrates how the obstacles she overcame shaped what she wrote.Bryan's life in Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana shows how men often oppressed women-in her case, as fathers and husbands-but also sometimes allowed aspiring women writers key opportunities as publishers and editors of literary journals. This book reintroduces to the world a courageous and creative talent who yearned to express herself while navigating the restrictive morals and conventions of Victorian society.
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Innbundet · 2015
Clinical chemistry: Techniques, principles, correlations
Michael L., Edward P., Larry E.
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Innbundet · 2010
Data processing documentation and procedures manual : Larry E. Long
Larry Long
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Pocket · 1979
Communication Between Cultures
Edwin McDaniel, Carolyn Roy, Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter
Emphasizing the roles that family, religion, and history play in intercultural communication, COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CULTURES, 9E helps you increase your understanding and appreciation of different cultures while developing practical skills for improving your communication with people from other cultures. Bringing chapter concepts to life, the text is packed with the latest research and compelling examples that help you take a look at your own assumptions, perceptions, and cultural biases so you can see the subtle and profound ways culture affects communication. The ninth edition also includes insightful discussions of the impact of globalization, a new chapter on intercultural communication competence, and extensive coverage of new technology.
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Pocket · 2015
Communication Between Cultures: International edition
Larry A., Richard E., Edwin R., Carolyn S.
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Pocket · 2013
Communication between cultures : International edition
Larry A., Richard E., Edwin R.
Ulike kulturer og kommunikasjon
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Pocket · 2010
Pocket · 2010
Dreams That Can Save Your Life
C.E.H.P. Burk Larry M.D., Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos
An exploration of dreams as a spiritual source of healing and inner guidance for your health and well-being
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Pocket · 2018
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