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Viser resultat for 'Karl Marc'

    KapitaletKapitalet : kritik av den politiska ekonomin. 2 : Kapitalets cirkulationsprocess

    KapitaletKapitalet : kritik av den politiska ekonomin. 2 : Kapitalets cirkulationsprocess

    Karl Marc

    Mens første bok handler om kapitalens produksjonsprosess, altså forholdet mellom arbeidere og kapitalister i produksjonen og om hvordan utbyttinga foregår, dreier andre bok seg om kapitalens sirkulasjonsprosess. Der ser vi i enda høyere grad hvordan kapitalen opererer på samfunnsmessig nivå og hvordan merverdi og profittrate ikke bare er begreper, men hvordan de aktivt spiller en rolle også for økonomisk politikk, fordelingspolitikk og så videre. I første kapittel beskriver Marx pengekapitalens kretsløp, hvordan først penger byttes mot varer når kapitalisten investerer, P – V. Så brukes varene i produksjonen der arbeidet skaper merverdie og den nye verdien V’ oppstår for så igjen å omdannes til penger gjennom salget, altså V’ – P’. Marx viser hvordan kapitalisten bare kan bevare kapitalen gjennom å øke den, altså P – V … V’ – P’. Dette er formelen for kapitalens tvang mot kontinuerlig vekst, og det er denne dynamikken som ligger bak den eksplosjonsartede veksten verden har sett siden kapitalismens gjennombrudd. P–V–P’ er i prinsippet ikke noe annet enn en spesiell variant av eksponentialfunksjonen. Og hvorfor denne typen vekst er umulig i det lange løp har vi forklart her.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1971


    kr 89
    kr 89

    Economic Anthropology

    Economic Anthropology

    Christine Hannemann

    This book is a new introduction to the history and practice of economic anthropology by two leading authors in the field. They show that anthropologists have contributed to understanding the three great questions of modern economic history: development, socialism and one-world capitalism. In doing so, they connect economic anthropology to its roots in Western philosophy, social theory and world history. Up to the Second World War anthropologists tried and failed to interest economists in their exotic findings. They then launched a vigorous debate over whether an approach taken from economics was appropriate to the study of non-industrial economies. Since the 1970s, they have developed a critique of capitalism based on studying it at home as well as abroad. The authors aim to rejuvenate economic anthropology as a humanistic project at a time when the global financial crisis has undermined confidence in free market economics. They argue for the continued relevance of predecessors such as Marcel Mauss and Karl Polanyi, while offering an incisive review of recent work in this field.Economic Anthropology is an excellent introduction for social science students at all levels, and it presents general readers with a challenging perspective on the world economy today. Selected by Choice as a 2013 Outstanding Academic Title

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Economic Anthropology

    Economic Anthropology

    Chris Hann, Keith Hart

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011


    kr 199

    Pocket · 2018


    kr 199

    Den levende Kierkegaard

    Den levende Kierkegaard

    René Maheu, Jean-Paul Sartre, Gabriel Marcel, Martin Heidegger, Karl Jaspers, Jeanne Hersch

    Hylle 187. Førsteutgave.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1969

    Norsk Bokmål


    Revolusjon eller reform?

    Revolusjon eller reform?

    Herbert Marcuse, Karl Popper

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1972

    Norsk Bokmål


    Revolusjon eller reform? : Herbert Marcuse og Karl Popper, en konfrontasjon

    Revolusjon eller reform? : Herbert Marcuse og Karl Popper, en konfrontasjon

    Herbert Marcuse

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1972

    Norsk Bokmål


    Multi-image analysis : 10th International Workshop on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, March 12-17, 2000 : revised papers

    Multi-image analysis : 10th International Workshop on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, March 12-17, 2000 : revised papers

    Karl Kinzel

    This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision, held at Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, in March 2000.<br>The 20 revised full papers presented have been through two rounds of reviewing, selection, and revision and give a representative assessment of the foundational issues in multiple-image processing. The papers are organized in topical sections on 3D data acquisition and sensor design, multi-image analysis, data fusion in 3D scene description, and applied 3D vision and virtual reality.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2001

    Norsk Bokmål


    Russians Are Coming, Again

    Russians Are Coming, Again

    Jeremy Kuzmarov, John Marciano

    Karl Marx famously wrote in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon that history repeats itself, "first as tragedy, then as farce." The Cold War waged between the United States and Soviet Union from 1945 until the latter's dissolution in 1991 was a great tragedy, resulting in millions of civilian deaths in proxy wars, and a destructive arms race that diverted money from social spending and nearly led to nuclear annihilation. The New Cold War between the United States and Russia is playing out as farce - a dangerous one at that. The Russians Are Coming, Again is a red flag to restore our historical consciousness about U.S.-Russian relations, and how denying this consciousness is leading to a repetition of past follies.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Pocket · 2018


    Martine Sitbon

    Martine Sitbon

    Marc Ascoli

    Martine Sitbon has become an icon among designers and fashionistas, earning her praise from Karl Lager- feld as being the only living French designer. Hand- picked to breathe new life into Chloe in the mid-1980s, and the first woman to be named designer at the house, while simultaneously working on her own ready-to-wear label, Sitbon has been at the helm of high fashion for decades. Martine Sitbon, sumptuously designed by longtime collaborator Marc Ascoli, deftly illustrates the looks that have built Sitbon's reputation-including her separates, draped and tucked organza minis, smart trenches, and sexy rocker-girl pieces-and shows how her style has made her not only a woman's designer, but a designer's designer, having spent years mentoring such respected tastemakers as Phoebe Philo and Isabel Marant. With never-before-seen sketches and photographs, this book allows readers to gain a better understanding of the designer's personal universe and inspirations that have until now been largely hidden from view.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77

    Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77

    Marc Andreyko, Jeff Parker

    The creative team of Jeff Parker (BATMAN '66, AQUAMAN), Marc Andreyko (BATWOMAN, MANHUNTER), Karl Kesel (HARLEY QUINN) and David Hahn (Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane) bring the greatest superheroes in the history of the small screen together at last in BATMAN '66 MEETS WONDER WOMAN '77, an all-new adventure that effortlessly captures the thrills, chills and nonstop fun of two legendary TV series! The world knows them as Bruce Wayne, his youthful ward Dick Grayson, and American agent Diana Prince. To grateful citizens and fearful villains, they're none other than Batman, Robin and Wonder Woman. But the paths of the Dynamic Duo and the Amazon Princess have never crossed...until now! The all-powerful enemy known as Ra's al Ghul and his League of Shadows are on the move, hunting for everlasting life and bent on world domination. Batman and Wonder Woman's quest to stop him will span the globe and the decades alike--from the time a 10-year-old Bruce Wayne faced the Nazi hordes, to the first full-fledged team-up between the heroes in 1966, to their reunion in the seventies, when Batman's former prot g s Robin and Batgirl have taken over their mentor's war on crime. Can these incredible guardians of goodness stop an immortal madman? Tune in--er, we mean turn the page--and find out! Collects BATMAN '66 MEETS WONDER WOMAN '77 #1-6.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    England's Great Transformation

    England's Great Transformation

    Marc W. Steinberg

    With England's Great Transformation, Marc W. Steinberg throws a wrench into our understanding of the English Industrial Revolution, largely revising the thesis at heart of Karl Polanyi's landmark The Great Transformation. The conventional wisdom has been that in the nineteenth century, England quickly moved toward a modern labor market where workers were free to shift from employer to employer in response to market signals. Expanding on recent historical research, Steinberg finds to the contrary that labor contracts, centered on insidious master-servant laws, allowed employers and legal institutions to work in tandem to keep employees in line. Building his argument on three case studies--the Hanley pottery industry, Hull fisheries, and Redditch needlemakers--Steinberg employs both local and national analyses to emphasize the ways in which these master-servant laws allowed employers to use the criminal prosecutions of workers to maintain control of their labor force. Steinberg provides a fresh perspective on the dynamics of labor control and class power, integrating the complex pathways of Marxism, historical institutionalism, and feminism, and giving readers a subtle yet revelatory new understanding of workplace control and power during England's Industrial Revolution.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


     Skatten i Sølvsjøen i 2 bind (bind 1 + bind 2)

    Skatten i Sølvsjøen i 2 bind (bind 1 + bind 2)

    Karl May

    Skatten i Sølvsjøen er tittelen på en eventyrroman av den tyske forfatteren Karl May (1842-1912), som også kan henføres til romansjangeren Ville Vesten. Skatten i sølvsjøen ble første gang publisert i 1890/1891 som en føljetong i bladet «Den gode kamerat»; den første bokutgaven kom i 1894. Karl Friedrich May (/maɪ/ MY, German: [kaʁl ˈmaɪ] (listen); 25 February 1842 – 30 March 1912) was a German author. He is best known for his 19th century novels of fictitious travels and adventures, set in the American Old West with Winnetou and Old Shatterhand as main protagonists and in the Orient and Middle East with fictional characters Kara Ben Nemsi and Hadschi Halef Omar. May also wrote novels set in Latin America, China and Germany, poetry, a play, and composed music; he was a proficient player of several musical instruments. Many of his works were adapted for film, theatre, audio dramas and comics. Later in his career, May turned to philosophical and spiritual genres. He is one of the best-selling German writers of all time, with about 200,000,000 copies sold worldwide.

    3.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1944

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 199
    kr 199

    The Murderer of Warren Street

    The Murderer of Warren Street

    Marc Mulholland

    A DAILY EXPRESS BOOK OF THE YEARREVOLUTIONARY. CONSPIRATOR. JAIL-BREAKER. FUGITIVE. DUELLIST. RADICAL. AND KILLER.ON 8 December 1854, Emmanuel Barthelemy visited 73 Warren Street in the heart of radical London for the very last time. Within half an hour, two men were dead.The newspapers of Victorian England were soon in a frenzy. Who was this foreigner come to British shores to slay two upstanding subjects? But Barthelemy was no ordinary criminal...Marc Mulholland reveals the true story of one of nineteenth-century London's most notorious murderers and revolutionaries. Following in Barthelemy's footsteps, he leads us from the barricades of the French capital to the English fireside of Karl Marx, and the dangling noose of London's Newgate prison, shining a light into a dark underworld of conspiracy, rebellion and fatal idealism.The Murderer of Warren Street is a thrilling portrait of a troubled man in troubled times - full of resonance for our own terrorised age.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Innbundet · 2018


    Liturgische Korper: Der Beitrag Von Schauspieltheorien Und -Techniken Fur Die Pastoralasthetik

    Liturgische Korper: Der Beitrag Von Schauspieltheorien Und -Techniken Fur Die Pastoralasthetik

    Marcus Ansgar Friedrich

    Was haben Schauspieler und Beter, Schauspielerin und Segnende, ein Schauspielensemble und die singende Gemeinde gemeinsam? Das vorliegende Buch widmet liturgischer Praxis mit schauspieltechnischen Mitteln erstmals eine umfassende Untersuchung und verleiht ihr pastoraltheologische Wie verkorpern sie ihre Aktionen im Gottesdienst? Und wie deuten sie ihr schopferische, die epische und die spirituelle Pastoralasthetik erwachsen aus dem Dialog mit paradigmatischen Schauspieltheorien des 20. Jahrhunderts - Konstantin Stanislawski, Bertolt Brecht und Jerzy Grotowski. Der Autor verarbeitet so unterschiedliche pastoraltheologische Ansatze wie die von Dorothee Solle und Karl-Heinrich Bieritz, von Dieter Stollberg und Manfred Josuttis. So entsteht eine kleine aktuelle Liturgiegeschichte seit 68, die besonders den Einfluss der Gottesdienst-Werkstatten und der Bibliodrama-Bewegung in ein neues Licht setzt.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2001





    Dag Andreassen, Frode Weium, Karl L. Kleve

    Donald Duck er flyentusiast, og det samme er folkene på Teknisk Museum. Der har de en stor samling med historiske fly, bl.a. maskinen til pioneren Tryggve Gran, som var førstemann til å fly over Nordsjøen i 1914, og de har spennende historier å fortelle om luftfartens historie! Tre utvalgte Donald-serier med flytema, tegnet av mestrene Carl Barks og Marco Rota, er satt sammen med hårreisende og muntre anekdoter fra flygningens pionertid. Det er blitt til en morsom og lærerik bok om luftens nysgjerrigperer, entreprenører og våghalser.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål


    Marcus Thrane

    Marcus Thrane: en foranskutt sosialdemokrat : et portrett i politisk idéhistorie

    Harald Berntsen

    Arbeiderlederen Marcus Thrane (1817-1890) var til tross for at han var samtidig med Karl Marx (1818-1883), aldri påvirka av de økonomiske og revolusjonære teoriene til Marx. I dette idéhistoriske portrettet av Marcus Thrane viser Harald Berntsen oss at mens Marx i London forberedte sitt hovedverk "Kapitalen", var Thrane opptatt av anarkister fra Proudhon til Stirner, de klassiske økonomene Smith og Ricardo og de franske fysiokratene Mirabeau og Quesnay. Thranes sosialisme baserte seg på de naturrettslige grunnpremissene til John Locke og Thomas Paine.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål


    Christian Modernism in an Age of Totalitarianism

    Christian Modernism in an Age of Totalitarianism

    UK) Kurlberg Jonas (University of Edinburgh

    With fascism on the march in Europe and a second World War looming, a group of Britain's leading intellectuals - including T.S. Eliot, Karl Mannheim, John Middleton Murry, J. H. Oldham and Michael Polanyi - gathered together to explore ways of revitalising a culture that seemed to have lost its way. The group called themselves `The Moot'. Drawing on previously unpublished archival documents, this is the first in-depth study of the group's work, writings and ideas in the decade of its existence from 1938-1947. Christian Modernism in an Age of Totalitarianism explores the ways in which an important and influential strand of Modernist thought in the interwar years turned back to Christian ideas to offer a blueprint for the revitalisation of European culture. In this way the book challenges conceptions of Modernism as a secular movement and sheds new light on the culture of the late Modernist period.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    Das Europäische Mittelalter im Spannungsbogen des Vergleichs : zwanzig internationale Beiträge zu Praxis, Problemen und Perspektiven der historischen Komparatistik

    Das Europäische Mittelalter im Spannungsbogen des Vergleichs : zwanzig internationale Beiträge zu Praxis, Problemen und Perspektiven der historischen Komparatistik

    Marc Blochs Pladoyer von 1927 fur eine vergleichende Geschichte des europaischen Mittelalters war zwar unter seinen Schulern und Enkelschulern nie ganz in Vergessenheit geraten. Doch offenkundig musste erst die westostliche Spaltung des Kontinents im Kalten Krieg uberwunden werden, damit neue, konzentrierte Anlaufe zur Realisierung des umsturzenden Geschichtskonzepts moglich wurden. Der Aufgabe, die interdisziplinare, transkulturelle und internationale Erforschung der mittelalterlichen Geschichte voranzutreiben, hat sich das "Institut fur vergleichende Geschichte Europas im Mittelalter" (IVGEM) an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin verschrieben. Zum Einstieg in seine langfristig angelegte Arbeit diente eine Tagung in Berlin im September 1999, auf der Mediavistinnen und Mediavisten aus allen Teilen Europas, aber auch aus Israel und den USA, uber Theorie, Methoden und Praxis des Vergleichs Erfahrungen, Erkenntnisse und Perspektiven austauschten. Der Sammelband bietet die Vortrage sowie erganzende Beitrage russischer und polnischer Autorinnen und Autoren. Mit Beitragen von Patrick J. Geary, Otto Gerhard Oexle, Janos M. Bak, Hans-Werner Goetz, Francois Menant, Slawomir Gawlas, Jan M. Piskorski, Johannes Helmrath, Daniela Rando, Gadi Algazi, Tore Nyberg, David L. dAvray, Sverre Bagge, Marina Paramonova, Svetlana Loutchitskaja, Geoffrey W. S. Barrow, Bernd Schneidmuller, Karl-Heinz Spiess, Jerzy Strzelczyk, Frank Rexroth, Michael Borgolte."

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2001



    Fra Marx til Habermas : samfundsudvikling og offentlig regulering

    Fra Marx til Habermas : samfundsudvikling og offentlig regulering

    Jørgen Lindegaard Pedersen: Karl Marx. Torben Grønnebæk Hansen: Thorstein Veblen. Egil Fivelsdal: Max Weber. Helge Tetzschner: Robert Michels. Povl Erik Jensen: Joseph A. Schumpeter. Torben Agersnap: Theodor Geiger. Aage Tarp: ThorkilKristensen. Agnete Weis Bentzon: Verner Goldschmidt. Finn Valentin: Andrew Shonfield. Henning Sørensen: Morris Janowitz. Søren Christensen: James G. March. Heine Andersen: Jürgen Habermas

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1988



    Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77

    Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77

    Jeff Parker

    The creative team of Jeff Parker (BATMAN '66, AQUAMAN), Marc Andreyko (BATWOMAN, MANHUNTER), Karl Kesel (HARLEY QUINN) and David Hahn (Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane) bring the greatest superheroes in the history of the small screen together at last in BATMAN '66 MEETS WONDER WOMAN '77, an all-new adventure that effortlessly captures the thrills, chills and nonstop fun of two legendary TV series! The world knows them as Bruce Wayne, his youthful ward Dick Grayson, and American agent Diana Prince. To grateful citizens and fearful villains, they're none other than Batman, Robin and Wonder Woman. But the paths of the Dynamic Duo and the Amazon Princess have never crossed...until now! The all-powerful enemy known as Ra's al Ghul and his League of Shadows are on the move, hunting for everlasting life and bent on world domination. Batman and Wonder Woman's quest to stop him will span the globe and the decades alike--from the time a 10-year-old Bruce Wayne faced the Nazi hordes, to the first full-fledged team-up between the heroes in 1966, to their reunion in the seventies, when Batman's former prot g s Robin and Batgirl have taken over their mentor's war on crime. Can these incredible guardians of goodness stop an immortal madman? Tune in--er, we mean turn the page--and find out! Collects BATMAN '66 MEETS WONDER WOMAN '77 #1-6.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


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