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Viser resultat for 'K. E. Schreiner'

    Zur Osteologie der Lappen

    Zur Osteologie der Lappen

    K. E. Schreiner

    Hylle K To bind.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1931


    kr 2000
    kr 2000



    K. E. Schreiner

    Hylle K

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1945


    kr 500
    kr 500



    K. E. Schreiner

    Hylle K. Stort format i to bind. Slitte papiromslag. Bind 1 i tysk, bind 2 i engelsk tekst.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1939


    kr 800
    kr 800

    Edvard Munch: Som vi kjente ham

    Edvard Munch: Som vi kjente ham

    K. E. Schreiner, Johs. Roede, Ingeborg Motzfeldt Løchen, Titus Vibe Müller, Birgit Prestøe, Davdid Bergendahl, Christian Bergendahl, Christian Gierløff, Pola Gaugin, L. O. Ravensberg

    Dreyers forlag. Vennene forteller. Professor K. E. Schreiner, Overrettsaksfører Johs. Roede, Fru Ingeborg Motzfeldt Løchen, Filmregisør Titus Vibe Müller, Frk. Birgit Prestøe, Bestyrer David Bergendahl, Forfatter Christian Gierfløff, Maleren Pola Gauguin, Lektor Sigurd Høst og Maleren L. O. Ravensberg.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1946

    Norsk Bokmål


    Skjelettene fra Træna

    Skjelettene fra Træna

    K. E. Schreiner, Gutorm Gjessing

    Hylle K. Stort format. Dårlig forside på perm.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1943

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 500
    kr 500

    Crania Norvegia I. Serie B, bok XXXVI

    Crania Norvegia I. Serie B, bok XXXVI

    K.E. Schreiner

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1939



    Zur ostelogie der lappen 1-3

    Zur ostelogie der lappen 1-3: serie B - Bok XVIII 1-3

    K.E. Schreiner

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1945



    Real algebraic geometry : proceedings of the conference held in Rennes, France, June 24-28, 1991

    Real algebraic geometry : proceedings of the conference held in Rennes, France, June 24-28, 1991

    Ten years after the first Rennes international meeting on real algebraic geometry, the second one looked at the developments in the subject during the intervening decade - see the 6 survey papers listed below. Further contributions from the participants on recent research covered real algebra and geometry, topology of real algebraic varieties and 16thHilbert problem, classical algebraic geometry, techniques in real algebraic geometry, algorithms in real algebraic geometry, semialgebraic geometry, real analytic geometry. CONTENTS: Survey papers: M. Knebusch: Semialgebraic topology in the last ten years.- R. Parimala: Algebraic and topological invariants of real algebraic varieties.- Polotovskii, G.M.: On the classification of decomposing plane algebraic curves.- Scheiderer, C.: Real algebra and its applications to geometry in the last ten years: some major developments and results.- Shustin, E.L.: Topology of real plane algebraic curves.- Silhol, R.: Moduli problems in real algebraic geometry. Further contributions by: S. Akbulut and H. King; C. Andradas and J. Ruiz; A. Borobia; L. Br|cker; G.W. Brumfield; A. Castilla; Z. Charzynski and P. Skibinski; M. Coste and M. Reguiat; A.Degtyarev; Z. Denkowska; J.-P. Francoise and F. Ronga; J.M. Gamboa and C. Ueno; D. Gondard- Cozette; I.V. Itenberg; P. Jaworski; A. Korchagin; T. Krasinksi and S. Spodzieja; K. Kurdyka; H. Lombardi; M. Marshall and L. Walter; V.F. Mazurovskii; G. Mikhalkin; T. Mostowski and E. Rannou; E.I. Shustin; N. Vorobjov.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1992



    Russia S Agro-Food Sector: Towards Truly Functioning Markets

    Russia S Agro-Food Sector: Towards Truly Functioning Markets

    Peter Wehrheim

    While this book presents the results of comprehensive and cooperative international reseirch, this effort would not have been successful without the assistance of various institutions and personalities. Financial support for the conference was received from the Volkswagen Foundation, Germany, and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) which is gratefully acknowledged. The Deutsche Ralffeisenverband kindly contributed to hosting the international group of researchers in Bonn. For their valuable comments we also thank: Uwe Eiteljorge, Johannes Jutting, Amim Kuhn, Witold-Roger Poganietz, Matin Qaim, Alexandra Schleier, Ludwig Striewe, Jllrgen Wandel, Peter Weingarten, Manfred Wiebelt and Susanna Wolf. The editors also acknowledge the help provided by James Creed, Karin Clark, and Ulla Knodt in checking language and style of the articles, most of them written by non-native speakers. Martin Grub, Tina Klebsch, and Andrea Stang have been helpful in providing technical assistance needed to prepare the manuscript. Bonn Peter Wehrheim Eugenia V. Serova Moscow Halle/Saale Klaus Frohberg Bonn Joachim von Braun January 2000 x Russia's Agro-food Sector: Towards Truly Functioning Markets Wehrheim, P., E. V. Serova, K. Frohberg, and J. von Braun (eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1 - 8 SECTION 1 Introduction and Overview Peter Wehrheim, Eugenia V. Serova, Klaus Frohberg, and Joachim von Braun 1. INTRODUCTION This publication takes a close look at the agro-food economy in Russia.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2000



    Fast software encryption : 6th international workshop, FSE'99, Rome, Italy, March 24-26, 1999 : proceedings

    Fast software encryption : 6th international workshop, FSE'99, Rome, Italy, March 24-26, 1999 : proceedings

    TheFastSoftwareEncryptionWorkshop1999isthesixthinaseriesofworkshops startinginCambridgeinDecember1993. TheworkshopwasorganizedbyGeneralChairWilliamWolfowicz,Fon- zioneU. Bordoni,andProgrammeChairLarsKnudsen,UniversityofBergen, Norway,incooperationwithSecurteam,asfaraslocalarrangementswerec- cerned. TheworkshopwasheldMarch24-26,1999inRome,Italy. Theworkshopconcentratedonallaspectsoffastsecretkeyciphers,inc- dingthedesignandcryptanalysisofblockandstreamciphers,aswellashash functions. Therewere51submissions,allofthemsubmittedelectronically. Ones- missionwaslaterwithdrawnbytheauthors,and22paperswereselectedfor presentation. Allsubmissionswerecarefullyreviewedbyatleast4committee members. Attheworkshop,preliminaryversionsofall22papersweredistri- tedtoallattendees. Aftertheworkshoptherewasa nalreviewingprocesswith additionalcommentstotheauthors. Ithasbeenachallengeformetochairthecommitteeofthisworkshop,andit isapleasuretothankallthemembersoftheprogrammecommitteefortheirhard work.Thecommitteethisyearconsistedof,inalphabeticorder,RossAnd- son(Cambridge,UK),EliBiham(Technion,Israel),DonCoppersmith(IBM, USA), Cunsheng Ding (Singapore), Dieter Gollmann (Microsoft, UK), James Massey (Denmark), Mitsuru Matsui (Mitsubishi, Japan), Bart Preneel (K. U. Leuven, Belgium), Bruce Schneier (Counterpane, USA), and Serge Vaudenay (ENS,France). ItisagreatpleasuretothankWilliamWolfowiczfororganisingtheworkshop. Also,itisapleasuretothankSecurteamforthelogisticsandTelsyandSunfor supportingtheconference. Finally,abigthankyoutoallsubmittingauthorsfor theircontributions,andtoallattendees(approximately165)oftheworkshop. Finally, I would like to thank Vincent Rijmen for his technical assistance in preparingtheseproceedings. April1999 LarsKnudsen TableofContents AdvancedEncryptionStandard ImprovedAnalysisofSomeSimpli edVariantsofRC6 ...1 S. Contini,R. L. Rivest,M. J. B. Robshaw,andY. L. Yin LinearCryptanalysisofRC5andRC6...16 J. Borst,B. Preneel,andJ. Vandewalle ARevisedVersionofCRYPTON:CRYPTONV1. 0...31 C. H. Lim AttackonSixRoundsofCRYPTON...46 C. D'TheFastSoftwareEncryptionWorkshop1999isthesixthinaseriesofworkshops startinginCambridgeinDecember1993.TheworkshopwasorganizedbyGeneralChairWilliamWolfowicz,Fon- zioneU. Bordoni,andProgrammeChairLarsKnudsen,UniversityofBergen, Norway,incooperationwithSecurteam,asfaraslocalarrangementswerec- cerned. TheworkshopwasheldMarch24-26,1999inRome,Italy. Theworkshopconcentratedonallaspectsoffastsecretkeyciphers,inc- dingthedesignandcryptanalysisofblockandstreamciphers,aswellashash functions. Therewere51submissions,allofthemsubmittedelectronically. Ones- missionwaslaterwithdrawnbytheauthors,and22paperswereselectedfor presentation. Allsubmissionswerecarefullyreviewedbyatleast4committee members. Attheworkshop,preliminaryversionsofall22papersweredistri- tedtoallattendees. Aftertheworkshoptherewasa nalreviewingprocesswith additionalcommentstotheauthors. Ithasbeenachallengeformetochairthecommitteeofthisworkshop,andit isapleasuretothankallthemembersoftheprogrammecommitteefortheirhard work. Thecommitteethisyearconsistedof,inalphabeticorder,RossAnd- son(Cambridge,UK),EliBiham(Technion,Israel),DonCoppersmith(IBM, USA), Cunsheng Ding (Singapore), Dieter Gollmann (Microsoft, UK), James Massey (Denmark), Mitsuru Matsui (Mitsubishi, Japan), Bart Preneel (K. U.Leuven, Belgium), Bruce Schneier (Counterpane, USA), and Serge Vaudenay (ENS,France). ItisagreatpleasuretothankWilliamWolfowiczfororganisingtheworkshop. Also,itisapleasuretothankSecurteamforthelogisticsandTelsyandSunfor supportingtheconference. Finally,abigthankyoutoallsubmittingauthorsfor theircontributions,andtoallattendees(approximately165)oftheworkshop. Finally, I would like to thank Vincent Rijmen for his technical assistance in preparingtheseproceedings. April1999 LarsKnudsen TableofContents AdvancedEncryptionStandard ImprovedAnalysisofSomeSimpli edVariantsofRC6 ...1 S. Contini,R. L. Rivest,M. J. B. Robshaw,andY. L. Yin LinearCryptanalysisofRC5andRC6...16 J. Borst,B. Preneel,andJ. Vandewalle ARevisedVersionofCRYPTON:CRYPTONV1. 0...31 C. H. Lim AttackonSixRoundsofCRYPTON...46 C. D'Halluin,G. Bijnens,V. Rijmen,andB. Preneel OntheSecurityofthe128-bitBlockCipherDEAL...60 S. Lucks CryptanalysisofaReducedVersionoftheBlockCipherE2...71 M. MatsuiandT. Tokita OntheDecorrelatedFastCipher(DFC)andItsTheory...81 L. R. KnudsenandV. Rijmen RemotelyKeyedEncryption ScrambleAll,EncryptSmall...95 M. Jakobsson,J. P. Stern,andM. Yung AcceleratedRemotelyKeyedEncryption...112 S.Lucks AnalysisofBlockCiphersI MissintheMiddleAttacksonIDEAandKhufu...124 E. Biham,A. Biryukov,andA. Shamir ModnCryptanalysis,withApplicationsagainstRC5PandM6...139 J. Kelsey,B. Schneier,andD. Wagner TheBoomerangAttack...156 D. Wagner Miscellaneous TowardsMakingLuby-Racko CiphersOptimalandPractical ...171 S. Patel,Z. Ramzan,andG. S. Sundaram ANewCharacterizationofAlmostBentFunctions...186 A. Canteaut,P. Charpin,andH. Dobbertin ImprimitivePermutationGroupsandTrapdoorsinIteratedBlockCiphers. 201 K. G. Paterson VIII TableofContents ModesofOperation OntheSecurityofDoubleand2-KeyTripleModesofOperation...215 H. HandschuhandB. Preneel OntheConstructionofVariable-Input-LengthCiphers...231 M. BellareandP. Rogaway AnalysisofBlockCiphersII SlideAttacks...245 A. BiryukovandD. Wagner OntheSecurityofCS-Cipher...260 S. Vaudenay InterpolationAttacksoftheBlockCipher:SNAKE...275 S. Moriai,T. Shimoyama,andT. Kaneko StreamCiphers High-SpeedPseudorandomNumberGenerationwithSmallMemory...290 W. Aiello,S. Rajagopalan,andR. Venkatesan SOBERCryptanalysis...305 D. BleichenbacherandS. Patel AuthorIndex...317 ImprovedAnalysisof SomeSimpli edVariantsofRC6 1 2 1 1 ScottContini ,RonaldL. Rivest ,M. J. B.Robshaw ,andYiqunLisaYin 1 RSALaboratories,2955CampusDrive SanMateo,CA94403,USA fscontini,matt,yiqung@rsa. com 2 M. I. T. LaboratoryforComputerScience,545TechnologySquare Cambridge,MA02139,USA rivest@theory. lcs. mit.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1999



    Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior

    Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior

    Fundamentals in Organizational Behavior brings together the most influential and field-defining articles in organizational behaviour. The volumes are a collection of the published works from leading international scholars and academics throughout the world, collated from the foremost journals in the field. Organizational behaviour has grown enormously over the last decade. As the nature of work dramatically changes, the science of organizational behaviour is now critical in informing practice. It is therefore absolutely vital that a solid academic reference is available which presents the outstanding work and research in the field. This resource allows scholars and researchers to be more effectively informed of the main developments, while also setting the tone for future research. Fundamentals in Organizational Behavior presents the `gold standard' for university business and management schools. The articles provide the foundation stones for a true understanding of the development of organizational behavior. Academics researching and writing will be enhanced with an understanding of the discipline's past - and future - and enabled to tackle the topical agenda items associated with the changing nature of work. The articles in this four-volume work have been selected by Professor Cary Cooper with a team of Associate Editors, all expert academics in Business and Management. Professor Cooper provides a full introduction to this major reference, offering an overview of the field, as well as drawing on the explanations from his Associate Editors about the qualities of the various articles and what they have brought to the field.This is an important reference tool for all libraries concerned with organizational behavior, human resource management, organizational psychology and management studies more generally, as well as sociology and psychology.ASSOCIATE EDITORSGary Latham, Secretary of State Professors of Organizational EffectivenessJoseph Rotham School of ManagmentUniversity of TorontoCanadaArie Shirom, Tel Aviv UniversityIsraelJone L Pearce, University of California, IrvineRick MowdayGerald B Bashaw, University of OregonAngelo DeNisi, Managment DepartmentLowry Mays College of BusinessTexas A&M UniversityJohn W Slocum, JrPaul Corey, Professor of Managment and Organization, Cox School of Business,Southern Methodist UniversityAnne Tsui, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Distingushed Visiting Professor of Peking UniversityHong Kong University, ChinaBenjamin Schneider, Department of Managment, University of MarylandFred Luthans, Department of ManagmentGeorge Holmes, Distingushed ProfessorUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnHoward E Aldrich, Department of Sociology, University of North CarolinaBoris K Kabanoff, School of Managment,Queensland University of TechnologyAustrailaBarry M Straw, Haas School of BusinessUniversity of California, BerkeleyRandall S Schuler, Rutgers UniversityArthur G Bedeian, Department of Managment, Louisiana State UniversityKarl E Weick, University of MichiganAndrew Pettigrew, Warwick Business School, Warwick University EnglandArthur Brief, A B Freeman School of Business, Tulane UniversityE Locke, Robert H Smith School of Business, University of Maryland

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2002




    TEKU-modellen: Teknologiforståelse i professionerne

    Cathrine Hasse, Lene Storgaard

    Kan teknologi og faglighed skilles ad? Ikke ifølge forskerne her: Lærere, sygeplejersker og andre professionelle får nu en anskuelig model til å forstå og håndtere læreprocesser foranlediget af nye teknologier. Modellen er nyttigt analyseredskab, hvad enten man står over for en iPad, Det Fælles Medicinkort, interaktive tavler, PDA’er, den nye CT-scanner; en blodtryksmåler; ElevIntra og ForeældreIntra, robotstøvsugeren i hjemmeplejen eller en af morgendagens opfindelser. Bogen henvender sig til studerende og praktiserende. Fire kapitler med afsluttende øvelser forklarer hvert sit tegn på teknologiforståelse: teknologiers læringskrav (T), engageret anvendelse af teknologi i praksis (E), komplekse netværk, som teknologier indgår i (K), og udvikling af professionsfalighed (U) - Derfor: TEKU-modellen.

    4.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    kr 139
    kr 139

    TEKU-modellen – Teknologiforståelse i professionerne

    TEKU-modellen – Teknologiforståelse i professionerne

    Cathrine Hasse, Lene Storgaard Brok

    Kan teknologi og faglighed skilles ad? Ikke ifølge forskerne her. Lærerne, sygeplejersker og andre professionelle får nu en anskuelig model til at forstå og håndtere læreprocesser foranlediget af nye teknologier. Modellen er et nyttigt analyseredskab, hvad enten man står over for en iPad, Det Fælles Medicinkort, interaktive tavler, PDA'er, den nye CT-scanner, en blodtryksmåler, ElevIntra og ForældreIntra, robotstøvsugeren i hjemmeplejen eller en af morgendagens opfindelser. Bogen henvender sig til studerende og praktiserende. Fire kapitler med afsluttende øvelser forklarer hvert sit tegn på teknologiforståelse: teknologiers læringskrav (T), engageret anvendelse af teknologi i praksis (E), komplekse netværk, som teknologier indgår i (K), og udvikling af professionsfaglighed (U) - Derfor: TEKU-modellen.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    kr 199
    kr 199


    Chemistry : Global Edition, Eight Edition

    Jill K., John E.McMurry, Robert C.Fay

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 409
    kr 409

    Langsomme pulsslag

    Langsomme pulsslag

    Kari Martinsen

    Langsomme pulsslag består av utvalgte artikler skrevet av Kari Martinsen mellom 2000 og 2020. Noen av tekstene er nyskrevet og ikke tidligere publisert. Utvalget er foretatt ut fra at kapitlene skal være forståelige og ha relevans for praktisk sykepleie, samtidig som de kan være noe å strekke seg mot. Boken behandler utfordringer og dilemmaer som sykepleierne møter i sin hverdag, og tekstene søker å være sansenære og samfunnskritiske på én gang. Martinsen viser til sykepleiere som gjør motstand og utøver sykepleie på tross, der effektivitet møtes med varsomme, pleiende hender. I boken diskuteres det særlig med den danske teologen og filosofen K.E. Løgstrups fenomenologi og etikk, i vekselvirkning med inntrykksmettede fortellinger. Forfatterens egen reise med Løgstrups forfatterskap over mange år viser til to vendinger i egen tenkning: en etisk vending der det legges mer vekt på det mennesket mottar, «noe mere» som kommer til det utenfra og som er bærende i våre liv, og en språklig-poetisk vending mot et varsomt, sansende og lyttende språk. I det siste og nyskrevne kapitlet om håpet er disse vendinger tydelige, et håp som springer ut av alt levende, også i de stunder hvor vi ikke kan få øye på det, og det krever et sansenært språk. Som en motvekt mot tidsakselerasjonen og tempoet i helsevesenets rom fremheves langsomheten og hva den betyr i det faglige skjønnet til tross for travelheten. Kapitlene er i høy grad relevante for praktisk sykepleie, studenter på alle nivåer i helsefagutdanningene, forskere og andre med interesse for Martinsens forfatterskap. Det oppfordres til å lese boken langsomt, med gode pauser. Kari Martinsen er sykepleier og filosof. Hun har utgitt et titalls bøker og mangfoldige artikler om omsorg, etikk, fenomenologi og sosialhistorie. Hun er en ettertraktet foredragsholder særlig i Norge og Danmark.

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 199
    kr 199



    Befring, E., Næss, K. og Tangen, R

    Kjøpt ny høsten 2022, såvidt brukt.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 349
    kr 349

    Mission 2: Hong Kong

    Mission 2: Hong Kong: Johnny 777 2

    Bjørn Sortland

    – HAN SKYTER PÅ OSS! SIER JEG. PRINSESSA NIKKER. – JO, JO. VI ER JO AGENTER, JOHNNY. LITT SKYTING MÅ VI NOK REGNE MED. Jon har blitt rekruttert som hemmelig agent av den mystiske organisasjonen EHO, og under kodenavnet Johnny 777 må han ut på ville oppdrag over hele verden sammen med Ninja-Prinsessa. Forrige helg var de i Rio de Janeiro, og nå er de på vei til Hongkong. Men i Hongkong lurer langt større trusler enn noen har regnet med! Mission 2: Hongkong er andre bok om agent Johnny 777 – en gjennomillustrert serie full av humor, action og spenning. «Gjør boklesing kult» Guri Fjeldberg, NRK Podkast «[K] kan slukes uten å gruble for mye underveis. Effektiv underholdning, spør du meg.» Anne Cathrine Straume, NRK «[E]n gave til alle bibliotekarer og foreldre som leter etter stadig flere spennende bøker til unge lesere.» Morten Olsen Haugen, Barnebokkritikk.no

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79
    kr 79

    Mission 1: Rio de Janeiro

    Mission 1: Rio de Janeiro: Johnny 777 1

    Bjørn Sortland

    – SIER DU JA, ELLER SIER DU JA TIL Å BLI HEMMELIG AGENT I EHO? Jon bor i Indre Gnurtedal, et kjipt sted uten internett, der det aldri skjer noen ting. Men en dag dukker det opp en svær, svart bil, og Jon kidnappes og rekrutteres som hemmelig agent. Han får navnet Johnny 777 og beskjed om at han skal ut på ville oppdrag over hele verden sammen med den fantastiske og farlige Ninja-Prinsessa. Men hvorfor har Johnny 777 blir valgt ut som agent? Hvem er Ninja- Prinsessa? Og hvilke planer har egentlig EHO? Mission 1: Rio de Janeiro er første bok om agent Johnny 777 – en gjennomillustrert serie full av humor, action og spenning! «Gjør boklesing kult» Guri Fjeldberg, NRK Podkast «[K] kan slukes uten å gruble for mye underveis. Effektiv underholdning, spør du meg.» Anne Cathrine Straume, NRK «[E]n gave til alle bibliotekarer og foreldre som leter etter stadig flere spennende bøker til unge lesere.» Morten Olsen Haugen, Barnebokkritikk.no

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Economics of the Public Sector

    Economics of the Public Sector

    Joseph E. (Columbia University) Stiglitz, Jay K. (Harvard University) Rosengard

    The long awaited revision of a classic text by an expert author team.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    kr 459
    kr 459

    A Focus on Fractions

    A Focus on Fractions

    USA) Petit Marjorie M. (Vermont Mathematics Partnership Ongoing Assessment Project, USA) Laird Robert E. (University of Vermont, USA) Marsden Edwin L. (Norwich University, USA) Ebby Caroline B. (University of Pennsylvania

    A Focus on Fractions is a groundbreaking effort to make the mathematics education research on how students develop their understanding of fraction concepts readily accessible and understandable to pre- and in-service K- 8 mathematics educators. Using extensive annotated samples of student work, as well as vignettes characteristic of classroom teachers' experiences, this book equips educators with the knowledge and tools to reveal students' thinking so that they can modify their teaching and improve student learning of fraction concepts. A Focus on Fractions 2nd edition includes sections on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) Fraction Framework integrated into each chapter as well as a new chapter on the OGAP Fraction Progression and how it can be used for formative assessment purposes. This updated edition assists teachers in translating research findings into their classroom practice by conveying detailed information about how students develop fraction understandings. Additional images and examples serve to flesh out and supplement the newly-introduced concepts in this updated and expanded edition. Special Features:Looking Back Questions at the end of each chapter provide teachers the opportunity to analyze student thinking and consider instructional strategies for their own students.Instructional Links help teachers relate concepts from the chapter to their own instructional materials and programs. Big Ideas frame the chapters and provide a platform for meaningful exploration of the teaching of fractions.Answer Key posted online offers extensive explanations of in-chapter questions. New sections devoted to the CCSSM and OGAP Fraction Progression are woven throughout the book as well as a new stand alone chapter on the OGAP Fraction Progression. The OGAP Fraction Framework is an all-new eResource, now available as a free download from the book's website: www.routledge.com/9781138816442.

    4.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    kr 59
    kr 59

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