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Viser resultat for 'Jane Goodall'



    Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

    <p>This Norton Critical Edition includes:</p> <ul><li>The 1818 first edition text of the novel, introduced and annotated by J. Paul Hunter.</li><li>Three maps and eight illustrations.</li><li>A wealth of source and contextual materials, thematically arranged to promote classroom discussion. Topics include “Sources, Influences, Analogues”, “Circumstances, Composition, Revision” and “Reception, Impact, Adaptation”.</li><li>Eleven critical essays on Frankenstein’s major themes, six of them new to the Third Edition.</li><li>A chronology and a selected bibliography.<br></li></ul> <p>About the Series</p> <p>Read by more than 12 million students over fifty-five years, Norton Critical Editions set the standard for apparatus that is right for undergraduate readers. The three-part format—annotated text, contexts and criticism—helps students to better understand, analyse and appreciate the literature, while opening a wide range of teaching possibilities for instructors. Whether in print or in digital format, Norton Critical Editions provide all the resources students need.</p>

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2022


    kr 139

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 69

    Andre utgaver · 68

    kr 139

    Jane Goodall

    Jane Goodall

    Ma Isabel Sánchez Vegara

    Biografi for barn. Da Jane var liten, fikk hun en lekesjimpanse av faren sin. Dette var starten på hennes livslange kjærlighet til dyr, og hun ble berømt for sin banebrytende forskning. Isabel Sánchez Vegara er en forfatter bosatt i Barcelona. Hun arbeider innen reklame, samt med ulike bokprosjekter. Beatrice Cerocchi er en prisvinnende illustratør og arkitekt bosatt i Roma.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål


    Jane Goodall

    Jane Goodall

    Jane Goodall

    A lot has happened since Stewart, Tabori & Chang first published Jane Goodall: 40 Years at Gombe in the Autumn of 1999. Most recently, Gombe has contributed ground-breaking AIDS research; established programmes to improve sanitation, health care and education within neighbouring Tanzanian communities; and empowered locals to pursue reforestation initiatives and refugee aid programs.The accomplishments of the past ten years alone have given the Jane Goodall Institute a great deal to celebrate. In honour of the field site's 50th anniversary, STC is proud to release Jane Goodall: 50 Years at Gombe, a compelling pictorial tribute to her life, her studies of the chimpanzees and her unflagging efforts to motivate human beings on their behalf. With a new format, a redesign, more than a dozen new photographs, and updated text throughout, this revised edition retraces five decades of compassion and discovery.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010



    In the Shadow of Man

    In the Shadow of Man

    Jane Goodall

    World-renowned primatologist, conservationist, and humanitarian Dr. Jane Goodall s account of her life among the wild chimpanzees of Gombe is one of the most enthralling stories of animal behavior ever written. Her adventure began when the famous anthropologist Dr. Louis Leakey suggested that a long-term study of chimpanzees in the wild might shed light on the behavior of our closest living relatives. Accompanied by only her mother and her African assistants, she set up camp in the remote Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve in Tanzania. For months the project seemed hopeless; out in the forest from dawn until dark, she had but fleeting glimpses of frightened animals. But gradually she won their trust and was able to record previously unknown behavior, such as the use and even the making of tools, until then believed to be an exclusive skill of man. As she came to know the chimps as individuals, she began to understand their complicated social hierarchy and observed many extraordinary behaviors, which have forever changed our understanding of the profound connection between humans and chimpanzees. "In the Shadow of Man" is one of the Western world s great scientific achievements (Stephen Jay Gould) and a vivid, essential journey of discovery for each new generation of readers. "

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010



    Pocket · 1999



    With Love

    With Love

    Jane Goodall

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Minedition) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014




    Jane Goodall

    I denne herleg illustrerte boka får vi møte sjimpansane i nasjonalparken i Gombe, Tanzania. Gjennom lettlest tekst og bilete får vi sjå korleis sjimpansane lever og tar vare på kvarandre, i sorg og glede.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1991

    Norsk Nynorsk

    kr 79

    Innbundet · 1989

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 79

    The Ten Trusts: What We Must Do to Care for the Animals We Love

    The Ten Trusts: What We Must Do to Care for the Animals We Love

    Jane Goodall

    Now in paperback-the ten things we must do to ensure a safe and peaceful world, from legendary environmentalist Jane Goodall and brilliant animal behaviorist, Marc Bekoff. Combining her life's work living among the chimpanzees with her spiritual perspective on the relationship between humans and animals, legendary behavioral scientist Jane Goodall sets forth ten trusts that we as humans have as custodians of the planet: 1. Respect all life 2. Live as part of the Animal Kingdom 3. Educate our children to respect animals 4. Treat animals as you would like to be treated 5. Be a steward 6. Value the sounds of nature and help preserve them 7. Do not harm life in order to learn about it 8. Have the courage of your convictions 9. Act knowing that your actions make a difference 10. Act knowing that you are not alone. Filled with inspirational stories, The Ten Trusts provides lessons Jane Goodall has learned from a lifetime of experience, with the warmth and emotion her readers have come to expect from her. Marc Bekoff, cofounder of the Roots and Shoots program with Jane, also contributes his profound insights and research, which Jane has come to rely on. Together, they share their hope and vision for humanity and all the earth's creatures, distilled into ten eloquent spiritual lessons. Within these ten trusts, Goodall reveals how we can gain true enlightenment by living in harmony with the animal kingdom and honoring the interconnection between all species.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003



    Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating

    Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating

    Jane Goodall

    The renowned scientist who fundamentally changed the way we view primates and our relationship with the animal kingdom now turns her attention to an incredibly important and deeply personal issue-taking a stand for a more sustainable world. In this provocative and encouraging book, Jane Goodall sounds a clarion call to Western society, urging us to take a hard look at the food we produce and consume-and showing us how easy it is to create positive change.Offering her hopeful, but stirring vision, Goodall argues convincingly that each individual can make a difference. She offers simple strategies each of us can employ to foster a sustainable society. Brilliant, empowering, and irrepressibly optimistic, HARVEST FOR HOPE is one of the most crucial works of our age. If we follow Goodall's sound advice, we just might save ourselves before it's too late.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2006



    The Eagle and the Wren

    The Eagle and the Wren

    Jane Goodall

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Minedition) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014




    Jane Goodall

    «I hele verden finnes det ingen som forstår sjimpansene så godt som Jane Goodall,» sier nobelprisvinneren Konrad Lorentz. I denne boka tar hun oss med for å møte Gremlin og Galahad, Wunda og Wolfi og de andre sjimpansene i nasjonalparken Gombe i Tanzania. Vi får høre hvordan store og små lever sammen og tar vare på hverandre, om sorger og gleder en helt vanlig dag i sjimpansenes liv.”

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1990

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    My life with the chimpanzees

    My life with the chimpanzees

    Jane Goodall

    Jane Goodall writes of her life researching chimpanzees

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2002


    kr 59
    kr 59

    Seeds of Hope

    Seeds of Hope

    Jane Goodall, Gail Hudson

    Renowned naturalist and bestselling author Jane Goodall examines the critical role that trees and plants play in our world.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014


    The Politics of the Common Good

    The Politics of the Common Good

    Jane R. Goodall

    With insight, passion and an eye on history, Jane Goodall argues that as the ravages of neo-liberalism tear ever more deeply into the social fabric, the principle of the commons should be restored to the heart of our politics.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Following Fifi - My Adventures Among Wild Chimpanzees: Lessons from our Closest Relatives

    Following Fifi - My Adventures Among Wild Chimpanzees: Lessons from our Closest Relatives

    John Crocker, Jane Goodall

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Pegasus Books) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Natural World

    Natural World

    Thomas D. Mangelsen, Jane Goodall

    In The Natural World, celebrated nature photographer Thomas D. Mangelsen takes the reader on a visual odyssey, from the wildebeest migration on the plains of the Serengeti to the penguins of Antarctica, from the grizzlies of Alaska to the frozen landscape of polar bears on Hudson Bay. Featuring excerpts from his journals detailing his experiences in the field, this book offers an intimate look into the natural world that has inspired artists, conservationists, and adventurers for centuries. With a foreword written by renowned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall, this book contains Mangelsen s selection of 120 of his most important panoramic images out of a library of more than 20,000. A quiet call to action, an inventory of our planet as it battles climate change, and a celebration of wildness and its intrinsic value, The Natural World is a record of Earth s last great locales, one that will inspire present and future generations with the message that what we have can, and must, be saved.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Why Life Matters

    Why Life Matters

    Michael Charles Tobias, Jane Gray Morrison

    Dr. Michael Charles Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison are world-renowned ecological philosophers and activists, interdisciplinary social and environmental scientists and broad-ranging, deeply committed humanists. This collection of fifty essays and interviews comprises an invigorating, outspoken, provocative and eloquent overview of the ecological humanities in one highly accessible volume. The components of this collection were published in the authors' "Green Conversations" blog series, and pieces in the Eco News Network from 2011 to 2013 and feature luminaries from Jane Goodall to Ted Turner to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution to the former head of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. Stunning color photographs captured by the authors and contributors make Why Life Matters: Fifty Ecosystems of the Heart and Mind a feast for the eyes as well as the mind and soul.Ethics, science, technology, ecological literacy, grass-roots renaissance thinkers, conservation innovation from the U.S. to the U.K.; from India to Ecuador; from Bhutan to Haiti; from across Africa, the Neo-Tropics, Central Asia and Japan, to Rio, Shanghai and Manhattan - this humanistic ode to the future of life on earth is a relevant and resonating read.Michael Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison, partners who between them have authored some 50 books and written, directed and produced some 170 films, a prolific body of work that has been read, translated and/or broadcast around the world, have been married for more than a quarter-of-a-century. Their field research across the disciplines of comparative literature, anthropology, the history of science and philosophy, ecology and ethics, in over 80 countries, has served as a telling example of what two people - deeply in love with one another - can accomplish in spreading that same unconditional love to others - of all species.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014


    Jane Goodall

    Jane Goodall

    Isabel Sanchez Vegara

    Part of the critically acclaimed Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the amazing life of Jane Goodall, the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees. When Jane was little, her father gave her a toy chimpanzee named Jubilee. This inspired her lifelong love of animals, and she went to study them in the wild as soon as she could. Jane lived with chimpanzees in their natural habitat and became famous for her pioneering approach to research. She now educates the public on animal rights. This moving book features stylish illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the primatologist's life.Little People, BIG DREAMS is a bestselling series of books and educational games that explore the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things, yet each began life as a child with a dream. This empowering series offers inspiring messages to children of all ages, in a range of formats. The board books are told in simple sentences, perfect for reading aloud to babies and toddlers. The hardback versions present expanded stories for beginning readers. Boxed gift sets allow you to collect a selection of the books by theme. Paper dolls, learning cards, matching games and other fun learning tools provide even more ways to make the lives of these role models accessible to children.Inspire the next generation of outstanding people who will change the world with Little People, BIG DREAMS!

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Jane Goodall

    Jane Goodall

    Robin S. Doak

    This book takes an engaging look at the work of ground-breaking conservationist, Jane Goodall, and her work with chimpanzees. It covers Goodall's inspiration, her methods, findings, and the impact of her work in Africa.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Dynamic Duos of Science: Jane Goodall and Mary Leaky

    Dynamic Duos of Science: Jane Goodall and Mary Leaky

    Matt Anniss

    Mary Leakey was an archaeologist who specialised in searching for remains of early humans. Jane Goodall is a researcher who has devoted her life to studying the behaviour of chimpanzees, the ape thought to be man's closest living relative. Over the course of 50 years, Mary and Jane's discoveries have revolutionised the way that people think about evolution, increased scientists' understanding of man's earliest ancestors and proved that humans and apes are not so different after all. This book explores the life and work of these two remarkable people.How have some of the most successful scientific pairings in history changed the advancement of science and led to discoveries that might never otherwise have been made? Dynamic Duos of Science explores the fascinating scientific partnerships between some of the world's leading scientists. From Darwin and Wallace to Einstein and Eddington, without these 'dynamic pairings' some of the most spectacular discoveries and critical theories in the history of science might never have been made. An informative series for children aged 9+.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    I Am Jane Goodall

    I Am Jane Goodall

    Brad Meltzer

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


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