Viser resultat for 'Hanya Yanagihara'
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Hanya Yanagihara
4.5 av 5
Pocket · 2017
Norsk Bokmål
Innbundet · 2017
Norsk Bokmål
A Little Life
Hanya Yanagihara
4.7 av 5
Pocket · 2016
Pocket · 2016
Til paradis
Hanya Yanagihara
5.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2022
Norsk Bokmål
The people in the trees
Hanya Yanagihara
The stunning debut novel, from the author of A Little Life. It is 1950 when Norton Perina, a young doctor, embarks on an expedition to a remote Micronesian island in search of a rumoured lost tribe. There he encounters a strange group of forest dwellers who appear to have attained a form of immortality that preserves the body but not the mind. Perina uncovers their secret and returns with it to America, where he soon finds great success. But his discovery has come at a terrible cost, not only for the islanders, but for Perina himself. Hanya Yanagihara's The People in the Trees marks the debut of a remarkable new voice in American fiction.
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2018
Pocket · 2015
Til paradis
Hanya Yanagihara
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2023
Norsk Bokmål
To paradise
Hanya Yanagihara
From the author of the modern classic A Little Life, a bold, brilliant novel spanning three centuries and three different versions of the American experiment, about lovers, family, loss and the elusive promise of utopia.In an alternate version of 1893 America, New York is part of the Free States, where people may live and love whomever they please (or so it seems). The fragile young scion of a distinguished family resists betrothal to a worthy suitor, drawn to a charming music teacher of no means. In a 1993 Manhattan besieged by the AIDS epidemic, a young Hawaiian man lives with his much older, wealthier partner, hiding his troubled childhood and the fate of his father. And in 2093, in a world riven by plagues and governed by totalitarian rule, a powerful scientist's damaged granddaughter tries to navigate life without him - and solve the mystery of her husband's disappearances. These three sections are joined in an enthralling and ingenious symphony, as recurring notes and themes deepen and enrich one another: A townhouse in Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village; illness, and treatments that come at a terrible cost; wealth and squalor; the weak and the strong; race; the definition of family, and of nationhood; the dangerous righteousness of the powerful, and of revolutionaries; the longing to find a place in an earthly paradise, and the gradual realization that it can't exist. What unites not just the characters, but these Americas, are their reckonings with the qualities that make us human: Fear. Love. Shame. Need. Loneliness. To Paradise is a fin-de-siecle novel of marvellous literary effect, but above all it is a work of emotional genius. The great power of this remarkable novel is driven by Yanagihara's understanding of the aching desire to protect those we love - partners, lovers, children, friends, family and even our fellow citizens - and the pain that ensues when we cannot.
4.5 av 5
Pocket · 2022
Innbundet · 2022
Mažas gyvenimas
Hanya Yanagihara
Som ny
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2015
A Little Life (US)
Hanya Yanagihara
When four classmates from a small Massachusetts college move to New York to make their way, they're broke, adrift, and buoyed only by their friendship and ambition. There is kind, handsome Willem, an aspiring actor; JB, a quick-witted, sometimes cruel Brooklyn-born painter seeking entry to the art world; Malcolm, a frustrated architect at a prominent firm; and withdrawn, brilliant, enigmatic Jude, who serves as their center of gravity. Over the decades, their relationships deepen and darken, tinged by addiction, success, and pride. Yet their greatest challenge, each comes to realize, is Jude himself, by midlife a terrifyingly talented litigator yet an increasingly broken man, his mind and body scarred by an unspeakable childhood, and haunted by what he fears is a degree of trauma that hell not only be unable to overcomebut that will define his life forever. In rich and resplendent prose, Yanagihara has fashioned a tragic and transcendent hymn to brotherly love, a masterful depiction of heartbreak, and a dark examination of the tyranny of memory and the limits of human endurance.
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2016
Ett litet liv
Hanya Yanagihara
Skoningslös och oförglömlig En roman för den som vill bli uppslukad av den stora berättelsen – djupt gripande, skoningslös och oförglömlig. Berättelsen om de fyra vännerna JB, Malcolm, Willem och Jude och deras liv i New York spänner över flera decennier och växlar mellan mörker och ljus. Genom åren prövas deras vänskap, men det som håller dem samman är alltid Jude – Jude St Francis, som förblir en gåta även för dem som står honom närmast. Jude är framgångsrik advokat med ett traumatiskt förflutet som präglar hela hans liv på ett oåterkalleligt sätt. Som kontrast till hans mörka uppväxt står vänskapen till framför allt skådespelaren Willem, vars trofasthet och kärlek håller honom vid liv. Genom åren kommer Jude att slitas mellan självföraktet som styr hans tillvaro och kärleken han inte kan tillåta sig. En av årets bästa böcker enligt The New York Times • The Washington Post • The Wall Street Journal • NPR • Vanity Fair • Vogue • Minneapolis Star Tribune • St. Louis Post-Dispatch • The Guardian • O, The Oprah Magazine • Slate • Newsday • Buzzfeed • The Economist • Newsweek • People • Kansas City Star • Shelf Awareness • Time Out New York • Huffington Post • Book Riot • Refinery29 • Bookpage • Publishers Weekly • Kirkus Vinnare av THE KIRKUS PRIZE, nominerad till MAN BOOKER PRIZE och NATIONAL BOOK AWARD Nominerad till Årets bok 2017. ”En fantastisk, drabbande roman som följer fyra vänner från att de möts som studenter på ett prestigefullt universitet i nordöstra USA, in i vuxenlivet och vidare till medelåldern. […] Boken rör sig från ett porträtt av en generation till något mörkare och mer ömsint: en undersökning av den djupaste mänskliga grymhet och dess motvikt: vänskapens helande kraft. […] Yanagiharas roman kan göra dig arg, uppsluka dig, ta över ditt liv.” The New Yorker
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2017
Pocket · 2017
Stephen Florida
Gabe Habash
`Powerful and magnetic' Guardian `Mind blowing' Roxane Gay `Explosive' Hanya Yanagihara `Funny and disturbing' Lauren Groff
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2018
The Queen of the Night
Alexander Chee
Recommended by The Observer . . . 'One doesn't so much read it, as one is bewitched by it. Epic, gorgeous, haunting' HANYA YANAGIHARA, author of A Little LifeWhen it begins, it begins as an opera should begin: in a palace, at a ball, in an encounter with a stranger, who you discover has your fate in his hands . . . She is Lilliet Berne. And she is the soprano. 1882. One warm autumn evening in Paris, Lilliet is finally offered an original role, though it comes at a price. The part is based on her deepest secret. Only four people could have betrayed her: one is dead, one loves her still, one wants only to own her. And one, she hopes, never thinks of her at all. In taking this role Lilliet is forced to confront her darkest lies but will the truth save Lilliet - or destroy her? 'Brilliantly extravagant' VOGUE'Terrific' NEW YORKER
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2017
Pocket · 2016
The Novels
Bruce Chatwin
A collected edition of Bruce Chatwin's acclaimed, captivating novels - On the Black Hill, Utz and The Viceroy of Ouidah - with an introduction by Hanya YanagiharaWhile Bruce Chatwin is best known as a master of travel literature, his three acclaimed novels must not be overlooked.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2017
My Abandonment
MBA Rock Peter MD FCCP
'A beautiful, strange novel . . . Fascinating and moving, it tells with great tenderness how human love goes wrong' Ursula K. Le Guin'The recent novel I recommend most . . . a short, disciplined, unsettling book' Hanya YanagiharaThirteen-year-old Caroline and her father live in Forest Park, an enormous nature preserve in Portland, Oregon. Day to day, they live in an elaborate cave shelter, wash in a nearby creek, store perishables at the water's edge, tend a garden and even keep a library of sorts. Once a week they go to the city to buy groceries and otherwise merge with the civilised world. But one small mistake allows a jogger to discover them, which derails their entire existence. Inspired by a true story and told through the startlingly sincere voice of its young narrator, Caroline, My Abandonment is a gripping journey into life in the wilderness and a mesmerizing tale of survival and hope.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2018
Fill Your Horn with Oil
Henry Hanya
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Xulon Press) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2011
Events Project Management
UK) Pielichaty Hanya (University of Lincoln, UK) Els Georgiana (University of Lincoln, Ian Reed, Vanessa Mawer
This book provides events management students with an accessible and essential introduction to project management.Written by both academics and industry experts, Events Project Management offers a unique blend of theory and practice to encourage and contextualise project management requirements within events settings. Key questions include: What is project management? How does it connect to events management? What is effective project management within the events sector? How does academic theory connect to practice? The book is coherently structured into 12 chapters covering crucial event management topics such as stakeholders, supply chain management, project management tools and techniques, and financial and legal issues. Guides, templates, case study examples, industry tips and activity tasks are integrated in the text and online to show practice and aid knowledge.Written in an engaging style, this text offers the reader a thorough understanding of how to successfully project manage an event from the creative idea to the concrete product. It is essential reading for all events management students.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2016
Modern Dance Terminology
Paul Love
This is the first and only book to define modern dance concepts, terms, principles and movements in the words of the great founders of modern dance. The manuscript was originally prepared through personal interviews with Doris Humphrey, Hanya Holm, Martha Graham, Charles Weidman, and Helen Tamiris; quoted extensively as well are Isadora Duncan, Jaques Dalcroze, Rudolf Laban, Ruth St. Denis, Jose Limon, Alwin Nikolais, Glen Tetley and eminent New York Times dance writer John Martin. The collection of defined terms represents the aims, theories, and objectives of modern dance. Although different terms are used by different dancers, it is found that they are often simply variants of each other. Whenever possible, the dancer's own definitions have been used.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 1997
Choreographing Copyright
Riverside) Kraut Anthea (Associate Professor of Dance Associate Professor of Dance University of California
Choreographing Copyright provides a historical and cultural analysis of U.S.-based dance-makers' investment in intellectual property rights. Although federal copyright law in the U.S. did not recognize choreography as a protectable class prior to the 1976 Copyright Act, efforts to win copyright protection for dance began eight decades earlier. In a series of case studies stretching from the late nineteenth century to the early twenty-first, the bookreconstructs those efforts and teases out their raced and gendered politics. Rather than chart a narrative of progress, the book shows how dancers working in a range of genres have embraced intellectual property rights as a means to both consolidate and contest racial and gendered power. A number of the artists featured in Choreographing Copyright are well-known white figures in the history of American dance, including modern dancers Loie Fuller, Hanya Holm, and Martha Graham, and ballet artists Agnes de Mille and George Balanchine. But the book also uncovers a host of marginalized figures - from the South Asian dancer Mohammed Ismail, to the African American pantomimist Johnny Hudgins, to the African American blues singer Alberta Hunter, to the white burlesque dancerFaith Dane - who were equally interested in positioning themselves as subjects rather than objects of property, as possessive individuals rather than exchangeable commodities. Choreographic copyright, the book argues, has been a site for the reinforcement of gendered white privilege as well as forchallenges to it.Drawing on critical race and feminist theories and on cultural studies of copyright, Choreographing Copyright offers fresh insight into such issues as: the raced and gendered hierarchies that govern the theatrical marketplace, white women's historically contingent relationship to property rights, legacies of ownership of black bodies and appropriation of non-white labor, and the tension between dance's ephemerality and its reproducibility.
0.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2016
Pocket · 2016
Fæbrik syboka: bli en miljøvennlig syer sammen med Fæbrik
Ingrid Bergtun, Ingrid Vik Lysne, Mari Nordén, Jenny Skavlan
Vi elsker å sy våre egne klær, og denne lidenskapen ønsker vi å dele med deg. Noe av det gøyeste vi vet er å sy nye og skikkelig fine klær av brukte tekstiler. Bli med og snu vårt miljøfarlige klesforbruk til noe mye bedre og mer bærekraftig! Fæbrik Syboka inneholder alt du trenger for å sy de fineste plagg. Du lærer alle teknikkene du trenger, og du får mønstre og steg-for-steg-oppskrifter på bluser, kjoler, jakker, jumpsuit, bukser, sett, skjørt og vesker. Fæbrik holder deg i hånda hele veien - enten du vil prøve deg på den nybegynnervennlige Jennyjakka eller den litt mer avanserte Bergtunbuksa. Du lærer også å tilpasse mønstrene så plagget sitter perfekt på din kropp, du får inspirasjon til å hacke mønstrene til dine drømmeplagg og vi i Fæbrik deler våre beste triks for å skaffe brukte tekstiler slik at også du kan bli en miljøvennlig syer. Dette er en ren hyllest til kreativitet og skaperkraft! Syboka er ideell for deg som er interessert i klær, håndverk og miljø. Velkommen inn i vårt univers av miljøvennlig klesdesign, mestringsfølelse og skaperglede! Viva la syrevolusjon! 17 oppskrifter og mønsterark i størrelsene XXS-XXXL Lær alle triksene for å bli en miljøvennlig syer!
4.7 av 5
Innbundet · 2021
Norsk Bokmål
Matematiske byggesteiner: metamatematikk for lærerutdanningen
Gert Monstad Hana
Hana løfter fram fem matematiske byggesteiner – fem konstrukter – i denne boka om matematikk. Han behandler eksempel, definisjoner, bevis, modeller og oppgaver fra ulike perspektiv, fra matematikerens og lærerens ståsted. Matematikk ses her både som prosess og produkt. Byggesteinene oppfattes primært som produkt, men Hana vektlegger også prosessene knyttet til produktene – til hvordan byggesteinene utvikles og brukes. Forfatteren ivrer for å gi elever muligheter til å ta del i matematiske prosesser, til å lage eksempel, definere, resonnere, lage notasjoner, modellerere og stille matematiske spørsmål. Boka er viktig fordi læreres meta-matematiske innsikt gir grunnlag for slik undervisning.
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2013
Norsk Bokmål
Matematikksamtaler: undervisning og læring
Dette er ei fagbok med fokus på at samtaler har betydning for å lære matematikk. Kapitlenes ulike tilnærminger viser et mangfoldig didaktisk felt. Det handler ikke om å definere én riktig måte å samtale på, men å løfte fram fruktbare samtaleformer knyttet til ulike læringsmål i ulike miljø. Barn og unge skal søke innsikt i matematiske sammenhenger, utvikle fakta- og tabellkunnskap, undersøke og bruke teknikker, lytte til forklaringer, formulere og prøve ut antagelser, finne og forandre strategier. Det skal foregå dybdelæring individuelt og i samspill. Boka handler om flerspråklige barn og unge, om matematikksamtaler i barnehage, i grunnskolens barne- og ungdomstrinn – om samtaler mellom elever som arbeider med matematikk på datamaskin, som arbeider med sannsynlighet og risiko, som samarbeider med bedrifter, som knytter matematikk til lekende kreativitet. Boka løfter samtaleanalyse som grunnlag for innsikt i fagdidaktisk praksis. Fokus er noen ganger på elevers samtaler, andre ganger på hvordan lærere danner rom for barn og unges matematisering, deres matematiske samspill – deres samtaler. Slik er den aktuell for studenter på alle nivå i lærerutdanningene og i forskerutdanning. Den er aktuell for lærere. Disse forfatterne har bidratt i boka: Marit Johnsen-Høines, Rune Herheim, Nuria Planas, Vigdis Flottorp, Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Helle Alrø, Marie Sjøblom, Tamsin Meaney, Gert Monstad Hana, Ove Gunnar Dragset, Ole Enge, Anita Valenta, Lisa Bjørlund Boistrup og Martin Carlsen.
3.8 av 5
Pocket · 2016
Norsk Bokmål
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