Viser resultat for 'George Orwell'
George Orwell
1. norske utg. Oslo : Gyldendal, 1950
4.4 av 5
Pocket · 2017
Norsk Bokmål
Pocket · 2016
Animal farm: a fairy story
George Orwell
Renowned urban artist Shepard Fairey's new look for Orwell's timeless satire'All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.'Mr Jones of Manor Farm is so lazy and drunken that one day he forgets to feed his livestock. The ensuing rebellion under the leadership of the pigs Napoleon and Snowball leads to the animals taking over the farm. Vowing to eliminate the terrible inequities of the farmyard, the renamed Animal Farm is organised to benefit all who walk on four legs. But as time passes, the ideals of the rebellion are corrupted, then forgotten. And something new and unexpected emerges. . . Animal Farm - the history of a revolution that went wrong - is George Orwell's brilliant satire on the corrupting influence of power.
4.4 av 5
Pocket · 2016
Pocket · 2003
1Q84: books 1 and 2
Haruki Murakami
Haruki Murakami is an international phenomenon. When Books One and Two of his latest masterpiece, "1Q84", were published in Japan, a million copies were sold in one month, and the critical acclaim that ensued was reported all over the globe. Readers were transfixed by the mesmerising story of Aomame and Tengo and the strange parallel universe they inhabit. Then, one year later, to the surprise and delight of his readers, Murakami published an unexpected Book Three, bringing the story to a close. In order to reflect the experience of "1Q84's" first readers, Harvill Secker is publishing Books One and Two in one beautifully designed volume and Book Three in a separate edition. A long-awaited treat for his fans, "1Q84" is also a thrilling introduction to the unique world of Murakami's imagination. This hypnotically addictive novel is a work of startling originality and, as the title suggests, a mind-bending ode to George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four". (The number 9 in Japanese is pronounced like the letter 'Q'). The year is 1984. Aomame sits in a taxi on the expressway in Tokyo. Her work is not the kind which can be discussed in public but she is in a hurry to carry out an assignment and, with the traffic at a stand-still, the driver proposes a solution. She agrees, but as a result of her actions starts to feel increasingly detached from the real world. She has been on a top-secret mission, and her next job will lead her to encounter the apparently superhuman founder of a religious cult. Meanwhile, Tengo is leading a nondescript life but wishes to become a writer. He inadvertently becomes involved in a strange affair surrounding a literary prize to which a mysterious seventeen-year-old girl has submitted her remarkable first novel. It seems to be based on her own experiences and moves readers in unusual ways. Can her story really be true? Both Aomame and Tengo notice that the world has grown strange; both realise that they are indispensable to each other. While their stories influence one another, at times by accident and at times intentionally, the two come closer and closer to intertwining.
4.6 av 5
Innbundet · 2011
Pocket · 2013
Norsk Bokmål
Fahrenheit 451
Ray Bradbury
Voyager Classics - timeless masterworks of science fiction and fantasy. A beautiful clothbound edition of the internationally acclaimed Fahrenheit 451 - a masterwork of twentieth-century literature. The terrifyingly prophetic novel of a post-literate future. Guy Montag is a fireman. His job is to burn books, which are forbidden, being the source of all discord and unhappiness. Even so, Montag is unhappy; there is discord in his marriage. Are books hidden in his house? The Mechanical Hound of the Fire Department, armed with a lethal hypodermic, escorted by helicopters, is ready to track down those dissidents who defy society to preserve and read books. The classic dystopian novel of a post-literate future, Fahrenheit 451 stands alongside Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World as a prophetic account of Western civilization's enslavement by the media, drugs and conformity. Bradbury's powerful and poetic prose combines with uncanny insight into the potential of technology to create a novel which, decades on from first publication, still has the power to dazzle and shock.
4.3 av 5
Innbundet · 2013
Pocket · 2008
Kamerat Napoleon
George Orwell
Den satiriske og allegoriske romanen Kamerat Napoleon (originaltittel Animal Farm), først utgitt i 1945, er tilbake i en ny utgave. Dette er Orwells mest kjente roman og er en åpenbar kritikk av den russiske revolusjonen og en vurdering om hvordan kommunismen ble ødelagt under Stalin. Handlingen er lagt til gården "Manor Farm", der dyrene tar makten fra menneskene og begynner å drive gården på sine egne premisser. Boka åpner med at dyrene har rådsmøte for å få fjernet den grusomme eieren på gården. De intelligente og vel respekterte grisene tar styringen under mottoet "alle dyr er like, men noen dyr er likere enn andre". Men det tar ikke lang til før lederen, Kamerat Napoleon, blir like grusom som den tidligere eieren.
4.6 av 5
Pocket · 2008
Norsk Bokmål
Innbundet · 1998
Norsk Bokmål
George Orwell
This classic of modern literature is a must read for all open minded people from all parts of the world, purely because the leadership of every country needs to be held to account for their level of control over citizens lives. Creating one way of thinking and one party systems has proven to be a very dangerous combination in world history, where fighting to take over not only people, but countries, and then crushing other belief systems that don't agree with their own is repeated time and time again. George Orwell was responding to Stalins Communist Russia when writing this book, but the same problem keeps repeating itself today and will do in the future. This book is essential reading.
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2017
Innbundet · 1983
Norsk Bokmål
George Orwell
5.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2016
Norsk Bokmål
Things I don't want to know: a response to George Orwell's 1946 essay 'Why I write'
Deborah Levy
'Things I Don't Want to Know' is a response to George Orwell from one of our most vital contemporary writers. Taking Orwell's famous list of motives for writing as the jumping-off point for a sequence of thrilling reflections on the writing life, this is a perfect companion both to Orwell's essay and to Levy's own oeuvre.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2018
Innbundet · 2014
På bunnen og blakk
George Orwell
0.0 av 5
Innbundet · 1970
Animal Farm
George Orwell
'THE SEVEN COMMANDMENTS Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. No animal shall wear clothes. No animal shall sleep in a bed. No animal shall drink alcohol. No animal shall kill any other animal. All animals are equal. ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2013
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 1989
Innbundet · 1983
Norsk Bokmål
George Orwell
Boken er en avsløring av det totalitære system, og et forsvar for individets rettigheter. Handlingen er lagt til et dystert bysamfunn hvor Store Bror alltid ser deg og Tankepolitiet leser innbygger...
4.5 av 5
Innbundet · 1984
The Essential Kafka
Franz Kafka
Like George Orwell, Franz Kafka has given his name to a world of nightmare, but in Kafka's world, it is never completely clear just what the nightmare is. The Trial, where the rules are hidden from even the highest officials, and if there is any help to be had, it will come from unexpected sources, is a chilling, blackly amusing tale that maintains, to the very end, a relentless atmosphere of disorientation. Superficially about bureaucracy, it is in the last resort a description of the absurdity of 'normal' human nature. Still more enigmatic is The Castle. Is it an allegory of a quasi-feudal system giving way to a new freedom for the subject? The search by a central European Jew for acceptance into a dominant culture? A spiritual quest for grace or salvation? An individual's struggle between his sense of independence and his need for approval? Is it all of these things? And K? Is he opportunist, victim, or an outsider battling against elusive authority?Finally, in his fables, Kafka deals in dark and quirkily humorous terms with the insoluble dilemmas of a world which offers no reassurance, and no reliable guidance to resolving our existential and emotional uncertainties and anxieties.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2014
The Metamorphosis
Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka's 1915 novella of unexplained horror and nightmarish transformation became a worldwide classic and remains a century later one of the most widely read works of fiction in the world. It is the story of traveling salesman Gregor Samsa, who wakes one morning to find himself transformed into a monstrous insect. This hugely influential work inspired George Orwell, Albert Camus, Jorge Louis Borges, and Ray Bradbury, while continuing to unsettle millions of readers. In her new translation of Kafka's masterpiece, Susan Bernofsky strives to capture both the humor and the humanity in this macabre tale, underscoring the ways in which Gregor Samsa's grotesque metamorphosis is just the physical manifestation of his longstanding spiritual impoverishment.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2014
Pocket · 2018
Delirium: delirum trilogy 1
'A dystopian Romeo and Juliet story that deserves to be as massive as Twilight' StylistThey say that the cure for love will make me happy and safe forever. And I've always believed them. Until now.There was a time when love was the most important thing in the world. People would go to the end of the earth to find it. They would tell lies for it. Even kill for it.But now love has been declared a dangerous disease. Everyone who turns eighteen must be immunised with a procedure called the Cure. Lena Haloway is looking forward to being able to live the safe, predictable life the government claims the cure will bring. But meeting Alex, an enigmatic boy from the Wilds, might just make her question everything she's been raised to believe. 'One of the most addictive books we've come across in ages ...from one of the most exciting writers around' Heat
4.0 av 5
Pocket · 2013
Pocket · 2012
Burmese Days
George Orwell
Colonial environment, Orwell's innocent eyes is often devestatingly preceptive...