Viser resultat for 'David Joyce,'
Is There a Monster Under My Bed?
David Joyce
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Olympia Publishers) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Pocket · 2018
Sports prevention and rehabilitation.: Integrating medicine and science for performance solutions.
David Joyce,
Veldig bra
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Pocket · 2016
High performance training for sports
David Joyce
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Pocket · 2013
High-performance training for sports: The authoritative guide for ultimate athletic conditioning
David Joyce, Daniel Lewindon
Bok for idrett.
4.0 av 5
Pocket · 2014
RHS Pruning & Training
Christopher Brickell, David Joyce
Learn how to prune and train fruit bushes, fruit trees, roses, and woody ornamentals with this best-selling plant-by-plant guide - now in its 4th edition. Written and updated by the experts at the Royal Horticultural Society, RHS Pruning & Training provides step-by-step guidance on how to prune and shape more than 800 different plants, including climbing plants, fruiting vines, conifers, and palm trees. Simple instructions accompanied by clear photography and illustrations demonstrate precisely where, how, and when to make those crucial cuts. Whether you need help pruning wisteria, have a small garden that needs controlling, fancy trying garden ideas such as topiary, need to reinvigorate a leggy rose bush, or want advice on pruning a fruit tree into an attractive - and productive - espalier or fan shape, this complete pruning bible will guide you every step of the way.
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Innbundet · 2017
James Joyce
With a new Introduction by Cedric Watts, Research Professor of English, University of Sussex.James Joyce's astonishing masterpiece, Ulysses, tells of the diverse events which befall Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin on 16 June 1904, during which Bloom's voluptuous wife, Molly, commits adultery.Initially deemed obscene in England and the USA, this richly-allusive novel, revolutionary in its Modernistic experimentalism, was hailed as a work of genius by W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot and Ernest Hemingway.Scandalously frank, wittily erudite, mercurially eloquent, resourcefully comic and generously humane, Ulysses offers the reader a life-changing experience.
4.5 av 5
Pocket · 2010
Innbundet · 2005
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Excerpt from Little Women: Or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy
4.6 av 5
Innbundet · 2018
Innbundet · 2017
Trans: When Idiology Meets Reality
Helen Joyce
'A scholarly, compassionate and courageous examination of a subject that’s sparked an unhelpful civil war within the LGBTQ community. Unlike those of her online counterparts, Joyce’s arguments are well researched, soundly made and avoid the toxicity that mars so much conversation on this topic.’ ― Observer, Books of the Year ‘A frighteningly necessary book: well-written, thoroughly-researched, passionate and very brave.’ -- Richard Dawkins ‘A courageous, intelligent and important work, rooted in good science and common sense.’ -- Jenni Murray 'I'm off the fence...This rigorous and brave book nails the absurd idea that sex is just a “social construct”' -- David Aaronovitch, The Times 'A superlative critical analysis...With this fact-filled, humane, and brave book, a grown-up has entered the room.' -- The Telegraph 'Reasonable, methodical, sane, and utterly unintimidated by extremist orthodoxy, Trans is also a riveting read.' -- Lionel Shriver ‘Thank goodness for Helen Joyce… Trans is a searing and at times devastating analysis of an ideological shift that has had a profound influence on many institutions in the West… With the rigour of an investigative journalist, she looks at the history of the trans movement over the past century.’ -- Christina Patterson, Sunday Times 'A tour de force. With a fine eye for detail, she brings all the elements of gender ideology together with clarity and precision...simply a must-read' -- Evening Standard ‘anyone wanting to understand how transgender rights became such a flashpoint in identity politics – and why a generation of feminists is so determined to stand its ground – should start here with this polemical book by Helen Joyce.’ -- Patrick Maguire ― Times, Books of the Year 2021 'An intelligent, thorough rejoinder to an idea that has swept across much of the liberal world seemingly overnight. Even those outraged by Joyce’s positions would benefit from understanding them...Open conversation about such fraught issues is the only realistic path forward.' -- Jesse Singal, New York Times 'A passionate defence' ― Financial Times
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Innbundet · 2021
Pocket · 2018
Southern Africa
David Else, Joyce Connolly, Mary Fitzpatrick, Alan Murphy, Deanna Swaney
lonely planet Southern Africa is an extraordinary and varied region. Explore its coral reefs and mountain peaks, fast towns and ghost towns, red deserts and Cape vineyards with this indispensable guide. . 131 detailed maps, including a colour regional map. up-to-date information on visas, border crossings and safety. extensive advice on hiking, white-water rafting, pony trekking and bird watching. a wide range of accommodation options, from camp sites to luxury lodges. invaluable language section, with phrases in 16 local languages
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Pocket · 2000
International AS Level Business for Oxford International AQA Examinations
Sandra Harrison, Peter Joyce, David Milner, Brian Coyle
Covering contemporary topics and issues such as globalisation, digital technology and business ethics, this is the only textbook that fully supports the OxfordAQA International AS Level Business specification (9625), for first teaching from September 2018. The thematic structure enables students to build on the skills and knowledge gained in previous study, preparing them for their next steps in employment or higher level education, whilst international, real-life case studies enhance students' understanding of current business practice. Furthermore, this book offers exam preparation support across a range of assessment styles, building the skills required to evaluate business behaviour and to examine and interpret the quantitative and qualitative data relevant to business decision making.
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Pocket · 2019
Africa: on a shoestring
Hugh Finlay, Joyce Connolly, David Else, Mary Fitzpatrick, Paul Greenway, Anthony Ham, Paula Hardy, Siona Jenkins, Alan Murphy, Grace Pundyk, Andrew Rebold, Deanna Swaney, David Willett, Jeff Williams, Tione Chinula, Alex Landragin, Liza Power, Vincent Talbot, Matthew Fletcher, Tom Parkinson, Nicola Simmonds, Kevin Anglin, Becca Blond, Jean-Bernard Carillet, Abigail Hole, Nick Ray, Jane Cornwell, Gemma Pitcher, Pascale de Lacoudraye, Noo Saro-Wiva
Dette er en detaljert reisehåndbok med praktiske opplysninger om transport, overnatting, spisesteder, severdigheter, utesteder, shopping, historie, kunst og kultur, religion og språk; samt en rekke andre opplysninger som turister vil kunne ha nytte av. Med kart.
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Pocket · 1998
Pocket · 2001
999 Twenty-nine original tales of horror and suspense
Al Sarrantonio, William peter, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Eric Van, David Morrell, Joyce Carol
<p>A ward-winning writer and editor Al Sarrantonio gathers together twenty-nine original stories from masters of the macabre. From dark fantasy and pure suspense to classic horror tales of vampires and zombies, 999 showcases the extraordinary scope of fantastical fright fiction. The stories in this anthology are a relentless tour de force of fear, which will haunt you, terrify you, and keep the adrenaline rushing all through the night.</p>
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Pocket · 1999
Paul Harding, Joe Bindloss, Joyce Connolly, Patrick Horton, Alex Landragin, Sarah Mathers, Sally O'Brien, Sara Benson, Monique Choy, Kate Daly, Virginia Jealous, Matthew Lane, David McClymont, Paul Smitz, Andrew Bain
Dette er en detaljert reisehåndbok med praktiske opplysninger om transport, overnatting, spisesteder, severdigheter, utesteder, shopping, historie, kunst og kultur, religion og språk; samt en rekke andre opplysninger som turister vil kunne ha nytte av. Med kart.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2002
Introducing Joyce
David Norris
James Joyce is one of the most famous--and controversial--writers of the twentieth century. The myth of his difficulty has discouraged many readers from works such as "Ulysses," but David Norris explores his life and work in this engaging and intellectually rigorous introduction.
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Pocket · 2012
James Joyce's Portrait
David Pierce
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Edward Everett Root) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Pocket · 2019
The Joyce Country
David Pierce
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Innbundet · 2018
A Celebration of David Attenborough: The Activity Book
Nathan Joyce
A highly diverting celebration of television's favourite naturalist, packed with games, trivia and Attenborough-inspired activities. Attenborough. Just saying the name makes everyone feel better. Words like 'dependable', 'inspiring' and 'soothing' cascade like the rains returning to the sun-parched savanna. And according to a recent poll, he's the most trustworthy person alive, above Michelle Obama and The Queen. As the saga of Boaty, McBoatface showed (the research ship was finally called RRS Sir David Attenborough), British people love silliness. And this book is a celebration of our two favourite things: Attenborough and silliness. You'll find games like Guess the animal from David's description, the David Attenborough drinking game, Create your own Attenborough coat of arms, Spot the fake species, Attenbingo, come up with a new animal print design for David's patented blue shirt in Patternborough, and if you find yourself in times of trouble, seek solace with the What would Attenborough do? self-help guide. Everything you've ever wanted to know about the great man - from fun facts and remarkable quotes, plus ludicrous games - lies within the sustainably forested habitat of these pages. It's the perfect present for, well, anyone, really.
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Pocket · 2018
Tree : A Life Story
David. Suzuki
?Only God can make a tree," wrote Joyce Kilmer in one of the most celebrated of poems. In Tree: A Life Story, authors David Suzuki and Wayne Grady extend that celebration in a ?biography" of this extraordinary ? and extraordinarily important ? organism. A story that spans a millennium and includes a cast of millions but focuses on a single tree, a Douglas fir, Tree describes in poetic detail the organism's modest origins that begin with a dramatic burst of millions of microscopic grains of pollen. The authors recount the amazing characteristics of
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Pocket · 2009
Norsk Bokmål
Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 6:: Dubliners
James Joyce
"The most consistent of all series in terms of language control, length, and quality of story."David R. Hill, Director of the Edinburgh Project on Extensive Reading.
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Pocket · 2014
The Wake Forest Series of Irish Poetry
Trevor Joyce, Aidan Mathews, Peter McDonald, Ailbhe Darcy, Ailbhe Ni Ghearbhuigh
The Wake Forest Series of Irish Poetry brings lesser-known Irish voices to an American audience. In this fourth volume, editor David Wheatley, himself an established poet and critic, has selected poetry by Trevor Joyce, Aidan Mathews, Peter McDonald, Ailbhe Darcy, and Ailbhe N Ghearbhuigh. Each section is introduced with an essay by Wheatley which offers some background, context, and critical illumination. As Wheatley writes in his preface, "Irish poetry is a peregrine entity, making and manifesting itself in a wide variety of ways, in and out of Ireland, and as a book of Irish poetry edited by a Scotland-based Irishman and published in the US, this volume enters the marketplace from another angle again. The balance of power between Dublin, Belfast, London, and other traditional publishing centers is not a primary concern of this book, however. Instead, I sidestep questions of generational groups and territoriality to explore a series of related but distinct issues, as focused on these five poets' distinguished bodies of work."
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2017
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