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Viser resultat for 'Christine Webb'

    It's Who We Are

    It's Who We Are

    Christine Webber

    Five friends in their fifties find themselves dealing with unforeseen upheaval as they uncover long-hidden and devastating family secrets. Meanwhile, the world around them seems to be spinning out of control. This is a novel about friendship, kindness and identity - and about how vital it is to reach for what enhances rather than depletes you.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    In Honour Bound

    In Honour Bound

    Christine Webber

    A searing and sensual novel set in London in the 1980s - a decade where we believed that anything was possible, and past traditions could be abandoned if unwanted. But, as the popular TV presenter and her cardiac surgeon lover discover, debts of honour in other cultures are not so readily forgotten.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    who'd who'd have thought it

    who'd who'd have thought it

    Christine Webber

    A novel about the turbulence of mid-life and finding a new partner after a long marriage.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Bilturer i Nord- og Midt-Italia

    Bilturer i Nord- og Midt-Italia

    Gillian Arthur, Kate Hughes, Gillian Price, Lucy Ratcliffe, Christine Webb, Marius Webb, Celia Woolfrey

    Bilturer i Nord- og Midt-Italia guider deg vekk fra hovedveiene til vakre småbyer og imponerende landskap, autentiske trattoriaer og innbydende, små hoteller. 25 bilturer - som varer fra én til sju dager - tar deg med dypt inn i Italias uutforskede landområder, med sjarmerende steder å bo og spise langs veien. Hver rute omfatter en guidet spasertur gjennom en historisk by eller et uberørt landskap samt en rekke aktiviteter og tips om hvor man kan kjøpe lokal brukskunst og matvarer. Postnumre er oppført for bruk av GPS. .

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål


    Bilturer i Italia

    Bilturer i Italia: vakker natur, sjarmerende hoteller, autentisk regionalt kjøkken : 24 fine kjøreturer

    Ros Belford, Judy Edelhoff, Adele Evans, Tamara Thiessen, Christine Webb, Marius Webb, Celia Woolfrey

    Bilturer i Italia guider deg vekk fra hovedveiene til vakre småbyer og imponerende landskap, autentiske trattoriaer og innbydende, små hoteller. 24 bilturer ? som varer fra to til fem dager ? tar deg med dypt inn i Italias uutforskede landområder, med sjarmerende steder å bo og spise langs veien. Hver rute omfatter en guidet spasertur gjennom en historisk by eller et uberørt landskap samt en rekke aktiviteter og tips om hvor man kan kjøpe lokal brukskunst og matvarer. Postnumre er oppført for bruk av GPS.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139

    The drowning tree

    The drowning tree

    Carol Goodman

    The stained glass window in Penrose College is Augustus Penrose's legacy to the university he founded for the education of the daughters of the women who worked in his factory, the Rose Glass Works. Depicting his wife, Eugenie, as the Lady of Shallot, it's a mesmerising portrait that has come to embody the spirit of the school itself. But now, eighty years after it was created, the Lady Window, is due for restoration. The task falls to former alumna Juno McKay, who's restoring it in conjunction with her friend, Christine Webb, an art historian who is researching the window for her thesis. Christine seems to have discovered some new evidence that points to Eugenie's sister, Clare, being the subject for the Lady in the Window. But this is controversial, and before Christine can expound on her idea to Juno, she's found, dead, in the lake. But was she drowned, or was it something more sinister? What other legacies have the Penroses bequeathed to the students at their college?

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005



    Innbundet · 2004



    Andre utgaver · 3




    Frederick Forsyth

    I denne boken videreføres beretningen om Operafantomet, som er blitt vel kjent gjennom Andrew Lloyd Webbers musikal: Den vansirede Erik Muhlheim, som holder til i Paris-operaens underjordiske ganger, forelsker seg i sangerinnen Christine de Chagny. Under en forestilling kidnapper han henne, men slipper henne fri igjen. En rasende folkemengde prøver å drepe ham. Frederick Forsyth gir oss del i Erik Muhlheims skjebne etter at han har flyktet til New York. Han har blitt rik og mektig, blant annet ved å skape en fornøyelsespark på Coney Island, der han uten å vekke oppsikt kan skjule ansiktet bak en maske. Han bestemmer seg for å reise et nytt operahus, The Manhattan. Hit inviterer han Christine de Chagny, som svarer ja. Hun tar med seg sin sønn. Gjensynet blir dramatisk. I et forord forteller Frederick Forsyth om bakgrunnen for Lloyd Webbers musikal, og om vanskene som oppsto under byggingen av Paris-operaen . de sju etasjene under bakkenivå og alle gangene, og sjøen som fremdeles befinner seg aller nederst.

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    Innbundet · 1999

    Norsk Bokmål


    Taking It to the Streets

    Taking It to the Streets

    Taking It to the Streets: Public Theologies of Activism and Resistance is an edited volume that explores the critical intersection of public theology, political theology, and communal practices of activism and political resistance. This volume functions as a sister/companion to the text Religion and Science as Political Theology: Navigating Post-Truth and Alternative Facts and focuses on public, civic, performative action as a response to experiences of injustice and diminishments of humanity. There are periods in a nation's civil history when the tides of social unrest rise into waves upon waves of public activism and resistance of the dominant uses of power. In American history, activism and public action including and extending beyond the Women's Suffrage, the Million Man March, protests against the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, Boston Tea Party, Black Lives Matter, the Stonewall Rebellion are hallmarks of transitional or liminal moments in our development as a society. Critical periods marked by increases in public activism and political resistance are opportunities for a society to once again decide who we will be as a people. Will we move towards a more perfect union in which all persons gain freedom in fulfilling their potential or will we choose the perceived safety of the status quo and established norms of power? Whose voices will be heard? Whose will be silenced through intimidation or harm? Ultimately, these are theological questions. Like other forms of non-textual research subjects (movement, dance, performance art), public activism requires a set of research lenses that are often neglected in theological and religious studies. Attention to bodies, as a category, performance, or epistemological vehicle, is sorely lacking so it is no wonder that attention to the mass of moving bodies in activism is largely absent. Activism and public political resistance are a hallmark of our current social webbing and deserve scholarly attention.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    Pocket · 2018


    Spot The Lot

    Spot The Lot

    Lonely Planet, Christina Webb

    What a lot of things to spot! This bright and charming book combines the challenge of I-spy, the fun of a search and find book and the creativity of a sketchpad and a colouring book! With a scene for any destination, children aged 5 and up can get involved with every page, no matter where they are. Packed with bold illustrations from award winning artist, Thomas Flintham, there are hours of fun to be had. Look out for the items in the I-spy grid, find and colour them in a detailed search scene, then create your own fun scenes on the next page. From the seaside to the ski slopes to the shopping mall, there's something for everyone. With points to score on every page, the whole family can get involved. Who will spot the lot? Contents: At The Airport At The Beach At The Movies At The Park At The Campsite On The Ferry In The Country In The City At The Hotel At The Mall At The Market At The Gallery On The Plane By The Pool In The Restaurant On The Road On The Slopes In The Station At The Amusement Park At The Zoo Make Your Own Scoring About Lonely Planet Kids: From the world's leading travel publisher comes Lonely Planet Kids, a children's imprint that brings the world to life for young explorers everywhere. With a range of beautiful books for children aged 5-12, we're kickstarting the travel bug and showing kids just how amazing our planet can be. From bright and bold sticker activity books, to beautiful gift titles bursting at the seams with amazing facts, we aim to inspire and delight curious kids, showing them the rich diversity of people, places and cultures that surrounds us. We pledge to share our enthusiasm and love of the world, our sense of humour and continual fascination for what it is that makes the world we live in the diverse and magnificent place it is. It's going to be a big adventure - come explore!

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Let's Explore... Safari

    Let's Explore... Safari

    Lonely Planet, Christina Webb

    Lonely Planet Kids' brand new series of sticker activity books, Let's Explore?, is perfect for any child with a sense of adventure. With fascinating facts, puzzles to solve and pages to colour and complete, little explorers aged 5 and up will love discovering the amazing environments of our planet. In Let's Explore Safari, things are about to get really wild! Join your guides on a jeep safari in Africa, and keep your eyes peeled for some incredible animals. Spot the big five, discover who's drinking at the waterhole, find out about some true animal superheroes and loads more. An African adventure awaits. Let's explore! Includes over 250 stickers. Perfect for on-the-road entertainment. Authors: Lonely Planet Kids About Lonely Planet Kids: From the world's leading travel publisher comes Lonely Planet Kids, a children's imprint that brings the world to life for young explorers everywhere. We're kick-starting the travel bug and showing kids just how amazing our planet is. Our mission is to inspire and delight curious kids, showing them the rich diversity of people, places and cultures that surrounds us. We pledge to share our enthusiasm and continual fascination for what it is that makes the world we live in the magnificent place it is. Award-winning children's titles from Lonely Planet include The Amazing World Atlas (Independent Publisher Award, Gold for Juvenile Multicultural Non-fiction, 2015), How to Be a Space Explorer (Independent Publisher Award, Silver for Juvenile Non-fiction, 2015), Not For Parents The Travel Book, Not For Parents Paris, Not For Parents London, Not For Parents New York City, and Not For Parents Rome (all Parent Tested Parent Approved winners, 2012). Lonely Planet guides have won the TripAdvisor Traveler's Choice Award in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    I Like This Poem

    I Like This Poem

    Kaye Webb

    Highwaymen and naughty children, sharks and baboons, the Snitterjipe and the Jabberwocky, all have their part to play.Each and every poem in this treasure chest of family favourites was chosen by a child for other children.With poems from William Wordsworth and Christina Rosetti to Roald Dahl and Michael Rosen, there really is something for everyone. Classics to savour and new favourites to discover!This is a classic anthology to treasure forever.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 69
    kr 69



    Agatha Christie

    Den unge stenografen Sheila Webb blir tilkalt til en blind gammel dame. Damen er ikke hjemme, og i stuen finner Sheila liket av en mann. Skrekkslagen styrter hun på dør og rett i armene på Colin Lamb, en etterretningsagent. Kriminalpolitiet kan snart komme med merkeligeopplysninger: damen har ikke sendt bud på Sheila, ingen kan identifisere den døde, og i stuen står fire klokker som ikke hører til der. Politiet er forvirret, og to nye mord gjør ikke saken enklere. Colin Lamb kontakter Hercule Poirot.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2001

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Innbundet · 1995

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 6

    kr 59

    Tour de France

    Tour de France: offisielt program 2018

    Ann Syrehn Tomasevic,Christina Baker Kline,Katherine Webb,Maggie O`Farrell,Sarah Lark,Stephanie Perkins

    Offisielt Tour de France program for touren 2019. Her finner du alt det offisielle innholdet, produsert av eksperter innenfor touren . Bladet inneholder også en liten del egenprodusert norsk innhold, som matcher den flotte informasjonen i bladet. Dette er en lekker, gjennomført guide med høy kvalitet på innholdet. Her får du: - Fullstendig oversikt over alle etappene, som oftest med kart, profiler og grundige beskrivelser - TV-oversikt som gir deg full kontroll på hvor og når du ser etappene! - Fulle lister over alle lagene! - Redaksjonelt innhold - hvem blir profilene i år, hvem er outsidere? - Historie fra tidligere ritt, med fokus på den gule trøya, som blir 100 år i år

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål


    Poirot - The Clocks

    Poirot - The Clocks

    Agatha Christie

    As instructed, Sheila Webb let herself into the house at 19 Wilbraham Crescent. She then discovered a dead body sprawled across the living room floor. What intrigued Poirot was that Sheila remembered having heard a clock strike three o'clock. Yet, the four other clocks all showed the time as 4.13.

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    Pocket · 2002



    The Clocks

    The Clocks

    Agatha Christie

    A typist uncovers a man's body from behind the sofa... As instructed, stenographer Sheila Webb let herself into the house at 19 Wilbraham Crescent. It was then that she made a grisly discovery: the body of a dead man sprawled across the living room floor. What intrigued Poirot about the case was the time factor. Although in a state of shock, Sheila clearly remembered having heard a cuckoo clock strike three o'clock. Yet, the four other clocks in the living room all showed the time as 4.13. Even more strangely, only one of these clocks belonged to the owner of the house...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Pocket · 2015


    Andre utgaver · 3


    Digitala verktyg och sociala medier i undervisningen:

    Digitala verktyg och sociala medier i undervisningen:

    Christina Löfving

    Digitala verktyg och sociala medier i undervisningen behandlar hur man praktiskt kan använda digitala verktyg och sociala medier i alla ämnen i grundskolan. Läs mer Boken innehåller en gedigen genomgång av digitala verktyg och sociala medier samt beskriver genom konkreta planeringsexempel hur de kan användas för att eleverna ska nå kunskapskraven. I boken ges också exempel på hur arbetslag kan arbeta för att tillsammans utveckla ny kunskap inom området. Digitala verktyg och sociala medier i undervisningen vänder sig till lärarstudenter som ska arbeta i grundskola, förskoleklass eller fritidshem och till yrkesverksamma pedagoger, som vill lära sig hur man kan gå vidare som pedagog i ett digitalt och uppkopplat samhälle. Elza Dunkels har skrivit förord. Hon är lärarutbildare och forskare vid Umeå universitet. Hennes forskning handlar till stor del om de strategier barn och unga använder för att skydda sig mot faror på internet, men hon studerar också ungas lärandemodeller. Om författarna Christina Löfving är grundskollärare med lång erfarenhet av undervisning inom alla grundskolans stadier. För många är hon känd som itmamman via sin blogg, där hon också uppdaterar adresserna till de webbtjänster som hon nämner i boken, itmamman.se och via twitter.com/itmamman. Christina Löfving vinnare av Guldäpplejuryns särskilda pris 2012 Ur juryns motivering: "Christina har under lång tid betytt mycket för lärare och skolledare för diskussion och utveckling av arbetssätten med it i undervisningen." Mer om priset: www.diu.se/guldapple Sociala medier och IT i skolan, Christina Löfvings seminarium vid Bok och bibliotek 2012 (UR). Christina Löfving om hur IKT förändrat förutsättningarna för lärandet (SETT 2012)

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    Piken og døden

    Piken og døden

    Richard W. Webb og Hugh Wheeler Martha M. Kelley, Quentin Patrick

    I flere uker bombarderes Grace med glødende kjærlighetsbrev. Så følger et døgn med hemmelighetskremmeri og forvirring. Grace blir funnet myrdet, og fullmektig Trant fra kriminalpolitiet i New York etterforsker saken. Venninnen Lee tar også saken i egne hender, for å finne ut hva som har skjedd med Grace. Hun skjønner at dekan Robert Hudnutt lyver om en samtale han hadde med Grace kvelden før drapet, og både den ene og den andre gjør merkelige ting, men så har også de fleste i Graces nærmeste omgangskrets skjulte motiver. Det dukker også opp enda et lik.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 99

    Pocket · 1982

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 7

    kr 99

    Really easy piano collection - 50 fabulous songs

    Really easy piano collection - 50 fabulous songs

    Easy piano arrangements of 50 popular songs complete with song background notes and playing hints and tips. (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay [Redding, Otis] Any Dream Will Do (Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat) [Lloyd Webber, Andrew] Babylon [Gray, David] Baker Street [Rafferty, Gerry] Beautiful [Aguilera, Christina] Blackadder Theme [Goodall, Howard] Chasing Cars [Snow Patrol] Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend (Gentlemen Prefer Blondes) [Monroe, Marilyn] Electricity (Billy Elliot) [John, Elton] [Hall, Lee] End Of The Road [Boyz Ii Men] Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) [Sinatra, Frank] Für Elise [Beethoven, Ludwig Van] Georgia On My Mind (Ray) [Charles, Ray] Hopelessly Devoted To You (Grease) [Newton-john, Olivia] I Dreamed A Dream (Les Misérables) [Schönberg, Claude-michel] [Boublil, Alain] [Natel, Jean-marc] [Kretzmer, Herbert] I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) [Housten, Whitney] If I Didn't Have You (Monsters Inc.) [Newman, Randy] Into The Groove [Madonna] La Donna E Mobile (Rigoletto) [Verdi, Giuseppe] Lacrimosa (Requiem) [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus] Let It Be [The Beatles] Love Is All Around (Four Weddings And A Funeral) [Wet Wet Wet] Moon River (Breakfast At Tiffany's) [Mancini, Henry] Neighbours (Theme) [Hatch, Tony] [Trent, Jackie] Night Fever (Saturday Night Fever) [Bee Gees, The] Nine To Five (Nine To Five) [Parton, Dolly] Oblivion [Piazzolla, Astor] Put Your Records On [Rae, Corinne Bailey] Read My Mind [Killers, The] Ruby [Kaiser Chiefs] Satin Doll [Ellington, Duke] [Strayhorn, Billy] She Loves You [Beatles, The] Shine [Take That] Sing [Travis] Son Of A Preacher Man (Pulp Fiction) [Springfiled, Dusty] Summertime (Porgy And Bess) [Gershwin, George] Take A Chance On Me [Abba] Take My Breath Away (Top Gun) [Berlin] Tell Me It's Not True (Blood Brothers) [Russell, Willy] The Closest Thing To Crazy [Melua, Katie] The Rhythm Of Life (Sweet Charity) [Coleman, Cy] The Scientist [Coldplay] The Winner Takes It All [Abba] To A Wild Rose [Macdowell, Edward] Under The Sea (The Little Mermaid) [Menken, Alan] [Ashman, Howard] Viva La Vida [Coldplay] When You Wish Upon A Star (Pinocchio) [Harline, Leigh] [Washington, Ned] Where The Streets Have No Name [U2] Wonderful Tonight [Clapton, Eric] You Give Me Something [Morrison, James]

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010



    James Inverne talks to the impresarios

    James Inverne talks to the impresarios

    James Inverne

    <p>This book features in-depth interviews with today's major producers of theatre, opera and ballet. They are dictators, often eccentrics, all of them visionaries who beat the odds on a daily basis to achieve their dreams. Includes: Sir Cameron Mackintosh, Sir Peter Hall, Andrew Lloyd-Webber, Bill Kenwright, Harvey Goldsmith, Raymond Gubbay, Matthew Bourne, Sir George Christie and others.</p>

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2000



    Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depressed Adolescents

    Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depressed Adolescents

    USA) Auerbach Randy P. (Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital Massachusetts, USA) Webb Christian A. (Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital Massachusetts, USA) Stewart Jeremy G. (McLean Hospital Massachusetts

    Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depressed Adolescents provides clinicians, clinical supervisors, and researchers with a comprehensive understanding of etiological pathways as well as current CBT approaches for treating affected adolescents. Chapters guide readers from preparations for the first session and clinical assessment to termination and relapse prevention, and each chapter includes session transcripts to provide a more concrete sense of what it looks like to implement particular CBT techniques with depressed teens. In-depth discussions of unique challenges posed by working with depressed teens, as well as ways to address these issues, also are provided.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


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