Viser resultat for 'Christian Hafting'
Latin som lever: latinske uttrykk og sitater
Christian Hafting
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Innbundet · 1983
Norsk Bokmål
Levende Latin. Latinske uttrykk og sitater.
Christian Hafting
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Innbundet · 1952
Daisy Haites: The Great Undoing
Jessa Hastings
"It''s the great undoing of my heart as I know it." Daisy Haites thought she''d left everything about her old life in the past: the crime, her family and the man she loves. But when her safety is threatened once again, she finds herself back under the watchful eyes of her gang-lord brother Julian and her ex-boyfriend Christian, both desperate to keep her safe. Everything gets more complicated when beautiful, broken-hearted socialite Magnolia Parks enters the scene and Julian finds himself entangled with her. Because for Julian, falling in love isn''t just unwelcome - it could be deadly for everyone involved . . .
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Pocket · 2022
Daisy Haites
Jessa Hastings
All 20-year-old Daisy Haites has ever wanted is a normal life, but as the heiress to London''s most notorious criminal empire, it''s just not on the cards for her. Raised by her older brother Julian since their parents were murdered, Daisy has never been able to escape the watchful gaze of her gang-lord brother. But Julian''s line of work means that Daisy''s life is... complicated. And things don''t become any easier when she falls hard for the beautiful and emotionally unavailable Christian Hemmes, who also happens to be one of the few men in London who doesn''t answer to Julian. Christian''s life is no walk in the park either, since he''s in love with his best friend''s girlfriend, Magnolia Parks. He''s happy enough to use Daisy to throw off the scent of his true affections - until she starts to infiltrate those too.
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Pocket · 2023
Porcelain: a memoir
In the late eighties and early nineties, Moby, then an underground DJ and musician, was scraping out a living in New York City. In a scene popular chiefly among working-class African-Americans and Latinos, Moby - a poor, skinny, white Christian, vegan and teetotaller - looked like he would never make it. By the late nineties, contemplating the end of his music career, he released what he assumed would be his swansong, Play, which went on to become a multi-million-selling album, opening up an astonishing new phase in his life. Porcelain is an unfailingly honest, funny and brilliantly written memoir about making it, losing it, loving it, hating it and everything in between.
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Pocket · 2017
Pocket · 2016
Bauen in Der Schweiz
Christian von Büren
Das rechtliche und wirtschaftliche Umfeld fur Planer in der Schweiz wird vermittelt und projektbezogene Rahmenbedingungen wie Planvertrage, Haftung/Versicherung, das Vergabewesen, Honorare oder die Burotatigkeit, aber auch das besondere Verhaltnis der Schweiz zur EU erlautert.
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Pocket · 2005
Välklädd : så stylar du din garderob
Christian Quaglia
Hitta din personliga stil! Välklädd är boken för alla mode- och stilroade män. Men Välklädd är mer än snygga kläder. Det handlar om att satsa på passform, färg och mönster, kvalité. Att våga ta ut svängarna, mixa, hitta sin egen personliga stil. Kombinera med rätt accessoarer. Blanda nytt och gammalt, klockan eller väskan kan gärna vara ett vintagefynd. Välja material som håller. Köpa en häftig ring eller riktigt eleganta skor. Toppa med en färgstark sjal. Och ägna lite tid åt att vårda sig själv, sin hy, sin frisyr, sitt skägg; grooming. Christian Quaglia, välkänd från bland annat tv, tipsar dig i sin bok om hur du kan styla din garderob. Hur du kan klä dig till vardag och till fest och hur du kan optimera din stil med skor, väskor, klockor, smycken och andra accessoarer. Du får besöka skräddaren, skomakaren, handskmakaren, barberaren, urmakaren med flera och lära dig om de klassiska hantverken, du får kunskap om olika material och vad som är bästa kvalité, och råd om bästa kroppsvård. Och du får en del shopping- och resetips på vägen. Nytt eller vintage? Handla på nätet? Dags också att besöka shoppingstäderna Neapel, New York och London. Bokens alla inspirerande bilder är tagna av fotograferna Dion Amor och Nicolina Knapp.
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Innbundet · 2015
Bibelen i tekst og bilder
Selina Hastings
I Bibelen i tekst og bilder får Bibelens mest kjente tekster møte kunst fra Nasjonalmuseets samling. Opplev bibeltekstene på nytt i denne unike praktutgaven, med kunst av Edvard Munch, Anna-Eva Bergman, Henrik Sørensen, Christian Krohg, Inger Sitter og mange flere fra Nasjonalmuseets samling. Dette er en bibelutgave med tilrettelagt tekst. Her er 101 utvalgte og sentrale bibeltekster vakkert presentert sammen med kunst som åpner for refleksjon og assiosasjon. Utgivelsen er et samarbeid mellom Bibelselskapet, Nasjonalmuseet og Leser søker bok. Bokblokken har åpen rygg slik at den er lettere å holde åpen.
5.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2021
Norsk Bokmål
Making My Pitch
Ila Jane Borders, Jean Hastings Ardell
Making My Pitch tells the story of Ila Jane Borders, who despite formidable obstacles became a Little League prodigy, MVP of her otherwise all-male middle school and high school teams, the first woman awarded a baseball scholarship, and the first to pitch and win a complete men's collegiate game. After Mike Veeck signed Borders in May 1997 to pitch for his St. Paul Saints of the independent Northern League, she accomplished what no woman had done since the Negro Leagues era: play men's professional baseball. Borders played four professional seasons and in 1998 became the first woman in the modern era to win a professional ball game. Borders had to find ways to fit in with her teammates, reassure their wives and girlfriends, work with the media, and fend off groupies. But these weren't the toughest challenges. She had a troubled family life, a difficult adolescence as she struggled with her sexual orientation, and an emotionally fraught college experience as a closeted gay athlete at a Christian university. Making My Pitch shows what it's like to be the only woman on the team bus, in the clubhouse, and on the field. Raw, open, and funny at times, her story encompasses the loneliness of a groundbreaking pioneer who experienced grave personal loss. Borders ultimately relates how she achieved self-acceptance and created a life as a firefighter and paramedic and as a coach and goodwill ambassador for the game of baseball.
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Pocket · 2019
Innbundet · 2017
Armsbearing and the Clergy in the History and Canon Law of Western Christianity
Lawrence G. Duggan
In the first millennium the Christian Church forbade its clergy from bearing arms. In the mid-eleventh century the ban was reiterated many times at the highest levels: all participants in the battle of Hastings, for example, who had drawn blood were required to do public penance. Yet over the next two hundred years the canon law of the Latin Church changed significantly: the pope and bishops came to authorize and direct wars; military-religious orders, beginning with the Templars, emerged to defend the faithful and the Faith; and individual clerics were allowed to bear arms for defensive purposes. This study examines how these changes developed, ranging widely across Europe and taking the story right up to the present day; it also considers the reasons why the original prohibition has never been restored. Lawrence G. Duggan is Professor of History at the University of Delaware and research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
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Pocket · 2019
What a Sista Should Do
Tiffany L. Warren
Pam Lyons has a husband who places more trust in money and marijuana than in God. Yvonne Hastings is a minister's wife whose husband's infidelity and physical abuse brings their marriage to a crossroads. Taylor Johnson is a single mother who is looking for a good Christian man to help raise her son, but is unable to rid herself of the guilt left over from her promiscuous past. The secret of Taylor's child's paternity is the catalyst for the tumultuous relationship between the three women. Together, they will learn unforgettable lessons about love, forgiveness, prayer, and sisterhood.
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Pocket · 2014
Stan Goff
In his sharp, observant book, Stan Goff grapples with a problem crucial to modern Christian values. The sanctification of war and contempt for women are both grounded in a fear that breeds hostility, a hostility that valorises conquest and murder. In 'Borderline', Goff dissects the driving force behind the darkest impulses of the human heart. The un-Christian history of loving war and hating women are not merely similar but two sides of the same coin, he argues, in an 'autobiography' that spans two millennia of war and misogyny. 'Borderline' is the personal and conceptual history of an American career army veteran transformed by Jesus into a passionate advocate for nonviolence, written by a man who narrates his conversion to Christianity through feminism.
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Pocket · 2015
Unsettled Toleration
Yale University) Walsh Brian (Associate Professor Associate Professor
Unsettled Toleration: Religious Difference on the Shakespearean Stage historicizes and scrutinizes the unstable concept of toleration as it emerges in drama performed on the Elizabethan and Jacobean stages. Brian Walsh examines plays by Shakespeare and his contemporaries that represent intra-Christian conflict between mainstream believers and various minorities, analyzing the sometimes explicit, sometimes indirect, occasionally smooth, but more often haltingand equivocal forms of dealing with difference that these plays imagine can result from such exchanges. Through innovative and in some cases unprecedented readings of a diverse collection of plays, from Chapman's An Humorous Day's Mirth, Middleton's The Puritan Widow, Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, Measure forMeasure, and Pericles, and Rowley's When You See Me You Know Me, Walsh shows how the English stage in the first decade of the seventeenth century, as a social barometer, registered the basic condition of religious "unsettlement " of the post-Reformation era; and concurrently that the stage, as a social incubator, brooded over imagined scenarios of confessional conflict that could end variously in irresolution, accommodation, or even religious syncretism. It thushelped to create, sustain and enlarge an open-ended public conversation on the vicissitudes of getting along in a sectarian world. Attending to this conversation is vital to our present understanding of the state of religious toleration the early modern period, for it gives a fuller picture of the ways religious difference wasexperienced than the limited and inert pronouncements on the topic that officials of the church and state offered.
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Innbundet · 2016
Creating Russophobia
Guy Mettan
Why do the USA, UK and Europe so hate Russia? How it is that Western antipathy, once thought due to anti-Communism, could be so easily revived over a crisis in distant Ukraine, against a Russia no longer communist? Why does the West accuse Russia of empire-building, when 15 states once part of the defunct Warsaw Pact are now part of NATO, and NATO troops now flank the Russian border? These are only some of the questions Creating Russophobia iinvestigates. Mettan begins by showing the strength of the prejudice against Russia through the Western response to a series of events: the Uberlingen mid-air collision, the Beslan hostage- taking, the Ossetia War, the Sochi Olympics and the crisis in Ukraine. He then delves into the historical, religious, ideological and geopolitical roots of the detestation of Russia in various European nations over thirteen centuries since Charlemagne competed with Byzantium for the title of heir to the Roman Empire. Mettan examines the geopolitical machinations expressed in those times through the medium of religion, leading to the great Christian schism between Germanic Rome and Byzantium and the European Crusades against Russian Orthodoxy. This history of taboos, prejudices and propaganda directed against the Orthodox Church provides the mythic foundations that shaped Western disdain for contemporary Russia. From the religious and imperial rivalry created by Charlemagne and the papacy to the genesis of French, English, German and then American Russophobia, the West has been engaged in more or less violent hostilities against Russia for a thousand years. Contemporary Russophobia is manufactured through the construction of an anti-Russian discourse in the media and the diplomatic world, and the fabrication and demonization of The Bad Guy, now personified by Vladimir Putin. Both feature in the meta-narrative, the mythical framework of the ferocious Russian bear ruled with a rod of iron by a vicious president. A synthetic reading of all these elements is presented in the light of recent events and in particular of the Ukrainian crisis and the recent American elections, showing how all the resources of the West's soft power have been mobilized to impose the tale of bad Russia dreaming of global conquest. "By hating Russia, one hurts oneself. Swiss journalist Guy Mettan pieces together the reasons of detestation of the Kremlin and of a rhetoric that goes back to Napoleonic times despite the long list of aggressions perpetrated in the meantime by the West. And he explains why pushing Moscow toward Asia is a very serious error." -Panorama, Italy "Like Saddam Hussein's mythical weapons of massive destruction in 2003, Peter the Great's fake will has been used to justify the aggressions and invasions that the Europeans, and now the Americans, still carry out against Russia." -Lib ration, France
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Pocket · 2017
End-to-End QoS Network Design
Tim Szigeti
End-to-End QoS Network Design Quality of Service for Rich-Media & Cloud Networks Second Edition New best practices, technical strategies, and proven designs for maximizing QoS in complex networks This authoritative guide to deploying, managing, and optimizing QoS with Cisco technologies has been thoroughly revamped to reflect the newest applications, best practices, hardware, software, and tools for modern networks. This new edition focuses on complex traffic mixes with increased usage of mobile devices, wireless network access, advanced communications, and video. It reflects the growing heterogeneity of video traffic, including passive streaming video, interactive video, and immersive videoconferences. It also addresses shifting bandwidth constraints and congestion points; improved hardware, software, and tools; and emerging QoS applications in network security. The authors first introduce QoS technologies in high-to-mid-level technical detail, including protocols, tools, and relevant standards. They examine new QoS demands and requirements, identify reasons to reevaluate current QoS designs, and present new strategic design recommendations.Next, drawing on extensive experience, they offer deep technical detail on campus wired and wireless QoS design; next-generation wiring closets; QoS design for data centers, Internet edge, WAN edge, and branches; QoS for IPsec VPNs, and more. Tim Szigeti, CCIE No. 9794 is a Senior Technical Leader in the Cisco System Design Unit. He has specialized in QoS for the past 15 years and authored Cisco TelePresence Fundamentals. Robert Barton, CCIE No. 6660 (R&S and Security), CCDE No. 2013::6 is a Senior Systems Engineer in the Cisco Canada Public Sector Operation. A registered Professional Engineer (P. Eng), he has 15 years of IT experience and is primarily focused on wireless and security architectures. Christina Hattingh spent 13 years as Senior Member of Technical Staff in Unified Communications (UC) in Cisco's Services Routing Technology Group (SRTG). There, she spoke at Cisco conferences, trained sales staff and partners, authored books, and advised customers. Kenneth Briley, Jr., CCIE No. 9754, is a Technical Lead in the Cisco Network Operating Systems Technology Group.With more than a decade of QoS design/implementation experience, he is currently focused on converging wired and wireless QoS. n Master a proven, step-by-step best-practice approach to successful QoS deployment n Implement Cisco-validated designs related to new and emerging applications n Apply best practices for classification, marking, policing, shaping, markdown, and congestion management/avoidance n Leverage the new Cisco Application Visibility and Control feature-set to perform deep-packet inspection to recognize more than 1000 different applications n Use Medianet architecture elements specific to QoS configuration, monitoring, and control n Optimize QoS in rich-media campus networks using the Cisco Catalyst 3750, Catalyst 4500, and Catalyst 6500 n Design wireless networks to support voice and video using a Cisco centralized or converged access WLAN n Achieve zero packet loss in GE/10GE/40GE/100GE data center networks n Implement QoS virtual access data center designs with the Cisco Nexus 1000V n Optimize QoS at the enterprise customer edge n Achieve extraordinary levels of QoS in service provider edge networks n Utilize new industry standards and QoS technologies, including IETF RFC 4594, IEEE 802.1Q-2005, HQF, and NBAR2 This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press(r), which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.
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Innbundet · 2013
The unhoneymooners ; The unhoneymooners
Christina Lauren
'The perfect choice if you've had to cancel your summer holiday but still want to feel the sand between your toes' Beth O'Leary 'Pure joy' Sally Thorne, USA Today bestselling author of The Hating Game The honeymoon of a lifetime . . . with her sworn enemy! Olive is always unlucky; her identical twin sister Ami, on the other hand, is probably the luckiest person in the world. While she's about to marry her dream man, Olive is forced to play nice with her nemesis: the best man, Ethan. Yet Olive's luck may be on the turn . . . When the entire wedding - except for Olive and Ethan - gets food poisoning, there's an all-expenses-paid honeymoon in Hawaii up for grabs. Putting their mutual hatred aside, Olive and Ethan head for paradise. But when Olive runs into her future boss, the little white lie she tells him spirals out of control. Forced to play loving newlyweds, she and Ethan find themselves in closer proximity than they ever expected. Soon, Olive finds that maybe she doesn't mind pretending. In fact, she's beginning to feel kind of . . . lucky. Why readers LOVE Christina Lauren 'One of my favourites. You'll race through it and won't fail to enjoy soaking up the amazing summery vibes' Paige Toon 'Witty and downright hilarious . . . a perfect feel-good romantic comedy' Helen Hoang, author of The Kiss Quotient 'What a joyful, warm, touching book! This is the book to read if you want to smile so hard your face hurts' Jasmine Guillory, New York Times bestselling author of The Proposal 'A sexy, hilarious rom-com . . . Perfect for fans of Jasmine Guillory and Sally Thorne' Booklist 'Will we ever stop falling in love with Christina Lauren's fictional men? The answer to this is HECK NO' Fangirlish
4.6 av 5
Pocket · 2020
Love and Other Words
Christina Lauren
Macy Sorensen is settling into an ambitious if emotionally tepid routine: work hard as a new pediatrics resident, plan her wedding to an older, financially secure man, keep her head down and heart tucked away. But when she runs into Elliot Petropoulos—the first and only love of her life—the careful bubble she’s constructed begins to dissolve. Once upon a time, Elliot was Macy’s entire world—growing from her gangly bookish friend into the man who coaxed her heart open again after the loss of her mother...only to break it on the very night he declared his love for her. Told in alternating timelines between Then and Now, teenage Elliot and Macy grow from friends to much more—spending weekends and lazy summers together in a house outside of San Francisco devouring books, sharing favorite words, and talking through their growing pains and triumphs. As adults, they have become strangers to one another until their chance reunion. Although their memories are obscured by the agony of what happened that night so many years ago, Elliot will come to understand the truth behind Macy’s decade-long silence, and will have to overcome the past and himself to revive her faith in the possibility of an all-consuming love.
4.5 av 5
Pocket · 2018
Pocket · 2018
In a holidaze
Christina Lauren
'Pure, irresistible magic from start to finish' Emily Henry, New York Times bestselling author of Beach Read Love Actually meets Groundhog Day in this magical holiday romance from the New York Times bestselling author of The Unhoneymooners. It's the most wonderful time of the year . . . but not for Maelyn Jones. She's living with her parents, hates her going-nowhere job and has just made a romantic error of epic proportions. But perhaps worst of all, this is the last Christmas Mae will be at her favourite place in the world - the snowy cabin where she and her family have spent every holiday since she was born. Mentally melting down as she drives away for the final time, Mae throws out what she thinks is a simple plea to the universe: Please. Show me what will make me happy. The next thing she knows, everything goes black . . . When Mae gasps awake, she's back on an airplane, beginning the same holiday all over again. With one hilarious disaster after another sending her back to the plane, Mae must figure out how to break free of the strange time loop - and finally get her true love under the mistletoe. Jam-packed with yuletide cheer, an unforgettable cast of characters, and Christina Lauren's trademark hilarious hijinks, this swoon-worthy romantic read will make you believe in the power of wishes and the magic of the holidays. Find out why readers LOVE Christina Lauren: 'A romantic explosion of holiday joy that will have readers drunk on its feel-good vibes quicker than a cup of eggnog' Entertainment Weekly 'An absolutely dazzling holiday romance: clever and cozy and deliciously sexy, with a cast of characters and a spirit-of-the-season lesson you won't soon forget' Kate Clayborn, author of Love Lettering 'Witty and downright hilarious . . . a perfect feel-good romantic comedy' Helen Hoang, author of The Kiss Quotient 'Pure joy' Sally Thorne, USA Today bestselling author of The Hating Game 'What a joyful, warm
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Pocket · 2021
Career Development for the Department of Defense Security Cooperation Workforce
M Wade Markel, Jefferson P Marquis, Peter Schirmer, Sean Robson, Lisa Saum-Manning, Katherine Hastings, Katharina Ley Best, Christina Panis, Alyssa Ramos, Barbara Bicksler
Security cooperation's importance, scale, and complexity have grown substantially in recent years, but efforts to develop and manage the Department of Defense security cooperation workforce have lagged. This study informs the development of career models for the security cooperation workforce, assesses potential requirements for competencies and experience, and identifies potential job families within the workforce to facilitate management.
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Pocket · 2018
Dating You / Hating You
Christina Lauren
Everyone knows that all's fair in love and war. But these two will learn that sabotage is a dish best served naked. The first standalone romance by New York Times and #1 international bestselling author Christina Lauren ( Beautiful Bastard ) is a sexy, compulsively readable romantic comedy that dives headlong into the thrill and doubt of modern love. Despite the odds against them from an embarrassing meet-awkward at a mutual friend's Halloween party, Carter and Evie immediately hit it off. Even the realization that they're both high-powered agents at competing firms in Hollywood isn't enough to squash the fire. But when their two agencies merge--causing the pair to vie for the same position--all bets are off. What could have been a beautiful, blossoming romance turns into an all-out war of sabotage. Carter and Evie are both thirtysomething professionals--so why can't they act like it? Can Carter stop trying to please everyone and see how their mutual boss is really playing the game? Can Evie put aside her competitive nature long enough to figure out what she really wants in life? Can their actor clients just be something close to human? Whether these two Hollywood love/hatebirds get the storybook Hollywood ending, or just a dramedy of epic proportions, you get to enjoy Christina Lauren's heartfelt, hilarious story of romance in the modern world.
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2017
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