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Viser resultat for 'Bill Laws'

    Fifty Plants That Changed the Course of History

    Fifty Plants That Changed the Course of History

    Bill Laws

    "This book will mesmerize plant-lovers and non-gardeners alike." --American Gardener "This marvelous collection of tales deserves to be read and enjoyed." --Chicago Botanic Garden Fifty Plants that Changed the Course of History is a beautifully presented guide to the plants that have had the greatest impact on human civilization. Entries feature a description of the plant, its botanical name, its native range and its primary functions--edible, medicinal, commercial or practical. Concise text is highlighted by elegant botanical drawings, paintings and photographs as well as insightful quotes. Many of the plants are well known, such as rice, tea, cotton, rubber, wheat, sugarcane, tobacco, wine grapes and corn. However, there are also many whose stories are less known. These history-changing plants include: Agave, used to make sisal, poison arrows, bullets, tequila and surgical thread Pineapple, which influenced the construction of greenhouses Hemp, used for hangman's rope, sustainable plastics, the Declaration of Independence and Levi's jeans Coconut, used for coir fiber, soap, margarine, cream, sterile IV drips and coagulants Eucalyptus, used in mouthwash, diuretics, vitamins, honey, underwear and fire-resistant uniforms Sweet pea, which Gregor Mendel used in his research on genetics White mulberry, used to feed the caterpillars that make silk English oak, used for fire-resistant structures, dyes, leather tanning, charcoal, casks and ships White willow, used in the manufacture of aspirin, cricket bats, hot-air balloon baskets and coffins. This attractive reference provides an innovative perspective on both botanical and human history.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    Pocket · 2010



    RHS Tales from the Tool Shed

    RHS Tales from the Tool Shed

    Bill Laws

    RHS Tales from the Tool Shed is an historical, horticultural journey told through fifty pieces of garden gear. A treasure trove of garden paraphernalia, it explores the roots and evolution of objects, names and places, covering everything from the humble spade to architectural ornaments. Practical insights into the usage and maintenance of each tool appear throughout, along with dozens of attractive photographs, etchings and botanical illustrations. Written by the author of the bestselling Fifty Plants that Changed the Course of History, this is a book to cherish for all gardeners and garden lovers.

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    Innbundet · 2014


    kr 40
    kr 40

    Femtio växter som ändrat historiens gång

    Femtio växter som ändrat historiens gång

    Bill Laws

    Växter är så vanligt förekommande omkring oss att vi sällan stannar upp och funderar över den stora inverkan de har på vår dagliga tillvaro. Vi ger bort blommor vid speciella tillfällen, spenderar mödosamma timmar i våra trädgårdar, använder växter vid färgning av textilier, till kosmetika och i läkemedel. Vi är helt beroende av dem för vår överlevnad, de förser oss med syre. Femtio växter som ändrat historiens gång är en vackert illustrerad bok som innehåller fascinerande berättelser om både kända och mindre kända växter som har spelat en central roll för människans och det moderna samhällets utveckling. Artiklarna sträcker sig från ris och vete, vilka utgör basföda för häften av jordens befolkning, till örter och kryddor, berömda för sina läkande egenskaper. I boken vävs ekonomins, politikens och jordbrukets historia samman utifrån femtio betydelsefulla växter. På Lind & Co finns även Femtio djur som ändrat historiens gång .

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016





    Bill Laws

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    Femti planter som endret historiens gang

    Femti planter som endret historiens gang

    Bill Laws

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål


    Irish country style

    Irish country style

    Bill Laws

    Boken presenterer den irske stilen, som mikser gammelt med nytt. Har bibliografi.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1999



    The Lords of Strategy

    The Lords of Strategy

    Walter Kiechel

    Imagine, if you can, the world of business - without corporate strategy. Remarkably, fifty years ago that's the way it was. Businesses made plans, certainly, but without understanding the underlying dynamics of competition, costs, and customers. It was like trying to design a large-scale engineering project without knowing the laws of physics. But in the 1960s, four mavericks and their posses instigated a profound shift in thinking that turbocharged business as never before, with implications far beyond what even they imagined. In The Lords of Strategy, renowned business journalist and editor Walter Kiechel tells, for the first time, the story of the four men who invented corporate strategy as we know it and set in motion the modern, multibillion-dollar consulting industry: Bruce Henderson, founder of Boston Consulting Group Bill Bain, creator of Bain & Company Fred Gluck, longtime Managing Director of McKinsey & Company Michael Porter, Harvard Business School professor Providing a window into how to think about strategy today, Kiechel tells their story with novelistic flair.At times inspiring, at times nearly terrifying, this book is a revealing account of how these iconoclasts and the organizations they led revolutionized the way we think about business, changed the very soul of the corporation, and transformed the way we work.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010


    Law of Confession: Revolutionize Your Life and Rewrite Your Future with the Power of Words

    Law of Confession: Revolutionize Your Life and Rewrite Your Future with the Power of Words

    Bill Winston

    Just like natural laws, there are spiritual laws with cause and effect. God set the universe in motion with the power of His words and established the law of confession, but many believers have suffered needlessly by misunderstanding the power of their words. Have you? Dr. Bill Winston, pastor, Bible teacher, and host of the national television program Believer's Walk of Faith broadcast to over 100 million homes, reveals scriptural examples and real life examples of the importance of the spoken word. Uncover the enemy's deceptive plan to use your own words against you and what you can do to turn your situation around.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    John Bright : Statesman, Orator, Agitator

    John Bright : Statesman, Orator, Agitator

    Bill. Cash

    John Bright was one of the greatest British statesmen of the nineteenth century. In a series of Punch cartoons in 1878, Bright featured alongside Disraeli and Gladstone as among the most influential politicians of the age. However, his profound contribution to British politics and society has been virtually forgotten in the modern world._x000D__x000D_Bright played a critical role in many of the most important political movements of the Victorian era, from the repeal of the Corn Laws to Home Rule. In his great campaign leading up to the Reform Act 1867, he fought for parliamentary reform on beh

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



    John Bright

    John Bright

    Bill Cash

    John Bright was one of the greatest British statesmen of the nineteenth century. In a series of Punch cartoons in 1878, Bright featured alongside Disraeli and Gladstone as among the most influential politicians of the age. However, his profound contribution to British politics and society has been virtually forgotten in the modern world. Bright played a critical role in many of the most important political movements of the Victorian era, from the repeal of the Corn Laws to Home Rule. In his great campaign leading up to the Reform Act 1867, he fought for parliamentary reform on behalf of the working class and for the abolition of newspaper taxes. Internationally renowned as an orator, he was a dedicated opponent of slavery and champion of the North in the American Civil War. His testimonial for Abraham Lincoln's re-election was found in the President's pocket on his assassination. He was vigorously opposed to the Crimean War and campaigned against the oppression of the Irish tenantry and colonial subjects throughout the Empire. Fiercely independent, he eventually split from the Liberal Party over Home Rule, becoming a Liberal Unionist. In this new biography, the first for over 30 years, Bill Cash provides an incisive and engaging portrait of a man who influenced the politics of his generation more than virtually any other, with important implications for the present day.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Secret Llandudno

    Secret Llandudno

    John Lawson-Reay

    Secret Llandudno offers a unique insight into the `Queen of the Welsh Resorts' through a series of little-known and forgotten stories, facts and anecdotes. Local author and historian John Lawson-Reay takes the reader on a fascinating journey from prehistoric times to the present day, blending dark deeds and strange tales from Llandudno's long and often unlikely past, as well as introducing us to some interesting characters along the way, from the Queen of Romania to a former Australian prime minister and from Buffalo Bill to Alice in Wonderland. Fully illustrated in colour throughout, the book delves beneath the surface of this ever-popular North Wales seaside resort, revealing a lesser-known history that most local people don't know.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Cellular DNA and steroid receptors in endometrial and ovarian carcinomas : clinical and prognostic importance

    Cellular DNA and steroid receptors in endometrial and ovarian carcinomas : clinical and prognostic importance

    Bill Lueders

    In September 1997, a visually impaired woman named Patty was raped by an intruder in her home in Madison, Wisconsin. The rookie detective assigned to her case came to doubt Patty's account and focused the investigation on her. Using pressure and lies, he got her to recant, then had her charged with falsely reporting a crime. The charges were eventually dropped, but Patty continued to demand justice, filing complaints and a federal lawsuit against the police. All were rebuffed. But later, as the result of her perseverance, a startling discovery was made. Even then, Patty's ordeal was far from over.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1986

    Norsk Bokmål


    Full Court Press

    Full Court Press

    Bill Haltom, Amanda Swanson

    When Victoria Cape moved to Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in the early 1970s, she had no idea that her desire to play basketball would change the game for women and the sport in Tennessee. Encouraged to sign up for basketball by her athletic father, Victoria was in for a shock: the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association endorsed an entirely different form of the game for high school women than the version of basketball commonly played around the country. Women played six-on-six basketball, in which offensive players stayed on one half of the court, and defensive players on the other half-defenders could spend their entire careers without taking a shot. Victoria Cape sued the TSSAA, and her lawsuit paved the way for women to play basketball by the same rules as men and served as an early test case of groundbreaking Title IX legislation. Further adding to the case's history-making precis was the presence of a young Pat Summitt, recently elevated to head coach of the Tennessee Lady Volunteers, who bravely testified on behalf of Cape during the lawsuit.Full Court Press is a valuable addition to research on how individual initiative can bring about social change-in Tennessee, in the sporting world, and as a part of the broader struggle for women's equality. Written in a lighthearted and inspiring style, this book is a must-read for anyone fascinated by the many achievements of Pat Summitt, Tennessee women's basketball, or women's sports history in general.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Mergers & Acquisitions For Dummies

    Mergers & Acquisitions For Dummies

    Bill Snow

    Mergers & Acquisitions For Dummies (9781119543862) was previously published as Mergers & Acquisitions For Dummies (9780470385562). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. The easy way to make smart business transactions Are you a business owner, investor, venture capitalist, or member of a private equity firm looking to grow your business by getting involved in a merger with, or acquisition of, another company? Are you looking for a plain-English guide to how mergers and acquisitions can affect your investments? Look no further. Mergers & Acquisitions For Dummies explains the entire process step by step--from the different types of transactions and structures to raising funds and partnering. Plus, you'll get expert advice on identifying targets, business valuation, doing due diligence, closing the purchase agreement, and integrating new employees and new ways of doing business.Step-by-step techniques and real-world advice for making successful mergers and acquisitionsCovers international laws and regulationsHow to take advantage of high-value deals Going beyond the case studies of other books, Mergers & Acquisitions For Dummies is your one-stop reference for making business growth a success.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    A Pint of Plain

    A Pint of Plain

    Bill Bairch

    After meeting an Irishwoman in London and moving to Dublin, Bill Barich, a "blow-in," or stranger, in Irish parlance found himself looking for a traditional Irish pub to be his local. There are nearly 12,000 pubs in Ireland, so he appeared to have plenty of choices. He wanted a pub like the one in John Ford's classic movie, The Quiet Man, offering talk and drink with no distractions, but such pubs are now scarce as publicans increasingly rely on flat-screen televisions, rock music, even Texas Hold 'Em to attract a dwindling clientele. For Barich, this signaled that something deeper was at play an erosion of the essence of Ireland, perhaps without the Irish even being aware. A Pint of Plain is Barich's witty, deeply observant portrait of an Ireland vanishing before our eyes. While 85 percent of the Irish still stop by a pub at least once a month, strict drunk-driving laws have helped to kill business in rural areas. Even traditional Irish music, whose rich roots connect the past to the present and close a circle, is much less prominent in pub life. Ironically, while Irish pubs in the countryside are closing at the alarming rate of one per day, plastic IPC-type pubs are being born in foreign countries at the exact same rate. From the famed watering holes of Dublin to tiny village pubs, Barich introduces a colorful array of characters, and, ever pursuing craic, the ineffable Irish word for a good time, engages in an unvarnished yet affectionate discussion about what it means to be Irish today.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    The RH Bill Story

    The RH Bill Story

    Truly gripping is the detailed narration of what actually took place during the Senate and House debates. This is valuable documentation for most civil society pro- and anti-RHadvocates who can only occasionally, or sometimes never, gain access to the floor debates. What was actually said, or not said-the assertions, the rebuttals, the continuing attacks and defenses-offer intriguing insights into how contentious laws are passed in this country. A compelling read for all.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Porn: Myths for the Twentieth Century

    Porn: Myths for the Twentieth Century

    Robert J. Stoller

    Bill, Merlin, Happy, and Kay are among the porn-film performers and producers who tell their stories to Dr. Robert J. Stoller in this pschyodynamic ethnography of adult heterosexual pornography. Their engrossing accounts reveal in rich detail not only the inner workings of “the Industry” and the fantasies and motivations of its participants but also the relation between this most denigrated of occupations and “normal” human erotic behavior and attitudes. Consistently nonjudgmental about the material he presents, Dr. Stoller nevertheless draws provocative conclusions about porn, its practitioners, and its effects on society. Everyone at work on a porn production, he says, uses it as a vehicle for unloading his or her rage against something―mores, institutions, laws, parents, females, or males. According to Dr. Stoller, pornography does not exist only to degrade women, there is no reliable evidence that it increases the frequency of rape, and (with the exception of child porn) it does little harm. Pornography, says Dr. Stoller, seems more the result of our changing society than a cause of change; it reflects, more than influences, our values and mores.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1991


    kr 119
    kr 119

    Responding to Healthcare Reform : A Strategy Guide for Healthcare Leaders

    Responding to Healthcare Reform : A Strategy Guide for Healthcare Leaders

    Daniel B. McLaughlin

    All laws are modified by future legislatures, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will not be an exception. Healthcare organizations must be prepared to respond as the law evolves. Responding to Healthcare Reform clarifies the complexities of the ACA by explaining the underlying theories that shaped it, describing the act's impact on the role of the healthcare organization, and offering direction for strategy formulation. Written for healthcare executives, it focuses on the sections of the bill that are most pertinent to provider operations. Because the ACA creates an uncertain environment, this book is stocked with a variety of tools to help healthcare executives predict change and recalibrate strategies. You will benefit from:  Practical analysis of key aspects of the bill and how they will impact providers Descriptions of 20 possible scenarios that can be used to test the viability of strategies under various conditions

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



    Farm Workers in Western Canada

    Farm Workers in Western Canada

    Bill 6, the government of Alberta's contentious farm workers' safety legislation, sparked public debate as no other legislation has done in recent years. The Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers Act provides a right to work safely and a compensation system for those killed or injured at work, similar to other provinces. In nine essays, contributors to Farm Workers in Western Canada place this legislation in context. They look at the origins, work conditions, and precarious lives of farm workers in terms of larger historical forces such as colonialism, land rights, and racism. They also examine how the rights and privileges of farm workers, including seasonal and temporary foreign workers, conflict with those of their employers, and reveal the barriers many face by being excluded from most statutory employment laws, sometimes in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Contributors: Gianna Argento, Bob Barnetson, Michael J. Broadway, Jill Bucklaschuk, Delna Contractor, Darlene A. Dunlop, Brynna Hambly (Takasugi), Zane Hamm, Paul Kennett, Jennifer Koshan, C.F. Andrew Lau, J. Graham Martinelli, Shirley A. McDonald, Robin C.McIntyre, Nelson Medeiros, Kerry Preibisch, Heidi Rolfe, Patricia Tomic, Ricardo Trumper, and Kay Elizabeth Turner.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Schools for Misrule : Legal Academia and an Overlawyered America

    Schools for Misrule : Legal Academia and an Overlawyered America

    Walter. Olson

    From Barack Obama (Harvard and Chicago) to Bill and Hillary Clinton (Yale), many of our current national leaders emerged from the rarefied air of the nation's top law schools. The ideas taught there in one generation often shape national policy in the next.The trouble is, Walter Olson reveals in Schools for Misrule, our elite law schools keep churning out ideas that are catastrophically bad for America. From class action lawsuits that promote the right to sue anyone over anything, to court orders mandating the mass release of prison inmates; from the movement for slavery reparatio

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



    Pocket · 2011



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