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Viser resultat for 'William Tayeebwa'

    Journalism in conflict and post-conflict conditions : worldwide perspectives

    Journalism in conflict and post-conflict conditions : worldwide perspectives

    Kristin Skare Orgeret, William Tayeebwa

    Journalism in Conflict and Post-Conflict Conditions: Worldwide Perspectivesaims to provide both empirical and theoretical input to the discussions of the roleof journalism and media in conflict and post-conflict situations and in the oftenrather muddy waters between them. Together, the chapters in this book emphasisethat discussions about post-conflict situations will gain from including the media.At the same time, the contributions from different contexts and parts of the worldproblematize the concept of post-conflict and powerfully illustrate that the phasebetween war/conflict and peace is neither unidirectional nor linear, as the use of theconcept sometimes seems to imply.“Journalism in Conflict and Post-Conflict Conditions: Worldwide Perspectives is a mostimportant book in our time of uncertainty. It adds to our knowledge base and understandingconcerning the role of journalism and media in the complexities of post-conflict processes andpeace building – a role that is often ignored in contemporary discussions.” Ulla Carlsson, UNESCO Chair on Freedom of Expression, Media Development and Global Policy,University of Gothenburg

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2022


    kr 120
    kr 120

    Principles of comparative politics

    Principles of comparative politics

    Matt Golder, Sona Nadenichek Golder, William Roberts Clark

    <strong>Principles of Comparative Politics</strong> offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to comparative inquiry, research, and scholarship. In this thoroughly revised <strong>Third Edition</strong>, students now have an even better guide to cross-national comparison and why it matters. The new edition retains a focus on the enduring questions with which scholars grapple, the issues about which consensus has started to emerge, and the tools comparativists use to get at the complex problems in the field.<br><br>Updates to this edition include a new intuitive take on statistical analyses and a clearer explanation of how to interpret regression results; a thoroughly-revised chapter on culture and democracy that includes a more extensive discussion of cultural modernization theory and a new overview of survey methods for addressing sensitive topics; and a revised chapter on dictatorships that incorporates a principal-agent framework for understanding authoritarian institutions. Examples from the gender and politics literature have been incorporated into various chapters, and empirical examples and data on various types of institutions have been updated. The authors have thoughtfully streamlined chapters to better focus attention on key topics.<br><br>Explore online resources: https://edge.sagepub.com/principlescp3e<br>

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Principles of Comparative Politics (International Student Edition)

    Principles of Comparative Politics (International Student Edition)

    William Roberts Clark, Matthew R. Golder

    Principles of Comparative Politics offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to comparative inquiry, research, and scholarship. In this thoroughly revised Third Edition, students now have an even better guide to cross-national comparison and why it matters. The new edition retains a focus on the enduring questions with which scholars grapple, the issues about which consensus has started to emerge, and the tools comparativists use to get at the complex problems in the field.Updates to this edition include a new intuitive take on statistical analyses and a clearer explanation of how to interpret regression results; a thoroughly-revised chapter on culture and democracy that includes a more extensive discussion of cultural modernization theory and a new overview of survey methods for addressing sensitive topics; and a revised chapter on dictatorships that incorporates a principal-agent framework for understanding authoritarian institutions. Examples from the gender and politics literature have been incorporated into various chapters, and empirical examples and data on various types of institutions have been updated. The authors have thoughtfully streamlined chapters to better focus attention on key topics.

    3.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    kr 349
    kr 349

    Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice

    Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice: Paradoxes in Play

    Suna Løwe, Kim Klyver, Majbritt Rostgaard, Torben Bager

    Introduksjonsbok for Entreprenørskapstudie.

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 409

    Innbundet · 2017

    kr 89
    kr 409

    Getting to yes

    Getting to yes: negotiating an agreement without giving in

    Roger Fisher, William Ury

    The world's bestselling guide to negotiation. Getting to Yes has been in print for over thirty years, and in that time has helped millions of people secure win-win agreements both at work and in their private lives. Including principles such as: Don't bargain over positions Separate the people from the problem and Insist on objective criteria Getting to Yes simplifies the whole negotation process, offering a highly effective framework that will ensure success.

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 89

    Pocket · 2007

    kr 69

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 89

    Statistics for Business and Economics

    Statistics for Business and Economics

    Paul Newbold, William L. Carlson, Betty Thorne

    For courses in Business Statistics. A classic text for accuracy and statistical precision Statistics for Business and Economics enables students to conduct serious analysis of applied problems rather than running simple “canned” applications. This text is also at a mathematically higher level than most business statistics texts and provides students with the knowledge they need to become stronger analysts for future managerial positions. In this regard, it emphasizes an understanding of the assumptions that are necessary for professional analysis. In particular, it has greatly expanded the number of applications that utilize data from applied policy and research settings. The 9th Edition of this book has been revised and updated to provide students with improved problem contexts for learning how statistical methods can improve their analysis and understanding of business and economics. This revision recognizes the globalization of statistical study and in particular the global market for this book.

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    kr 349

    Innbundet · 2013

    kr 169

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 349



    Bobbie Peers

    «Bobbie Peers har skapt et underholdende og fascinerende univers i en spenningsserie for barn som holder 110 km/t. ... den morsomste miksen av robotkomedie, science fiction og actioneventyr jeg har lest på år og dag.» Kristine Isaksen, VG (terningkast 5) William Wenton oppdager at han ikke er som alle andre. Riktignok har han alltid lurt på hvorfor familien hans har dekknavn. Og hvorfor han er ualminnelig god til å knekke koder. Og hvorfor bestefaren forsvant sporløst i Londons undergrunn for åtte år siden. Men det er først når han løser Umuligheten, verdens vanskeligste kode, og blir sendt til Senter for Posthuman Forskning, at livet hans tar en ny og uventet retning. Sakte men sikkert begynner han å avdekke familiens hemmeligheter. Og plutselig haster det med å finne bestefaren som forsvant på mystisk vis i Londons undergrunn for åtte år siden. «Han skriver så filmatisk, så handlingsdrevet, så konkret og billedlig, at du nesten ser for seg filmen i hodet mens du leser boken. Så har også Hollywood-regissør Morten Tyldum for lengst kjøpt rettighetene til Luridiumstyven». Tyldum kan like godt oppgradere avtalen til flere filmer med en gang, for også tredje bok i serien, Orbulatoragenten, er som skapt for det store lerretet.» Randi Fuglehaug, Bok 365

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Innbundet · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Arbeids- og lederpsykologi

    Arbeids- og lederpsykologi

    William Brochs-Haukedal

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 299

    Pocket · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 349

    Andre utgaver · 6

    kr 299

    Applied Behavior Analysis

    Applied Behavior Analysis

    John O., Timothy E., William L.

    Appropriate for all upper-level courses in basic principles, applications, and behavioural research methods. This text provides an accurate, comprehensive, and contemporary description of applied...

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 459
    kr 459



    John Williams

    4.3 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 5

    kr 59

    Materials Science and Engineering

    Materials Science and Engineering

    William D. Callister, David G. Rethwisch

    *Materials Science and Engineering, 9th Edition provides engineers with a strong understanding of the three primary types of materials and composites, as well as the relationships that exist between the structural elements of materials and their properties.

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 249
    kr 249



    Jørn Lier Horst

    William Wisting er tilbake, i høstens mest spennende krimbok fra Jørn Lier Horst. Etter dager og uker med uvanlig mye regn gir jordmassene i et boligområde i Larvik etter. I alt ti hus blir tatt av skredet. Wisting havner midt i redningsarbeidet. Gjennom natten blir alle beboere gjort rede for, og det blir klart at ulykken ikke har krevd menneskeliv. Neste dag blir det likevel funnet en død mann i rasmassene. Nærmere undersøkelser viser at han døde minst 48 timer før raset gikk. Etterforskningen griper inn i flere andre pågående politioperasjoner, og Wisting blir satt til å lede en felles etterforskningsgruppe. Men snart blir det klart at det sitter minst én forræder rundt etterforskerbordet. De prisvinnende bøkene om politietterforsker William Wisting er blant Norges mest populære krimserier gjennom tidene, og de er nå trykket i over 2,5 millioner eksemplarer. I tillegg er bokserien utgitt på over 30 språk, og det er også laget TV-serie basert på den.

    4.9 av 5

    Innbundet · 2022

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Essentials of Genetics

    Essentials of Genetics: Tenth edition

    William S. Klug, Michael R. Cummings, Charlotte A. Spencer, Michael A. Palladino, Darrell J.

    The bestselling Essentials of Genetics successfully tackles the challenge of providing beginners with content that is truly essential for an introduction to this complex subject. With its concise yet thorough approach, the text builds conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills through practical applications. The tenth edition has been updated to provide a comprehensive coverage of modern and emerging topics such as CRISPR-Cas, epigenetics, and genetic testing. Two special topics chapters-advantages in neurogenetics: the study of Huntington disease and genetic testing-have been added to this section.

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 619

    Pocket · 2016


    kr 119

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 619



    Bobbie Peers

    Først slutter Big Ben å slå. Så dukker den mystiske Orbulatoragenten opp. Hvorfor vil han ha tak i William? Og hva er egentlig en orbulator? Mørke hemmeligheter og tilsynelatende umulige koder sender William ut på nok et farlig eventyr.

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Innbundet · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 69

    Computer Security: Principles and Practice, Global Edition

    Computer Security: Principles and Practice, Global Edition

    William Stallings, Lawrie Brown

    For courses in computer/network security Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition, is ideal for courses in Computer/Network Security. The need for education in computer security and related topics continues to grow at a dramatic rate-and is essential for anyone studying Computer Science or Computer Engineering. Written for both an academic and professional audience, the 4th Edition continues to set the standard for computer security with a balanced presentation of principles and practice. The new edition captures the most up-to-date innovations and improvements while maintaining broad and comprehensive coverage of the entire field. The extensive offering of projects provides students with hands-on experience to reinforce concepts from the text. The range of supplemental online resources for instructors provides additional teaching support for this fast-moving subject. The new edition covers all security topics considered Core in the ACM/IEEE Computer Science Curricula 2013, as well as subject areas for CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) certification. This textbook can be used to prep for CISSP Certification and is often referred to as the 'gold standard' when it comes to information security certification. The text provides in-depth coverage of Computer Security, Technology and Principles, Software Security, Management Issues, Cryptographic Algorithms, Internet Security and more.

    4.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    kr 559
    kr 559

    Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases, Global Edition

    Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases, Global Edition

    Jay B. Barney, William S. Hesterly

    For courses in strategy and strategic management.Core strategic management concepts without the excessStrategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases strips out the unnecessary, by presenting material that answers the question: does this concept help students analyze real business situations? Each chapter has four short sections that cover specific issues in depth, allowing professors to adapt the text to their particular needs. By utilizing this carefully crafted approach, the 6th Edition provides students with the tools they need for strategic analysis.Also available with MyLab Management MyLab (TM) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted authors' content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Learn more about MyLab Management.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 349
    kr 349


    Nøkkelvitnet: kriminalroman

    Jørn Lier Horst

    4.3 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 59


    Bunnfall: kriminalroman

    Jørn Lier Horst

    4.2 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 59



    Jørn Lier Horst

    William Wisting blir kontaktet av lederen for en gruppe mennesker som har funnet hverandre på internett, og som i samarbeid forsøker å løse en forbrytelse: drapet på den australske backpackeren Ruby Thompson. Et av de mest aktive medlemmene kaller seg Astria og har oppgitt at hun er fra Norge. Hun meddeler at hun er i ferd med å nærme seg en mulig løsning, så blir det brått stille fra henne. Motstrebende lar Wisting seg fascinere av den uortodokse etterforskningen, og han blir trukket inn i det som skal vise seg å være en kriminalsak der forbindelseslinjene er mange, men vage.

    4.8 av 5

    Innbundet · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59


    Blindgang: kriminalroman

    Jørn Lier Horst

    4.2 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Innbundet · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 59

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