Elvekonger: en ny historie om vikingene : fra Skandinavia til Silkeveien
I 2017 åpnet den anerkjente norske bioarkeologen Cat Jarman en liten eske fra en utgravning fra vikingtiden i Repton i England. I esken lå en oransje perle, en karneolperle, som straks fanget hennes oppmerksomhet. En slik perle måtte stamme fra Midtøsten eller Asia, men hvordan hadde perlen havnet her, så langt vest? Ved hjelp av banebrytende naturvitenskapelige teknikker og gjenstander funnet i den samme utgravningen, avdekkes perlens opprinnelse steg for steg. Sporene leder gjennom Skandinavia, inn i Russland og til Bagdad og India, en rute mer variert og lengre enn man før har trodd. Levende fortalt med stadig nye oppdagelser gir Elvekonger oss en helt ny forståelse av vikingenes liv og virke. "Et av de mest spennende arkeologiske detektivarbeidene jeg har lest. " William Dalrymple, Financial Times
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Norsk Bokmål
I skyggen av Bysants
I år 330 gjorde keiser Konstantin I byen Bysants (nå Istanbul) til kristenhetens hovedstad, og grunnla dermed det bysantinske keiserdømme, som skulle bestå i over tusen år etter at Vest-Romerriket ...
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The age of Kali: Indian travels and encounters
Boka er en oppsummering av ti års reising på kryss og tvers av det indiske subkontinentet. Overalt møtes Darymple av et historisk landskap som overflømmes av forandringer, der gamle sannheter blir kastet på båten uten at noen ny orden har klart å finne sin plass. Med ordliste og register.
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In Xanadu: a quest
In the summer of 1986 two Cambridge history undergraduates set out on Marco Polo's famous journey across Central Asia to the city of Xanadu in Mongolia. This account traces their experiences in the war-torn Middle East and along 1500 miles of the Silk Road to their eventual destination.
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India explores the lives of everyday people in extraordinary settings through the lens of Steve McCurry, one of the most admired photographers working today.
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Christian Unity Illustrated and Recommended, from the Example of the Primitive Church. a Sermon Preached Before the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, at Glasgow, October 14th, 1766. by William Dalrymple, ...
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Gale Ecco, Print Editions) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Den siste mongul
Dynastiets fall 1857
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Nine Lives
A Buddhist monk takes up arms to resist the Chinese invasion of Tibet - then spends the rest of his life trying to atone for the violence by hand printing the best prayer flags in India. A Jain nun tests her powers of detachment as she watches her best friend ritually starve herself to death. Nine people, nine lives; each one taking a different religious path, each one an unforgettable story. William Dalrymple delves deep into the heart of a nation torn between the relentless onslaught of modernity and the ancient traditions that endure to this day.LONGLISTED FOR THE BBC SAMUEL JOHNSON PRIZE
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I skyggen av Bysants
I år 578 dro munken Johannes Moscho og hans elev, sufien Sophronius, på en reise gjennom hele det bysantinske keiserdømmet. I 1994 foretar den britiske forfatteren og journalisten William Dalrymple den samme reisen med munkens opptegnelser i bagasjen. Ferden, som går fra Hellas til Egypt, via bl.a. Tyrkia, Syria og Libanon, gir et fascinerende innblikk i områdets historiske og religiøse utvikling - og ikke minst bakgrunnen for mange av vår tids dramatiske konflikter. Gjennom denne reisen får leseren et innblikk i hvordan Moscho opplevde denne turen for over 1500 år siden. Har litteraturliste, ordliste og stikkordregister
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Norsk Bokmål
Nine Lives. In Search of the Sacred in Modern India
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City of Djinns: a year in Delhi
As Dalrymple's first book, "In Xanadu", traversed thousands of miles, now he traverses thousands of years. In the course of 12 months in Delhi, he peels back the successive encrusting layers of history, using both material and human remains of each of the eight cities of Delhi, interlacing innumerable stories with the present and ending with the Delhi creation myth contained in the great Indian epic "The Mahabharata".
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The anarchy: the relentless rise of the East India company
In August 1765 the East India Company defeated the young Mughal emperor and forced him to establish a new administration in his richest provinces. Run by English merchants who collected taxes using a ruthless private army, this new regime saw the East India Company transform itself from an international trading corporation into something much more unusual: an aggressive colonial power in the guise of a multinational business. William Dalrymple tells the remarkable story of the East India Company as it has never been told before, unfolding a timely cautionary tale of the first global corporate power.
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The last mughal
At 4pm on a dark, wet winter's evening in November 1862, a cheap plywood coffin was buried to the eerie sound of silence: no lamentations, no panegyrics, for as the British Commissioner in charge of the funeral insisted, 'No vesting will remain to distinguish where the last of the Great Moghuls rests.' The last of the Great Mughals was Bahadur Shah Zafar II: one of the most talented, tolerant and likeable of his remarkable dynasty, he found himself in the position of leader of a violent uprising he knew from the start would lead to irreparable carnage. Zafar's frantic efforts to unite his disparate and mutually suspicious forces proved tragically futile: the Siege of Delhi was the Raj's Stalingrad, and Mughal Delhi was left an empty ruin, haunted by battered remnants of a past that was being rapidly and brutally overwritten. "The Last Mughal" charts the desecration and demise of a man, his dynasty, his city and civilizations mercilessly ravished by fractured forces and vengeful British troops.William Dalrymple unearths groundbreaking new material to create the first English account of the life of the last Emperor, and the first narrative of the Mutiny to contain large quantities of material from the Indian perspective. "The Last Mughal" rapidly changes our understanding of a pivotal moment in Indian and Imperial history.
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From the Holy Mountain
In the spring of A.D. 587, John Moschos and his pupil Sophronius the Sophist embarked on a remarkable expedition across the entire Byzantine world, traveling from the shores of Bosphorus to the sand dunes of Egypt. Using Moschos s writings as his guide and inspiration, the acclaimed travel writer William Dalrymple retraces the footsteps of these two monks, providing along the way a moving elegy to the slowly dying civilization of Eastern Christianity and to the people who are struggling to keep its flame alive. The result is Dalrymple s unsurpassed masterpiece: a beautifully written travelogue, at once rich and scholarly, moving and courageous, overflowing with vivid characters and hugely topical insights into the history, spirituality and the fractured politics of the Middle East."
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Den siste mogul: dynastiets fall, Delhi, 1857
Forfatter og journalist William Dalrymple har i denne boken maktet å kombinere et beundringsverdig vitenskapelig arbeid med ypperlig formidling av en enestående hendelse i vår historie. Han forteller om den siste stormogulen, Bahadur Shah Zafar II, en av de mest velsette i sitt dynasti. Delvis mot sin vilje sto han fram som symbolsk leder for det kanskje største koloniale opprøret i historien. Engelskmennene var nær ved å tape kampen. Beleiringen av Dehli og nedslaktingen som fulgte, satte sluttstrek for mogulenes makt og en fantastisk kultur. En novembernatt i 1862 ble mogulen begravd i all stillhet.
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Norsk Bokmål
White mughals: love and betrayal in eighteenth-century India
James Achilles Kirkpatrick was the British Resident at the court of Hyderabad when he met Khair un-Nissa, Most Excellent among Women, the great niece of the Prime Minister of Hyderabad. He fell in love with her and overcame many obstacles to marry her, converting to Islam and according to Indian sources becoming a double-agent working against the East India Company. It is a remarkable story, involving secret assignations, court intrigue, harem politics, religious and family disputes. But such things were not unknown; from the early 16th century, when the Inquisition banned the Portuguese in Goa from wearing the dhoti, to the eve of the Indian Mutiny, the white Mughals who wore local dress and adopted Indian ways were a source of embarrassment to successive colonial administrations.
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The Writer's Eye
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Harpercollins India) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Return of a King
In the spring of 1839, the British invaded Afghanistan for the first time. Led by lancers in scarlet cloaks and plumed shakos, nearly 20,000 British and East India Company troops poured through the high mountain passes and re-established on the throne Shah Shuja ul-Mulk.On the way in, the British faced little resistance. But after two years of occupation, the Afghan people rose in answer to the call for jihad and the country exploded into violent rebellion. The First Anglo-Afghan War ended in Britain's greatest military humiliation of the nineteenth century: an entire army of the then most powerful nation in the world ambushed in retreat and utterly routed by poorly equipped tribesmen.Shortlisted for the Samuel Johnson Prize 2013, Return of a King is the definitive analysis of the First Afghan War, told through the lives of unforgettable characters on all sides and using for the first time contemporary Afghan accounts of the conflict. Prize-winning and bestselling historian William Dalrymple's masterful retelling of Britain's greatest imperial disaster is a powerful and important parable of colonial ambition and cultural collision, folly and hubris, for our times.
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The Age of Kali: Indian Travels & Encounters
From the author of The Last Mughal and Nine Lives the classic stories he gathered during the ten years he spent journeying across the Indian subcontinent, from Sri Lanka and southern India to the North West Frontier of Pakistan. As he searched for evidence of Kali Yug, the age of darkness predicted by an ancient Hindu cosmology in a final epoch of strife and corruption, Dalrymple encountered a region that thrilled and surprised him. Venturing to places rarely visited by foreigners, he presents compelling portraits of a diverse range of figures from a Hindi rap megastar through the Tamil Tigers to the drug lords of Pakistan. Dalrymple's love for the subcontinent comes across in every page, which makes its chronicles of political corruption, ethnic violence and social disintegration all the more poignant. The result is a dark yet vibrant travelogue, and a unique look at a region that continues to be marked by rapid change and unlimited possibilities as it struggles to reconcile the forces of modernity and tradition."
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I Kalis tid: indiske reiser og møter
Boka er en oppsummering av ti års reising på kryss og tvers av det indiske subkontinentet. Overalt møtes Darymple av et historisk landskap som overflømmes av forandringer, der gamle sannheter blir kastet på båten uten at noen ny orden har klart å finne sin plass. Med ordliste og register.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
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