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Viser resultat for 'Vicki Halsey'

    Legendarisk service

    Legendarisk service: nøkkelen er å bry seg

    Kenneth Blanchard, Vicki Halsey, Ken Blanchard, Kathy Cuff

    God kundeservice er et konsept alle virksomheter elsker å bli kjent for. Likevel er det slik for det fleste mennesker at de opplever den servicen de mottar for å være gjennomsnittlig, i beste fall. Vellykkede selskaper skaper en forbindelse mellom legendariske kundeservice og deres "blomstrende utvikling" - de anerkjenner at måten de ansatte behandler kundene på, er direkte relatert til hvordan lederene behandler sine ansatte. De fem komponentene (ICARE) i Legendarisk service er: I - Ideal service (Ideell service) C - Culture of service (Servicekultur) A - Attentiveness (Oppmerksomhet) R - Responsiveness (Forståelse) E - Empowerment (Autonomi)

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Legendary Service

    Legendary Service

    Kenneth Blanchard

    Take Care of Your Customers - or Someone Else Will! Legendary Service Great customer service is a concept organizations love to be known for. Yet most people consider the service they receive to be average, at best. Successful companies make the connection between legendary customer service and a thriving business - they recognize that the way employees treat customers is directly related to the way managers treat employees. Kelsey Young is an optimistic but disillusioned sales associate working her way through college. Her world opens up when one of her professors challenges her to create a culture of service at her workplace by putting the five components of Legendary Service into practice. Although Ferguson's, the store where Kelsey works, certainly isn't known for service excellence, Kelsey believes she can make a positive difference. She quickly learns that culture change isn't easy - and that her role as a frontline employee is more significant than she ever could have imagined. In characteristic Blanchard style, Legendary Service: The Key Is to Care is a quick and entertaining read for people at all organizational levels in every industry.When applied, its lessons will have a profound impact on the service experience your customers will receive. Whether a CEO or a part-time employee, every person can make a difference - and customer service is everyone's job. Praise for Legendary Service: "Read this book and establish a service culture in your organization." (Horst Schulze, Chairman/CEO, Capella Hotel Group). "Legendary Service has great learnings for people at all organizational levels: for executives and managers, the value of a service culture; and for frontline staff, the reality that they are the face of the company and can make a difference. Legendary service - it's everyone, always." (Mark King, CEO and President, Taylor Made Golf). "Everything I know about service I learned from my career at Hilton Hotels, Marriott International, The Walt Disney Company, and Ken Blanchard. The One Minute Manager dramatically changed my thinking 32 years ago. Legendary Service will teach the next generation how to deliver sensational service. Buy it, study it, implement it." (Lee Cockerell, Executive Vice President, Walt Disney World (Retired & Inspired), and author of Creating Magic and The Customer Rules)."Kathy Cuff and Vicki Halsey have created a fantastic customer service model called ICARE. When you add their voices to that of the master storyteller Ken Blanchard, you have a masterpiece entitled Legendary Service. It is a must-read for everyone who, like me, has a passion for service." (Colleen Barrett, President Emeritus, Southwest Airlines, and coauthor of Lead with LUV). "Ken Blanchard has done it again and delivered the right book at the right time. Legendary Service provides the essentials of hospitality and servant leadership in a way that everyone can adopt - right now - today!" (John Caparella, President and COO, The Venetian, The Palazzo, and Sands Expo). "Ken, Kathy, and Vicki show us how to change everyday service events into memorable experiences. Their book is a must-read for anyone unwilling to accept mediocrity." (Leonardo Inghilleri, coauthor of Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit).

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014



    Brilliance by Design : Creating Learning Experiences That Connect, Inspire, and Engage

    Brilliance by Design : Creating Learning Experiences That Connect, Inspire, and Engage

    Vicki. Halsey

    Many subject matter experts are just that, subject matter experts--not experts in the art of teaching, facilitating, or designing. Thousands of authors, trainers, and speakers have great content, but they lack the skills required to convey their content in a way that inspires learners to unleash their brilliance and move the learning to practice.. They often spend 70% of their time on WHAT they are going to teach, and 30% of their time on HOW, when they should be spending 30% on WHAT, and 70% on HOW. Their instructional techniques often are at odds with their message of inclusivity, eagerness

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål


    Nattens skygger

    Nattens skygger

    Sverre Årnes, Sigrid Lunde

    Det går mot jul i Sæterdalen, og Trond har lenge holdt noe hemmelig for Astri. På selve julaften får hun svar. Trond kommer hjem med to gjester. Begge har gått gjennom umåtelige prøvelser i utlandet, og nå er de tilbake for å begynne på nytt, der de hører hjemme. Vicky er bekymret for Ella Fagervik. Hun har havnet i et farlig selskap, og Vicky blir viklet inn i en mørk og truende verden som hun ikke forstår. Ella er i ferd med å gå til grunne og er helt alene i verden, og bare Vicky kan redde henne. Åh, så sørgelige de ordene var! Vicky kjente klumpen i halsen. - Nå går vi, sa Ella. Hun lo, en falsk latter. - Vet du? Jeg sverget til meg selv at aldri skulle prektige Vicky få se hiet mitt. Men vi går dit, vi. Du skal få se alt. Jeg skal vrenge av meg blusen, så du får se rett inn i sjelen min. Der er det gjennombedervet. - Ella, da! - Komma no! Du skal få se horebôlet til Ella Fagervik, Sæterdalens falne synderinne.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål


    Basisk mat

    Basisk mat: sunne og fristende retter som balanserer din pH-verdi

    Natasha Corrett, Vicki Edgson

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Cambridge School Shakespeare

    Cambridge School Shakespeare

    Vicki Wienand

    An improved, larger-format edition of the Cambridge School Shakespeare plays, extensively rewritten, expanded and produced in an attractive new design. An active approach to classroom Shakespeare enables students to inhabit Shakespeare's imaginative world in accessible and creative ways. Students are encouraged to share Shakespeare's love of language, interest in character and sense of theatre. Substantially revised and extended in full colour, classroom activities are thematically organised in distinctive 'Stagecraft', 'Write about it', 'Language in the play', 'Characters' and 'Themes' features. Extended glossaries are aligned with the play text for easy reference. Expanded endnotes include extensive essay-writing guidance for 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' and Shakespeare. Includes rich, exciting colour photos of performances of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' from around the world.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 59

    Spis deg friskere!

    Spis deg friskere!: den nye supermedisinen: mat som helbreder

    Vicki Edgson, Ian Marber

    4.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2002

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69
    kr 69

    Alt du trenger er litt mindre

    Alt du trenger er litt mindre

    Vicki Vrint

    Vi lever travle liv, og skynder oss fra den ene avtalen til den neste. Vi rekker knapt å trekke pusten. Men hva ville skje hvis vi tillot oss å forsøke på litt mindre? Denne lille boken er full av praktiske tips og ideer, og vil lede deg mot et litt enklere liv. Her finner du temaer som: Stress ned, Reduser skjermtid, Bli kvitt rot, Bærekraftig handel, Få mest mulig ut av egentiden din. Ved å velge en mindre travel, mindre rotete, og mindre stressende livsstil, vil du raskt føle deg både sunnere og gladere.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Foundation Photoshop 6.0

    Foundation Photoshop 6.0

    Vicki Loader, Marilen Oliver, Colin Smith, Al Ward

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2001



    Edible and Useful Plants for the Swan Coastal Plain

    Edible and Useful Plants for the Swan Coastal Plain

    Vicki Boxell

    This book provides information about plants that are edible or have other uses. They can all be grown in Perth, Western Australia and would also grow in places with sandy soils, such as Florida or the California coast. Growing food is going to become even more important as time passes, it is a great pastime and you know what is going into your vegetables and fruit if you grow it yourself. Many plants have uses that are not widely known. Many 'weeds' for example are actually quite nutritious, are easy to grow and some even taste okay.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Duct Tape Parenting

    Duct Tape Parenting

    Vicki Hoefle

    There's a new set of 3Rs for our kids-respect, responsibility, and resilience-to better prepare them for life in the real world. Once developed, these skills let kids take charge, and let parents step back, to the benefit of all. Casting hover mothers and helicopter parents aside, Vicki Hoefle encourages a different, counter-intuitive-yet much more effective-approach: for parents to sit on their hands, stay on the sidelines, even if duct tape is required, so that the kids step up. Duct Tape Parenting gives parents a new perspective on what it means to be effective, engaged parents and to enable kids to develop confidence through solving their own problems. This is not a book about the parenting strategy of the day-what the author calls "Post-It Note Parenting"-but rather a relationship-based guide to span all ages and stages of development. Witty, straight-shooting Hoefle addresses frustrated parents everywhere who are ready to raise confident, capable children to go out in the world.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    Cats Keep Out: Sam & Friends

    Cats Keep Out: Sam & Friends

    Vicki Diane Westling

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Authorhouse) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009



    Nutrition Diet

    Nutrition Diet

    Vicki Eichman

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Webnetworks Inc) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014





    Vicki Masterton

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1989

    Norsk Bokmål


    Det mystiske lappeteppet

    Det mystiske lappeteppet

    Vicki Berger Erwin

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1992

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    De mystiske dukkene

    De mystiske dukkene

    Vicki Berger Erwin

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1994

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Teaching Reading in the Content Areas : If Not Me, Then Who?

    Teaching Reading in the Content Areas : If Not Me, Then Who?

    Vicki. Urquhart

    This 3rd edition draws from new research on the impact of new technologies, the population boom of English language learners, and the influence of the Common Core State Standards. You'll learn which instructional strategies best support reading in specific subjects and how you can optimize your classroom for reading, writing, and discussion.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål


    Effects of Deregulation on Safety

    Effects of Deregulation on Safety

    Vicki Bier

    Effects of Deregulation on Safety provides a comprehensive overview of the safety experiences of these three case study industries and their implications for the U.S. nuclear power industry. The treatment of the subject is not highly technical, and hence is accessible to a wide range of readers with interests in the subject matter. The book draws on literature from roughly 250 references, ranging from brief news articles to book-length studies of deregulation in a particular industry, as well as original in-depth interviews with representatives of all three case study industries. This wealth of empirical background information allows the book to go beyond mere speculation about the possible adverse safety consequences of deregulation, to identify situations in which particular adverse safety consequences actually occurred. The experience of the case study industries indicates that economic deregulation need not be incompatible with a reasonable safety record, especially in those aspects of safety that are positively related to productivity. But that safety also cannot be taken for granted after deregulation.Careful management attention is needed in order to avoid the types of safety problems that were associated with deregulation in the case study industries.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    Freud's Converts

    Freud's Converts

    Vicki. Clifford

    This work is an exploration of the relationship between psychotherapy and religion. Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers were chosen for this exposition because both of them were seduced by the high status given to science. Both founders of psychotherapies, they left a legacy which is not that of scientists whom they claimed they were. Both Freud and Rogers had a problematic relationship with religion. This has had a lasting effect on the work and attitudes of their respective followers.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007



    På én betingelse

    På én betingelse

    Vicki Lewis Thompson

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål


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