Employment 'Miracles' : A Critical Comparison of the Dutch, Scandinavian, Swiss, Australian and Irish Cases versus Germany and the US
A survey of the 'miracle economies' of the 1990s, that analyses the role of the relatively small size of the economies in question, and of accidental external circumstances which contributed to favourable developments. This book examines the rise, in the 1990s, of the model status of the smaller economies, and the accounts given for their success.
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The BRICs and Emerging Economies in Comparative Perspective - Political economy, liberalisation and institutional change
In the past ten to twenty years the global political economy picture has dramatically changed with the emergence of the economies of Brazil, Russia, India and, notably, China (BRICs) as big players and competitors of the advanced economies in the West and Eastern Asia. The book comparatively analyses institutional change in the BRICs. This book examines the BRICs by analysing their institutional development, their main continuities and changes, and their differences. It provides a comparative analysis of the political economies of the BRICs, but also considers South Africa and Turkey. The contributors provide a systematic comparison of the state-economy and the capital-labour relationships and explore whether they liberalized or followed a specific trajectory. The book also addresses debates on the varieties of capitalism and explores whether the emerging economies fit into the dichotomous construction of liberal and coordinated capitalism or whether they require a more differentiated typological approach. Moving away from rigid conceptions and the static classification of political economies as either liberal or coordinated and presenting a more open approach, The BRICs and Emerging Economies in Comparative Perspective will be vital reading for students and scholars of comparative political economy, international relations, capitalism, the BRICs, emerging markets and the role of the state in the economy.
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Thematic Analysis : A practical guide
<p>Developed and adapted by the authors of this book, thematic analysis (TA) is one of the most popular qualitative data analytic techniques in psychology and the social and health sciences. Building on the success of Braun & Clarke's 2006 paper first outlining their approach - which has over 100,000 citations on Google Scholar - this book is the definitive guide to TA, covering:<br> <br> - Contextualisation of TA <br> - Developing themes <br> - Writing TA reports <br> - Reflexive TA<br> <br> It addresses the common questions surrounding TA as well as developments in the field, offering a highly accessible and practical discussion of doing TA situated within a clear understanding of the wider terrain of qualitative research. <br> <br> <strong>Virginia Braun</strong> is a Professor in the School of Psychology at The University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. <br> <br> <strong>Victoria Clarke</strong> is an Associate Professor in Qualitative and Critical Psychology in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol.</p>
4.4 av 5
An introduction to qualitative research
<p>Continuing to be THE guide to the whole qualitative research process for students, this book looks at both the theory behind qualitative research and how to put it into practice in your own work. For students across a range of social science disciplines and beyond, this is a must to help you enhance your research project.<br> <br> This edition introduces: </p> <ul><li>a decolonisation of methodologies </li><li>a range of indigenous, queer and feminist perspectives on methodologies</li><li>assistance with defending a viva and alternative forms of assessment to suit a changing world.</li></ul> <p> More additions to this seventh edition include a section on the subjectivity of a researcher, and how your identity will shape your research. The further reading has been curated to include more than just western voices, providing you with global perspectives on qualitative research. This text introduces how to sensitively undertake ethical and inclusive research with marginalised groups. <br> <br> This book will help you master a comprehensive understanding of qualitative research.</p>
4.0 av 5
The Institutions of the European Union
The Institutions of the European Union is the key text for anyone wishing to understand the functions, powers, and composition of the EU's institutions. Written and edited by a team of leading international experts, the text offers a comprehensive analysis and explanation of all the most important organisations and their roles in the governance and management of the EU. The fifth edition has been substantially revised, featuring a range of newly authored chapters, and including coverage of the most important developments affecting the institutions of the European Union as they contend with the changing dynamics of European integration. Up-to-date chapters examine current challenges, including the rise of populism and how it is wielded by politicians to target EU institutions, the climate emergency and the EU's bold new policy commitments to make the Union climate neutral by 2050, as well as the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Authoritative yet accessible, The Institutions of the European Union is the best guide to how institutions work together to provide political direction, manage the European Union, govern policies, and integrate contrasting interests within the EU.
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An introduction to Qualitative Research
Kvalitative metoder
5.0 av 5
Tårnet: historie fra et sunket land : roman
"Et storverk ... på nivå med Thomas Mann, James Joyce og Marcel Proust." Jonny Halberg, Morgenbladet Tårnet er både et ambisiøst romanverk og et enestående historisk dokument: En levende skildring av livet i en borgerfamilie i Dresden de siste årene før DDR-regimets undergang, og en av de viktigste europeiske romanene fra de siste årene. Uwe Tellkamp er født i Dresden i 1968. I 2005 utkom hans første roman, Der Eisvogel, til strålende kritikker.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Asian ladies
Fotografen Uwe Ummer søker skjønnheten hos de asiatiske kvinnene gjennom kameralinsen.
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For eksempel min bror
Et kort liv som virvler opp mange spørsmål. Uwe Timm forteller historien om en eldre bror som vervet seg frivillig til en SS-styrke i 1942 og falt i Ukraina året etter. Selv om forfatteren Uwe Timm alltid ble fortalt at broren Karl-Heinz, 16 år eldre enn ham, var en flott gutt, husket han selv bare at de hadde lekt sisten en gang. Broren døde på et lasarett i oktober 1943. Mens han var i elitetroppen SS-Totenkopf skrev han en dagbok som familien fikk tilbake. I den siste setningen i dagboken sto det at han ikke lenger orket å skrive ned mer av de forferdelige tingene. Hva var "de forferdelige tingene", spurte bror Uwe seg; drap på sivile og jøder? Først etter mer enn femti år fikk han skrevet en bok, ikke bare basert på brorens inntrykk, men også på hva som lå bak den gang nasjonen syntes at Karl-Heinz' evner som soldat og SS-mann var så verdifulle. Da støtte han også på sine egne erfaringer: Ødeleggende flytokt mot Hamburg, familiens hus i ruiner, den talende tausheten og den velformulerte rettferdiggjøringen som fulgte etter krigen og forfallet til den stolte faren, veteran fra begge krigene .; og sorgen over den døde broren, som levde videre i familien, også hos ham selv.Ved å lete fram det nære, setter Uwe Timm ord på mye av det foreldregenerasjonen unnlot å ta opp. Denne personlige reisen gir viktige innsikter og lar oss se noe av den sosiale og filosofiske betydningen krigen hadde på den vanlige tysker.
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Norsk Bokmål
Deskriptive (Beschreibende) Statistik Im Offentlichen Dienst
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Grin Verlag Gmbh) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Immer deutlicher zeichnet sich ja ab, daß Johnson - der Autor der >Jahrestage
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Die Europaischen Sprachen Auf Dem Weg Zum Analytischen Sprachtyp
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (OTTO HARRASSOWITZ) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Development in Prosodic Systems
This book brings together papers on various aspects of prosodic development from a generative linguistic perspective. It addresses issues such as the relationship between tone, stress and quantity, the evidence for prosodic change from metrics and discusses the role of analogy, language contact, and language acquisition in change. The unique combination of different methodologies and perspectives investigating development in prosodic systems provides a new and broader scope on historical linguistics.
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Norsk Bokmål
Beiträge zur Literaturkritik : Rezensionen zu Romanen und Erzählungen der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur aus den Jahren 1978-1988
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Norsk Bokmål
Klaus Michael Grüber
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Zwei Ansichten
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Notation und Aufführungspraxis : Studien zum Wandel von Notenschrift und Notenbild in italienischen Musikdrucken der Jahre 1571-1630. Bd. 2 : [Dokumentation]
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Norsk Bokmål
Like a human voice : the Eric Dolphy discography
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Norsk Bokmål
Parlamentarisches Regierungssystem in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : Daten, Fakten, Urteile im Grundriß
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Erkennen Emotionalen Ausdrucksverhaltens Bei Jugendlichen in Der Adoleszenz
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Diplomica Verlag Gmbh) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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