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Viser resultat for 'USA) Goodwin Neva (Tufts University'

    Macroeconomics in Context

    Macroeconomics in Context

    USA) Goodwin Neva (Tufts University, USA) Harris Jonathan M. (Tufts University, USA) Nelson Julie A. (University of Massachusetts Boston, USA) Rajkarnikar Pratistha Joshi (Global Development and Environment Institute Tufts University, USA) Roach Brian (Tufts Unversity, USA) Torras Mariano (Adelphi University

    Revised edition of Macroeconomics in context, 2014.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 459

    Innbundet · 2018

    kr 459

    Microeconomics in Context

    Microeconomics in Context

    USA) Goodwin Neva (Tufts University, USA) Harris Jonathan M. (Tufts University, USA) Nelson Julie A. (University of Massachusetts Boston, USA) Rajkarnikar Pratistha Joshi (Tufts Unversity, USA) Roach Brian (Adelphi University, Mariano (Postdoctoral Scholar at the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University) Torras

    Microeconomics in Context lays out the principles of microeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date, and relevant to students. Like its counterpart, Macroeconomics in Context, the book is uniquely attuned to economic, social, and environmental realities. The "in Context" books offer affordability, accessible presentation, and engaging coverage of current policy issues from economic inequality and global climate change to taxes and globalization.Key features include:Clear explanations of basic concepts and analytical tools, with advanced models presented in optional chapter appendices;Presentation of policy issues in historical, environmental, institutional, social, political, and ethical contexts-an approach that fosters critical evaluation of the standard microeconomic models, such as welfare analysis, labor markets, and market competition;A powerful graphical presentation of various measures of well-being in the United States and other countries, including income inequality, taxes, educational attainment, and environmental quality;Broad definitions of well-being using both traditional economic metrics and factors such as environmental quality, health, equity, and political inclusion;Significantly revised chapters on globalization and trade, economic and social inequality, labor markets, and public goods;Expanded coverage of high-interest topics such as behavioral economics, labor markets, and economic discrimination;Full complement of instructor and student support materials online.This new edition also features more international data and analysis, and further material on the importance of economic power in shaping policy. The latest addition to the "in Context" series combines real-world relevance with a thorough grounding in multiple economic paradigms.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Pocket · 2018


    Principles of Economics in Context

    Principles of Economics in Context

    USA) Goodwin Neva (Tufts University, USA) Harris Jonathan M. (Tufts University, USA) Nelson Julie A. (University of Massachusetts Boston, USA) Roach Brian (Tufts Unversity, USA) Torras Mariano (Adelphi University

    The study of economics should not be highly abstract, but closely related to real-world events. Principles of Economics in Context addresses this challenge, laying out the principles of micro-and macroeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date and relevant to students, keeping theoretical exposition close to experience. Emphasizing writing that is compelling, clear, and attractive to students, it addresses such critical concerns as ecological sustainability, distributional equity, the quality of employment, and the adequacy of living standards.Key features include:Clear explanation of basic concepts and analytical tools, with Discussion Questions at the end of each section, encouraging immediate review of what has been read and relating the material to the students' own experience;Full complement of instructor and student support materials online, including test banks and grading through Canvas;Key terms highlighted in boldface throughout the text, and important ideas and definitions set off from the main text;A glossary at the end of the book containing all key terms, their definitions, and the number of the chapter(s) in which each was first used and defined.Updates for the second edition include:Expanded coverage of topics including inequality, financialization and debt issues, the changing nature of jobs, and sustainable development;New material on wage discrimination by race and gender; an expanded section on labor markets and immigration;Updated discussion of fiscal policy to include more recent developments such as the Trump tax cuts;New material on behavioral economics, public goods, and climate change policy; a new section on "The Economics of Renewable Energy."This new, affordable edition combines the just-released new editions of Microeconomics in Context and Macroeconomics in Context to provide an integrated full-year text covering all aspects of both micro-and macro-analysis and application, with many up-to-date examples and extensive supporting Web resources for instructors and students.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    Innbundet · 2014


    Commonly Asked Questions in Thermodynamics

    Commonly Asked Questions in Thermodynamics

    Greece) Assael Marc J. (Aristotle University Thessaloniki, England,) Wakeham William A. (University of Southampton Highfield Southampton, Germany) Will Stefan (University of Bremen Bremen, USA) Goodwin Anthony R. H. (Schlumberger Technology Corporation Sugar Land Texas, Greece) Stamatoudis Michael (Aristotle University Thessaloniki

    Have you ever had a question that keeps persisting and for which you cannot find a clear answer? Is the question seemingly so `simple that the problem is glossed over in most resources, or skipped entirely?CRC Press/Taylor and Francis is pleased to introduce Commonly Asked Questions in Thermodynamics, the first in a new series of books that address the questions that frequently arise in today`s major scientific and technical disciplines. Designed for a wide audience, from students and researchers to practicing professionals in related areas, the books are organized in a user friendly Question and Answer format. Presented questions become increasingly specific throughout the book, with clear and concise answers, as well as illustrations, diagrams, and tables are incorporated wherever helpful.Thermodynamics is a core discipline associated with the theoretical principles and practical applications underlying almost every area of science, from nanoscale biochemical engineering to astrophysics. Highlighting chemical thermodynamics in particular, this book is written in an easy-to-understand style and provides a wealth of fundamental information, simple illustrations, and extensive references for further research and collection of specific data. Designed for an audience that ranges from undergraduate students to scientists and engineers at the forefront of research, this indispensible guide presents clear explanations for topics with wide applicability. It reflects the fact that, very often, the most common questions are also the most profound.

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    Innbundet · 2017


    The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism

    The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism

    Doris Kearns Goodwin

    One of the Best Books of the Year as chosen by The New York Time s , The Washington Post, The Economist, Time, USA TODAY, Christian Science Monitor, and more. "A tale so gripping that one questions the need for fiction when real life is so plump with drama and intrigue" (Associated Press). Doris Kearns Goodwin's The Bully Pulpit is a dynamic history of the first decade of the Progressive era, that tumultuous time when the nation was coming unseamed and reform was in the air. The story is told through the intense friendship of Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft--a close relationship that strengthens both men before it ruptures in 1912, when they engage in a brutal fight for the presidential nomination that divides their wives, their children, and their closest friends, while crippling the progressive wing of the Republican Party, causing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to be elected, and changing the country's history. The Bully Pulpit is also the story of the muckraking press, which arouses the spirit of reform that helps Roosevelt push the government to shed its laissez-faire attitude toward robber barons, corrupt politicians, and corporate exploiters of our natural resources. The muckrakers are portrayed through the greatest group of journalists ever assembled at one magazine--Ida Tarbell, Ray Stannard Baker, Lincoln Steffens, and William Allen White--teamed under the mercurial genius of publisher S.S. McClure. Goodwin's narrative is founded upon a wealth of primary materials. The correspondence of more than four hundred letters between Roosevelt and Taft begins in their early thirties and ends only months before Roosevelt's death. Edith Roosevelt and Nellie Taft kept diaries. The muckrakers wrote hundreds of letters to one another, kept journals, and wrote their memoirs. The letters of Captain Archie Butt, who served as a personal aide to both Roosevelt and Taft, provide an intimate view of both men. The Bully Pulpit , like Goodwin's brilliant chronicles of the Civil War and World War II, exquisitely demonstrates her distinctive ability to combine scholarly rigor with accessibility. It is a major work of history--an examination of leadership in a rare moment of activism and reform that brought the country closer to its founding ideals.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014





    Daisy Goodwin

    Alle som savner Downton Abbey vil fryde seg over Arvingen

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013

    kr 20

    Pocket · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål


    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 20

    Eunuckens gåta

    Eunuckens gåta

    Jason Goodwin

    Den första spännande och underhållande boken i en ny serie om Yashim, detektiven i Istanbul. Året är 1836 och det Osmanska riket står inför en rad reformer. Som en maktdemonstration har krigsgeneralen beslutat att visa upp sina nya trupper för sultanen i en parad. Samtidigt har fyra officerare spårlöst försvunnit, varav en hittas spektakulärt avrättad. I sultanens harem hittas dessutom en av hans konkubiner strypt. Morden hotar att rubba balansen i det Osmanska riket. Eunucken Yashim sätts att lösa fallet och han har tio dagar på sig innan den stora paraden ska gå av stapeln. Boken fick en Edgar Award, USA:s stora deckarpris, för bästa deckare 2007! "Det är en ren njutning att läsa, man andas plötsligt med lätthet Istanbuls luft på 1800-talet, som vore man där själv i gränder och palats." Dagens Nyheter "Njut av ett filmiskt morddrama laddat med mörka stämningar, smärtsamt skarp psykologi, stark dialog och många fantastiska fakta." Amelia

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    Pocket · 2008



    Ormstenens gåta

    Ormstenens gåta

    Jason Goodwin

    Året är 1838. Maximilien Lefèvre, en fransk arkeolog, anländer till Istanbul för att söka efter en försvunnen bysantisk skatt. Hans närvaro skapar oro i stadens grekiska grupperingar och snart hittas hans kropp stympad. Detektiven Yashim, som i ett svagt ögonblick försökt hjälpa mannen ur landet, åtar sig att lösa fallet. Spåren leder honom tillbaka i historien, till den häpnadsväckande sanningen om ett ljusskyggt sällskap som vigt sina liv åt att bevara de gamla bysantiska rikets skatter. Ormstenens gåta är den andra fristående boken av tre om den osmanske detektiven Yashim. Första boken, Eunuckens gåta, blev belönad med en Edgar Award, USA:s stora deckarpris.Engelska Jason Goodwin är historiker och har bl a skrivit om te i boken The Gunpowder Gardens: Travels in China and India in Search of Tea, och om en sex månaders lång pilgrimsfärd genom Asien.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009




    Slangesøylen: en historisk krim fra Istanbul

    Jason Goodwin

    Den franske arkeologen Lefevre ankommer Istanbul for å lete etter en bysantinsk skatt. Evnukken Yashim blir bedt om å finne ut mer om franskmannen, men når Lefevre blir funnet mishandlet og drept, faller mistanken på Yashim. Yashim befinner seg i en kamp på liv og død når han må kjempe mot tiden for å avdekke sannheten. Dette er den andre romanen om Yashim.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Innbundet · 2008

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Black Lives Black Words

    Black Lives Black Words

    The Bush contributes four new commissions by black British writers Rachel De-Lahay, Winsome Pinnock, Somalia Seaton and Mojisola Adebayo, to the Black Lives, Black Words canon. The programme will also include previously performed pieces by American writers Idris Goodwin and Harrison David Rivers. All six plays will be performed alongside spoken word interludes each night. Black Lives, Black Words was initiated by the award-winning American playwright Reginald Edmund, who produced the USA premiere at the Greenhouse Theatre in Chicago in July 2015. The Bush Theatre presented its UK Premiere in Oct 2015 produced by Artistic Directors of the Future.

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    Pocket · 2017


    Tourism and National Parks

    Tourism and National Parks

    Richard Butler

    Tourism and National Parks Issues and Implications Edited by Richard W. Butler, Professor of Tourism, School of Management Studies, University of Surrey, UK and Stephen W. Boyd, Senior Lecturer in the Geography Division, Staffordshire University, UK. National Parks have played a significant role as tourist attractions in many countries since their establishment in the nineteenth century. In some countries they are the major set of tourist attractions and the foundation of small but often important tourism industries. Despite this, the relationship between tourism and national parks is not always a satisfactory one, and there is often considerable and vocal opposition to the continuance, and particularly expansion of, tourism in many national parks. The key focus of this book is the special relationship between national parks and tourism - how national park systems relate to tourism in a variety of contexts - from the historical development through to the role that they play today. International contributions from leading thinkers in the area raise issues such as, park origins and functions, management issues and future problems.Contributors: Kay Booth and David Simmons, Lincoln University, New Zealand Stephen Boyd, Staffordshire University, UK Richard Butler, University of Surrey, UK Carolyn Cresswell, Consultant, UK Phillip Dearden, University of Victoria, Canada Harold Goodwin, International Centre for Protected Landscapes, University of Greenwich, UK C. Michael Hall, Otago University, New Zealand Robert Lilieholm and Lisa Romney, Utah State University, USA Fergus Maclaren, Consultant, Canada John Marsh, Trent University, Canada J. Gordon Nelson, University of Waterloo, Canada Sanjay Nepal, University of Bern, Switzerland Gavin Parker and Neil Ravenscroft, University of Surrey, UK Douglas Pearce, Victoria University, New Zealand Philippa Sowman, Statistics New Zealand, New Zealand Dallen Timothy, Bowling Green State University, USA Jerry Vaske, Maureen Donnelly and Doug Whittaker, Colorado State University, USA David Weaver, Griffith University, Australia

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2000



    The Definitive Guide to Strategic Content Marketing

    The Definitive Guide to Strategic Content Marketing

    Lazar Dzamic, Justin Kirby

    Marketers everywhere are talking about content, but not everyone is saying the same thing. Some professionals love content and believe it has revolutionized the practice of marketing. To others, it's mere hype: a new name for what marketers have always done. The Definitive Guide to Strategic Content Marketing brings together all of these diverse perspectives, structuring them around useful key topics that provide insight into the multi-faceted nature of content marketing, featuring interviews with leading academics, industry experts, global thought leaders and influencers.The editors of The Definitive Guide to Strategic Content Marketing weave different voices together to present a balanced view of content marketing, grouping the discussion around relevant subjects such as content monetization, native advertising, visuals vs video, and the challenge of measuring results. This structure allows readers to move through the book according to their interests, and cherry-pick the most useful aspects of each discussion to apply to their own marketing initiatives. Containing contributions from brands such as GE, General Motors, HSBC, Football Association, Diageo and Pernod Ricard, and agencies including Oglivy Group UK, Havas, Zenith, Vizeum, Accenture and more, this book is a truly unique resource. Online resources include bonus chapters.With a foreword written by Tom Goodwin, author of Digital Darwinism and EVP, Head of Innovation at Zenith USA, this book contains insight and contributions from a wealth of A-list industry professionals and influencers, including: Tim Lindsay, Bob Garfield, Bob Hoffman, Faris Yakob, Thomas Kolster, Rebecca Lieb, Tia Castagno, Scott Donaton, Rober Rose, David Berkowitz, Professors Mara Einstein, Mark Ritson and Douglas Rushkoff.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Understanding Dreams and Other Spontaneous Images

    Understanding Dreams and Other Spontaneous Images

    USA.) Goodwyn Erik D. (University of Louisville

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    Pocket · 2018


    Innbundet · 2018


    Magical Consciousness

    Magical Consciousness

    UK) Greenwood Susan (University of Sussex, USA) Goodwyn Erik D. (University of Louisville

    How does a mind think magically? The research documented in this book is one answer that allows the disciplines of anthropology and neurobiology to come together to reveal a largely hidden dynamic of magic. Magic gets to the very heart of some theoretical and methodological difficulties encountered in the social and natural sciences, especially to do with issues of rationality. This book examines magic head-on, not through its instrumental aspects but as an orientation of consciousness. Magical consciousness is affective, associative and synchronistic, shaped through individual experience within a particular environment. This work focuses on an in-depth case study using the anthropologist's own experience gained through years of anthropological fieldwork with British practitioners of magic. As an ethnographic view, it is an intimate study of the way in which the cognitive architecture of a mind engages the emotions and imagination in a pattern of meanings related to childhood experiences, spiritual communications and the environment. Although the detail of the involvement in magical consciousness presented here is necessarily specific, the central tenets of modus operandi is common to magical thought in general, and can be applied to cross-cultural analyses to increase understanding of this ubiquitous human phenomenon.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Conversations with myself

    Conversations with myself

    Nelson Mandela

    Conversations With Myself is a moving collection of letters, diary entries and other writing that provides a rare chance to see the other side of Nelson Mandela's life, in his own voice: direct, clear, private. An international bestseller, Conversations With Myself is an intensely personal book that complements his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom. In his foreword to Nelson Mandela's book, President Barack Obama writes: 'Conversations With Myself does the world an extraordinary service in giving us [a] picture of Mandela the man.' Conversations With Myself gives readers insight to the darkest hours of Nelson Mandela's twenty-seven years of imprisonment and his troubled dreams in his cell on Robben Island. It contains the draft of an unfinished sequel to Long Walk to Freedom, notes from Madiba's famous speeches, and even doodles made during meetings. There are photos from his life, journals written while on the run during the anti-apartheid struggles of the early 1960s, and conversations with friends in almost 70 hours of recorded interviews. An intimate journey from the first stirrings of his political conscience to his galvanizing role on the world stage, Conversations With Myself is an extraordinary glimpse of the man behind one of the world's most beloved public figures. 'More revealing of the man than his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom - and in many respects more moving as well' F.W. De Klerk 'A book that breaks the heart and then makes it sing' Andrew Rawnsley, Observer Books of the Year 'Intensely moving, raw and unmediated, told in real time with all the changes in perspective that brings, over the years, mixing the prosaic with the momentous. Health concerns, dreams, political initiatives spill out together, to provide the fullest picture yet of Mandela.' Peter Godwin, Observer

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    Innbundet · 2010



    Comparing legal cultures

    Comparing legal cultures

    In the present era of internationalisation of law, being able to analyse legal culture enables legal cooperation. However, legal culture is still more a theoretical concept than an analytical tool applied when approaching law. There are many kinds of legal cultures, concerning different groups of legal actors or covering different geographical areas, and they are at times overlapping. However, the national legal culture is still the one that has the largest influence on the everyday life of citizens and the day-to-day work of lawyers. In this book, the editors first theorize on and give practical guidance on how to identify, deconstruct and examine legal culture. Based on a common analytical framework, the editors and a large number of expert contributors explore central institutional and intellectual features of legal culture in 12 European countries next to USA, China and Australia allowing the reader to systematically compare legal cultures. This is the second and extended version of Comparing Legal Cultures, which is the first thorough and extensive book that analyses national legal cultures as an approach to comparative law. The book aims at providing essential knowledge and understanding for students of law, as well as for practitioners and scholars in need of entangling legal cultural features.

    4.8 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 199
    kr 199


    Konstruksjonsmekanikk: del II : fasthetslære

    Kolbein Bell

    Som DEL II er boken den naturlige fortsettelsen til DEL I (LIKEVEKTSLÆRE). Nå er det begrepene spenning og tøyning, og sammenhengen mellom dem, som står i fokus. Hovedvekten er lagt på rette staver og bjelker med enkle (symmetriske) tverrsnitt, men også vilkårlige tverrsnitt og krumme bjelker/buer er behandlet. Et eget kapittel er viet enkle forskyvningsberegninger, noe som også gjør det mulig å beregne enkle statisk ubestemte bjelker og rammer. Mye dreier seg om to-dimensjonale problemer, men et tre-dimensjonalt fenomen som torsjon er behandlet, og det gis også en enkel innføring i et viktig problem knyttet til stabilitet av slanke trykkomponenter søyleknekning. Boken bygger på samme filosofi som sin forgjenger: den er skrevet for å leses det er ikke en håndbok for kjappe løsninger. Kolbein Bell er pensjonert professor ved Institutt for konstruksjonsteknikk, NTNU. Han underviste i konstruksjonsmekanikk og anvendt programmering frem til han gikk av i 2009. Han er dr.ing. fra NTH i 1968, og har hatt forskeropphold i USA, England og Nederland. Bell skrev sin hovedoppgave høsten 1962 da NTH fikk sin første datamaskin (GIER), og han har siden vært engasjert i utvikling av programverktøy for konstruksjonsberegninger, først i SINTEF og senere ved NTH og NTNU.

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 199

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 349

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 199

    Biologisk psykologi

    Biologisk psykologi: en lærebok

    Anders Ågmo

    Biologisk psykologi er et studiefelt som omfatter forbindelsene mellom kroppslige og sjelelige prosesser. Denne boken begynner med en innføring i nervecellenes struktur og funksjon, noe som er nødvendig for å kunne forstå hvordan psykiske prosesser kan være forankret i biologiske systemer. Deretter gis det en beskrivelse av nervesystemets oppbygging og av hormonsystemet. Interaksjonen mellom kroppens beskyttelsessystem, immunsystemet, og nervesystemet, det man kaller psykonevroimmunologi, presenteres også. Etter en gjennomgang av det som tillater oss å ha kontakt med omverdenen, og som holder oss informert om hendelser inni kroppen, altså våre sanseorganer, presenteres en rekke temaer av spesiell interesse for psykologer. Disse inkluderer rytmiske funksjoner, slike som søvn/våkenhet, spising og drikking, seksualatferd, motivasjon og emosjon, språkforståelse og språkproduksjon, stress, og psykopatologier. En kort innledning til psykofarmakologien er også med, samt en diskusjon om etiske problemstillinger i psykobiologisk forskning på mennesker og andre dyr. Forfatteren har gjort sitt ytterste for at alle kapitlene skal være begripelige uten større kunnskaper i biologi eller psykologi, samtidig som innholdet skal motsvare kravene som normalt stilles i psykobiologikurs på lavere grad. Alle som ønsker eller er nødt til å vite noe om biologisk psykologi, bør kunne ha stor glede av denne boken. Anders Ågmo studerte psykologi ved Universitet i Uppsala. Etter avsluttet doktorgrad tilbrakte han mange år i Frankrike og i Mexico. Fra 1998 er han professor i biologisk psykologi ved Universitetet i Tromsø. Han har vært gjesteprofessor i USA, Tyskland og Japan og har publisert rundt 150 artikler i vitenskapelige tidsskrifter, et tjuetall bokkapitler og en stor monografi om seksualatferdens psykobiologi.

    4.4 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 329
    kr 329

    Pedagogisk psykologi

    Pedagogisk psykologi

    Anita Woolfolk

    Som ny!

    4.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 409

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 349

    Andre utgaver · 6

    kr 409

    Utdanningens vidunderlige risiko

    Utdanningens vidunderlige risiko

    Gert J.J. Biesta

    I Utdanningens vidunderlige risiko argumenterer Gert J.J. Biesta for at risiko må inngå som en sentral ingrediens i all pedagogisk handling, for å unngå at menneskene i utdanningsinstitusjonene behandles som mekaniske vesener. Gjennom sju kapitler behandles temaene kreativitet, kommunikasjon, undervisning, læring, frigjøring, demokrati og virtuositet. Bokens røde tråder samles i et argument for en hendelsens pedagogikk, en pedagogikk som setter eksistens foran essens, svakhet foran styrke, praxis foran poiesis. En pedagogikk som er villig til å gå inn på den vidunderlige risikoen som er involvert i enhver form for utdanning som er denne merkelappen verdig. Biesta utforsker ulike dimensjoner av det han kaller utdanningens svakhet. Påstanden i boken er at utdanningens svakhet ikke må betraktes som et problem som skal løses, men heller som den dimensjonen som gjør pedagogiske prosesser og praksis nettopp pedagogiske. Ethvert forsøk på å utrydde utdanningens svakhet, ethvert forsøk på å gjøre utdanning til et velsmurt maskineri, vil til sjuende og sist gjøre utdanningen til en trussel mot seg selv. Utdanningens vidunderlige risiko av Gert J.J. Biesta er en tankevekkende bok som utfordrer «oppleste og vedtatte sannheter» i pedagogikkfaget. Norsk forord ved Herner Sæverot (Universitetet i Bergen), Tom Are Trippestad (Høgskolen i Bergen) og Elin Eriksen Ødegaard (Høgskolen i Bergen) Gert Biesta (www.gertbiesta.com) er professor i pedagogisk teori og politikk på Institutt for pedagogikk og samfunn ved Universitetet i Luxembourg. Han har tidligere vært ansatt ved Universiteter i Nederland og Storbritannia og vært gjesteprofessor ved Universiteter i Norge, Sverige og Storbritannia. Han er sjefredaktør i tidsskriftet Studies in Philosophy and Education og har vært president i Philosophy of Education Society i USA. Biesta har tilbakelagt mange utgivelser innen pedagogisk filosofi samt teori og filosofi om forskning på pedagogikk og samfunn, og er spesielt interessert i spørsmål knyttet til demokrati og demokratisering. Nyere bøker er Beyond Learning: Democratic Education for a Human Future (Paradigm Publishers 2006), i 2008 tildelt kritikerprisen (Critics’ Choice Book Award) fra American Educational Studies Association, Good education in an age of measurement: Ethics, politics, democracy (2010), Jacques Rancière: Education, truth, emancipation (sammen med Charles Bingham, Continuum 2010, i 2011 tildelt prisen «AERA Division B Outstanding Book Award»), og Learning Democracy in School and Society (Sense Publishers 2011). The Beautiful Risk of Education ble utgitt på engelsk i 2014 hos Paradigm Publishers og fikk samme år prisen «AERA Division B Outstanding Book Award».

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 109
    kr 109

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