Driftsregnskap og budsjettering
Denne boken er skrevet for emnet driftsregnskap og budsjettering. Boken er godt brukt og inneholder ingen markeringer.
4.8 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Grunnleggende bedriftsøkonomi
Med lett tilgjengelig teori, en rekke eksempler og et rikt utvalg av oppgaver gir boka god forståelse av grunnleggende bedriftsøkonomi.
4.6 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Grunnleggende bedriftsøkonomi
Med lett tilgjengelig teori, en rekke eksempler og et rikt utvalg av oppgaver gir boka god forståelse av grunnleggende bedriftsøkonomi
4.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Økonomistyring: innføring i bedriftsøkonomi og regnskap
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Driftsregnskap og budsjettering
Bok i driftsregnskap og budsjettering
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
grunnleggende bedriftsøkonomi
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Grunnleggende bedriftsøkonomi
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Økonomistyring. Innføring i bedriftsøkonomi og regnskap er skrevet for studenter og fagpersoner som trenger en grunnleggende innføring i det bedriftsøkonomiske fagområdet. Målgruppen er ingeniører, maritime fagpersoner, helsepersonell og andre som har behov for en introduksjon i bedriftsøkonomisk analyse, budsjettering og regnskapsforståelse. Det er lagt vekt på å gi boka en logisk og ryddig struktur, slik at det er lett å finne frem i stoffet. Boka har sammendrag, kontrollspørsmål og oppgaver knyttet til hvert kapittel, og består av fire hoveddeler.
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
driftsregnskap og budsjettering
Denne boken er skrevet for emnet driftsregnskap og budsjettering. Boken er godt brukt og inneholder ingen markeringer.
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Økonomistyring - Innføring i bedriftsøkonomi og regnskap
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Driftregskap og budsjettering
Økonomi bok relevant for økonomistudenter
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
driftsregnskap og budsjettering
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Driftsregnskap og budsjettering 2011
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
P2-akademiet: bind XLVI
P2-akademiet bokserie bind XLVI (45) inneholder: Erik Kolstad: Kvikksølv, kaos og klima - værvarslingens historie, Anne Hege Simonsen: I stengslenes tid. Nye barrierer etter Berlinmurens fall, Jorunn Skjermo: Tare i tankene, Harald Hornmoen: "Forskningsformidling!", Per Brandtzæg: Hvorfor er matallergi et økende problem?, Øyvind Paasche: Fortidens skjulte klimaskatter, Dag Hareide: Ondskapens mange ansikter i etterkrigstidens Norge, Kristin Lyhmann: Med maske og lur -skandinaviske scenebilder hogd i stein, Rune Blix Hagen: Trollskap og julemystikk i norske hekseprosesser, Ruth Danielsen: Myten som fortelling og språk, Camilla Stoltenberg: Skjebne eller sjanse - om gener, miljø og helse, Liv Gjems: Barn, samtaler og læring, Inge Eidsvåg: "Så ser min dröm ut" Et møte med Edith Södergrans liv og diktning, Gaute T. Einevoll: Matematisk hjerneforskning: Kan vi regne ut hvordan vi tenker?, Tonje Maria Mehren: Parapsykologi i Norge - et glemt kapittel?
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The Winter Harvest Handbook
Choosing locally grown organic food is a sustainable living trend that's taken hold throughout the UK and north America. Celebrated farming expert Eliot Coleman helped start this movement with The New Organic Grower published 20 years ago. He continues to lead the way, pushing the limits of the harvest season while working his world-renowned organic farm in Harborside, Maine. Now, with his long-awaited new book, The Winter Harvest Handbook, anyone can have access to his hard-won experience. Gardeners and farmers can use the innovative, highly successful methods Coleman describes in this comprehensive handbook to raise crops throughout the coldest of winters. Building on the techniques that hundreds of thousands of farmers and gardeners adopted from The New Organic Grower and Four-Season Harvest, this new book focuses on growing produce of unparalleled freshness and quality in customized unheated or, in some cases, minimally heated, movable plastic greenhouses. Coleman offers clear, concise details on greenhouse construction and maintenance, planting schedules, crop management, harvesting practices, and even marketing methods in this complete, meticulous, and illustrated guide.Readers have access to all the techniques that have proven to produce higher-quality crops on Colemanis own farm. His painstaking research and experimentation with more than 30 different crops will be valuable to small farmers, homesteaders, and experienced home gardeners who seek to expand their production seasons. A passionate advocate for the revival of small-scale sustainable farming, Coleman provides a practical model for supplying fresh, locally grown produce during the winter season, even in climates where conventional wisdom says it ijust canit be done.i
5.0 av 5
Integrable quantum field theories and their applications : proceedings of the APCTP Winter School : Cheju Island, Korea, 28 February-4 March 2000
This volume includes several lecture notes on the fundamentals and elementary techniques of integrable field theories and on their applications to low-dimensional physics systems contributed by leading scientists in the respective fields. The main topics covered are various aspects of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz, form factors, Calogero (and related) models, sigma models, conformal boundary conditions, etc. The volume presents both pedagogical material and a current research trend in the field.The proceedings have been selected for coverage in:* Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Revisiting The Arab Uprisings
Since 2013, the Middle East has experienced a double trend of chaos and civil war, on the one hand, and the return of authoritarianism, on the other. That convergence has eclipsed the political transitions that occurred in the countries whose regimes were toppled in 2011, as if they were merely footnotes to a narrative that naturally led from an 'Arab Spring' to an 'Arab Winter'. This volume aims at rehabilitating those transitions, by considering them as expressions of a 'revolutionary moment' whose outcome was never pre-determined, but depended on the choices of a large range of actors. It brings together leading scholars of Arab politics to adopt a comparative approach to a few crucial aspects of those transitions: constitutional debates, the question of transitional justice, the evolution of civil-military relations, and the role of specific actors, both domestic and international.
0.0 av 5
The Sunny Side of Life
Daylight is an important consideration in almost every architectural project. This title presents residential projects in which it is a fundamental feature of the design. The spotlight is on conservatories or winter gardens, built with glazed or obaque roofs depending on the climatic conditions. It was in the 19th century when winter gardens were first used as rooms where people met to converse and gossip, an extension of conventional living spaces. Along with architectural plans for individual examples, the ecological potential of these spaces is discussed here, for example through the construction of winter gardens as a form of building modernization. What is more, examples of the trend in residential design for structures resembling greenhouses are also presented, revealing how the idea of the winter garden has become a powerful influence on modern design.
0.0 av 5
English Composition As a Happening
What happened to the bold, kicky promise of writing instruction in the 1960s? The current conservative trend in composition is analysed allegorically by Geoffrey Sirc in this book-length homage to Charles Deemer's 1967 article, in which the theories and practices of Happenings artists (multi-disciplinary performance pioneers) were used to invigorate college writing. Sirc takes up Deemer's inquiry, moving through the material and theoretical concerns of such pre- and post-Happenings influences as Duchamp and Pollock, situationists and punks, as well as many of the Happenings artists proper. With this book, already a cult classic, began a neo-avant-garde for composition studies.Winner of the Ross W Winterowd Award for most outstanding book in composition theory.
0.0 av 5
Atomic Adventures
Mahaffey unearths lost reactors on far flung Pacific islands and trees that were exposed to active fission that changed gender or bloomed in the dead of winter. He explains why we have nuclear submarines but not nuclear aircraft and why cold fusion doesn't exist. And who knew that radiation counting was once a fashionable trend? Though parts of the nuclear history might seem like a fiction mash-up, where cowboys somehow got a hold of a reactor, Mahaffey's vivid prose holds the reader in thrall of the infectious energy of scientific curiosity and ingenuity that may one day hold the key to solving our energy crisis or sending us to Mars.
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