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Viser resultat for 'Trond Smith-Meyer'


    Fakler: om vitenskap og samfunn : til den Polytekniske forenings 150-årsjubileum

    Trond Berg Eriksen, Eirik Newth, Stein Ringen, Eivind Smith

    I forbindelse med sitt 150-årsjubileum i 2002 har Den Polytekniske Forening bedt fire kjente forfattere om å skrive hver sitt essay. Oppgaven har vært å belyse drivkreftene bak utviklingen i Norge de siste 150 årene og gi oss tanker om hva de neste tiårene kan bringe. - Hva har drevet utviklingen av Norge de siste 150 årene? Hva kom først, ideene eller ny teknologi? - Vil utviklingen av superteknologier føre til at mennesker av vår type relativt snart dør ut . for å bli erstattet av "Robo sapiens"? - Vi er blitt stadig rikere her i landet, men har vi det godt? Vil vi i så fall fortsatt oppleve bedre livskvalitet? - Grunnloven har i dag tapt det meste av sin rettslige kraft, Stortinget er i praksis tilnærmet suverent. Vil vi egentlig ha en grunnlov? Fakler . om vitenskap og samfunn er en bok som stimulerer til debatt, og som er i tråd med slagordet til Den Polytekniske Forening: "Den første plog må være tankens."

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    Innbundet · 2002

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 35
    kr 35

    Grundlagens makt : konstitutionen som politiskt redskap och som rättslig norm

    Grundlagens makt : konstitutionen som politiskt redskap och som rättslig norm

    <p>Jurister tänker ofta på grundlagen enbart i rättsligt avseende. I Sverige har debatten tidvis givit intrycket att de viktigaste frågorna i den konstitutionella debatten gäller domstolarnas roll, inte minst lagprövningsrätten och regeringsformens krav att grundlagsstridigheten måste vara "uppenbar". Detta perspektiv är alltför snävt för att förstå grundlagens roll i samhället.<br> Politiker och samhällsvetare betraktar ofta grundlagen i ett renodlat politiskt perspektiv. Men om grundlagen endast uppfattas som ett slags politiskt program blir den lätt perifer i människors medvetande. En grundlag som inte kan åberopas av enskilda medborgare förlorar i folklig förankring och kan därför knappast tjäna som ett effektivt redskap för politisk handling.</p> <p>Grundlagens roll i samhället kan bäst förstås om både politiska och rättsliga perspektiv uppmärksammas. Därför innehåller boken bidrag från både jurister och statsvetare. Den bidrar till forskningen om konstitutionella förhållanden i Norden. Tyngdpunkten ligger på grundlagens roll inom områden där domstolar har lite eller inget att säga till om: Hur avgörs grundlagens innehåll i dessa fall? Vilken betydelse får argumentation om grundlagens innebörd?</p> <p>Eivind Smith är professor i offentlig rätt vid Universitetet i Oslo.</p> <p>Övriga författare: <i>Sverre Blandhol, Thomas Bull, Jens Peter Christensen, Matti Niemivuo, Trond Nordby, Fredrik Sterzel, Stig Strömholm, Palle Svensson, Kaarlo Tuori<i></i></i>

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2002

    Norsk Bokmål


    Ledelse og profesjonsutøvelse i barnehage og skole

    Ledelse og profesjonsutøvelse i barnehage og skole

    Både lærer- og førskolelærerprofesjonene er stadig i endring. Hva kjennetegner arbeidssituasjonen til dagens profesjonsutøvere? Hva skal til for å lykkes? Denne boken presenterer ferske forskningsresultater fra norsk praksis.Bokens artikler presenterer funn fra forskning på et bredt spekter av forhold som påvirker og utfordrer profesjonsutøverne i barnehage og skole i Norge idag. Følgende sentrale spørsmål diskuteres: Hvordan endrer digitale verktøy praksis i barnehagehverdagen? Hvordan fordeles arbeidsoppgaver mellom ledelse, pedagoger og assistenter i barnehagen? Hvordan forholder små barnehager i rurale strøk seg til språklig og kulturelt sammensatte barnegrupper? Hvilken type klasseledelse skaper best læring? Hvordan kan rektor skape en god vurderingskultur i skolen? Hvordan bør yrkesopplæringen kombinere praksis og teori for å hindre frafall? Hvilke problemer og muligheter ligger i web-basert veiledning av ferske lærere? Bokens artikler presenterer funn fra Program for praksisrettet FoU for barnehage, grunnopplæring og lærerutdanning - PRAKSISFoU. Bente Aamotsbakken, professor i tekstvitenskap ved Høgskolen i Vestfold, er redaktør for boken. Øvrige bidragsytere er: Camilla Eline Andersen, Knut Steinar Engelsen, Sidsel Germeten, Hilde Hiim, Margrethe Jernes, Gisle Johnsen, Lars Malvin Kvinge, Trond Lekang, Øystein Lund, Mette Løvgren, Hanne Kirsten Nilsen, Thomas Nordahl, Jarle Sjøvoll, Kari Smith, Aud Berggraf Sæbø, Vigdis Vangsnes og Nils Tore Gram Økland.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 70
    kr 70

    Cuoc san duoi trong khong gian

    Cuoc san duoi trong khong gian

    Edward E. Smith

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket ·

    Norsk Bokmål


    Menn og meninger : de fire politikere C. J. Hambro, Halvard Lange, Haakon Lie, Herman Smitt Ingebretsen

    Menn og meninger : de fire politikere C. J. Hambro, Halvard Lange, Haakon Lie, Herman Smitt Ingebretsen

    Trond Gabrielsen

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1976

    Norsk Bokmål


    Fast Food

    Fast Food

    Andrew F. Smith

    The single most influential culinary trend of our time is fast food. It has spawned an industry that has changed eating, the most fundamental of human activities. From the first flipping of burgers in tiny shacks in the western United States to the forging of neon signs that spell out "Pizza Hut" in Cyrillic or Arabic scripts, the fast food industry has exploded into dominance, becoming one of the leading examples of global corporate success. And with this success it has become one of the largest targets of political criticism, blamed for widespread obesity, cultural erasure, oppressive labor practices, and environmental destruction on massive scales.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Menn og meninger

    Menn og meninger

    Trond Gabrielsen

    Om C.J Hambro, Halvard Lange. Haakon Lie og Herman Smitt Ingebretsen

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    Innbundet · 1976

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 30
    kr 30

    Simply Modern Wedding Cakes

    Simply Modern Wedding Cakes

    Lindy Smith

    Bestselling cake decorating author and world-renown sugarcraft teacher, Lindy Smith shows you how to make a wedding cake with the minimum of fuss but with maximum effect! Today's brides are looking for simple wedding cakes that look modern and stylish but also want unique wedding cakes that don't cost the earth. This step-by-step guide will show you how to create a wide range of styles for modern simple wedding cakes, using the latest trends in cake decorating and wedding design, for a DIY wedding cake book like no other! Lindy Smith is one of the world's best-selling cake decorators, and has sold over half a million books worldwide. The simple wedding cakes in this book feature on-trend designs that break with tradition, using styles, colours and shapes that today's brides are looking for. With achievable wedding cake designs and accessible cake decorating techniques, this book covers the whole process of making a wedding cake - from conception to construction to decoration and even demolition!

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Alltid voksende tro

    Alltid voksende tro

    Smith Wigglesworth

    En rørlegger blir verdensevangelist, Smith Wigglesworth. Ved sin tjeneste bragte han det glade budskap om frelse, åndsdåp og helbredelse til titusener. Hans forkynnelse var enkel og rett på sak, men han ble forstått, og Guds ord ble trodd. Han formidlet en levende tro på en levende Frelser og Herre. Denne boken er en samling av atten taler Smith Wigglesworth holdt rundt omkring i verden.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket ·

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 75

    Pocket · 1997

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 75

    Gray's Surface Anatomy and Ultrasound

    Gray's Surface Anatomy and Ultrasound

    Claire France Smith, Andrew Dilley, Barry Mitchell, Richard Drake

    A concise, superbly illustrated (print + electronic) textbook that brings together a reliable, clear and up to date guide to surface anatomy and its underlying gross anatomy, combined with a practical application of ultrasound and other imaging modalities. A thorough understanding of surface anatomy remains a critical part of clinical practice, but with improved imaging technology, portable ultrasound is also fast becoming integral to routine clinical examination and effective diagnosis. This unique new text combines these two essential approaches to effectively understanding clinical anatomy and reflects latest approaches within modern medical curricula. It is tailored specifically to the needs of medical students and doctors in training and will also prove invaluable to the wide range of allied health students and professionals who need a clear understanding of visible and palpable anatomy combined with anatomy as seen on ultrasound. Concise text and high quality illustrations, photographs, CT, MRI and ultrasound scans provide a clear, integrated understanding of the anatomical basis for modern clinical practice Highly accessible and at a level appropriate for medical students and a wide range of allied health students and professionals Reflects current curriculum trend of heavily utilizing living anatomy and ultrasound to learn anatomy Supplementary video content showing live ultrasound scans and guided areas of surface anatomy to bring content to life and reflect current teaching and clinical settings An international advisory panel appointed to add expertise and ensure relevance to the variety of medical and allied health markets Inclusion of latest ultrasound image modalities Designed to complement and enhance the highly successful Gray's family of texts/atlases although also effective as a stand-alone or alongside other established anatomy resources

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Ingen fiendtlige hensikter

    Ingen fiendtlige hensikter: historien om det tyske overfallet på Bergen 9. april 1940

    Sven-Erik Grieg-Smith

    INGEN FIENDTLIGE HENSIKTER Historien om det tyske overfallet på Bergen 9. april 1940 Den første meldingen om at fremmede krigsskip trengte seg inn på Bergens krigshavn ble mottatt på Marineholmen kl. 01.00. Det tyske overfallet var i gang. Fra minutt til minutt tar forfatteren leserne med på utviklingen av angrepet og de norske mottiltakene. Begivenhetene utløste en krise. Som så ofte før dekket ikke eksisterende planer den situasjonen som oppsto. Her kom de norske offiserene til kort. Forfatteren trekker frem en rekke nye opplysninger som viser at det ikke sto så dårlig til med det norske forsvaret som vi tidligere har trodd. Viljen til motstand var imidlertid ikke like sterk hos alle. Gjennom bruk av rapporter, dagbøker og andre kilder kommer man aktørene tett inn på livet. Leserne må være forberedt på en detaljrikdom som blir gjort gjenstand for en systematisk analyse. Forfatteren er ikke redd for å gå nye veier i beskrivelsen av det som skjedde i de tidlige morgentimene en tirsdag for over 80 år siden.

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    Innbundet · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål


    Queer Mexico

    Queer Mexico

    Paul Julian Smith

    Explores the rich and varied LGBT cinema and television of Mexico since the new millennium.Queer Mexico: Cinema and Television since 2000 provides critical analysis of both mainstream and independent audiovisual works, many of them little known, produced in Mexico since the turn of the twenty-first century. In the book, author Paul Julian Smith aims to tease out the symbiotic relationship between culture and queerness in Mexico. Smith begins with the year 2000 because of the political shift that happened within the government-the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) was voted out of national office after over seventy years in power. Judicial and social changes for LGBT Mexicans came in the wake of what was known at the time as simply ""the change"" (""el cambio"") at the start of the millennium, bringing about an increased visibility and acknowledgment of the LGBT community.Divided into five chapters, Queer Mexico demonstrates the diversity of both representation and production processes in the Mexican film and television industry. It attempts also to reconstruct a queer cultural field for Mexico that incorporates multiple genres and techniques. The first chapter looks at LGBT festivals, porn production, and a web-distributed youth drama, claimed by its makers to be the first wholly gay series made in Mexico. The second chapter examines selected features and shorts by Mexico's sole internationally distributed art house director, Julian Hernandez. The third chapter explores the rising genre of documentary on transgender themes. The fourth chapter charts the growing trend of a gay, lesbian, or trans-focused mainstream cinema. The final chapter addresses the rich and diverse history of queer representation in Mexico's dominant television genre and, arguably, national narrative: the telenovela. The first book to come out of the Queer Screens series, Queer Mexico is a groundbreaking monograph for anyone interested in media or LGBT studies, especially as it relates to the culture of Latin America.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Gin Tonica

    Gin Tonica

    David T. Smith

    Aromatic, refreshing, delicious and a feast for the eyes, the generously-sized and creatively garnished `gin tonica' Spanish-style drink is taking the cocktail world by storm.Spaniards love their gin and tonics. In Spain, the bartender doesn't ask you what you want to drink, he asks you how you want your gin and tonic prepared. This simplest of drinks - just gin, tonic, ice and a garnish - is now considered the national drink of Spain. The trend started in the north of Spain, in Basque country, where you can walk into a bar and upon ordering you are presented with a cart teeming with gin and tonic options to create your very own bespoke drink. A beautiful cocktail with a variety of herb and flower garnishes, a Spanish-style gin and tonic or `gin tonica', is made with a premium gin and the best quality tonic water, combined with bitters and various herbs, spices, flowers and fruits that will complement the botanicals of a specific gin. It is served over ice in an oversized balloon glass - the idea being that the shape enables the drinker to enjoy all the lovely aromas their drink gives off. For a cocktail with only two ingredients, the flavour potential is staggering! Making a gin tonica is an intricate process, sometimes taking a barman as long as 15 minutes to deliver the ideal drink. The ice has to be dense so that it melts slowly, the glass might be spritzed with a fine layer of citrus oil, chilled to perfection, with the tonic poured in delicately. No detail is ignored, the wait is part of the experience, and the result is absolutely delicious. Attention to detail and respect for the classic is what truly elevates the Spanish gin tonica above all others. With more gin brands and styles of tonic available than ever before, and 40 inspired recipes here to try at home, there has never been a better time to discover the joy of the gin tonica - saludos!

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017



    Smith & Daughters

    Smith & Daughters

    Shannon Martinez

    Many people believe veganism is a trend, that all vegan food tastes the same, boring, bland way and, above all, that it is uncreative, not filling and lacks flavor. Shannon Martinez and Mo Wyse from celebrated restaurant Smith & Daughters don't In this their first cookbook Smith & Daughters: A Cookbook (That Happens to be Vegan) they ignore convention in favor of plant-based innovation in the kitchen.

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    Innbundet · 2016



    Phenomenology and Naturalism

    Phenomenology and Naturalism

    At present, `naturalism' is arguably the dominant trend in both Anglo-American and European philosophy. Owing to the influence of the works of W.V.O. Quine, Wilfred Sellars, and Hillary Putnam, among others, naturalism both as a methodological and ontological position has become one of the mainstays of contemporary analytic approaches to knowledge, mind and ethics. From the early 1990s onward, European philosophy in the English-speaking world has been witnessing a turn from the philosophies of the subjects of phenomenology, hermeneutics and existentialism and a revival of a certain kind of vitalism, whether Bergsonian or Nietzschean, and also of a certain kind of materialism that is close in spirit to Spinoza's Ethics and to the naturalism and monism of the early Ionian thinkers. This book comprises essays written by experts in both the European and the Anglo-American traditions such as John Sallis, David Papineau, David Cerbone, Dan Zahavi, Paul Patton, Bernhard Weiss, Jack Reynolds and Benedict Smith, who explore the limit of naturalism and the debate between naturalism and phenomenology. This book also considers the relation between Deleuze's philosophy and naturalism as well as the critique of phenomenology by speculative realism. This book was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Philosophical Studies.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019




    Johan Velten

    Husmannsplassen Velta på Koppang er slektens rot. Det var dramatiske hendelser som førte stamfaren fra Gudbrandsdalen over til Østerdalen. Nye sterke hendelser førte til at en tredje-generasjon Velten valgte en livsvei som ble avgjørende for de neste tre generasjoner; Smiths Venner. Dette er en hudløs fortelling om et familietre som blir kvistet av hendelser i tiden uten å bukke under. Den ærlige fortellingen viser oss villskudd og triste skjebner, så vel som storsinn og pågangsmot. Per Barda, psykolog Du får et innblikk i småfolks kamp for tilværelsen og hvordan hendelser i barndom og ungdom ofte blir bestemmende for menneskers vei videre. Skjønnlitterært driv griper leseren. Ola Klefsås, Stor-Elvdal Historielag Tilhørigheten til Smiths Venner er omtalt på en utfordrende måte som fenger leseren. Boka gir en glimrende innføring i vår religionshistorie, belyst gjennom forfatterens slektshistorie. Harald Isdahl, næringslivsleder Strevsomme hverdager og dramatiske hendelser i generasjonenes gang skildres på en måte som samtidig speiler de store endringene det norske samfunnet har gjennomgått. Reidar Aasgaard, professor i idéhistorie Fortellingen er gjenkjennelig og gir forståelse av vår felles fortid og våre forfedre. En usminket fremstilling av faktiske forhold. Våken iakttagelse som skaper mening ut av observasjoner. Helene Svihus, Biblioteksjef Slektens engasjement i Smiths Venner gjøres forståelig, og han gir et inntrykksfullt bilde av problemene ved å vokse opp i en sekt, for ikke å snakke om vanskene ved å bryte ut. Trond Skard Dokka, professor i teologi Johan Velten er en nestor innen organisasjonsutvikling i Norge. I denne boken forteller han innsiktsfullt om Smiths Venner. Boka inviterer også til større forståelse for tvil og tro. Tom Karp, professor i ledelse.

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    Innbundet · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Rolling Home presents The Culture of Vanlife

    The Rolling Home presents The Culture of Vanlife

    Rolling Magazine

    The ultimate van life and alternative living bible by the authors of The Rolling Home Journal. Inspiring photos accompany practical and thoughtful guidance on converting your van and building an alternative lifestyle with respect for nature and the world. The authors, who are based in Cornwall (United Kingdom), address the origins of the van life trend and the question of a 'back to basics' life. Their personal experience of living in their van gives them practical insights: which camper can be used for which adventure; when are you ready to leave? They include constructive advice, including a step-by-step manual on how to convert your van for the fullest possible benefit. The authors take van life to the next level, digging deeper into the philosophy and experience of living a life of freedom on four wheels.After years of travelling around Europe in their camper, Calum Creasey and Lauren Smith decided to combine their love for design with their passion for adventure. The result: The Rolling Home, a website, Instagram account, and quarterly journal. Their first book, The Rolling Home: 80000 Miles and Counting in a Selfbuild Home (2015), sold tens of thousands of copies in two editions.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    The Woman in White

    The Woman in White

    Wilkie Collins

    The Woman in White (1859-60) is the first and greatest 'Sensation Novel'. Walter Hartright's mysterious midnight encounter with the woman in white draws him into a vortex of crime, poison, kidnapping, and international intrigue. The novel is dominated by two of the finest creations in all Victorian fiction - Marion Halcombe, dark, mannish, yet irresistibly fascinating, and Count Fosco, the sinister and flamboyant 'Napoleon of Crime'. A masterwork of intricate construction, The Woman in White sets new standards of suspense and excitement, and achieved sales which topped even those of Dickens, Collins's friend and mentor. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.

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    Pocket · 2008


    kr 45

    Pocket · 1993


    kr 60

    Andre utgaver · 11

    kr 45

    Shades of Grey

    Shades of Grey

    Kate Watson-Smyth

    Crammed with fascinating facts, expert advice and a wealth of essential information, Shades of Grey will guide you through the minefield that is choosing exactly the right shade of grey paint. There's no doubt about it, grey is the shade of the moment. On trend restaurants, shops and homes are covered in it. There's not an interior decorating programme that doesn't feature it. However, despite its popularity, it's not quite as simple as buying a pot of grey paint and slapping it on the wall. Make the wrong choice, and a grey room will be cold and dark, even energy-sapping. Get it right, however, and your home will look sophisticated and modern. So how to find the perfect hue? In Shades of Grey, Kate Watson-Smyth explores the current popularity of the shade and consults experts - scientists, paint companies and interior decorators - who reveal their favourite greys as well as other tricks of the trade. She looks at the wide range of greys on offer and, via a simple process of elimination, will help you track down the shade that works perfectly for you.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    Innbundet · 2016



    American Power and World Order

    American Power and World Order

    Christian Reus Smit

    In recent years American foreign policy has taken a unilateralist turn. Confident of Americaa s economic supremacy and cultural magnetism, the Bush administration has embarked on an ambitious mission to further American interests and reshape global order. In this compelling and insightful book, Christian Reus--Smit offers a sustained critique of the Bush Doctrine and its impact on the United States and the world community. Far from being a realistic response to the challenges of the post--September 11 global order, Reus--Smit contends that the current neo--conservative approach to foreign policy is deeply idealist and naive. He argues that the quest to re--establish US hegemony in the contemporary world is based on a flawed understanding of the nature of power and the complexities of the global system. This has led Washington to pursue policies ill--suited to addressing current sources of global disorder, such as intra--state conflict and transnational violence, inequality, alienation and environmental degradation. If this trend continues, Reus--Smit warns that it will have serious implications for global order and justice in the 21st Century.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004



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