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    • Ingvild Tonette Hegén Abdissa (3)
      Ingvild Tonette Abdissa (3)
      Solbjørg Øvretveit (3)
      Julie Strøm (3)
      Tonette Røstelien (2)
      Thonette Myking (2)
      Jan Porthun (2)
      Tonette C. Robinson (1)
      Ingvil Lauvland (1)
      Ingvil Jortveit Lauvland (1)
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Viser resultat for 'Tonette Røstelien'

    Arbeidsbok anatomi

    Arbeidsbok anatomi

    Jan Porthun, Tonette Røstelien

    Arbeidsboken er spesielt skrevet for studenter som studerer sykepleie, helsefag eller idrett. Arbeidsboken er ingen erstatning for forelesninger eller pensumlitteratur. Boken er spesielt tenkt som en supplerende oppgavesamling. Med noen unntak finnes ingen fasiter i arbeidsboken. Boken inneholder ulike typer oppgaver og mer enn 100 illustrasjoner. Det er tillatt å bruke bildene i boka i forbindelse med eksamensoppgaver. Mer informasjon: www.ondefo.no

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 249
    kr 249

    Arbeidsbok anatomi

    Arbeidsbok anatomi: for studenter som studerer sykepleie, paramedisin, paramedic, helsefag eller idrett

    Jan Porthun, Tonette Røstelien

    Arbeidsboken er spesielt skrevet for studenter som studerer sykepleie, helsefag eller idrett. Arbeidsboken er ingen erstatning for forelesninger eller pensumlitteratur. Boken er spesielt tenkt som en supplerende oppgavesamling. Med noen unntak finnes ingen fasiter i arbeidsboken. Det er tillatt å bruke bildene i boka i forbindelse med eksamensoppgaver. Boken inneholder ulike typer oppgaver og mer enn 100 illustrasjoner. Løsningsforslag, online quiz og andre tilleggsressurser finner du på bokens nettside under www.arbeidsbok-anatomi.no

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Mood Swings

    Mood Swings

    Tonette C. Robinson

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (AuthorHouse) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    KRLE 9 fra Cappelen Damm

    KRLE 9 fra Cappelen Damm: Grunnbok

    Ingvild Tonette Hegén Abdissa, Solbjørg Øvretveit, Julie Strøm, Ingvild Tonette Abdissa

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2023

    Norsk Bokmål


    KRLE 9 frå Cappelen Damm

    KRLE 9 frå Cappelen Damm: Grunnbok

    Ingvild Tonette Hegén Abdissa, Julie Strøm, Solbjørg Øvretveit, Ingvild Tonette Abdissa

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2023

    Norsk Nynorsk


    Wages of Sin

    Wages of Sin

    Yolonda Tonette Sanders

    In the first novel in a juicy and thrilling mystery series, homicide detective Troy Evans desperately hunts down a serial killer. Troy Evans believes in God, but he's seen enough evil in his job to shake his faith. Nonetheless, his loyalty to his family never wavers, and he would do anything to protect them--one of the reasons he is a workaholic. Every creep he puts behind bars is one less monster he has to worry about harming his loved ones. His marriage to Natalie would be perfect if she could just understand that. Natalie loves her family, but she's becoming increasingly frustrated with Troy's job. His schedule is often hectic and unpredictable, and she's also helping her best friend deal with some serious issues--and struggling to come clean about a secret she's hiding from Troy. While Natalie deals with her issues, Troy spends the majority of his time searching for a serial killer who abducted and murdered several women without rhyme or reason. Desperate to stop the murderer before more women die, he works diligently, but the killer always seems to be one step ahead of him. Then Troy comes to the awful realization that he and the killer have something in common--something that instantly sets him on a mission to end the terror...or die trying.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    KRLE 8-10 fra Cappelen Damm

    KRLE 8-10 fra Cappelen Damm: Undervisningsopplegg

    Ingvild Tonette Hegén Abdissa, Ingvil Lauvland, Kristian Stensgård, Julie Strøm, Ingvil Jortveit Lauvland, Solbjørg Øvretveit, Kristian Borgen Stensgård, Ingvild Tonette Abdissa

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2024

    Norsk Bokmål


    Handbook of Human Resource Development

    Handbook of Human Resource Development

    Neal F. Chalofsky

    Address the fundamental concepts and issues that HR professionals face daily with the Handbook of Human Resource Development. Editors Neal Chalofsky, Tonette Rocco, and Michael Lane Morris have compiled a collection of chapters sponsored by the Academy of Human Resource Development that provide revolutionary insight into the concepts, theories, research initiatives, and practical applications essential to HRD. Topics range from HRD foundations, workforce development, and management to more specific topics such as implementing and managing HRD initiatives in the organization. The chapters are w

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Michael Allen's e-Learning Annual

    Michael Allen's e-Learning Annual

    Michael W. Allen

    The field of e-learning continues to experience dramatic and turbulent growth. Over time, as technology has improved and the method's real capabilities have emerged, e-learning has gained widespread acceptance and is now the fastest growing sector of corporate learning. As in years past, Michael Allen's Annual offers a diverse and important collection that contains some of the most current insights and best practices that will help both educators and workplace learning leaders address issues of design and implementation, as well as strategy and culture. In addition, this new volume offers a diverse mix of content that spans the full spectrum of technology-based learning. Year after year, the Annual discusses emerging trends in social media; showcases e-learning innovation; presents contemporary- and best-practices; tackles big-picture, strategic issues; and provides a host of useful tips and techniques. Additional content is also available online. Praise for Michael Allen's 2012 e-Learning Annual " Michael Allen's Annual really is annual. I found new examples and provocative ideas--just what I was looking for." -- Allison Rossett, professor of educational technology, San Diego State University "Just another academic anthology? Hardly Michael Allen has convinced e-learning's super-heroes to join forces to crush complacency, demolish dogma, rewrite rules, streamline strategies, and light a brighter future for e-learning. Warning: The accumulated wisdom and original thinking of this elite team of designers, practitioners, consultants, and researchers will leave you dissatisfied with your current e-learning efforts and aching to put their ideas into play." -- William Horton, author, e-Learning by Design and consultant, William Horton Consulting "The real learning at conferences takes place in the hallways. This wonderful book is like eavesdropping on those conversations, except that Michael has put the top thinkers in our field in the hall for you." -- Jay Cross, chairman, Internet Time Alliance Nabeel Ahmad Clark Aldrich Bobbe Baggio Tony Bingham Julia Bulkowski Bryan Chapman Phil Cowcill Allan Henderson Peter Isackson Cheryl Johnson Cathy King Leslie Kirshaw Tina Kunshier David Metcalf Corinne Miller Craig Montgomerie Frank Nguyen Maria Plakhotnik Tonette Rocco Anita Rosen Patti Shank Clive Shepherd Martyn Sloman Belinda Smith Susan Smith Nash Ken Spero Carla Torgerson Thomas Toth Reuben Tozman Marc Weinstein

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2011



    The political as private in work and everyday life

    The political as private in work and everyday life

    Thonette Myking

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2000

    Norsk Bokmål


    Å erobre en hverdag : hvordan "produsere" verdighet hos brukere og [hos] hjelpere i offentlige tjenester når dagene røyner på?

    Å erobre en hverdag : hvordan "produsere" verdighet hos brukere og [hos] hjelpere i offentlige tjenester når dagene røyner på?

    Thonette Myking

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål


    Tao Te Ching

    Tao Te Ching

    Lao Tsu

    For nearly two generations, Gia-fu Feng and Jane English's bestselling translation of the Tao Te Ching has been the standard for those seeking access to the wisdom of Taoist thought. Now Jane English and her long-time editor, Toinette Lippe, have revised and refreshed the translation so that it more faithfully reflects the Classical Chinese in which it was first written, taking into account changes in our own language and eliminating any lingering infelicities. They have retained the simple clarity of the original rendering of a sometimes seemingly obtuse spiritual text, a clarity that has made this version a classic in itself, selling over a million copies. Written most probably in the sixth century B.C. by Lao Tsu, this esoteric but infintely practical book has been translated into English more frequently than any other work except the Bible. Gia-fu Feng and Jane English's superb translation--the most accessible and authoritative modern English translation--offers the essence of each word and makes Lao Tsu's teaching immediate and alive. This edition includes an introduction and notes by the well-known writer and scholar of philosophy and comparative religion, Jacob Needleman.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1989



    Livets kilde

    Livets kilde: 12 davidsalmer : notehefte til CD med samme tittel

    I 2009 ble messen CREDO utgitt på CD av Oslo Gospel Choir. CREDO inneholder ny liturgimusikk for Den norske kirke. LIVETS KILDE er oppfølgeren til CREDO. I forbindelse med den nye gudstjenestereformen ble jeg utfordret av Kirken til å tonsette 70 Davidssalmer. En salme til hver søndag i kirkeåret og en til hver av de andre høytidsdagene. Denne CD inneholder 12 av disse salmene. Det har vært svært inspirerende å skrive melodier til tekstene fra Salmenes bok. Mitt ønske er at salmene skal bli brukt i gudstjenesten, men at de også skal være gode å lytte til. Tore W. Aas

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål


    En historie som denne

    En historie som denne

    Gerhard Stoltz

    Hovedpersonen lever et rolig liv langt ute på landet, han lytter til værmeldingen, legger kabal og drikker sterkøl. Langsomt forandrer verden seg, langsomt blir det nye tider. Det blir etter hvert tydelig at noe må skje. En høstmorgen ringer det på døren og utenfor står en liten mann og utenfor hageporten står en stor bil med tonete vinduer. Det er alvorlige greier, ikke alt viser seg å være i orden, det er på tide at hovedpersonen blir blandet opp i en historie med litt fremdrift. Og da kan det lett utvikle seg en historie som denne.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål


    On the Wing

    On the Wing

    Gunilla Norris

    Gunilla Norris invites you to save and savor the lyrical moments in life by writing them down in the pages of this elegant, artfully designed memory book/journal, with designated spaces provided for each day of the year. On the Wing features Norris's haikus, poems, and inspirational quotes, and each month showcases one of Toinette Lippe's beautiful hummingbird paintings. These hummingbirds evoke the sense of a lyrical moment: stationary but alive, hovering, humming with meaning and wonder. With stunning Chinese brush painted hummingbird art adorning thoughtful, beautiful, evocative poetry, On the Wing is as beautiful as it is inspirational. As you fill it in over the years, this book will become a treasured keepsake filled with remembrances of life events and moments in time.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Å eingong å vakne

    Å eingong å vakne: dikt i utval

    Jakob Sande

    I boka er det samla eit utval av dei mest sentrale og folkekjære dikta til Jakob Sande. Fleire av dei, som "Kallen og katten", "Skræddarsveinen", "Etter en rangel" og "Musa i orgelet", er tonsette av kjende komponistar.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998

    Norsk Nynorsk


    Malade Imaginaire

    Malade Imaginaire


    To reduce his medical fees, hypochondriac M. Argan decides to marry off his daughter Angelica to a physician's son. Unfortunately, Angelica loves Cl ante. Argan's brother B ralde and Toinette, an inventive maid, save the situation for the lovers and expose Mme Argan's schemes to bleed her husband of his fortune. Then they persuade the hypochondriac to turn physician so that he can quack himself free of charge.-4 women, 8 men

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Critical Care

    Critical Care

    How architecture and urbanism can help to care for and repair a broken planet: essays and illustrated case studies.Today, architecture and urbanism are capital-centric, speculation-driven, and investment-dominated. Many cannot afford housing. Austerity measures have taken a disastrous toll on public infrastructures. The climate crisis has rendered the planet vulnerable, even uninhabitable. This book offers an alternative vision in architecture and urbanism that focuses on caring for a broken planet. Rooted in a radical care perspective that always starts from the given, in the midst of things, this edited collection of essays and illustrated case studies documents ideas and practices from an extraordinarily diverse group of contributors.Focusing on the three crisis areas of economy, ecology, and labor, the book describes projects including village reconstruction in China; irrigation in Spain; community land trust in Puerto Rico; revitalization of modernist public housing in France; new alliances in informal settlements in Nairobi; and the redevelopment of traditional building methods in flood areas in Pakistan. Essays consider such topics as ethical architecture, land policy, creative ecologies, diverse economies, caring communities, and the exploitation of labor. Taken together, these case studies and essays provide evidence that architecture and urbanism have the capacity to make the planet livable, again.Essays byMauro Baracco, Sara Brolund de Carvalho, Jane Da Mosto, Angelika Fitz, Helene Frichot, Katherine Gibson, Mauro Gil-Fournier Esquerra, Valeria Graziano, Gabu Heindl, Elke Krasny, Lisa Law, Ligia Nobre, Meike Schalk, Linda Tegg, Ana Carolina Tonetti, Kim Trogal, Joan C. Tronto, Theresa Williamson, Louise WrightCase studiesaaa atelier d'architecture autogeree, Ayuntamiento BCN, Kashef Mahboob Chowdhury/Urbana, Ciclica [Space.Community.Ecology] + CAVAA arquitectes, Care+Repair Tandems Vienna (including Gabu Heindl, Zissis Kotionis + Phoebe Giannisi, rotor, Meike Schalk + Sara Brolund de Carvalho, Cristian Stefanescu, Rosario Talevi and many others), Colectivo 720, Estudio Teddy Cruz + Fonna Forman, EAHR Emergency Architecture & Human Rights, Fideicomiso de la Tierra del Cano Martin Pena CLT, Anna Heringer, Anupama Kundoo, KDI Kounkuey Design Initiative, Lacaton & Vassal, Yasmeen Lari, muf architecture/art, Paulo Mendes da Rocha + MMBB, RUF Rural Urban Framework, Studio Vlay Streeruwitz, De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, Xu Tiantian/DnA_Design and Architecture, ZUsammenKUNFT BerlinCopublished with Architekturzentrum Wien

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Pocket · 2015


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