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Viser resultat for 'Tom Nevle'

    Mot elven

    Mot elven: roman

    Tom Nevle

    En gruppe klimaaktivister blir sendt til Choptadalen i Sikkim. Den buddhistisk inspirerte mun-bevegelsen står bak. Mennesker med makt misliker det bevegelsen står for, og de gjør hva de kan for å hindre arbeidet. Aktivistene nekter å gi opp, men blir drevet stadig lenger oppover langs Tistaelven. Klarer de å stå imot presset? Overlever de? Hvorfor prøver noen å stoppe deres forsøk på å redde jorden? At det finnes en spion blant aktivistene, blir stadig klarere, men hvem er det? Både Mac og de andre i gruppen sliter med sitt og finner ikke svaret. Boken er inspirert av virkelige hendelser

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2023

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 115
    kr 115

    Bølgen som brøt

    Bølgen som brøt: roman

    Tom Nevle

    Året er 2058. Folk har opplevd én atomkrig, og mange frykter en ny. Antall mennesker på jorden er i ferd med å passere ti milliarder, og konsekvensen av befolkningsveksten er knusende. Europa føler seg presset i form av bølger av desperate innvandrere. Kait lever i et bofellesskap. Der har de sitt å stri med og havner i skuddlinjen for problemene som preger verden. Står det illegale innvandrere bak det som skjer og hvor farlig kan det bli? Boken handler om hvordan framtiden kan arte seg, men også om hva som bor i mennesker - vår frykt for fremmede og hvordan det er å leve tett på andre. Bakteppet er den største utfordringen som noen gang har truet menneskeheten. Dette er en spennende roman og samtidig en tankevekkende leseopplevelse. Handlingen er en videreføring av "En nær himmelen opplevelse", men boken kan leses uavhengig av denne.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål


    En nær himmelen opplevelse

    En nær himmelen opplevelse: roman

    Tom Nevle

    Handlingen i denne romanen foregår sommeren 2054. Mye er annerledes. De har en annen teknologi og mulighet til å leve lenger, men problemene som plager mennesker, er omtrent de samme som nå. Noen søker makt, og enkelte skyr ingen midler for å nå målet. Kait forsøker å finne ut hva som ligger bak et drap i nabolaget. En venn av han er mistenkt, men det er noe som ikke stemmer. Han blir dratt inn i en maktkamp der det blir nødvendig å skille de gode fra de onde. Det er krevende i en verden hvor folk kan være begge deler. "En når himmelen opplevelse" er en særdeles spennende bok som samtidig går dypere inn i de kreftene som styrer mennesker og som gir utløp til alt fra dypt hat til blind kjærlighet.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 75
    kr 75

    En øy for seg selv

    En øy for seg selv: fortellingen om seks år på en øde øy

    Tom Neale

    Drømmen om en øde øy, drømmen om å bosette seg og leve i solskinn under palmene. Fiske og spise kokosnøtter... Tom Neale gjorde drømmen til virkelighet og ble boende i sitt paradis i årevis. I denne boken beskriver han sitt ukuelige arbeid for å oppnå drømmen, hvordan det er å leve på en øde øy og kampen for å komme tilbake etter å ha vært nødt til å forlate sitt paradis. For det var nettopp paradis Tom fant - han elsket den daglige rutinen, han elsket å bygge opp hagen og dyrke jorda. Ikke minst - han elsket å være alene. Boken viser en verden du kunne finne helt fram til 60-tallet og kanskje finner du den enda? Det er heldigvis lov å drømme! Boken gir også nærmest en oppskrift på hva du må ha med deg og hvordan du skal klare deg - også om paradiset blir rammet av en orkan som kan utradere alt på øya. En fantastisk fortelling om en helt spesiell mann - denne gangen er det heller lite seiling involvert, men hvem bryr seg? Tom Neale (1902-1977) ble født av engelske foreldre, men vokste opp på New Zealand. Han tilbrakte 4 år i marinen og deretter "streifet" han rundt i Stillehavet i nærmere 30 år. Underveis hadde han blitt kjent med forfatteren Dean Frisbie som hadde tilbrakt tid på Suvarov og nettopp det bekjentskapet ga næring til drømmen: bosette seg ganske alene på Suvarov! Først som 50-åring kom han seg endelig dit. Han tilbrakte nærmere 25 år i sitt paradis - til og fra. Denne boken beskriver Toms første 6 år på øya - først en periode på 2 år - deretter 6 "frustrerende år" - og deretter 4 nye år. Mellom oppholdene rakk den "godt voksne" Tom å gifte seg og få to barn: Arthur og Stella, men dem forteller ikke boken noe om! Stella har imidlertid skrevet en epilog, heller ikke den har vært utgitt på det norske marked tidligere. Bøkene fra Flyt Forlag kommer i et fast og forholdsvis lite format (11 x 17cm) - bøkene får plass selv i den minste bokhylle ombord i en båt! De er heftet, men med ekstra smussomslag. Opplagene er små, helt nede i 100 eksemplarer av enkelte

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 200
    kr 200

    Not My Brother's Keeper

    Not My Brother's Keeper

    Colette McCormick

    Robert and Tom are practically identical - same height, same hair, equally good looking - but Tom never had the same confidence as his older brother, and for that reason, he is in awe of him.When Robert's girlfriend, Michelle, tells him that she's pregnant, Robert disappears leaving Tom to clean up his mess. As Tom spends time with Michelle, reassuring her that she is not alone in this, the both begin to fall in love.But is Michelle settling for second best? Is Tom losing himself in what should have been his brother's life?Sixteen years later, without warning, Robert comes home and Tom has to find the courage to stand against the brother he idolized.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Tom's Midnight Garden

    Tom's Midnight Garden

    Philippa Pearce

    When Tom is sent to stay at his aunt and uncle's house for the summer, he resigns himself to endless weeks of boredom. As he lies awake in his bed he hears the grandfather clock downstairs strike . . .eleven . . . twelve . . . thirteen . . . Thirteen! Tom races down the stairs and out the back door, into a garden everyone told him wasn't there. In this enchanted thirteenth hour, the garden comes alive - but Tom is never sure whether the children he meets there are real or ghosts . . . This entrancing and magical story is one of the best-loved children's books ever written.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    kr 30
    kr 30

    Profane Feasts

    Profane Feasts

    Tom Tolnay

    Profane Feasts, 13 stories by Tom Tolnay, is a sequence of thirteen story-chapters focusing on a family of Greek immigrants who settled in Brooklyn, New York in the 1970s, with their misadventures extending up to the present day. With humanistic and humorous intent, the subplot follows the Hestiakos-Dropoulos family as part of an unconscious "movement" to reinvent the greatness of their ancient culture by "taking over" North America one coffee shop, one hot dog stand, one neighborhood at a time. The surface story line is how these individuals--each story focuses on a particular family member--make their way as transplanted products of that early great culture into the "upstart societies" thriving across the Atlantic. Subliminally their lost greatness makes them feel part of something important even though they are far removed, by time and circumstance, from the civilization upon which the western world was founded. The word "Feasts" in the book's title refers to various human "celebrations" which act as signposts in their journey, including a wedding, baptism, funeral, Christmas, Easter, Greek Independence Day. The "Profane" from the title refers to the wacky occurrences which arise as these celebrations unfurl or, in some instances, unravel... Tom Tolnay is a writer whose keen insights into the myriad ways in which culture can shape character always make for rewarding reading. Nowhere is that more true than in these stories of a family of immigrant Greeks trying to assimilate to the streets of Brooklyn. Here you'll find grit and tenderness, mystery and pathos, comedy and tragedy, and dreams fulfilled and unfulfilled. The characters are all beautifully drawn, and some are infused with such indomitable spirit that they lift off the page and remain in memory long after the cover is closed. Several of the stories have appeared in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. Taken together they comprise a "novel in stories," a much bigger tale told with vivid prose, compelling style, and a lot of heart. -Janet Hutchings, Editor-in-Chief, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine "Tom Tolnay is a fine, tough-minded writer as Profane Feasts demonstrates once again. Tolnay has mastered the compressed language of the short story, which by leaving so much unsaid, is able to say so much more. These stories of a Greek immigrant family in New York are serious in the way that only humor can be serious. They are both funny and wise. I hope readers enjoy them as much as I did."--Gwendolyn Jensen, former President, Wilson College, author of Graceful Ghosts. "Tom Tolnay never fails to bring a sense of wonder to his work. In Profane Feasts, thirteen tales of life among Greek immigrants in America seat the reader front and center..."--Philip Wagner, Editor-Publisher, The Iconoclast. The moods that prevail in this book of short stories are mostly humoristic and a sympathetic approach. The writer has been able to treat very serious themes like loss and death with a sense of skillful humor without any tinge of cruel mockery. These have been very well expressed in The Miracle of Uncle Stavros: "Although I saw with my own eyes how it had happened, the spectacle of my dead uncle, sitting up, grinning queerly, gave me goose pimples." (Page167). To any reader which a clear logical mind a corpse suddenly becoming alive may bring some laughter for a while but at the same time there is a call to avoid any offensive criticism. The language used by Tolnay in Profane Feasts is simple and yet each word and sentence has the effect of the eye - catcher and gradually becomes impregnated in the mind of the reader. The writing style has a spontaneous flow that makes it hard to put this book down once the very first page has been read. Profane Feasts by eminent writer Tom Tolnay is undoubtedly an excellent read for short-story lovers and this must not be certainly missing from any bookshelf. Vatsala Radhakeesoon Author/poet Rose-Hill, Mauritius

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Tom’s Midnight Garden

    Tom’s Midnight Garden

    Philippa Pearce

    Winner of the Carnegie Medal From beloved author Philippa Pearce, this sixtieth-anniversary edition is the perfect way to share this transcendent story of friendship with a new generation of reade...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018



    Pocket · 2008



    Cloud 9

    Cloud 9

    Alex Campbell

    Life's short. Enjoy it.This is the slogan of Leata, the wonder-drug that sixteen-year-old Hope has been taking since she was a child, just like the rest of her family. Well, the rest of the country really. For who would choose not to take it - a perfectly safe little pill that just helps 'take the edge off' life. Because everyone can do with a little help staying happy sometimes . . . Especially Hope, whose life is maybe not as perfect as she likes to make out on her blog. Tom's never taken Leata. Why would he? His family are happy as they are. At least they were, until the sudden death of his journalist father. The police are unequivocal: his dad killed himself. But Tom just can't believe it. Consumed by grief, he obsessively begins to unravel the trail that leads to his dad's final news story.And Hope is there to help. As a Leata-backed blogger, Hope wants to steer Tom into 'positive living'. Instead, her efforts take them down a path she could never have expected - into the murky underworld that lies beneath the surface of the 'happy' drug everyone wants to love . . . and the secrets it will kill to hide.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    The Devil in the Marshalsea

    The Devil in the Marshalsea

    Antonia Hodgson

    WINNER OF THE CWA HISTORICAL DAGGER AWARD 2014.Longlisted for the John Creasey Dagger Award for best debut crime novel of 2014.London, 1727 - and Tom Hawkins is about to fall from his heaven of card games, brothels and coffee-houses into the hell of a debtors' prison.The Marshalsea is a savage world of its own, with simple rules: those with family or friends who can lend them a little money may survive in relative comfort. Those with none will starve in squalor and disease. And those who try to escape will suffer a gruesome fate at the hands of the gaol's rutheless governor and his cronies.The trouble is, Tom Hawkins has never been good at following rules - even simple ones. And the recent grisly murder of a debtor, Captain Roberts, has brought further terror to the gaol. While the Captain's beautiful widow cries for justice, the finger of suspicion points only one way: to the sly, enigmatic figure of Samuel Fleet.Some call Fleet a devil, a man to avoid at all costs. But Tom Hawkins is sharing his cell. Soon, Tom's choice is clear: get to the truth of the murder - or be the next to die.A twisting mystery, a dazzling evocation of early 18th Century London, THE DEVIL IN THE MARSHALSEA is a thrilling debut novel full of intrigue and suspense.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    kr 50

    Innbundet · 2015

    kr 50

    Andy and Don: The Making of a Friendship and a Classic American TV Show

    Andy and Don: The Making of a Friendship and a Classic American TV Show

    Daniel de Vise

    A lively and revealing biography of Andy Griffith and Don Knotts, this "humorous, informative, and poignant book" celebrates the powerful real-life friendship behind one of America's most iconic television programs and "shows how the magic was created" ( Library Journal ). Andy Griffith and Don Knotts first met on Broadway in the 1950s. When Andy moved to Hollywood to film a TV pilot for a comedy about a small-town sheriff, Don called to ask if Andy's sheriff could use a deputy. The friendship and comedy partnership between Sheriff Andy Taylor and Deputy Barney Fife ignited The Andy Griffith Show, elevating the folksy television sitcom into a timeless study of human friendship. Together, they created a program with a uniquely small-town dynamic that captured the hearts of Americans across the country who watched these two men rocking on the front porch, meditating about the pleasure of a bottle of pop. But behind this sleepy charm, de Vise's exclusive reporting "captures the complexity of both men and the intimacy of their friendship with extreme detail and sensitivity" ( Publishers Weekly ), from unspoken rivalries, passionate affairs, unrequited loves, struggles with the temptations of fame, and friendships lost and regained. Although Andy and Don ended their Mayberry partnership in 1965, they remained best friends for the next half-century. Written by Don Knotts's brother-in-law, Andy and Don is "a rewarding dual biography that is also a lively look inside the entertainment industry in the latter half of the twentieth century" ( News & Observer ). Entertaining and provocative, it "captures a golden moment in modern Americana. You'll not only return again to Mayberry, you'll feel as though you've never left" (Tom Shales, Pulitzer Prize-winning television critic).

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    To Kill a Mockingbird

    To Kill a Mockingbird

    Fred Fordham

    'Shoot all the Bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a Mockingbird.' A lawyer's advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of Harper Lee's classic novel - a black man charged with the rape of a white girl. Through the young eyes of Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores with exuberant humour the irrationality of adult attitudes to race and class in the Deep South of the thirties. The conscience of a town steeped in prejudice, violence and hypocrisy is pricked by the stamina of one man's struggle for justice. But the weight of history will only tolerate so much.

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    kr 30

    Innbundet · 2018


    kr 100

    Andre utgaver · 11

    kr 30

    Just kids

    Just kids

    Patti Smith

    A prelude to fame, Just Kids recounts the friendship of two young artists--Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe - whose passion fueled their lifelong pursuit of art. In 1967, a chance meeting between two young people led to a romance and a lifelong friendship that would carry each to international success never dreamed of. The backdrop is Brooklyn, Chelsea Hotel, Max's Kansas City, Scribner's Bookstore, Coney Island, Warhol's Factory and the whole city resplendent. Among their friends, literary lights, musicians and artists such as Harry Smith, Bobby Neuwirth, Allen Ginsberg, Sandy Daley, Sam Shepherd, William Burroughs, etc. It was a heightened time politically and culturally; the art and music worlds exploding and colliding. In the midst of all this two kids made a pact to always care for one another. Scrappy, romantic, committed to making art, they prodded and provided each other with faith and confidence during the hungry years--the days of cous-cous and lettuce soup. Just Kids begins as a love story and ends as an elegy. Beautifully written, this is a profound portrait of two young artists, often hungry, sated only by art and experience. And an unforgettable portrait of New York, her rich and poor, hustlers and hellions, those who made it and those whose memory lingers near.

    4.4 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    kr 30

    Innbundet · 2012

    Norsk Nynorsk

    kr 85

    Andre utgaver · 8

    kr 30

    The Boy At the Back of the Class

    The Boy At the Back of the Class

    Onjali Q. Rauf

    WINNER OF THE BLUE PETER BOOK AWARD 2019 WINNER OF THE WATERSTONES CHILDREN'S BOOK PRIZE 2019SHORTLISTED FOR THE JHALAK PRIZE 2019Told with heart and humour, The Boy at the Back of the Class is a child's perspective on the refugee crisis, highlighting the importance of friendship and kindness in a world that doesn't always make sense.There used to be an empty chair at the back of my class, but now a new boy called Ahmet is sitting in it.He's nine years old (just like me), but he's very strange. He never talks and never smiles and doesn't like sweets - not even lemon sherbets, which are my favourite!But then I learned the truth: Ahmet really isn't very strange at all. He's a refugee who's run away from a War. A real one. With bombs and fires and bullies that hurt people. And the more I find out about him, the more I want to help.That's where my best friends Josie, Michael and Tom come in. Because you see, together we've come up with a plan. . .With beautiful illustrations by Pippa Curnick

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 50
    kr 50

    The great Gatsby

    The great Gatsby

    F. Scott Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    A beautiful new edition of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel The Great Gatsby to coincide with the release of Baz Luhrmann's film. 'There was music from my neighbour's house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.' Everybody who is anybody is seen at the glittering parties held in millionaire Jay Gatsby's mansion in West Egg, east of New York. The riotous throng congregates in his sumptuous garden, coolly debating Gatsby's origins and mysterious past. None of the frivolous socialites understands him and among various rumours is the conviction that 'he killed a man'. A detached onlooker, Gatsby is oblivious to the speculation he creates, but always seems to be watching and waiting, though no one knows what for. As writer Nick Carraway is drawn into this decadent orbit, Gatsby's destructive dreams and passions are revealed, leading to disturbing and tragic consequences.

    4.2 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    kr 20

    Pocket · 2017


    kr 20

    Andre utgaver · 8

    kr 20

    The sell

    The sell: the secrets of selling anything to anyone

    Fredrik Eklund, Bruce Littlefield

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015


    kr 100

    Pocket · 2015

    kr 30

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 100

    Think and Grow Rich: The Original Classic

    Think and Grow Rich: The Original Classic

    Napoleon Hill

    The greatest motivational book of all time Napoleon Hill's thirteen step programme will set you on the path to wealth and success. Think and Grow Rich reveals the money-making secrets of hundreds of America's most affluent people. By thinking like them, you can become like them. This powerful 1937 classic, with analysis from self-development authority Tom Butler-Bowdon, will continue to be read through the decades of economic boom and bust, proving that the magic formula for making money never changes.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010


    kr 100
    kr 100

    A street cat named Bob

    A street cat named Bob: how one man and his cat found hope on the streets

    James Bowen

    The phenomenal Number One bestseller about best friends James and Bob. Now a major motion picture starring Luke Treadaway. When James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet. Yet James couldn't resist helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat, whom he quickly christened Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas. Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse, comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives, slowly healing the scars of each other's troubled pasts. A Street Cat Named Bob is a moving and uplifting story that will touch the heart of anyone who reads it.

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    kr 40

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 20
    kr 40

    Les Miserables

    Les Miserables

    Victor Hugo

    The only completely unabridged paperback edition of Victor Hugo's masterpiece--a sweeping tale of love, loss, valor, and passion. Introducing one of the most famous characters in literature, Jean Valjean--the noble peasant imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread-- Les Miserables ranks among the greatest novels of all time. In it, Victor Hugo takes readers deep into the Parisian underworld, immerses them in a battle between good and evil, and carries them to the barricades during the uprising of 1832 with a breathtaking realism that is unsurpassed in modern prose. Within his dramatic story are themes that capture the intellect and the emotions: crime and punishment, the relentless persecution of Valjean by Inspector Javert, the desperation of the prostitute Fantine, the amorality of the rogue Thenardier, and the universal desire to escape the prisons of our own minds. Les Miserables gave Victor Hugo a canvas upon which he portrayed his criticism of the French political and judicial systems, but the portrait that resulted is larger than life, epic in scope--an extravagant spectacle that dazzles the senses even as it touches the heart. Translated by Lee Fahnestock and Norman Macafee, based on the classic nineteenth-century Charles E. Wilbour translation Inlcudes an Introduction by Lee Fahnestock and an Afterword by Chris Bohjalian

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013


    kr 150

    Pocket · 2008

    kr 50

    Andre utgaver · 17

    kr 150

    Forsvaret av hovedstaden

    Forsvaret av hovedstaden: Østlandet sjøforsvarsdistrikt og Karljohansvern 1945-2000

    Østlandet sjøforsvarsdistrikt stod i en særstilling blant de tidligere sjøforsvarsdistriktene. For det første var det sjøforsvarsdistriktets oppgave å planlegge forsvaret av hovedstaden og landets tettest befolkede område. For det andre var Horten Marinens hovedbase fra tidlig på 1800-tallet som huset de fleste av støttefunksjonene til Sjøforsvaret. Marinens hovedverft lå i Horten frem til konkursen i 1986. Boken gir en unik oversikt over Karljohansverns og Hortens historie før 1945, og den gradvise nedleggelsen av marinens virksomhet i byen og Oslofjorden. I dag er det kun noen ytterst få virksomheter igjen på den gamle ærverdige hovedbasen. Roald Gjelsten er pensjonert kommandør i Sjøforsvaret. Han har publisert flere arbeider om sjømilitære og historiske spørsmål, blant annet Simulert forsvar? (2001). Jan Ingar Hansen er journalist og lokalhistoriker. Han har blant annet skrevet biografien om polarforskeren Oscar Wisting som var med på Roald Amundsens ekspedisjon til Syd-Polen og historien om den Kongelige Norske Marines Musikkorps. Tom Kristiansen er seniorforsker ved Institutt for forsvarsstudier. Han har utgitt flere arbeider med tema fra norsk diplomatisk og militærhistorie, blant annet Total krig, nøytralitet og politisk splittelse, 1905-1940 (med Rolf Hobson, 2001). Tor Jørgen Melien er kommandørkaptein og historiker. Han har ut utgitt flere arbeider med tema fra norsk militærhistorie. Melien var blant annet medforfatter i Klar til strid. Kystartilleriet gjennom århundrene (1999). Knut Amund Surlien er historiker. Han var tidligere tilknyttet Institutt for forsvarsstudier som forsker. Surlien er spesielt opptatt av den kalde krigens politiske og militære historie.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2007

    Norsk Bokmål


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