Nytt liv: alt om graviditet, fødsel og barseltid
Ny norsk bok om svangerskap og fødsel fra anerkjent fødselslege. Fødselslegen Thorbjørn Brook Steen tar hver dag imot nye barn ved Ullevål sykehus, og hjelper vordende mødre med veiledning under svangerskapet. I denne boka har han samlet sin erfaring som fødselslege og gir deg svar på alt du lurer på om graviditet, fødsel og barseltid. Boka tar opp alt du måtte lure på enten det gjelder unnfangelsen, hva som venter deg gjennom svangerskapet, hvordan barnet vokser i magen, eller selve fødselen og tiden etterpå. Her er oppdatert informasjon om praksis ved norske sykehus, råd til deg med fødselsangst og også et eget kapittel viet partneren.
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Norsk Bokmål
Hjelp, jeg skal føde!: fødselslegens guide til bekymrede gravide
Boken for deg som gruer deg til fødsel. Thorbjørn Brook Steen er fødselslege ved Ullevål sykehus og en av dem som har veiledet flest kvinner med alvorlig fødselsangst. Her har han samlet sine erfaringer for at gravide - uansett hvilke små eller store bekymringer de måtte ha - skal finne informasjon, trygghet og støtte. Boka inneholder oppdatert informasjon om praksis ved norske sykehus, pasienthistorier, råd og veiledning. Den er lettlest og relevant både for den som skal bli mamma for første gang og den som hadde en vanskelig fødsel sist. Et av kapitlene er viet egen mestring av vanskelige tanker og inneholder konkrete mestringsøvelser man kan bruke for å forberede seg på fødselen.
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Westerners: six reasons why americans are different : a view from Northwest Europe
This book takes issue with the misunderstanding that Americans and Northwest Europeans are almost identical culturally. The author discusses six basic areas where misunderstandings often cause problems; individualism, gender, time and space, equality and use of rules. The book will be of great interest to students in business and management, language students, professionals in contact with Americans, and anyone wanting to learn more about American ways seen in the light of our own culture.
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Overbetjent Camille Verhoeven er lykkelig gift med den vakre Irène og skal snart bli far. Men tilværelsen blir vendt fullstendig på hodet da han blir satt til å oppklare et ekstremt brutalt dobbeltdrap. Verhoeven har aldri fryktet de uvanlige sakene, men denne etterlater ham alene ansikt til ansikt med en morder som ser ut til å ha forberedt alt. Pressen er raskt og skadefro på banen og setter særlig Verhoeven i et dårlig lys. Så skjer et nytt drap. Mye tyder på at det er en sammenheng. Og mens offentligheten følger saken med argusøyne, starter en duell mellom to menn. Bare én av dem kan komme ut som vinner - den som har minst å tape ...
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Hvem kjenner egentlig Alex? Hun er vakker. Sexy. Tøff. Er det derfor hun er blitt kidnappet, innesperret og utsatt for det utenkelig? Overbetjent Camille Verhoeven og hans menn famler i blinde: ingen mistenkte, ingen ledetråd, og håpet svinner fra time til time. Det eneste de vet, er at en kvinne er blitt revet vekk fra fortauet på en gate i Paris og kastet inn i en hvit varebil. Men når politiet finner ut av hvor hun har vært innestengt, er situasjonen langt ifra den de trodde. "Alex" er thrilleren som får det til å gå iskaldt nedover ryggen din. Det handler om morderisk galskap og er drevet av en djevelsk logikk. Du legger den ikke fra deg. "Ja, jeg vet det er en klisjé, men søren heller: Jeg må være så ærlig å si at denne franske kriminalromanen var det svært vanskelig å legge fra seg før den var ferdiglest. (...) Det er en frivol galskap i denne typen krim som gjør en blasert anmelder henrykt og optimistisk: Det går an å fornye krimlitteraturen. (...) Ah, det er godt å få en pause fra nordisk krim, engelske landsbymord og amerikanske superhelter." Lars Helge Nilsen, Bergens Tidende "Mørk, fransk juvel. (...) en perfekt syntese av et enkelt, impresjonistisk språk og en genialt uttenkt intrige. (...) «Alex» er en smart roman, en klok roman. (...) Franske Pierre Lemaitres første krim er nesten nødt til å bli en av 2015s beste." Ola A. Hegdal, Dagens Næringsliv
4.2 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Året i skogen: en mikroekspedisjon
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
A GB-related parser for Norwegian
The book describes a formalised and implemented parser for Norwegian which is related to Government and Binding Theory (GB theory). Particular attention is paid to empirical phenomena which have been problematic for many parsing systems for natural language (e.g. parasitic gaps, crossing dependencies, extractions from relative clauses). The relation between the GB model and theoretical constructs from GB on the one hand and the processing system (the parser) on the other is another issue discussed at length in the book.
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Norsk Bokmål
A sampler of Norway's folk costumes
The book presents a selection of men and womens' costumes from all over Norway. Includes a historical summary and a chapter with advice on the best way to care for your folk costume. Illustrated.
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Americans: history and life in the United States
In this book, Torbjørn Sirevåg gives an updated picture of the USA at the beginning of the 21st century. Taking a new look at American society, he integrates America's past and present into a comprehensive presentation of important aspects of American life, including Society, Government, Politics, Education, and the Media.
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Unpacking International Organisations
This book introduces international bureaucracy as a key field of study for public administration and also rediscovers it as an essential ingredient in the study of international organisations. To what extent, how and why do international bureaucracies challenge and supplement the inherent Westphalian intergovernmental order based on territorial sovereignty? To what extent, how and why do international bureaucracies supplement the existing international intergovernmental order with a multi-dimensional international order subjugated by a compound set of decision-making dynamics? International bureaucracies constitute a distinct and increasingly important feature of public administration studies. However, the role of international bureaucracies has been largely neglected in most social science sub-disciplines. This book takes a first step into a third generation of international organisation (IO) studies. It will be of immense value to academics in politics and international relations as well as practitioners in public administration in domestic governments and international organizations.
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A History of International Relations Theory
Torbjorn L. Knutsen introduces ideas on international relations expressed by thinkers from High Middle Ages to the present day and traces the development of four ever-present themes: war, peace, wealth and power. The book counters the view that international relations has no theoretical tradition and shows that scholars, soldiers and statesmen have been speculating about the subject for the last 700 years. Beginning with the roots of the state and the concept of sovereignty in the Middle Ages, the author draws upon the insights of outstanding political thinkers - from Machiavelli and Hobbes to Hegel, Rousseau, and Marx and contemporary thinkers such as Woodrow Wilson, Lenin, Morgenthau and Walt - who profoundly influenced the emergence of a discrete discipline of international relations in the twentieth century. Fully revised and updated, the final section embraces more recent approaches to the study of international relations, most notably postmodernism and ecologism.
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Sampling of scree material, Svalbard 1990. Pt. 1
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks.This book provides quick recipes for using Hive to read data in various formats, efficiently querying this data, and extending Hive with any custom functions you may need to insert your own logic into the data pipeline.This book is written for data analysts and developers who want to use their current knowledge of SQL to be more productive with Hadoop. It assumes that readers are comfortable writing SQL queries and are familiar with Hadoop at the level of the classic WordCount exampl
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Norsk Bokmål
Digilogue how to win the digital minds and analogue hearts of tomorrow's customer
<p><b>How to leverage the enduring human need for analogue experiences to attract and retain more customers in a digital world</b>.</p><p>Anything that can be digitised will be digitised. But can the digital-connect ever really replace the personal touch? Is word-of-mouse always more effective than word-of-mouth? And what of customers' enduring need for analogue experiences (think analogue watches, paperback books and multiplex movie theatres, for example). In your rush to embrace your customers' digital mind are you ignoring an equally valuable asset: their analogue heart? Better yet, how can you leverage the analogue heart to provide your company or brand with an unbeatable competitive edge?</p><p>The answer, according to internationally acclaimed futurist, Anders Sormon-Nilsson is <i>Digilogue</i> -- the "translational sweet-spot, the convergence of the digital and the analogue."</p><p>A book that will revolutionise how you do business in a digital world, <i>Digilogue</i> provides powerful insights, strategies and tools to help you provide value to digital minds, while connecting with analogue hearts.</p>
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Norsk Bokmål
Waterfront Promenade Design
Waterfronts, the unique places where land and water meet, are a finite resource, embodying the special history and character of each city. The last decades have witnessed profound changes along abandoned or underused waterfronts, bringing in new pedestrian areas, new business opportunities, and new vitality. This trend is accelerating in cities around the globe. WaterfrontPromenade Design seeks to answer to the question of how we can go about rejuvenating waterfronts by promoting good landscape planning and design. In total, 34 great waterfront design practices were selected from all over the world, each with their own unique way of solving the problems posed by their allocated sites, social conditions, and public policies. All resulted in more vibrant, accessible, resilient, and culturally rich public spaces, attuned to these needs. In order to strengthen the waterfront's coherence and connection, this book pays special attention to the design of traversable space along waterfronts, ensuring that promenades are maintained as pedestrian and cyclists-friendly zones. Based on in-depth analysis, this book provides useful design and planning approaches for professionals, decision-makers, and scholars.
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P2-akademiet: bind XLVI
P2-akademiet bokserie bind XLVI (45) inneholder: Erik Kolstad: Kvikksølv, kaos og klima - værvarslingens historie, Anne Hege Simonsen: I stengslenes tid. Nye barrierer etter Berlinmurens fall, Jorunn Skjermo: Tare i tankene, Harald Hornmoen: "Forskningsformidling!", Per Brandtzæg: Hvorfor er matallergi et økende problem?, Øyvind Paasche: Fortidens skjulte klimaskatter, Dag Hareide: Ondskapens mange ansikter i etterkrigstidens Norge, Kristin Lyhmann: Med maske og lur -skandinaviske scenebilder hogd i stein, Rune Blix Hagen: Trollskap og julemystikk i norske hekseprosesser, Ruth Danielsen: Myten som fortelling og språk, Camilla Stoltenberg: Skjebne eller sjanse - om gener, miljø og helse, Liv Gjems: Barn, samtaler og læring, Inge Eidsvåg: "Så ser min dröm ut" Et møte med Edith Södergrans liv og diktning, Gaute T. Einevoll: Matematisk hjerneforskning: Kan vi regne ut hvordan vi tenker?, Tonje Maria Mehren: Parapsykologi i Norge - et glemt kapittel?
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Big Data and Cloud Computing for Development
This book provides a framework for evaluating big data and cloud computing based on how they evolve to fit users' needs in developing countries in key areas, such as agriculture and education. The authors discuss how this framework can be utilized by businesses, governments, and consumers to accelerate economic growth and overcome information and communication barriers. By examining the ways in which cloud computing can drive social, economic, and environmental transformation, readers gain a nuanced understanding of the opportunities and challenges these technologies offer. The authors also provide an authoritative and up-to-date account of big data's diffusion into a wide range of developing economies, such as Brazil and China, illustrating key concepts through in-depth case studies. Special attention is paid to economic development in the context of the new Sustainable Development Goals formulated by the United Nations, introducing readers to the most modern standard of economic evaluation. Students of information management, entrepreneurship, and development, as well as policy makers, researchers, and practitioners, will find Big Data and Cloud Computing for Development an interesting read and a useful reference source.
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Coercive Care : Ethics of Choice in Health & Medicine
Coercive Care asks probing and challenging questions regarding the use of coercion in health care and the social services. The book combines philosophical analysis with comparative studies of social policy and law in a large number of industrialized countries.
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Intimacy and ageing
To begin new relationships in later life is increasingly common in large parts of the Western world. This timely book, part of the Ageing in a Global Context series, addresses the gap in knowledge about late life repartnering and provides a comprehensive map of the changing landscape of late life intimacy.
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From Reasons to Norms
Metaethics is the inquiry into the nature of morality (or ethics, I use the words 'morality', 'morals', and 'ethics' as synonyms). When we pass moral judgements, what kind of claims are we then making? I speak of this as the semantic metaethical question. a re there moral facts, to be discovered by us and existing independently of our thoughts and conceptualisation? I speak of this as the ontological or me- physical metaethical question. a nd, if there are, can we know about them; and, if we can, how do we get this kind of knowledge? I speak of this as the epistemic metaethical question. a ll these metaethical questions, the semantic, the ontological, and the epistemic ones, are raised and discussed in this book, but they are not the core questions raised. I have been more concerned with another kind of questions, which deserve to be called metaethical as well: what are the problems of morality? a re there many different moral questions, or, do they all, in the final analysis, reduce to only a few, or perhaps just one? t his question is of special importance to a non-naturalist objectivist and realist like the present author, who believes that we do make truth-claims when we pass moral judgements and who believes that there is a truth in these matters so that we must face the possibility that even our most cherished moral judgements may be false.
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Somewhere We'll Leave The World
The poems in Russell Thorburn's Somewhere We'll Leave the World are fluid and masterful with a flow that captures an authentic consciousness. These poems breathe and allow the reader breathing room. Powerful images and deft endings arrive like the best kind of emotional left hook-the kind that leaves you wanting more.This book is for long-walkers and dreamers who don't mind the cold or heat or the miles ahead. The reader is taken on a journey through snowy woods, stopping to confront a wolf or meet with Jim Harrison. Divided into four sections, Somewhere We'll Leave the World draws on the poet's own experiences while imagining chance encounters with fictional characters and personal heroes. Before long, it is obvious to the reader that every moment is up for grabs-a late night viewing of Hell Is for Heroes, a drive down Woodward Avenue in a friend's Volkswagen, a hike through the Mojave National Preserve. Through the book's filmic scenes, imagine Wim Wenders behind the camera as the poet re-creates the scenes of his own life. In good company with the likes of Charles Bukowski and James Wright, Thorburn tips his hat to those who have come before him, while blazing his own winding and fantastical trail. This thoroughly unique poetry collection gives us an honest and lyrical assessment of national wounds. Fans of surreal poetry will relish Thorburn's work.
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