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Viser resultat for 'Thor A. Nagell'

    Ormen Lange

    Ormen Lange: når det umulige blir mulig

    Thor A. Nagell

    Boken om Ormen Lange forteller historien om hvordan det umulige ble mulig - om en drøm som ble til virkelighet. Det er historien om realiseringen av et av norgeshistoriens største industrisatsinger gjennom en av verdens mest grensesprengende offshore gassprosjekter. Ormen Lange-feltet ble tildelt en rettighetshavergruppe under ledelse av Norsk Hydro i 1996. Så sent som ved inngangen til år 2000 - for bare 7-8 år siden - ble det ansett som helt umulig å bygge ut det enorme Ormen Lange-feltet under slike krevende forhold uten bruk av plattform. Men Hydro hadde en visjon om å flytte de teknologiske grensene. Historien om Ormen Lange er fortellingen om hvordan veien blir til mens man går, gjennom utvikling av ny teknologi som muliggjør det umulige. Prosjektet er blitt et utstillingsvindu for norsk teknologi og gjennomføringsevne gjennom samarbeid. Det samspillet som er funnet sted mellom lokale myndigheter og utbygningsoperatører har vi trolig ikke har sett maken til tidligere i norsk industrireising. Thor A. Nagell (f. 1952) har lang utdannelse innen bl.a. historie og statsvitenskap. Han har bl.a. vært journalist og redaktør i en rekke aviser. Siden 2000 har han jobbet som frilansjournalist i Molde og utenlands og skrevet for utallige aviser, fag- og bransjeblad.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2007

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 128
    kr 128

    Avengers Epic Collection: Fear The Reaper

    Avengers Epic Collection: Fear The Reaper

    Bob Harras, Len Kaminski, Mark Gruenwald

    When come the Gatherers First, the machinations of Hera and Ares pit Hercules against Thor A visit from the Starjammers and the X-Men proves painful for the Black Knight - and so do his feelings for Crystal and Sersi And the demonic return of a classic villain teaches the Avengers to fear the Grim Reaper - not to mention his shambling Legion of the Unliving Then, the Gatherers - Proctor, Magdalene and the Swordsman, plus Sloth and Cassandra - attack at last But what is the secret behind their dastardly plan - and why is their next target Black Panther? Plus, the Avengers aid Arkon And Captain America, Thor and the Fantastic Four are drawn into the time-travel saga of Citizen Kang

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Strejflys : træk af dansk videnskabs historie 1917-92

    Strejflys : træk af dansk videnskabs historie 1917-92

    Ove Nathan: Videnskabens situation i Danmark. Morten Simonsen: Fra professorvælde til styrelseslov. Poul Riis: Strejftog i nutidig dansk biomedicin. Olaf Olsen: Dansk arkæologi. Abraham Pais: Niels Bohr på den danske scene. TroelsDahlerup: Træk af danske historikeres forskning. A. Noe-Nygaard: Turbulens og ekspansion i dansk geologi gennem trekvart århundrede. Jes P. Asmussen: Orientalsk filologi. Torben Wolff: Dansk udforskning af dybhavet. Aksel C. Wiin Nielsen: Vejrvidenskab og videnskab. Erik Uggerhøj: Historien om ASTRID. Kjeld Gyldenkerne: Astronomi og astrofysik. J.J. Pindborg: Dansk odontologi. Egill Snorrason: Eventyret om det danske insulin. Thor A. Bak: Et aspekt af dansk kemi 1920-1960. Sten Ebbesen: Græsk og latinsk middelalderfilologi. F.J. Billeskov Jansen: Litteraturforskning

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1992



    Act of War

    Act of War

    Brad Thor

    The new Scot Harvath thriller and the follow-up to Hidden Order, from New York Timesbestselling author Brad Thor

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Pocket · 2015


    Thor Epic Collection: Runequest

    Thor Epic Collection: Runequest

    Doug Moench

    Thor confronts a menagerie of foes, from Storm Giants and the Crusader to Graviton and the Lord of Darkness himself, Dracula The battle for Asgard -the battle for life itself - is set when Loki and the war-god Tyr steal the Golden Apples of Immortality and unleash the Midgard Serpent. Thor, Sif and the Warriors Three must face a world-destroying menace and prevail...or age and die like mortal men COLLECTING: VOL. 12; THOR (1966) 320-336, ANNUAL (1966) 11; BIZARRE ADVENTURES (1981) 32

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Thor: God Of Thunder Volume 1

    Thor: God Of Thunder Volume 1

    Jason Aaron

    A trail of blood consumes Thor's past, present and future Throughout the ages, gods are vanishing, and Thor must unravel the gruesome mystery of Gorr the God Butcher In the distant past, Thor discovers a cave that echoes with the cries of tortured gods In the present, Thor follows the bloody wake of murdered gods across the depths of space. And millennia from now, the last god-king of Asgard makes his fi nal stand against Gorr's berserker legions. As Thors from three eras race to stop Gorr, his scheme's full extent is revealed: what is the Godbomb? At the end of time, all the universe's gods are enslaved, building a machine that will forever change the face of creation.COLLECTING: THOR: GOD OF THUNDER 1-11

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014



    Level 2: Marvel's Avengers:Freaky Thor Day

    Level 2: Marvel's Avengers:Freaky Thor Day

    Coleen Degnan-Veness

    Kendra is a schoolgirl. She likes Thor. He is her favourite Avenger! Thor has a hammer and Kendra has a backpack. POP! Kendra's backpack is very heavy. Does it have powers now? It's a Freaky Thor Day for Kendra!

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    The A-List Diet & Fitness Plan

    The A-List Diet & Fitness Plan

    Luke Zocchi

    Luke Zocchi is the Founder of ZocoBodyPro an online diet and exercise plan that promotes a healthy lifestyle that is accessible to everyone - whether you're a god-like Thor or a couch potato. He has an international following on Zoco Body Pro's Instagram with in excess of 150,000 followers and is now the trainer to the stars! Hollywood celebrities Chris Hemsworth, better known as Thor in Marvel's cinematic universe, Cate Blanchett, the luminous chameleon of the screen and Tikka Watikki, the New Zealand director who is the current rising star of Hollywood all rely on Luke Zocchi to get in shape and keep them that way. Mark Zocchi's book is based on his proven Twenty40 training plan of 20 minutes exercise only 3 times a week and 100 nutritional, delicious recipes that are quick and easy to prepare in 20 minutes or less. This is a plan that is designed to work for anyone. It is quick and easy to suit all our busy lives. 'Luke is a flat-out legend, the world's best trainer.' Marvel Universe actor Chris Hemsworth. 'Luke got me in the best shape of my life.' Academy Award winner Cate Blanchett.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Thor Vol. 1: The Goddess Of Thunder

    Thor Vol. 1: The Goddess Of Thunder

    Jason Aaron

    Mjolnir lies on the moon, unable to be lifted The secrets of Original Sin have left the God of Thunder unworthy for the fi rst time But when Frost Giants invade Earth, a new hand will grasp the hammer - and a mysterious woman will take up the mantle of the mighty Thor Who is this new Goddess of Thunder? Not even Odin knows...but she may be Earth's only hope against the Frost Giants Get ready for a Thor like you've never seen before, as this all-new heroine takes Midgard by storm Plus: the Odinson doesn't like that someone else is holding his hammer...and now it's Thor vs. Thor

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Thor: God Of Thunder Volume 4: Last Days Of Asgard (marvel Now)

    Thor: God Of Thunder Volume 4: Last Days Of Asgard (marvel Now)

    Jason Aaron

    Thor battles to save Earth, but who can he fight when the planet itself is dying? S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Roz Solomon has a suggestion: the world's most nefarious energy company, Roxxon, and its ruthless new CEO, "the Minotaur " Has Thor met his match in the form of a multi nati onal super-corporation? Meanwhile, millennia from now, a future Thor faces a very different battle to save what remains of the earth - from Galactus King Thor and the Goddesses of Thunder are all that stand between Galactus and the planet he's been dying to eat for a very long time. But even if Thor wins, is the Earth sti ll doomed? And in the present, Thor makes a final stand against the Minotaur, Ulik the Troll and Roxxon's forces - but not even a god can save everyone.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014


    Thor: God Of Thunder Volume 4: The Last Days Of Midgard (marvel Now)

    Thor: God Of Thunder Volume 4: The Last Days Of Midgard (marvel Now)

    Jason Aaron

    Thor battles to save Earth, but who can he fight when the planet itself is dying? S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Roz Solomon has a suggestion: the nefarious energy company Roxxon and its ruthless new CE O, "the Minotaur " Has Thor met his match in the form of a multinational supercorporation? Meanwhile, millennia from now, King Thor and his granddaughters, the Warriors of Thunder, face a very different battle to save what remains of the earth - from Galactus But even if Thor wins, is the Earth still doomed? In the present, Thor makes a final stand against the Minotaur, Ulik the Troll and Roxxon's forces - but not even a god can save everyone. Plus: Young Thor vs. Frost Giants The untold origin of Malekith And King Thor's granddaughters discover the startling secret of his Original Sin

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015




    Thor: myth to Marvel

    Martin Arnold

    This is an exploration of how the legend of Thor has been adopted, adapted and transformed through history. The myths of the Norse god Thor were preserved in the Icelandic Eddas, set down in the early Middle Ages. The bane of giants and trolls, Thor was worshipped as the last line of defence against all that threatened early Nordic society. Thor's significance persisted long after the Christian conversion and, in the mid-eighteenth century, Thor resumed a symbolic prominence among northern countries. Admired and adopted in Scandinavia and Germany, he became central to the rhetoric of national romanticism and to more belligerent assertions of nationalism. Resurrected in the latter part of the twentieth century in "Marvel Magazine", Thor was further transformed into an articulation both of an anxious male sexuality and of a parallel nervousness regarding American foreign policy. Martin Arnold explores the extraordinary regard in which Thor has been held since medieval times and considers why and how his myth has been adopted, adapted and transformed.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Thor By Jason Aaron & Russell Dauterman Vol. 2

    Thor By Jason Aaron & Russell Dauterman Vol. 2

    Jason Aaron

    When Dr. Jane Foster lifts the mystic hammer Mjolnir, she is transformed into the Goddess of Thunder, the Mighty Thor Her enemies are many - including Loki, Malekith and Roxxon - as Asgard descends further into chaos and unrest threatens to spread throughout the Ten Realms. Yet her greatest battle is against a far more personal foe: the cancer that is killing her mortal form. And as Asgard is torn apart from without and within, prepare for a Thor vs. Odin battle like none you've ever seen Plus, a tale from the past of the young Thor Odinson has hulking great implications in the present Jane Foster is targeted by S.H.I.E.L.D. Millions of lives may depend on Thor saving Roxxon's evil executive, Dario Agger And, most staggeringly of all, discover the secret origin of Mjolnir

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017

    kr 299
    kr 299

    Thor By Walt Simonson Omnibus

    Thor By Walt Simonson Omnibus

    Walter Simonson

    Considered by many to be the greatest run on Thor ever, Walt Simonson's classic tales of the God of Thunder are collected here - completely remastered from the original artwork and newly colored by Steve Oliff And there are too many timeless tales to count: The Casket of Ancient Winters The death of Odin The origins of Asgard The sacrifice of the Executioner Thor as a frog The Mutant Massacre The curse of Hela The debut of Thor's body armor Guest-starring Beta Ray Bill, Nick Fury and the Avengers Featuring the threats of Fafnir the dragon, Loki, Lorelei, Malekith the Dark Elf, Surtur, Hela, the Titanium Man, Kurse, Zaniac, the Marauders, the Absorbing Man, Fin Fang Foom, the Destroyer and the Midgard Serpent

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Humble before the Void : A Western Astronomer, his Journey East, and a Remarkable Encounter Between Western Science and Tibetan Buddhism

    Humble before the Void : A Western Astronomer, his Journey East, and a Remarkable Encounter Between Western Science and Tibetan Buddhism

    Chris. Impey

    "This book will provide readers with a greater awareness of the spirit of curiosity and inquiry that lies at the heart of the Buddhist tradition, as well as the fruitfulness of maintaining active communication between the Buddhist and scientific commu­nities." -from the Foreword by His Holiness the Dalai LamaIn Humble before the Void, Impey, a noted astronomer, educator, and author gives us a thor­oughly absorbing and engaging account of his journey to Northern India to teach in the first-ever "Science for Monks" leadership program. The pro­gram was initiated by Hi

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Immortal Thor, Vol. 1: All Weather Turns to Storm

    The Immortal Thor, Vol. 1: All Weather Turns to Storm

    Al Ewing

    OBS! UK Panini/Marvel-utgave The Mighty Thor has gone by many names over the millenia. In Norse myths, they called him Thunderer. Vuer has he been named, and Hloriddi. He is known as the keeper of Mjolnir, hero of ancient tales. But this day, what Thor is most of all, is All-Father and the King of Asgard. He is worthy, and he is triumphant. But with greater power than ever before there inevitably also comes greater threats than ever before… If Asgardians are the gods to mere mortals, who are the gods to the Asgardians? If Thor is God of the Storm, who is the God of the Superstorm? The Elder Gods – ancient, primal forces sent by Thor’s own mother, Gaea, as part of a reckoning against both Asgard and Earth...but this is a Thor who can face down even the most impossible threats. This is the Immortal Thor. Immortal Thor (2023) 1-5, Thor Annual (2023) 1

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2024


    kr 139
    kr 139

    Hemmelig agent

    Hemmelig agent

    Rune Angell-Jacobsen

    Thor savner å fly, men i England merker han at han også savner noe mer. Av alle de kvinnene han treffer, er det ingen som kan måle seg med den ene han fortsatt drømmer om. Åse er i sorg. Tilværelsen blir ikke bedre av at faren ikke vil ha henne i huset. Hun er redd og usikker på om hun har tatt de rette valgene ... Om litt skulle hun møte Bach og skrive under på et papir som i verste fall kunne sende henne i døden.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål


    Ultimate Comics Spider-Man: Divided We Fall - United We Stand

    Ultimate Comics Spider-Man: Divided We Fall - United We Stand


    A crisis in the US forces the Ultimates into action, as Cap, Iron Man and Thor finally reunite! The Ultimates target the forces working behind the scenes to rip the USA apart, as Hydra battles SHIELD, Thor makes a startling choice and a secret weapon is revealed that could tip the country into chaos...forever! Plus: Kitty Pryde makes her stand - and as the X-Men fight for their lives in the Sentinel-controlled states, the war for mutant liberation begins! And with a nation under siege, Miles Morales - the all-new Spider-Man - decides to become a member of the Ultimates...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    Secret Avengers By Rick Remender: The Complete Collection

    Secret Avengers By Rick Remender: The Complete Collection

    Rick Remender

    Hawkeye takes over Steve Rogers' covert Avengers team And with a new leader comes a fresh lineup as Giant-Man, Captain Britain and the original Human Torch join Black Widow, Beast, Valkyrie and Ant-Man as Earth's stealthiest heroes. But will Hawkeye draw the line at Cap's final recruit: the deadly Venom? As the Avengers battle the X-Men, Thor takes a secret squad to stop the Phoenix by any means necessary But on the Kree homeworld, can Ms. Marvel and the Protector break free of Minister Marvel's influence to aid their former companions? As Hawkeye and Black Widow seek to unmask the spy in their ranks, a new Masters of Evil forms - and the Shadow Council's true goal is revealed But the robotic Descendants' rise may end the Secret Avengers once and for all

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Rockets and Missiles of Vandenberg AFB

    Rockets and Missiles of Vandenberg AFB

    Joseph T. Page II

    On December 16, 1958, a Thor intermediate-range ballistic missile became the first rocket launch from Vandenberg AFB, California. Established from the remnants of a WWII and Korean War training base named Camp Cooke, the USAF selected the location to operationally test intercontinental-range ballistic missiles over the Pacific Ocean. Over the decades, Vandenberg has seen over 1,900 launches of more than 70 varieties of rockets and missiles. This book chronicles the launches by rocket/missile, launchpad location, and payload. Many never-before-seen photographs illustrate the variety of space launch vehicles used to lift national-security satellites into orbit, as well as the operational testing of the missiles used by United States nuclear-alert forces. The launches at Vandenberg helped drive the technological innovation and deterrence that helped the US win the Cold War.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


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