Viser resultat for 'Thomas J. Craughwell'
Saints Behaving Badly: The Cutthroats, Crooks, Trollops, Con Men, and Devil-Worshippers Who Became Saints
Thomas J. Craughwell
Takes a close-up look at thirty-two holy men and women who took a less than saintly path on their road to sainthood, profiling St. Olga, St. Mary of Egypt, Thomas Becket, and other sinners-turned-saint. 20,000 first printing.
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Innbundet · 2006
How the Barbarian Invasions Shaped the Modern World
Thomas J. Craughwell
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Innbundet · 2018
The Failures of the Presidents
Thomas J. Craughwell
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Innbundet · 2018
Urban Legends
Thomas J. Craughwell
A fascinating, creepy, frightening, disgusting, and hilarious collection of some of the world's most popular and enduring tall tales. With themes that run the gamut from funny to sick, risqué to informative, and frightening to disgusting, Urban Legends features fantastic yarns that are remarkable for their uncanny ability to travel the world by word of mouth. We've all heard the one about the alligators that roam New York City's sewers, or how "Mikey" of Life Cereal fame died from eating Pop Rocks mixed with Coke. And what about the flustered parents who left their baby on the car roof, or the scuba diver who was found in the middle of a forest after a fire? These classic tall tales are featured here in all of their creepy glory along with hundreds of others, and they're guaranteed to amuse, enlighten, and intrigue, but be they may stick in your mind forever.
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Pocket · 2005
Vold's theoritical criminology
Thomas J. Bernard, Jeffrey B. Snipes, Alexander L. Gerould
Vold's Theoretical Criminology, first published in 1958, was the first book of its kind and is considered "the" standard text in criminological theory by just about every measure. Because of this b...
5.0 av 5
Pocket · 2010
The Economic Approach to Law
Thomas J. Miceli
Master teacher Thomas J. Miceli provides an introduction to law and economics that reveals how economic principles can explain the structure of the law and make it more efficient. The third edition of this seminal textbook is thoroughly updated to include recent cases and the latest scholarship, with particular attention paid to torts, contracts, property rights, and the economics of crime. A new chapter organization, ideal for quarter- or semester-long courses, strengthens the book's focus on unifying themes in the field. As Miceli tells a cohesive, analytical "story" about law from a distinctly economic perspective, exercises and problems encourage students to deepen their knowledge.
2.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2017
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology & Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
Thomas J.
A Johns Hopkins paperback
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Pocket · 2004
Microsociology: discourse, emotion, and social structure
thomas j.
Moving beyond the traditional boundaries of sociological investigation, Thomas J. Scheff brings together the study of communication and the social psychology of emotions to explore the microworld of thoughts, feelings, and moods. Drawing on strikingly diverse and rich sources--the findings of artificial intelligence and cognitive science, and examples from literary dialogues and psychiatric interviews--Scheff provides an inventive account of the nature of social life and a theory of motivation that brilliantly accounts for the immense complexity involved in understanding even the most routine conversation. "A major contribution to some central debates in social theory at the present time...What Thomas Scheff seeks to develop is essentially a quite novel account of the nature of social life, its relation to language and human reflexivity, in which he insists upon the importance of a theory of emotion...A work of true originality and jolting impact...Microsociology is of exceptional interest, which bears witness to the very creativity which it puts at the center of human social contact." --Anthony Giddens, from the Foreword
3.0 av 5
Pocket · 1990
Du: fortellinger
Thomas J.R. Marthinsen
En særegen litterær debut Du er 34 fortellinger om 34 forskjellige mennesker. En bok om kjærlighet og død, erindringer og forestillinger. En bok om drittsekker og lottomillionærer, selvmordere og kjærestepar. Om vennskap og forviklinger, hukommelse og glemsel, om foreldre og gamle venner. Du handler om det som kanskje ikke er sant, men som kunne vært det. Den handler om å bry seg på avstand. Eller helt nært. For nært.
5.0 av 5
Innbundet · 2010
Norsk Bokmål
Food Microbiology
Thomas J. Montville, Karl R. Matthews, Kalmia Kniel
Food Microbiology clarifies complex topics in the field of food microbiology and encourages students to venture beyond memorization and think critically to gain a broader conceptual understanding of food microbiology and acquire the understanding and skills necessary to ensure the safety of tomorrow's food supply. Authoratative coverage presented in a format designed to facilitate teaching and learning.
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Innbundet · 2017
Microsociology: Discourse, Emotion, and Social structure
Thomas J.
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Pocket · 1990
The Ear Book
Thomas J. Balkany
Intricately shaped and amazingly sensitive, ears are the organs of hearing and balance. When something goes wrong with the ears-whether infection or cancer, eardrum perforation or hearing loss-our overall well-being is generally disturbed.In The Ear Book, Drs. Thomas J. Balkany and Kevin D. Brown, recognized experts on ears and hearing, explain how the anatomy of the ear facilitates hearing and balance and then examine the causes, symptoms, and treatment of common problems of the outer, middle, and inner ear. Their explanations take the mystery out of hearing aids, the proper care of ears, and how the pressurized conditions of scuba diving and air travel affect the ears. And they debunk ear-related myths-from the notion that exposure to loud noise strengthens the ear to the idea that tinnitus can be cured with nutrients-and urge readers to stop using ear candling or Q-tips to get rid of wax.Drs. Balkany and Brown address such common questions as: Can dizziness be cured? How loud is too loud? Why do my ears ring? Do cochlear implants work for nerve deafness? What promise do innovations in gene therapy and stem cell therapy hold for the future? Fully illustrated and including helpful tables, hearing preservation tips, a glossary of terms, lists of ear medications and resources, and suggestions for further reading, The Ear Book is sure to be a welcome family guide.
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Pocket · 2017
Bloody Revenge
Thomas J. Scheff
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets ( hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Pocket · 2000
ASM Handbook
Thomas J. Lienert
Volume 6A Welding Fundamentals and Processes is a focused revision of the welding process information in the 1993 Vol. 6 Welding, Brazing, and Soldering . The new volume expands on the fundamental principles of welding, including heat transfer, solidification, residual stress and distortion, and has an all-new section on modeling and simulation of welding processes. Articles cover all welding processes, from the workhorse methods of arc and resistance welding, to newer methods like friction stir welding and laser beam welding, to specialty methods like explosive welding and ultrasonic welding. One-third of the articles are all-new, and welding articles from the 1993 edition have been updated and expanded, making this volume the most complete reference source anywhere on welding fundamentals and processes. All articles are expert-written and peer reviewed. From theory to practice, the book is a comprehensive resource for evaluating and selecting welding methods, working with vendors, understanding how processing variables affect welding outcomes, and more.Because welding is used across a broad range of industries, materials, and applications, this book will be valuable to plant and construction engineers, welding practitioners, managers, sales professionals, professors, students, welding artists, and hobbyists.
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Innbundet · 2011
The Ireland of Edward Cahill, SJ
Thomas J. Morrissey
Edward Cahill SJ was a well-known and influential figure in Ireland during the early decades of the new Irish state.As Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Sociology at the Jesuit House of Studies in Dublin, his research led him to view liberalism as the great enemy of the faith and spiritual values of the majority of the Irish people. He identified with liberalism the exclusion of God from public life and a strong emphasis on secularism, and also the excesses of laissez-faire capitalism. He sought to counter this by teaching a Christian sociology based on the papal social encyclicals. Cahill gathered around him a lay organisation of men and women drawn from all walks of life, known as An Rioghacht, which became influential in the 1930s. Mr and Mrs de Valera were good friends of Cahill and shared many of his views. His magnum opus, widely read at the time, was entitled The Framework of a Christian State.
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Pocket · 2016
Fixed and Flapping Wing Aerodynamics for Micro Air Vehicle Applications
Thomas J. Mueller
Recently, there has been a serious effort to design aircraft that are as small as possible for special, limited-duration missions. These vehicles may carry visual, acoustic, chemical, or biological sensors for such missions as traffic management, hostage situation surveillance, rescue operations, etc. The goal is to develop aircraft systems that weigh less than 90 grams, with a 15-centimetre wingspan. Since it is not possible to meet all of the design requirements of a micro air vehicle with current technology, research is proceeding. This new book reports on the latest research in the area of aerodynamic efficiency of various fixed-wing, flapping wing, and rotary wing concepts. It presents the progress made by over 50 active researchers in the field from Canada, Europe, Japan, and the United States. It is the only book of its kind.
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Pocket · 2000
Norsk Bokmål
Introduction to the Design of Fixed-Wing Micro Air Vehicles : Including Three Case Studies
Thomas J. Mueller
This intriguing book breaks new ground on an emerging subject that has attracted considerable attention: the use of unmanned Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs) to conduct special, limited duration missions. Significant advances in the miniaturization of electronics make it now possible to use vehicles of this type in a detection or surveillance role to carry visual, acoustic, chemical, or biological sensors. Interestingly, many of the advances in MAV technology can be traced directly to annual student competitions, begun in the late 1990s, that use relatively low cost model airplane equipment. The wide variety of configurations entered in these contests and their ongoing success has led to a serious interest in testing the performance of these vehicles for adaptation to practical applications. MAVs present aerodynamic issues unique to their size and the speeds at which they operate. Of particular concern is the aerodynamic efficiency of various fixed wing concepts. Very little information on the performance of low aspect ratio wing planforms existed for this flight regime until MAVs became of interest and the proliferation of fixed wing designs has since expanded.This book presents a brief history of unmanned air vehicles and offers elements of aerodynamics for low aspect ratio wings. Propulsion and the basic concepts for fixed wing MAV design are presented, as is a method for autopilot integration. Three different wing configurations are presented in a series of step-by-step case studies. The goal of the book is to assist both working professionals and students to design, build, and fly MAVs, and do so in a way that will advance the state of the art and lead to the development of even smaller aircraft.
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Pocket · 2000
Norsk Bokmål
Smokey : The True Stories behind the University of Tennessee's Beloved Mascot
Thomas J. Mattingly
The band blares "Rocky Top" and the crowd roars as the University of Tennessee football team storms out of the tunnel and onto the field through the giant "T," their beloved mascot Smokey leading the way. The iconic Bluetick Coonhound has been part of the pageantry and tradition at the University of Tennessee since 1953, delighting fans both young and old. For this entertaining and enlightening book, UT sports historian Thomas J. Mattingly has teamed up with longtime Smokey owner Earl C. Hudson to tell the stories of the nine hounds that have been top dog on campus for more than ha
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Pocket · 2013
Norsk Bokmål
Cybersecurity : Managing Systems, Conducting Testing, and Investigating Intrusions
Thomas J. Mowbray
A must-have, hands-on guide for working in the cybersecurity profession Cybersecurity involves preventative methods to protect information from attacks. It requires a thorough understanding of potential threats, such as viruses and other malicious code, as well as system vulnerability and security architecture. This essential book addresses cybersecurity strategies that include identity management, risk management, and incident management, and also serves as a detailed guide for anyone looking to enter the security profession. Doubling as the text for a cybersecurity course, it is
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Pocket · 2013
Norsk Bokmål
New Apocalypse : The Radical Christian Vision of William Blake
Thomas J. J. Altizer
0.0 av 5
Pocket · 2000
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