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Viser resultat for 'Thomas A. Fagerlid'

    Snakk perfekt engelsk

    Snakk perfekt engelsk

    Thomas A. Fagerlid, Marius Langeland

    Dette er boka for nordmenn som gjerne vil snakke virkelig godt engelsk, smidig, levende og up to date. Boka har morsomme småkapitler for en lang rekke situasjoner som nordmenn på tur havner i, og temaer man nesten ikke kommer utenom: på reisefot, en kopp kaffe, selskapelighet, religion, godteri og søtsaker, politikk, film og tv, måleenheter, kjærlighet og forhold, kondolanse og død osv. Her får du ordene, uttrykkene, ordspråkene, slangen og samtidig en finger på pulsen på dagliglivet i ulike engelsktalende land. Forfatterne er fagoversettere og har ikke bare grundig kjennskap til engelsk, men også til nordamerikansk og britisk kultur. I boka får du også vite om ting som skjer i moderne engelsk akkurat nå, en rekke spennende språkfenomener preger særlig unge språkbrukere. Nordmenn er flinke til å snakke engelsk, men kanskje ikke fullt så flinke som vi tror? I siste del av boka tar forfatterne utgangspunkt i de fellene vi lettest går i. Vi får også tips rundt en rekke ord og fraser som er mye norskere enn vi tror. Hvordan sier man «takk for maten» på engelsk, for eksempel? Eller at man er «frisk som en fisk?»

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    Snakk levende engelsk

    Snakk levende engelsk

    Thomas A. Fagerlid, Marius Langeland

    Du snakker engelsk, ja. Men hvor god er du egentlig når situasjonen krever small talk? Vet du hva du skal snakke om (og hva du ikke skal snakke om)? Du trenger å forstå kulturen der du kommer. Du må kjenne livsstilen, mentaliteten, tradisjonene, høytidene. Og du må kunne ordene som hører til. Vi foretar en rask språklig rundreise til USA, Canada, Storbritannia, Australia, New Zealand og Sør-Afrika. Underveis snubler vi i kulturelle snodigheter, får med oss de siste trendene og morer oss over den nyeste slangen, de morsomste uttrykkene. Og vi får vokabularet til å snakke om det som rører seg i tiden, enten det er urbane grønnsaker, yoga, eventyr, vinsmaking, mat fra gård og marked, oppussing, brettspill, kunst, finans eller populærvitenskap. Også banning og fy-ord hører med i et språk. Men du bør vite at får du behov for å banne skikkelig, bør du tilpasse seg stedet du er på! Likeså må du passe på kroppsspråk og etikette, her er lett å trå feil. Helt til slutt får leserne muligheten til å teste seg selv. Hvordan står det egentlig til med engelskkunnskapene mine? Hvor mye har jeg faktisk fått med meg av denne boka?

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 50
    kr 50

    Essentials of Modern Business Statistics

    Essentials of Modern Business Statistics

    David R., Thomas A., James J.

    Develop a strong conceptual understanding of statistics as ESSENTIALS OF MODERN BUSINESS STATISTICS WITH MICROSOFT® EXCEL®, 8E balances real-world applications with an integrated focus on the latest version of Microsoft® Excel®. This best-selling, essentials edition clearly develops each statistical technique in an application setting. You learn to master statistical methodology with an easy-to-follow presentation of a statistical procedure followed by a discussion of how to use Excel® 2019 to perform the procedure. Step-by-step instructions and screen captures ensure understanding. More than 140 new business examples, proven methods, and application exercises show how statistics provide insights into today's business decisions and problems. A unique problem-scenario approach and new case problems demonstrate how to apply statistical methods to practical business situations. MindTap digital resources provide tools to help you master Excel®, Excel® Online, and R as well as gain an understanding of business statistics.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020


    kr 450
    kr 450

    The Practice of Cloud System Administration

    The Practice of Cloud System Administration

    Thomas A. Limoncelli

    "There's an incredible amount of depth and thinking in the practices described here, and it's impressive to see it all in one place." -Win Treese, coauthor of Designing Systems for Internet Commerce The Practice of Cloud System Administration, Volume 2, focuses on "distributed" or "cloud" computing and brings a DevOps/SRE sensibility to the practice of system administration. Unsatisfied with books that cover either design or operations in isolation, the authors created this authoritative reference centered on a comprehensive approach. Case studies and examples from Google, Etsy, Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, and other industry giants are explained in practical ways that are useful to all enterprises.The new companion to the best-selling first volume, The Practice of System and Network Administration, Second Edition, this guide offers expert coverage of the following and many other crucial topics: Designing and building modern web and distributed systems * Fundamentals of large system design * Understand the new software engineering implications of cloud administration * Make systems that are resilient to failure and grow and scale dynamically * Implement DevOps principles and cultural changes * IaaS/PaaS/SaaS and virtual platform selection Operating and running systems using the latest DevOps/SRE strategies * Upgrade production systems with zero down-time * What and how to automate; how to decide what not to automate * On-call best practices that improve uptime * Why distributed systems require fundamentally different system administration techniques * Identify and resolve resiliency problems before they surprise you Assessing and evaluating your team's operational effectiveness * Manage the scientific process of continuous improvement * A forty-page, pain-free assessment system you can start using today

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    kr 100
    kr 100

    Jeg er OK, du er OK

    Jeg er OK, du er OK: en praktisk innføring i transaksjonsanalyse

    Thomas A. Harris

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1976

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 30
    kr 30

    Sanctity In The North

    Sanctity In The North: Saints, Lives, ad Cults in Medieval Scandinavia

    Thomas A.

    With original translations of primary texts and articles by leading researchers in the field, Sanctity in the North gives an introduction to the literary production associated with the cult of the saints in medieval Scandinavia. For more than five hundred years, Nordic clerics and laity venerated a host of saints through liturgical celebrations, written manuscripts, visual arts, and oral traditions. Textual evidence of this widespread and important aspect of medieval spirituality abounds. Written biographies (or vitae), compendia of witnessed miracles, mass propers, homilies, sagas and chronicles, dramatic scripts, hymns, and ballads are among the region's surviving medieval manuscripts and early published books. Sanctity in the North features English translations of texts from Latin or vernacular Nordic languages, in many cases for the first time. The accompanying essays concerning the texts, saints, cults, and history of the period complement the translations and reflect the contributors' own disciplinary groundings in folklore, philology, medieval, and religious studies.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008


    kr 100
    kr 100

    I’m Ok You’re Ok

    I’m Ok You’re Ok

    Thomas A.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1973


    kr 70
    kr 70

    Jag är okay du är okay - en orientering i transaktionell analys

    Jag är okay du är okay - en orientering i transaktionell analys

    Thomas A.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1977



    The vision of Frank Lloyd Wright

    The vision of Frank Lloyd Wright

    Thomas A. Heinz

    This consideration of Wright's life and work not only offers new insights into the character of this complex, powerful and at all time confident personality, but also the architectural legacy he left behind and which exists to this day in the vast number of homes and public buildings. With index.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2002



    Imitation of Christ

    Imitation of Christ

    Thomas A. Kempis

    This Spiritual Classic has created wonders for readers throughout the ages. It has been more than 500 years since it was written, but still this work is timeless and profound.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Innbundet · 1985



    Bumbling Through Sumatra

    Bumbling Through Sumatra

    Thomas A Schmidt

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Kakibubu Media Limited) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010



    St. Olavs tro : 3 artikler

    St. Olavs tro : 3 artikler

    Thomas A. Bruscino

    World War II shaped the United States in profound ways, and this new book--the first in the Legacies of War series--explores one of the most significant changes it fostered: a dramatic increase in ethnic and religious tolerance. A Nation Forged in War is the first full-length study of how large-scale mobilization during the Second World War helped to dissolve long-standing differences among white soldiers of widely divergent backgrounds.Never before or since have so many Americans served in the armed forces at one time: more than 15 million donned uniforms in the

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1927

    Norsk Bokmål


    Social Ethics

    Social Ethics

    Thomas A. Mappes

    In its seventh edition, "Social Ethics: Morality and Social Policy" continues to provide material that will encourage reflective and critical examination of key contemporary moral problems. With additional readings and a new organization that groups related chapters together under four categories, this edition enhances the teachability that was the most salient characteristic of previous editions. The text maintains its ability to bring the central issues into clear focus, while allowing supporting arguments for widely diverse positions to be presented by those who embrace them.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2006



    Reframing Financial Literacy

    Reframing Financial Literacy

    Thomas A. (EDT) Lucey

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Information Age Publishing) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012



    Library Programs Online

    Library Programs Online

    Thomas A. Peters

    Meet your library patrons where they increasingly live and work-online. This guide introduces you to the exciting possibilities online programs offer, and shows you how to set up online programs in your library-whether one-time stand-alone or half-day, full-day, or multi-day workshops and conferences. Public programs-from lectures, demonstrations, and interviews to book discussions and story hours can be delivered in real time (live) primarily over the web, utilizing a variety of interactive communication tools, including voice-over-IP, text chatting, and co-browsing. Furthermore, online programming can be used for district-wide staff training. The author explains how to integrate pre-recorded components of a program into a live, online public program; shows how to extend the reach and appeal of online public programs with podcasting and audiorecordings; and explains how to use voice-over-IP and video-over-IP to enhance online programs. In addition to outlining the costs of staring and operating a public online program, Peters also provides cost recovery methods and scenarios.Online public programs can extend your library's reach into the service population, grab the attention of some early adopters and opinion leaders in the community you serve, and convey to patrons and other libraries that your library is moving boldly into the digital future. Plus, many people are more likely to attend an online library program than an in-library public program. And because online programs are easily recorded and redistributed on demand, your library gets more bang for each buck it invests in its public programming outreach. Distance education programs in higher education, corporate and governmental training efforts, and other sectors of society have become commonplace, but this is the first guide to focus on how libraries (public, academic, school, and special) and library-related organizations (associations, consortia, etc.) can and are developing exciting online programs for library users and librarians.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009



    With Fire and Sword : Arkansas, 1861-1874

    With Fire and Sword : Arkansas, 1861-1874

    Thomas A. Deblack

    <div>Thomas A. DeBlack is an associate professor of history at Arkansas Tech University. He is co-author of Arkansas: A Narrative History and the co-editor of The Southern Elite and Social Change: Essays in Honor of Willard B. Gatewood.</div>

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Mord i Kennedy Center

    Mord i Kennedy Center

    Thomas A. Chambers

    'Memories of War' recounts America's rediscovery of its early national history through the rise of battlefield tourism in the first half of the 19th century. Travelers in this period, Chambers finds, wanted more than recitations of regimental movements when they visited battlefields; they desired experiences that evoked strong emotions and leant meaning to the bleached bones and decaying fortifications of a past age.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1990

    Norsk Bokmål


    Healing Together : The Labor-Management Partnership at Kaiser Permanente

    Healing Together : The Labor-Management Partnership at Kaiser Permanente

    Thomas A. Kochan

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009



    Transfer pricing with no unrelated parties

    Transfer pricing with no unrelated parties

    Thomas A. Gresik

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2000



    John Hughes FAQ

    John Hughes FAQ

    Thomas A. Christie

    JOHN HUGHES FAQAll That's Left to Know About the Man Behind the MoviesThe definitive guide to the films of the legendary director,screenwriter, and producer.Looking for a comprehensive chronicle of the films of legendary director,screenwriter, and producer John Hughes? You're holding it in your hands. Coveringthe entirety of Hughes's career, from his earliest features through to his mainstreambox-office successes, John Hughes FAQ explores the key factors that contributed tohis legendary status in the world of cinema.While Hughes has become especially well known for the eight films thathe directed between 1984 and 1991-including Sixteen Candles (1984),The Breakfast Club (1985), and Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)-he made aconsiderably greater contribution to cinema through the dozens of high-profile screenplaysthat he developed for production throughout the '80s and '90s. John Hughes F AQinvestigates many different aspects of Hughes's prolific career in film-discussing hisdistinctive flair for creating entertaining and engaging characters, his enthusiasmfor new technology and eventful road trips, and his insightful social commentary onclass and culture.Considering the entire sweep of Hughes's work behind the camera, JohnHughes FAQ focuses not only on the popular classics of his filmography but alsoon many of his movies that have achieved a certain cultural prominence over thepassing years.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


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