Ghost Soldier
A thrilling, poignant story of hope and loss set during World War 1, from Carnegie Medal-winning author Theresa Breslin.Nobody believes in ghosts until they see one . . .The war has changed everything for Rob and Millie. Then one night, deep in the woods, Rob and Millie see an eerie figure in the window of an abandoned house.
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An Illustrated Treasury of Scottish Mythical Creatures
Mysterious selkies, bad-tempered giants, devious fairies and even Loch Ness's most famous resident -- these are the mythical beasts of Scottish folklore.In the highly anticipated companion volume to the much-loved An Illustrated Treasury of Scottish Folk and Fairy Tales, award-winning children's author Theresa Breslin brings together a stunning collection of tales from across Scotland.Alternately humorous, poignant and thrilling, each story is brought to life with exquisite illustrations by Scottish fine artist Kate Leiper.A wonderful gift, this is a truly stunning book to be treasured for a lifetime and will be enjoyed by parents and grandparents as well as children.
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Part of a stunning new design partnership between Puffin and the Imperial War Museum, this is an unforgettable novel from a Carnegie Medal-winning author, featuring a special foreword from Elizabeth Wein, author of Code Name Verity.Scotland, 1915. A group of teenagers from very different backgrounds meet for an idyllic picnic, but the war across the Channel is proving increasingly impossible to ignore, and all too soon they will be engulfed by what is to become known as The Great War. Determined to forge their own paths during a time of enormous upheaval, the five friends encounter not only the horrors of the trenches, but also the thrum of first love, and the political struggles of pacifism and women's rights. Their lives will be changed forever - and nothing will ever be the same again.
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Fånge på Alcatraz
Genom en ödets nyck har Marty hamnat på Alcatraz, det hårdaste fängelset i Amerika. Han sitter inlåst på livstid. Eller är det verkligen så? Några av hans medfångar planerar att fly. Kommer det att fungera? Kommer de att lyckas bryta sig ut ur Alcatraz? En gripande berättelse av Theresa Breslin, vinnare av den prestigefyllda Carnegiemedaljen. Bokens luftiga text gör den extra lämplig för läsare med dyslexi eller andra lässvårigheter.
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Mary, Queen of Scots: Escape from Lochleven Castle
The true story of the daring escape of Mary, Queen of Scots from the island castle in Lochleven is well-known throughout Scotland and the world. Multi-award-winning author Theresa Breslin, who has carefully researched Mary's life, has adapted this famous adventure into a picture book for children. Through stunning illustrations and a gripping story, both packed with historical detail, children will feel the tension of Mary's imprisonment and the excitement of her escape plans, gaining insight into this fascinating period of Scottish history.A full and engaging historical tale for children from a fabulous Scottish storyteller.
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Carnegie Medal winner Theresa Breslin explores the dangerous world of cage-fighting in this dark and powerful new novel. Escaping from a troubled home and struggling to survive on the streets, the abandoned tunnels of the London Underground are a perfect sanctuary for Kai.
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Prisoner of the Inquisition
The flames began to rise around her.. Can she survive this time of fire and fury?
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The Dragon Stoorworm
The Dragon Stoorworm was the very first, very worst dragon that ever lived. It was ginormous: almost as big as the whole of Scotland! The King of Scotland called for warriors to defeat the terrible dragon and save his daughter, the Princess Gemdelovely, from being eaten. But none who faced the dragon ever returned, until...Gentle Assipattle is no warrior, but maybe together, he and Princess Gemdelovely can free Scotland from the wrath of the Dragon Stoorworm.A lively retelling of the traditional Scottish folk tale of the Dragon Stoorworm (or Mester Stoor Worm), which explains the origins of Scotland's many islands, adapted for a young audience. Award-winning author Theresa Breslin's story unfolds with wry humour while Matthew Land's magical illustrations capture the fairy-tale beauty of Scotland.The Dragon Stoorworm is one of the first titles released in the new Picture Kelpies: Traditional Scottish Tales range of picture books that bring classic Scottish folk and fairy tales to life for young children.
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Whispers in the graveyard
'They want me to join them. All I have to do is to reach out to them . . .' Solomon struggles in school. He is bullied by his teachers and let down by his parents. His only refuge is in the local kirkyard, among ancient graves that lie in the shadow of the rowan tree. But when workmen uproot the tree and a dark and terrifying power is unleashed. Will Solomon be able to save himself and the people he cares about from the terrible curse within? Whispers in the Graveyard won the Carnegie Medal and has been adapted as a play. This edition features a new cover by illustrator Thomas Flintham.
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Dream Master: Arabian Nights
Every dream has a Dream Master to control it. But Cy has such a vivid imagination that he has met his Dream Master and can travel with him through Time and Space to actually live his dreams. Cy and the Dream Master are keen to return the Princess back to her home, before she is discovered.
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The Firebird: A Russian Folk Tale
June Crebbin tells this traditional magical tale. When Prince Ivan meets Grey Wolf, the two set out on an adventure that takes them to three different castles. Can they win three prizes, or will Prince Ivan pay with his life?
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During the 1930s Depression in Scotland, Kezzie and her young sister Lucy are luckier than most. Kezzie's strength is needed by so many - she must save an Italian family from the racial hatred they encounter, and rescue her old school friend Peg.
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Access to English: social studies: programfaget samfunnsfaglig engelsk
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Norsk Bokmål
Pust: en bok om å bli født påny
Sissel Tvedtes selvbiografi er blitt en uvanlig og original bok etter norske forhold - kanskje fordi forfatteren er et uvanlig menneske. Hun gir oss en spennende skildring av opplevelser, innsikter og reiser gjennom India og andre land . slik som mange andre bare kan drømme om. Samtidig forteller hun åpent om sine erindringer fra tidligere liv og sin voksende forståelse av karma og reinkarnasjon. Sissel var blant de første alternativterapeutene i Norge, og en av de første som lærte seg «rebirthing» eller frigjørende pusteteknikk (også kalt «holotropisk pusting»). I boken deler hun med seg av mange konkrete tips og øvelser som du selv kan bruke i din hverdag for å prøve f.eks. healing og meditasjon. Hvordan reagerer et vanlig menneske når det plutselig begynner med nær-døden og ut-av-kroppen-opplevelser, eller får clairvoyante visjoner om andre? Fortellingen begynner med den lille piken som «druknet» og ble bortsatt på barnehjem, og fortsetter frem til at hun fikk møte både Moder Theresa og Sai Babas elefant.
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Norsk Bokmål
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Norsk Bokmål
Forbrytelser: stories
Ferdinand von Schirach er en av Tysklands fremste forsvarsadvokater. Hans debutbok Forbrytelser er en samling elleve sjokkerende fortellinger om forbrytelse og straff, basert på egne erfaringer fra rettssalen. Etter førti års ekteskap dreper Fähner, en eldre og høyt respektert landsbylege, sin kone med en øks. Denne dypt urovekkende fortellingen er inngangen til Ferdinand von Schirachs kraftfulle novelledebut. Som forsvarsadvokat i Berlin er von Schirachs dager uløselig forbundet med vold, drap og grusomheter i den kriminelle underverdenen. I Forbrytelser vever han sin kunnskap og erfaring sømløst sammen med et enormt fortellertalent. I elleve fortellinger møter vi karakterer fra alle samfunnslag; narkohandlere, prostituerte, pønkere, overklassefamilier og respekterte forretningsmenn. Her møter vi blant annet de tilsynelatende priviligerte, men forsømte søskenene Theresa og Leonard som rømmer fra et kjærlighetsløst hjem for noen dyrekjøpte minutter i frihet, og den navnløse mannen som slutter å snakke etter å ha drept to skinheads.Stilsikkert, med en klinisk presisjon, tvinger von Schirach oss til å revurdere vår oppfatning av kriminelle og deres motiver, og utfordrer vårt forhold til lov og rett, forbrytelse og straff. Hvorfor straffer vi? Hvordan soner vi? Og hvem tjener på rettferdigheten vi søker? Ved å skrive ut fra sitt helt unike ståsted har von Schirach levert en stille storm av en samling med nyanserte perspektiver der mennesket bak står i sentrum.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
21 livsendrende ritualer: om å gi daglige handlinger et rituelt innhold
Det er ikke de store hendelsene, tankene eller avgjørelsene som er nøkkelen til varig, positiv endring; det er hverdagens små, repetitive handlinger. Lær å fylle gjentakende daglige gjøremål med mening, kraft og intensjon - gjøre dem til ritualer etter oppskriften som sikrer at forvandlingen befester seg. Det handler ikke om å endre vaner, det handler om å gi handlingsmønstre et rituelt innhold. Theresa Cheung har universitetsbakgrunn i teologi og engelsk, og hun har skrevet flere bestselgere innenfor alternativ helse og livssyn.
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Norsk Bokmål
Fremtidskoden: går tiden fremover, eller er det bare noe vi tror? Påvirkes nåtiden av oss selv i en fremtidig versjon? Er tidsreiser mulig?
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Norsk Bokmål
Small Animal Surgery
From basic procedures like spays, castrations, and declaws to advanced surgeries like craniotomy, vertal slots, and lung lobectomy, Fossum's Small Animal Surgery, 5th Edition is the go-to, full-color guide for everything that general veterinarians and vet students need to know about both soft tissue and orthopedic surgery. Five editors bring their expert perspective as they discuss the latest advances in key areas such as imaging modalities, regenerative medicine, minimally invasive surgery, and neurology. With each book adoption, you'll also have access to the Expert Consult website, which includes a fully searchable version of the book plus step-by-step video clips and animations of surgical procedures, aftercare instruction handouts, case presentations, references linked to full text articles on PubMed, and an extensive image collection. There is no better resource to keep you up to date on the latest advances and techniques in small animal surgery!Well illustrated, step-by-step instructions for surgical techniques provide quick reference to practical how-to information in emergency and clinical situations.Anesthesia Protocols offer easy access to recommendations for anesthetizing animals with particular diseases or disorders.Coverage of cutting-edge imaging techniques, including radiographs, CT, MRI, and digital imaging, explores the most useful imaging modalities for demonstrating areas of surgical concern.Clinical tips boxes provide at-a-glance surgical and practice tips.Postsurgical care instructions provide customizable client aftercare handouts for many of the procedures in the book.Reference links to PubMed grant access to full-text articles.NEW! Expanded sections on thoracoscopy, arthroscopy, and laparoscopy reflect the significant growth in minimally invasive procedures in vet medicine.NEW! Significantly revised section on joint disease includes additional techniques and procedures.NEW! Revised chapter on regenerative medicine emphasizes application of stem cell and regenerative medicine technologies to clinical patients.NEW! Increased emphasis on differential diagnosis helps you learn how to avoid misdiagnoses that result in unnecessary surgery with the inclusion of boxes covering disorders that may mimic the more commonly encountered surgical neurologic problems that are not actual disorders requiring surgical repair.NEW! Correlation boxes highlight the advances in veterinary medicine that correlate with human medicine.NEW! Expanded chapter on neurologic examination cover how to perform a proper neurologic exam to detect problems in cats and dogs. NEW! Step-by-step procedure videos that walk through both basic and advanced procedures have been added to this new edition.NEW! Aftercare instructions and rarely performed procedures have been added to the Expert Consult.
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Å ønske, men ikke våge: om engstelig unnvikende personlighetsproblemer
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Norsk Bokmål
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