Spis deg fri: med Bright line eating
Hvis du er i ferd med å gi opp forsøkene på å gå ned i vekt fordi du er lei av å prøve stadig nye metoder uten å lykkes, hvis du på grunn av helsen trenger å ta nye grep om vekten, eller om du bare har noen få kilo til overs og gjerne vil bli kvitt dem for godt, da har jeg gode nyheter til deg. Du kan lære hvorfor hjernen har forhindret forsøkene dine på å gå ned i vekt, og hvordan du kan ta i bruk noen enkle kjøreregler som kommer til å snu opp ned på denne situasjonen en gang for alle. Gjør deg klar til å ta tilbake kontrollen over hjernen din og leve livet ditt på en måte som du aldri har gjort før - lykkelig, slank og fri.
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Norsk Bokmål
Den offisielle kokeboken: spis deg fri med Bright line eating
Kokeboken er skreddersydd for deg som følger Spis deg fri og Bright Line Eating, og som ønsker et godt, sunt og variert kosthold. Oppskriftene dekker alle måltider, og er samlet fra kvinner og menn som har lang erfaring med Spis deg fri og Bright Line Eating.
4.5 av 5
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Restart: for deg som strever med matavhengighet
Si farvel til tilbakefall og jojo-slanking Tenker du kontinuerlig på mat og vekt? Eller lurer du på hvordan andre kan være «forsynt» så raskt, mens du selv bare har lyst til å spise mer? Eller klarer du å følge en diett over en viss tid, for så å krasjlande og rykke tilbake til start? Matavhengighet er en realitet. Det er dessuten den vanskeligste avhengigheten å komme ut av. Heldigvis finnes det en løsning. Susan Peirce Thompson, ph.d., grunnleggeren av Bright Line Eating, har utviklet et nytt rammeverk for en restart, som innebærer en helt ny tilnærming til problemet. I denne boken belyser hun fallgruvene du må unngå for å styre unna midlertidige oppturer etterfulgt av langvarige nedturer. Her kan du lese om hvilke psykologiske og biologiske faktorer som fører til avhengighet, og lære deg systemet som sikrer tilfriskning. Boken er skrevet i samarbeid med Everett Considine, som er en anerkjent Internal Family Systems-coach. Denne metoden kan hjelpe deg i møte med din indre motstand, som gjør at du slutter å sabotere deg selv i sårbare situasjoner. La Susan og Everett hjelpe deg med å finne en bærekraftig strategi rundt mat og måltider, som gjør at du kan nyte livet - fri fra matavhengighet.
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Bright Line Eating
Bright Line Eating has helped thousands of people from over 75 countries lose all their excess weight and keep it off. Are you ready to join them?In this book, Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., shares the groundbreaking weight-loss solution based on her highly acclaimed Bright Line Eating Boot Camps. Rooted in cutting-edge neuroscience, psychology, and biology, Bright Line Eating explains why people who are desperate to lose weight fail again and again:It's because the brain blocks weight loss.Bright Line Eating (BLE) is a simple approach designed to reverse that process. By working with four "Bright Lines"-clear, unambiguous, boundaries-Susan Peirce Thompson shows us how to heal our brain and shift it into a mode where it is ready to shed pounds, release cravings, and stop sabotaging our weight loss goals.Best of all, it is a program that understands that willpower cannot be relied on, and sets us up to be successful anyway.Through the lens of Susan's own moving story, and those of her Bright Lifers, you'll discover firsthand why traditional diet and exercise plans have failed in the past. You'll also learn about the role addictive susceptibility plays in your personal weight-loss journey, where cravings come from, how to rewire your brain so they disappear, and more. Susan guides you through the phases of Bright Line Eating-from weight loss to maintenance and beyond-and offers a dynamic food plan that will work for anyone, whether you're vegan, gluten-free, paleo, or none of the above.Bright Line Eating frees us from the obesity cycle and introduces a radical plan for sustainable weight loss. It's a game changer in a game that desperately needs changing.
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La hjerneforskning vise vei til varig vektnedgang. Forord av Irina Lee.
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The Official Bright Line Eating cookbook
Den offisielle Bright Line Eating kokeboka
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Sahara: Verdens Villmarker/ Time-Life Bøker
SAHARA VERDENS VILLMARKER/TIME-LIFE BØKER/AMSTERDAM AV JEREMY SWIFT OG REDAKSJONEN FOR TIME-LIFE BØKER MED FOTOGRAFIER AV PIERRE BOULAT. Innhold 1/ Den mektigste ørkenen Fjellbygningen 2/ Spor etter forsvunnet vann Dengang Sahara var grønn Over Tassili-platået 3/ Sandsjøer formet av vinden Inn i det ukjente Sahara 4/ I ly av sanddynene Overlevelseseksperter 5/ Et liv i pakt med naturen Når himmelen kjølner 6/ De tause slettene Ørkenens egne skulpturer Litteratur Vi takker Register. Forfatteren: Jeremy Swift, en forsker ved University of Sussex, har gjennomført et omfattende feltarbeid i Sahara der han en tid bodde sammen med tuareg-gjeterne. Han er utdannet biolog og økonom og har utgitt vi- tenskapelige arbeider om fuglenes atferds- mønster, nasjonalparker og nomader i tillegg til en bok om den økologiske krisen, The Other Eden - A New Approach to Man, Nature and Society. Han er formann for Anti-Slavery Society og Aborigines Protec- tion Society. Spesielle konsulenter: John Cloudsley- Thompson har skrevet flere bøker om ør- kenøkologi. Han har i 11 år vært professor i zoologi ved University of Khartoum og di- rektør for Sudan Natural History Museum. For tiden er han professor i zoologi ved Birkbeck College, University of London. Andrew Warren er spesialist i ørkenmor- fologi. Han har foretatt reiser til ørkenen i Libya, Algerie, og Niger og er medforfatter til boken, Geomorphology in Deserts. Han underviser i geografi og naturbevaring ved University College i London. Forsidebildet: Bare en brøkdel av Sahara er dekket med sand, men i sandsjøene skaper vinden sandformer med presise, nesten geo- metriske proporsjoner. VERDENS VILLMARKER Redaksjonen for Sahara: SJEFSREDAKTØR: John Man Redaktør: Simon Rigge Billedredaktør: Pamela Marke Layout konsulent: Louis Klein I redaksjonen: Mike Brown, Mally Cox Kate Dorment, Dan Freeman, Heather Sherlock, Timberlake Wertenbaker Layout assistent: Joyce Mason Billedforskning: Susan Stratton, Karin Pearce Layout: Graham Davies Billedassistent: Angela McNeill Redaksjonssekretær: Jackie Matthews Konsulenter Botanikk: Christopher Grey-Wilson, Phyllis Edwards Geologi: Dr. Peter Stubbs Reptiler: David Ball Fisker: Dr. Alwyne Wheeler Virvelløse dyr: Dr. Michael Tweedie Ornitologi: I. J. Ferguson-Lees Zoologi: Dr. P. J. K. Burton. Følgende Time-Life korrespondenter har ytt ver- difull hjelp under arbeidet med denne boken: Maria Vincenza Aloisi, Paris; Liz Kraemer, Bonn; Ann Natanson, Roma. Oversatt fra engelsk av AD-EX (Translations) Ltd. i samarbeid med Knut Fægri, vitenskapelig konsulent Arne Abrahamsen, oversetter No hook may be reproduced in any or mechanical means, and retrieval devices ten permission from
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Norsk Bokmål
Extraction Empire
How Canada became an empire in its own right and how Canadian life came to be mediated through mineral extraction.Extraction is the process and practice that defines Canada, at home and abroad. Of the nearly 20,000 mining projects in the world from Africa to Latin America, more than half are Canadian operated. Not only does the mining economy employ close to 400,000 people in Canada, it contributed $57 billion CAD to Canada's GDP in 2014 alone. Globally, more than 75 percent of the world's mining firms are based in Canada. The scale of these statistics naturally extends the logic of Canada's historical legacy as state, nation, and now as global resource empire. Canada, once a far-flung northern outpost of the British Empire, has become an empire in its own right. This book examines both the historic and contemporary Canadian culture of extraction, with essays, interviews, archival material, and multimedia visualizations. The essayists and interviewees-who include such prominent figures as Naomi Klein and Michael Ignatieff-come from a range of fields, including geography, art, literature, architecture, science, environment, and business. All consider how Canadian life came to be mediated through mineral extraction. When did this empire emerge? How far does it reach? Who gains, who loses? What alternatives exist? On the 150th anniversary of the creation of Canada by Queen Victoria's Declaration of Confederation, it is time for Canada to reexamine and reimagine its imperial role throughout the world, from coast to coast, from one continent to another.Authors & Image ContributorsA Tribe Called Red, Allan Adam, Howard Adams, Yassin 'Narcy' Alsalman, Christopher Alton, Pedro Aparicio, Margaret Atwood, Aaron Barcant, Real V. Benoit, Justice Thomas Berger, Hernan Bianchi Benguria, Susan Blight, Paula Butler, David Chancellor, Lianne Marie Leda Charlie, Jean Chretien, Tiffany Kaewen Dang, Dene Nation National Office, Alain Deneault, Eriel Tchekwie Deranger, Diaguitas Huascoaltinos, Mary Eberts, Genevieve Ennis Hume, Georges Erasmus, Andy Everson, Pierre Falcon, Evan Farley, Alex Golub, David Hargreaves, Daniel Hemmendinger, Gord Hill, James Hopkinson, Hume Atelier, Michael Ignatieff, Hayden King, Thomas King, Naomi Klein, Erica Violet Lee, Kari Polanyi Levitt, Nina-Marie Lister, Ryan McMahon, Zannah Mae Matson, Chris Meyer, Ossie Michelin, Jacob Moginot, Kent Monkman, Doug Morrison, James Murray, Joan K. Murray, Phoebe Nahanni, Charmaine Nelson, Eli Nelson, George Osodi, Maryanne Pearce, Barry Pottle, Moura Quayle, Tushar Rajyaguru, Louis Riel, RVTR, Olga Semenovych, Michelle St. John, Maurice Strong, Molly Swain, Ashley C. Thompson, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, John Van Nostrand, Chelsea Vowel, Mel Watkins, Sally M. Weaver, Patrick Wolfe, Rita Wong, The Wyrd Sisters, Sohyun Kate Yoon, Suzanne Zeller
0.0 av 5
Den offisielle kokeboken: Spis deg fri med bright line eating
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Spis deg fri
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The official bright line eating cookbook: Weight loss made simple
Introduksjon til bright line eating, suksesshistorier, enkle oppskrifter og matplan.
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The Official Bright Line Eating Cookbook
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Bright Line Eating: The science of living happy, thin and free
Kostholds selvhjelp bok
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Charles Robert Cockerell in the Mediterranean - Letters and Travels, 1810-1817
Charles R. Cockerell (1788-1863) was one of the most significant nineteenth-century British architects and a major player in the cultural shift from the Georgian eighteenth to the Victorian nineteenth century.
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Governance Reconsidered : How Boards, Presidents, Administrators, and Faculty Can Help Their Colleges Thrive
Revamp senior administration organization for more effective governance Governance Reconsidered: How Boards, Presidents, Administrators, and Faculty Can Help Their Colleges Thrive takes an in-depth look at the current practice of governance in higher education and explores solutions for more effective functioning. Written by a former college president, the book provides an insider's perspective on the growing tensions around the traditional shared governance model and identifies the key challenges facing trustees, presidents, senior administrators, and faculty. Traditional sh
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Norsk Bokmål
The Matriarch
Barbara Pierce Bush was one of the country's most popular and powerful figures, yet her full story has never been told.THE MATRIARCH tells the riveting tale of a woman who helped define two American presidencies and an entire political era. Written by USA TODAY's Washington Bureau chief Susan Page, this biography is informed by more than one hundred interviews with Bush friends and family members, hours of conversation with Mrs. Bush herself in the final six months of her life, and access to her diaries that spanned decades. THE MATRIARCH examines not only her public persona but also less well-known aspects of her remarkable life. As a girl in Rye, New York, Barbara Bush weathered criticism of her weight from her mother, barbs that left lifelong scars. As a young wife, she coped with the death of her three-year-old daughter from leukemia, a loss that changed her forever. In middle age, she grappled with depression so serious that she contemplated suicide. And as first the wife and then the mother of American presidents, she made history as the only woman to see -- and advise -- both her husband and son in the Oval Office. As with many women of her era, Barbara Bush was routinely underestimated, her contributions often neither recognized nor acknowledged. But she became an astute and trusted political campaign strategist and a beloved First Lady. She invested herself deeply in expanding literacy programs in America, played a critical role in the end of the Cold War, and led the way in demonstrating love and compassion to those with HIV/AIDS. With her cooperation, this book offers Barbara Bush's last words for history -- on the evolution of her party, on the role of women, on Donald Trump, and on her family's legacy.Barbara Bush's accomplishments, struggles, and contributions are many. Now, Susan Page explores them all in THE MATRIARCH, a groundbreaking book certain to cement Barbara Bush as one of the most unique and influential women in American history.
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Trump and the Media
The election of Donald Trump and the great disruption in the news and social media.Donald Trump's election as the 45th President of the United States came as something of a surprise-to many analysts, journalists, and voters. The New York Times's The Upshot gave Hillary Clinton an 85 percent chance of winning the White House even as the returns began to come in. What happened? And what role did the news and social media play in the election? In Trump and the Media, journalism and technology experts grapple with these questions in a series of short, thought-provoking essays. Considering the disruption of the media landscape, the disconnect between many voters and the established news outlets, the emergence of fake news and "alternative facts," and Trump's own use of social media, these essays provide a window onto broader transformations in the relationship between information and politics in the twenty-first century.The contributors find historical roots to current events in Cold War notions of "us" versus "them," trace the genealogy of the assault on facts, and chart the collapse of traditional news gatekeepers. They consider such topics as Trump's tweets (diagnosed by one writer as "Twitterosis") and the constant media exposure given to Trump during the campaign. They propose photojournalists as visual fact checkers ("lessons of the paparazzi") and debate whether Trump's administration is authoritarian or just authoritarian-like. Finally, they consider future strategies for the news and social media to improve the quality of democratic life.ContributorsMike Ananny, Chris W. Anderson, Rodney Benson, Pablo J. Boczkowski, danah boyd, Robyn Caplan, Michael X. Delli Carpini, Josh Cowls, Susan J. Douglas, Keith N. Hampton, Dave Karpf, Daniel Kreiss, Seth C. Lewis, Zoey Lichtenheld, Andrew L. Mendelson, Gina Neff, Zizi Papacharissi, Katy E. Pearce, Victor Pickard, Sue Robinson, Adrienne Russell, Ralph Schroeder, Michael Schudson, Julia Sonnevend, Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Tina Tucker, Fred Turner, Nikki Usher, Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Silvio Waisbord, Barbie Zelizer
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Monarchs in a Changing World
Monarch butterflies are among the most popular insect species in the world and are an icon for conservation groups and environmental education programs. Monarch caterpillars and adults are easily recognizable as welcome visitors to gardens in North America and beyond, and their spectacular migration in eastern North America (from breeding locations in Canada and the United States to overwintering sites in Mexico) has captured the imagination of the public.Monarch migration, behavior, and chemical ecology have been studied for decades. Yet many aspects of monarch biology have come to light in only the past few years. These aspects include questions regarding large-scale trends in monarch population sizes, monarch interactions with pathogens and insect predators, and monarch molecular genetics and large-scale evolution. A growing number of current research findings build on the observations of citizen scientists, who monitor monarch migration, reproduction, survival, and disease. Monarchs face new threats from humans as they navigate a changing landscape marked by deforestation, pesticides, genetically modified crops, and a changing climate, all of which place the future of monarchs and their amazing migration in peril. To meet the demand for a timely synthesis of monarch biology, conservation and outreach, Monarchs in a Changing World summarizes recent developments in scientific research, highlights challenges and responses to threats to monarch conservation, and showcases the many ways that monarchs are used in citizen science programs, outreach, and education. It examines issues pertaining to the eastern and western North American migratory populations, as well as to monarchs in South America, the Pacific and Caribbean Islands, and Europe. The target audience includes entomologists, population biologists, conservation policymakers, and K-12 teachers.Contributors: Anurag A. Agrawal, Cornell University; Jared G. Ali, Michigan State University; Sonia Altizer, University of Georgia; Michael C. Anderson, Eden Prairie, Minnesota; Sophia M. Anderson, Eden Prairie, Minnesota; Kim Bailey, Georgia Department of Natural Resources; Rebecca Batalden, University of Minnesota; Kristen A. Baum, Oklahoma State University; Scott Hoffman Black, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Brianna Borders, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Lincoln P. Brower, Sweet Briar College; Wendy Caldwell, University of Minnesota; Mariana Cantu-Fernandez, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Nicola Chamberlain, Harvard University; Sonya Charest, Montreal Insectarium; Andrew K. Davis, University of Georgia; Alma De Anda, Covina, California; Guadalupe del Rio Pesado, Alternare, A.C., Mexico; Janet Kudell-Ekstrum, USDA Forest Service; Linda S. Fink, Sweet Briar College; Mark Fishbein, Oklahoma State University; Juan Fernandez-Haeger, University of Cordoba, Spain; Eligio Garcia Serrano, Fondo Monarca, Mexico; Mark Garland, Cape May Monarch Monitoring Project; Brian Hayes, Monarch Teacher Network; Elizabeth Howard, Journey North; Mark D. Hunter, University of Michigan; Sarina Jepsen, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Diego Jordano, University of Cordoba, Spain; Matthew C. Kaiser, University of Minnesota; Ridlon J. Kiphart, Texas Master Naturalists; Marcus R. Kronforst, University of Chicago; Jim Lovett, University of Kansas; Eric Lee-Mader, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Stephen B. Malcolm, Western Michigan University; Hector Martinez-Torres, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Susan Meyers, Stone Mountain Memorial Association; Erik A. Mollenhauer, Monarch Teacher Network; Mia Monroe, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Eneida B. Montesinos-Patino, Monarch Butterfly Fund; Gail M. Morris, Southwest Monarch Study; Elisha K. Mueller, Oklahoma State University; Kelly R. Nail, University of Minnesota; Karen S. Oberhauser, University of Minnesota; Diego R. Perez-Salicrup, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Amanda A. Pierce, Emory University; John Pleasants, Iowa State University; Victoria Pocius, University of Kansas; Robert Michael Pyle, Northwest Lepidoptera Survey; M. Isabel Ramirez, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Sergio Rasmann, University of California, Irvine; Gerald Rehfeldt, USDA Forest Service; Eduardo Rendon-Salinas, World Wildlife Fund-Mexico; Leslie Ries, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center; Jacobus C. de Roode, Emory University; Richard G. RuBino, Florida State University; Ann Ryan, University of Kansas; Cuauhtemoc Saenz-Romero, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo; Lidia Salas-Canela, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Phil Schappert, Biophilia Consulting; Priya C. Shahani, Oregon State University; Benjamin H. Slager, Western Michigan University; Michelle J. Solensky, University of Jamestown; Douglas J. Taron, Chicago Academy of Sciences/Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum; Orley R. Taylor, University of Kansas; Rocio Trevino, Proteccion de la Fauna Mexicana A.C.; Francis X. Villablanca, California Polytechnic State University; Dick Walton, New Jersey Audubon/Cape May Bird Observatory; Ernest H. Williams, Hamilton College; Elisabeth Young-Isebrand, University of Minnesota; Myron P. Zalucki, University of Queensland; Raul R. Zubieta, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
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Fra interaksjon til relasjon: tilknytning hos Winnicott, Bowlby, Stern, Schore og Fonagy
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