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Viser resultat for 'Stephen G. Tibbetts'

    Criminological Theory

    Criminological Theory

    Stephen G. Tibbetts, Craig T. Hemmens

    Criminological Theory: The Essentials, Third Edition offers you a brief yet comprehensive overview of classic and contemporary criminologists and their theories. Putting criminological theory in context, acclaimed author Stephen G. Tibbetts examines policy implications brought about by theoretical perspectives to demonstrate to you the practical application of theories to contemporary social problems. New to the Third Edition:A new chapter dedicated entirely to feminist perspectives (Chapter 10) introduces you to feminist models of crime while underscoring the importance of examining the related research.Case studies that examine offender motives are now included to help you apply the theories discussed to interesting and memorable examples.Policy is now integrated into each section to allow you to see the practical policy implications of each theory. Coverage of critical topics has been expanded throughout to introduce you to important issues, such as the influence of employment on criminal behavior, the success of school programs in reducing delinquent behavior, and federal sentencing guidelines in regard to crack versus powder cocaine.Statistics, graphs, and tables have all been updated to demonstrate the most recent trends in criminology.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 200

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 200

    Programming in C

    Programming in C

    Stephen G. Kochan

    Programming in C will teach you how to write programs in the C programming language. Whether you're a novice or experienced programmer, this book will provide you with a clear understanding of this language, which is the foundation for many object-oriented programming languages such as C++, Objective-C, C#, and Java. This book teaches C by example, with complete C programs used to illustrate each new concept along the way. Stephen Kochan provides step-by-step explanations for all C functions. You will learn both the language fundamentals and good programming practices. Exercises at the end of each chapter make the book ideally suited for classroom use or for self-instruction. All the features of the C language are covered in this book, including the latest additions added with the C11 standard. Appendixes provide a detailed summary of the language and the standard C library, both organized for quick reference. "Absolutely the best book for anyone starting out programming in C. This is an excellent introductory text with frequent examples and good text....This is the book I used to learn C-it's a great book." -Vinit S. Carpenter, Learn C/C++ Today

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    kr 139
    kr 139

    The Killing Zone

    The Killing Zone : The United States wages Cold War in Latin America

    Stephen G.

    The Killing Zone: The United States Wages Cold War in Latin America, Second Edition, is a comprehensive yet concise analysis of U.S. policies in Latin America during the Cold War. Author Stephen G. Rabe, a leading authority in the field, argues that the sense of joy and accomplishment that<br>accompanied the end of the Cold War, the liberation of Eastern Europe, and the collapse of the Soviet Union must be tempered by the realization that Latin Americans paid a ghastly price during the Cold War. Dictatorship, authoritarianism, the methodical abuse of human rights, and campaigns of state<br>terrorism characterized life in Latin America between 1945 and 1989. Countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, and Guatemala endured appalling levels of political violence. The U.S. repeatedly intervened in the internal affairs of Latin American nations in the name of anticommunism, <br>destabilizing constitutional governments and aiding and abetting those who murdered and tortured. <p>Rabe supplements his strong, provocative historical narrative with stories about the fates of ordinary Latin Americans, an extensive chronology, a series of evocative photographs, and an annotated bibliography.<br>

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    U.S. Intervention in British Guiana : A Cold War Story

    U.S. Intervention in British Guiana : A Cold War Story

    Stephen G. Rabe

    Presenting an account of the massive US covert intervention in British Guiana between 1953 and 1969. Considering race, gender, religion, and ethnicity, with traditional approaches to diplomatic history, this analysis of the Cold War tragedy serves as a needed corrective to interpretations that depict the Cold War as an unsullied US triumph.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål


    Clinical Neuroanatomy

    Clinical Neuroanatomy

    Stephen G. Waxman

    Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Statistical Physics and Irreversible Processes

    Statistical Physics and Irreversible Processes

    Stephen G. Brush

    Comprising two volumes this work provides a particularly comprehensive account of the development of kinetic theory and statistical mechanics up to the beginning of the 20th century. The author's historical researches go far beyond any other books on the subject, filling in many more details and putting the history of kinetic theory in the context of 19th century scientific and intellectual history. In the course of detailed examination of the sources, both published and unpublished, the author throws much new light on the dynamics of scientific change, and refutes some generally accepted ideas about historical events. In one section of the work, he demonstrates the use of a kind of historical document which has rarely, if ever, been exploited by historians of science, namely, referees' reports. The work is primarily directed towards physicists, but as it is not only concerned with technical aspects of the history of physics but also deals with cultural and philosophical connections, it will also appeal to historians of science and philosophers. Book 2 is completed by an unusually comprehensive bibliography.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1976



    New Studies in European History

    New Studies in European History

    Stephen G. (New York University) Gross

    German imperialism in Europe evokes images of military aggression and ethnic cleansing. Yet, even under the Third Reich, Germans deployed more subtle forms of influence that can be called soft power or informal imperialism. Stephen G. Gross examines how, between 1918 and 1941, German businessmen and academics turned their nation - an economic wreck after World War I - into the single largest trading partner with the Balkan states, their primary source for development aid and their diplomatic patron. Building on traditions from the 1890s and working through transnational trade fairs, chambers of commerce, educational exchange programmes and development projects, Germans collaborated with Croatians, Serbians and Romanians to create a continental bloc, and to exclude Jews from commerce. By gaining access to critical resources during a global depression, the proponents of soft power enabled Hitler to militarise the German economy and helped make the Third Reich's territorial conquests after 1939 economically possible.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Innbundet · 2016


    The British Labour Movement and Film, 1918-1939

    The British Labour Movement and Film, 1918-1939

    Stephen G. Jones

    First published in 1987. Using a wealth of primary sources, Stephen Jones investigates the role played in cinema affairs by the Labour Movement, stressing the important contributions made by the Labour Party, Communist Party and trade unions in the production and presentation of film. He gives us a rare and important insight into the British film industry, examining the cinema in its wider economic, political and cultural context. He explores the ideological influence of film, the nature of film work, state intervention and Sunday entertainment, as reflected in the policies and attitudes of organized labour. Also discussed are the growth and impact of independent working class film organization.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Finding the Mean

    Finding the Mean

    Stephen G. Salkever

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Pocket · 2014


    World Out of Balance

    World Out of Balance

    Stephen G.Brooks

    Boken diskuterer begrensningene i USA's bruk av makt for å sikre sine interesser

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008



    Programming in Objective-C

    Programming in Objective-C

    Stephen G. Kochan

    Programming in Objective-C, Fourth Edition Updated for iOS 5 and ARC Programming in Objective-C is a concise, carefully written tutorial on the basics of Objective-C and object-oriented programming for Apple's iOS and Mac platforms. The book makes no assumptions about prior experience with object-oriented programming languages or with the C language (which Objective-C is based upon). Because of this, both beginners and experienced programmers alike can use this book to quickly and effectively learn the fundamentals of Objective-C. Readers can also learn the concepts of object-oriented programming without having to first learn all of the intricacies of the underlying C programming language. This unique approach to learning, combined with many small program examples and exercises at the end of each chapter, makes Programming in Objective-C ideally suited for either classroom use or self-study. The fourth edition of this book has been updated to cover the significant changes that first appeared in iOS 5 and Xcode 4.2, including the use of Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) to improve and simplify memory management in Objective-C programs."The best book on any programming language that I've ever read. If you want to learn Objective-C, buy it."-Calvin Wolcott "An excellent resource for a new programmer who wants to learn Objective-C as their first programming language-a woefully underserved market."-Pat Hughes Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Programming in Objective-C 3 Classes, Objects, and Methods 4 Data Types and Expressions 5 Program Looping 6 Making Decisions 7 More on Classes 8 Inheritance 9 Polymorphism, Dynamic Typing, and Dynamic Binding 10 More on Variables and Data Types 11 Categories and Protocols 12 The Preprocessor 13 Underlying C Language Features 14 Introduction to the Foundation Framework 15 Numbers, Strings, and Collections 16 Working with Files 17 Memory Management and Automatic Reference Counting 18 Copying Objects 19 Archiving 20 Introduction to Cocoa and Cocoa Touch 21 Writing iOS Applications A Glossary B Address Book Example Source Code

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



    Low Vision Rehabilitation

    Low Vision Rehabilitation: A practical guide for Occupational Therapists

    Stephen G., Mitchell Scheiman, Debra A.

    Low Vision Rehabilitation, A practical guide for Occupational Therapists. Second Edition

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016



    Business Analytics

    Business Analytics

    Stephen G. Powell, Kenneth R. Baker

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 349
    kr 349

    God and Love on Route 80

    God and Love on Route 80

    Stephen G. Post

    Stephen G. Post is a New York Times bestselling author and frequent contributor to major magazines and newspapers including the Washiington Post, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine and many more, A leader in medicine, research and spirituality, this book is a meditation on the meaning of life and the importance of spirituality.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Unix Shell Programming

    Unix Shell Programming

    Stephen G. Kochan

    Unix Shell Programming is a tutorial aimed at helping Unix and Linux users get optimal performance out of their operating out of their operating system. It shows them how to take control of their systems and work efficiently by harnessing the power of the shell to solve common problems. The reader learns everything he or she needs to know to customize the way a Unix system responds. The vast majority of Unix users utilize the Korn shell or some variant of the Bourne shell, such as bash. Three are covered in the third edition of Unix Shell Programming. It begins with a generalized tutorial of Unix and tools and then moves into detailed coverage of shell programming. Topics covered include: regular expressions, the kernel and the utilities, command files, parameters, manipulating text filters, understanding and debugging shell scripts, creating and utilizing variables, tools, processes, and customizing the shell.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003



    Pocket · 1990

    Norsk Bokmål


    Frontsoldaten : den tyske soldaten under andra världskriget

    Frontsoldaten : den tyske soldaten under andra världskriget

    Stephen G. Fritz

    Hur blev den tyska armén så effektiv och framgångsrik under den första halvan av andra världskriget? Delvis berodde det på starka vänskapsband och omutlig lojalitet - djupt rotat i det preussiska arvet - som soldaterna drillades lika hårt i som ren krigföring. Men det fanns också andra orsaker. I Frontsoldaten utforskar Stephen G. Fritz den vanliga tyske infanterisoldaten och jämför honom med amerikanskt, engelskt och ryskt manskap. Genom brev, dagboksanteckningar och personliga vittnesmål framträder en rik och nyanserad bild av de tyska soldaternas vardag under andra världskriget. Med osentimental blick granskas stridens bistra verklighet, särskilt vid den ryska fronten där en majoritet av de tyska soldaterna slogs. De fysiska prövningarna de fick utstå beskrivs, liksom den fruktansvärda ångest det innebar att vara omringad av död och dödande. I boken förklaras också hur de tyska soldaterna, genom nazistisk propaganda, kunde drivas till att genomföra sådana hemskheter gentemot både fiendetrupper och civila. De tyska soldaterna var på många sätt annorlunda än de allierades trupper, men boken tar också fasta på hur lika alla soldater är, oavsett för vem de kämpar. Frontsoldaten innehåller nya insikter och överraskande information, även för de läsare som är väl insatta i andra världskrigets historia. STEPHEN G. FRITZ undervisar vid East Tennessee State University i USA och har tysk 1900-talshistoria som specialområde. Hans böcker har rönt stor uppskattning hos både kritiker och vanliga läsare. "[Boken] ger oss nya perspektiv på det som hände under andra världskriget, överraskande information, även för oss som läst massor av berättelser om denna fasansfulla period i mänsklighetens historia." Göran Engström, Smålands-Tidningen

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    Landslides from Massive Rock Slope Failure

    Landslides from Massive Rock Slope Failure

    Stephen G. (EDT) Evans

    Amongst the thematic topics discussed are global frequency, impacts on society, analysis of initial rock slope failure, monitoring of rock slope movement, analysis and modeling of post-failure behaviour, volcanic landslides, and influences of massive rock slope failure on the geomorphological evolution of mountain regions. Regional contributions include reports on rockslides and rock avalanches in Norway, western Canada, the Andes of Argentina, the Karakoram Himalaya, the European Alps, the Appennines, and the mountains of Central Asia. Rockslides and rock avalanches in the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union are discussed in detail for the first time in an English-language book. These landslides include the 1911 Usoi rockslide, that dammed 75 km-long Lake Sarez, and the 1949 Khait rock avalanche that may have killed up to 28,000 people. Both landslides were earthquake-triggered and both are located in Tajikistan. An additional highlight is a detailed description and analysis of large-scale artificial rock avalanches triggered by underground nuclear explosions during the testing programme of the former Soviet Union.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2006





    Stephen G. Dance

    Infopreneurs looks beyond and beneath the hyperbole that currently surrounds Information Technology. Analysing many case studies, the book establishes that none of the more widely publicised methods have managed to create one strategically significant system. The true key lies within people with unique skills and knowledge who can bring IT and business together. Infopreneurs shows managers how to find these individuals in their organisation and how to facilitate their efforts and deploy their unique skills.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1994



    Christian Hebraism in the Reformation Era (1500-1660) : Authors, Books, and the Transmission of Jewish Learning

    Christian Hebraism in the Reformation Era (1500-1660) : Authors, Books, and the Transmission of Jewish Learning

    Stephen G. Burnett

    The Reformation transformed Christian Hebraism from the pursuit of a few into an academic discipline. This book explains that transformation by focusing on how authors, printers, booksellers, and censors created a public discussion of Hebrew and Jewish texts.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål


    Programming in Objective-C 2.0

    Programming in Objective-C 2.0

    Stephen G. Kochan

    Second Edition

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009

    kr 89
    kr 89

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