Wake Up Now
Live a life of peace, love, and happiness through spiritual awakening. In "Wake Up Now", author Stephan Bodian - nationally recognized expert on meditation and spirituality and former editor-in-chief of "Yoga" Journal - reveals that spiritual awakening is not some faraway dream, or overly complicated to achieve, but an ever-present reality that is always available here and now. Based on his own experience and over 30 years of teaching the direct approach to spiritual awakening, Bodian has broken down the awakening process into five overlapping, loosely sequential stages: seeking, awakening, deepening and clarifying, embodying, and living the awakened life. "Wake Up Now" guides you through every stage of the journey, from the process of seeking through the often prolonged and challenging process of integrating the awakening into everyday life. 'This book is one of the most concise guides to spiritual awakening I have read. Both profound and practical, it guides the reader through the intricacies of awakening as only someone who has walked the walk themselves can do.The clarity and compassion this book offers the sincere spiritual seeker is both rare and welcome' - Adyashanti, renowned spiritual teacher and author of "The Impact of Awakening" and "Emptiness Dancing". Topics of this title include: Entering the Gateless Gate; Seeking without a Seeker; Freedom from the Known; The Practice of Presence; Who is Experiencing this Moment Right now; Spontaneous Awakening; In the Wake of Awakening; Embodying the Light; Freeing the Dark Inside the Light; and, The Awakened Life.
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Meditation for dummies
Take an inward journey for a happier, healthier life Meditation has been used for centuries to reduce stress, increase energy, and enhance overall health and well-being—so it's no wonder more and more people in today's fast-paced and stress-centric world are adopting this age-old practice. If you want to achieve a greater state of calmness, physical relaxation, and psychological balance, Meditation For Dummies is your life raft. Covering the latest research on the health benefits of meditation, this new edition explains in plain English how you can put meditation into practice today and start reaping the benefits of living a more mindful life.
5.0 av 5
Eating Clean For Dummies
Everything you need to start eating clean Whether you've lived on white carbs and trans fats all your life or you're already health conscious but want to clean up your diet even further, Eating Clean For Dummies, 2nd Edition explains in plain English exactly what it means to keep a clean-eating diet.
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The Nature of Horses
What does it mean to be a horse? The definitive and bestselling book explaining the mysteries of the horse using insights of modern science.What makes a winning racehorse? How intelligent are horses? What are horses trying to tell us when they stamp their hooves and snort? Do horses talk to each other?The horse, long symbol of beauty and athletic prowess, has made and lost fortunes and transformed human history and culture, and yet has retained mysteries that baffle even those who work with them every day. There has recently been an explosion of scientific research on the horse. In this book Stephen Budiansky brings the insights of modern science to a wider audience of horse enthusiasts and animal-lovers.
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Oliver Wendell Holmes - A Life in War, Law, and Ideas
Oliver Wendell Holmes twice escaped death as a young Union officer in the Civil War when musket balls missed his heart and spinal cord by a fraction of an inch at the Battles of Ball's Bluff and Antietam. He lived ever after with unwavering moral courage, unremitting scorn for dogma, and an insatiable intellectual curiosity.Named to the Supreme Court by Theodore Roosevelt at age sixty-one, he served for nearly three decades, writing a series of famous, eloquent, and often dissenting opinions that would prove prophetic in securing freedom of speech, protecting the rights of criminal defendants, and ending the Court's reactionary resistance to social and economic reforms.As a pioneering legal scholar, Holmes revolutionized the understanding of common law by showing how the law always evolved to meet the changing needs of society. As an enthusiastic friend and indefatigable correspondent, he wrote thousands of personal letters brimming with humorous philosophical insights, trenchant comments on the current scene, and an abiding joy in fighting the good fight.Drawing on many previously unpublished letters and records, Stephen Budiansky's definitive biography offers the fullest portrait yet of this pivotal American figure, whose zest for life, wit, and intellect left a profound legacy in law and Constitutional rights, and who was an inspiring example of how to lead a meaningful life in a world of uncertainty and upheaval.
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Mad Music : Charles Ives, the Nostalgic Rebel
The life and times of the famed modernist composer
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The god equation: the quest for a theory of everything
'A majestic story' David Bodanis, Financial Times From the international bestselling author of Physics of the Impossible and Physics of the Future This is the story of a quest: to find a Theory of Everything. Einstein dedicated his life to seeking this elusive Holy Grail, a single, revolutionary 'god equation' which would tie all the forces in the universe together, yet never found it. Some of the greatest minds in physics took up the search, from Stephen Hawking to Brian Greene. None have yet succeeded. In The God Equation, renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku takes the reader on a mind-bending ride through the twists and turns of this epic journey: a mystery that has fascinated him for most of his life. He guides us through the key debates in modern physics, from Newton's law of gravity via relativity and quantum mechanics to the latest developments in string theory. It is a tale of dazzling breakthroughs and crushing dead ends, illuminated by Kaku's clarity, storytelling flair and infectious enthusiasm. The object of the quest is now within sight: we are closer than ever to achieving the most ambitious undertaking in the history of science. If successful, the Theory of Everything could simultaneously unlock the deepest mysteries of space and time, and fulfil that most ancient and basic of human desires - to understand the meaning of our lives.
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Sampol 115 pensum
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Why civil resistance work
For more than a century, from 1900 to 2006, campaigns of nonviolent resistance were more than twice as effective as their violent counterparts in achieving their stated goals. By attracting impressive support from citizens, whose activism takes the form of protests, boycotts, civil disobedience, and other forms of nonviolent noncooperation, these efforts help separate regimes from their main sources of power and produce remarkable results, even in Iran, Burma, the Philippines, and the Palestinian Territories. Combining statistical analysis with case studies of specific countries and territories, Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan detail the factors enabling such campaigns to succeed and, sometimes, causing them to fail. They find that nonviolent resistance presents fewer obstacles to moral and physical involvement and commitment, and that higher levels of participation contribute to enhanced resilience, greater opportunities for tactical innovation and civic disruption (and therefore less incentive for a regime to maintain its status quo), and shifts in loyalty among opponents' erstwhile supporters, including members of the military establishment.Chenoweth and Stephan conclude that successful nonviolent resistance ushers in more durable and internally peaceful democracies, which are less likely to regress into civil war. Presenting a rich, evidentiary argument, they originally and systematically compare violent and nonviolent outcomes in different historical periods and geographical contexts, debunking the myth that violence occurs because of structural and environmental factors and that it is necessary to achieve certain political goals. Instead, the authors discover, violent insurgency is rarely justifiable on strategic grounds.
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Rowland and Tozer's Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications
Updated with the latest clinical advances, Rowland and Tozer's Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, Fifth Edition , explains the relationship between drug administration and drug response, taking a conceptual approach that emphasizes clinical application rather than science and mathematics. Bringing a real-life perspective to the topic, the book simplifies concepts and gives readers the knowledge they need to better evaluate drug applications. Key updates reflect advances in PK/PD as related to clinical decision making and drug research and development. An emphasis on the clinical relevance of drugs makes the book especially applicable to pharmacy students preparing for a career in clinical practice. Hundreds of graphs and tables provide visual representations of key pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic principles and effects. More than 200 carefully written study questions , with answers and in-depth explanations, help readers enhance their conceptual understanding and learn and retain key information. New and updated examples connect chapter content to real-world settings. Interactive online simulations give students practice using different pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models and parameters. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities! Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphoneEasily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speechAdapt for unique reading needs, supporting learning disabilities, visual/auditory impairments, second-language or literacy challenges, and more
5.0 av 5
Gå ned i vekt: man kan spise alt, men ikke alltid
Boka viser hvordan en kan sette en stopper for sine matvaner, gå ned i vekt, og holde vekten. Dessuten inneholder boka nye forskningsresultater om slanking. Bakerst i boka gis forslag til lunsj og middag for tre uker, med oppskrifter.
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Norsk Bokmål
Literary Visions of the Middle East
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Det ble begått feil
4.2 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Interessen for kaffe er stadig økende. Kaffe drikkes gjerne på kaffebarer hvor utstyret til å lage god kaffe er bedre. Denne kvalitesbevisstheten har også økt kunnskapstørsten etter å vite mer om kaffe. Det er dette behovet vi ønsker å dekke med denne boka. Den tar for seg prøvesmaking av kaffe og hvordan gjennomføre slike tester. Et kapitel er viet hva en bør spise til kaffen og kaffe brukt i oppskrifter som smakstilsetter. Her er de beste kombinasjonene presentert og i hvilke sammenhenger de passer best. 42 oppskrifter, kjøperåd, risting, kvaliteter og mye mer.
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Norsk Bokmål
Stil og smak i 6000 år: Elingaard Brevskole
Hylle 252
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Norsk Bokmål
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Norsk Bokmål
Norges kulturhistorie bind 2: Kaupang og katedral
3.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norges kulturhistorie bind 6: Et folk i fred og krig
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Norsk Bokmål
Norges kulturhistorie bind 7: I velstandens tegn
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Det siste toget til London: roman
Basert på en sann historie om en heltemodig kvinne som reddet tusenvis av barn fra nazistenes klør. Wien, 1936: Seksten år gamle Stephan, eldste sønn i en velstående jødisk familie, lever en sorgløs tilværelse og drømmer om å bli dramatiker. Hans beste venn er femten år gamle Zofie-Helene, mattegeni og datter av en kvinnelig avisredaktør med sterke anti-nazistiske meninger. Alle drømmene deres knuses imidlertid den dagen tyskerne invaderer byen. Nederlandske Truus Wijsmuller, eller tante Truus som alle kaller henne, risikerer livet for å smugle jødiske barn ut av nazistenes jerngrep. Stephan og Zofie-Helene er blant de som kjemper mot klokka for å komme med på det siste toget til London. Meg Waite Clayton har skrevet flere romaner som har vært bestselgere i USA. Det siste toget til London er hennes internasjonale gjennombrudd og ble solgt til 19 land allerede før utgivelse. Forfatteren er født i Washington D.C og bor nå i California.
3.8 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
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