Metallmyk: kriminalroman
"En ting er å finne de skyldige. Men verden er full av medskyldige også." Aker Brygge, en sen fredag kveld. Det er tomt rundt meglerbordet i Optima Finans. På et kontor lyser en enslig skjerm. Håvard Gabrielsen, en tallknuser som jobber med fusjoner, oppkjøp og børsnoteringer, venter utålmodig på en avgjørende e-post.Søndag morgen blir han funnet av rengjøringspersonalet. Han er drept, henrettet, av skudd til hodet og brystet. De spesielle omstendighetene gjør at Økokrim-etterforsker Milo Cavalli plutselig står overfor sitt første drap. Saken er også personlig:Håvard Gabrielsen er ikke bare et offer. Han var Milo Cavallis studiekamerat.Milos jakt på sannheten blant oppskrudde verdier og lyssky transaksjoner skal bli skjebnesvanger. Mektige krefter ønsker ikke saken oppklart. Snart befinner både Milo selv og familien seg i livsfare.Er det organiserte kriminelle som nå for fullt har tatt steget inn i det norske aksjemarkedet? Eller handler dette om at Håvard jobbet tett på en av Norges største våpenprodusenter før han ble drept?
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Time's Eye: A Time Odyssey Book One
1885, the North West Frontier. Rudyard Kipling is witness to a bizarre encounter between the British army and what appears to be an impossibly advanced piece of Russian technology. And then to a terrifying intervention by a helicopter from 2037. Before the full impact of this extraordinary event has even begun to sink in, Kipling, his friends and the helicopter crew stumble across Alexander the Great's army. Mankind's time odyssey has begun.
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Hunden fra Baskerville
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Norsk Bokmål
A Study in Scarlet
Dr. Watson, a military surgeon lately returned from the Afghan War, needs a flat-mate and a diversion. Sherlock Holmes needs a foil. And thus a great literary collaboration begins. Then murder. Facing a deserted house, a twisted corpse with no wounds, a mysterious phrase drawn in blood on the wall, and the buffoons of Scotland Yard--Lestrade and Gregson--Holmes measures, observes, picks up a pinch of this and a pinch of that, and generally baffles his faithful Watson. Later, Holmes explains: "In solving a problem of this sort, the grand thing is to be able to reason backward...There are few people who, if you told them a result, would be able to evolve from their own inner consciousness what the steps were which led up to that result." Sherlock Holmes is one of those people.
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The Complete Stories of Sherlock Holmes
It is more than a century since the ascetic, gaunt and enigmatic detective, Sherlock Holmes, made his first appearance in A Study in Scarlet. From 1891, beginning with The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the now legendary and pioneering Strand Magazine began serialising Arthur Conan Doyle's matchless tales of detection, featuring the incomparable sleuth patiently assisted by his doggedly loyal and lovably pedantic friend and companion, Dr Watson.The stories are illustrated by the remarkable Sydney Paget from whom our images of Sherlock Holmes and his world derive and who first equipped Holmes with his famous deerstalker hat. The literary cult of Sherlock Holmes shows no sign of fading with time as each new generation comes to love and revere the penetrating mind and ruthless logic which were the undoing of so many Victorian master criminals.
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Hunden fra Baskerville
Fire tilsynelatende ulike drapssaker har én ting til felles: Alle har tilknytning til en bestemt mann. Men denne mannen er allerede død, henrettet for mord. Eller er han det? Rettsmedisiner Kay Scarpetta står overfor en tilsynelatende uløselig gåte: En henrettet morders fingeravtrykk dukker opp på åstedet for et nytt mord - begått etter henrettelsen. Scarpetta obduserte selv den henrettede Ronnie Joe Wadell, og er med andre ord sikker på at han døde, og hva han døde av. - Så skjer et nytt mord, tilsynelatende uten sammenheng med det første. Men når de samme fingeravtrykkene dukker opp der også må Scarpetta stille ubehagelige spørsmål. Kan en død mann drepe? Lange forgreininger Saken har forgreininger helt inn i rettsmedisinsk institutt. Wadells fingeravtrykk er forsvunnet fra alle arkiver. Og noen bryter seg inn på Scarpettas datamaskin mens hun arbeider med saken. - Så blir også Scarpettas assistent, Susan, myrdet. Susan var tilstede under obduksjonen av Wadell. Hvis mordet har en sammenheng med Wadells sak, hva var det i tilfelle Susan visste? Og hvem er det som beskytter morderen der ute? Intelligent og grundig Ingen kan beskylde Patricia Cornwell for å fare med lettvintheter når hun beskriver arbeidet ved patologisk institutt. Med detaljkunnskap og overbevisning fører hun leseren fra spor til spor, nærmest fra lik til lik. Dette er intelligent spenning i høyklasse, og Grusom og urimelig fikk Crime Writers Association Gold Dagger i 1993 da boken kom ut første gang, en pris som henger svært høyt.'
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Norsk Bokmål
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The complete Sherlock Holmes: collector's library
Fra 1891 begynte Strand Magazine å publisere Arthur Conan Doyles detektivromaner som serie. I denne boken er alle historiene samlet, fra A study in scarlet til The hound of the Baskervilles og The case-book of Sherlock Holmes.
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Sherlock Holmes: a selection of his greatest cases
This beautifully presented slipcase edition offers a selection of the master detective s greatest cases, including the most popular Holmes story ever written, The Hound of the Baskervilles. In addition to this full-length novel, the compendium comprises short stories drawn from his major collections The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes and The Return of Sherlock Holmes.Features include: The Hound of the Baskervilles Conan Doyle s most famous Holmesian novel; 13 classic short stories; authentic, atmospheric illustrations by Sidney Paget; insightful introduction by leading crime writer, Martin Edwards, founder-member of the Murder Squad collective of crime writers and editor of the Crime Writers' Association s annual anthology.The stories are: The Red-headed League, The Five Orange Pips, The Man with the Twisted Lip, The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, The Adventure of the Speckled Band, The Adventure of the Copper Beeches, Silver Blaze, The Musgrave Ritual, The Reigate Squires, The Final Problem, The Empty House, The Dancing Men, The Priory School."
4.5 av 5
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes
There is one literary detective who stands above all others, whose powers of deduction are known the world over, whose influence can still be felt in today's most modern whodunits. Who is it, you ask? Why, it's elementary! Sherlock Holmes, the famous gumshoe of 221B Baker Street. And Sir Arthur Conan Doyle the man who made him famous in such tales as The Hound of the Baskervilles and A Study in Scarlet changed the world of mysteries, inspiring legions of devoted fans.Whether you're a devotee or you've yet to be awed by Holmes's powers of deduction, you'll love this Canterbury Classics edition of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous works, including The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Sign of Four, The Valley of Fear, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The Return of Sherlock Holmes, and The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes. The perfect book to complete any bookshelf, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Other Stories features an eye-catching leather-bound cover with gold foil stamping, as well as fine ivory paper with gilded edges. You'll be spellbound by Conan Doyle's descriptive prose, and then delight in displaying this beautiful book in your home.Lexile score: 1020L
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Arthur & George
Winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2011 Arthur and George grow up worlds apart in late nineteenth-century Britain. Arthur is to become one of the most famous men of his age, while George remains in hard-working obscurity. But as the new century begins, they are brought together by a sequence of events that made sensational headlines at the time as The Great Wyrley Outrages. With vivid imagination, Julian Barnes brings this long forgotten case to life, and explores the inner workings of these two very different men.
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Norsk Bokmål
En kriminelt god jul: femten svarte julefortellinger
Julekrim som varer nesten helt til påske! I En kriminelt god jul har Nils Nordberg funnet frem femten utvalgte historier som forener lysets høytid med de mørkeste gjerninger .; en for innspurten, en for julaften og en for hver av de tretten juledagene. Vi tas med til et vinterfrossent Baker Street, hvor Sherlock Holmes blir konfrontert med en julegås som legger et egg verdt en formue, til et førjulsstresset Bergen, hvor Varg Veum må kombinere rollene som detektiv og julenisse, til engelske herskapshus hvor Lord Peter Wimsey og Hercule Poirot til alt hell er blant gjestene, til en indisk storby, hvor en fattig jomfru nok en gang føder et lite barn, til et ukjent tåkelagt sted i Europa hvor etterforskerne Kurt Wallander og van Veeteren på forunderlig vis møtes, og mye mer. Blant leverandørene til denne samlingen av julepakker med overraskelser er Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, P. D. James, Agatha Christie, Gunnar Staalesen, Dorothy L. Sayers, Ellery Queen. Og Jan Mehlum bidrar med en splitter ny, spesialskrevet historie.
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Norsk Bokmål
The science of Discworld III: Darwin's watch
Roundworld is in trouble again, and this time it looks fatal. Having created it in the first place, the wizards of Unseen University feel vaguely responsible for its safety. They know the creatures who lived there escaped the impending Big Freeze by inventing the space elevator - they even intervened to rid the planet of a plague of elves, who attempted to divert humanity onto a different time track. But now it's all gone wrong - Victorian England has stagnated and the pace of progress would embarrass a limping snail. Unless something drastic is done, there won't be time for anyone to invent spaceflight and the human race will be turned into ice-pops.Why, though, did history come adrift? Was it Sir Arthur Nightingale's dismal book about natural selection? Or was it the devastating response by an obscure country vicar called Charles Darwin, whose bestselling Theology of Species made it impossible to refute the divine design of living creatures? Either way, it's no easy task to change history, as the wizards discover to their cost. Can the God of Evolution come to humanity's aid and ensure Darwin writes a very different book? And who stopped him writing it in the first place?
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The great stories of Sherlock Holmes
Two complete novels and over 20 stories about Sherlock Holmes. Edition is from 1993.
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Sherlock Holmes serien
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Arcturus Publishing Ltd) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Sherlock holmes bøker 8 stykk
Selger 8 Bøker I Serien Om Sherlock holmes
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Den greske tolk, og andre Sherlock Holmes memoarer
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Norsk Bokmål
Redselen i Deptford, og andre studier i Sherlock Holmes
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Norsk Bokmål
En studie i Rødt. De fires tegn.
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Norsk Bokmål
Det tomme hus, og andre Sherlock Holmes bedrifter
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Norsk Bokmål
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