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    • Shrihari Sridhar (2)
      Srihari Nelakuditi (1)
      Sriganesh Srihari (1)
      Robert W. (1)
      Robert Palmatier (1)
      Limsoon Wong (1)
      Chern Han Yong (1)
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Viser resultat for 'Shrihari Sridhar'

    Marketing Strategy

    Marketing Strategy : Based on First Principles and Data Analytics

    Robert W., Shrihari Sridhar

    Pent brukt uten tusjmarkeringer. Litt stusselig i hjørnene, da den har fått litt vann på seg. Ellers fin bok. Utrolig pedagogisk lagt opp, og med gode digitale ressurser tilgjengelig.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 450
    kr 450

    Marketing Strategy

    Marketing Strategy

    Robert Palmatier, Shrihari Sridhar

    This is a brand new textbook on marketing strategy that focuses on the pursuit of solutions to four fundamental marketing problems: 1. All customers differ 2. All customers change 3. All competitors react 4. All resources are limitedStructured around these four First Principles of Marketing, this important new textbook offers a unique and extensively classroom-tested approach to marketing strategy. It provides a structured framework to develop effective strategies to deal with diverse marketing problems while integrating data analytics into the decision-making process.Authored by world-leading experts in marketing strategy, Marketing Strategy: First Principles and Data Analytics is the ideal companion for undergraduate, MBA and Executive MBA students of marketing, and practicing executives looking to bring a more systematic approach to their firms' marketing strategy efforts.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Localized Quality of Service Routing for the Internet

    Localized Quality of Service Routing for the Internet

    Srihari Nelakuditi

    The exponential growth of Internet brings to focus the need to control such large scale networks so that they appear as coherent, almost intelligent, organ isms. It is a challenge to regulate such a complex network of heterogeneous elements with dynamically changing traffic conditions. To make such a sys tem reliable and manageable, the decision making should be decentralized. It is desirable to find simple local rules and strategies that can produce coherent and purposeful global behavior. Furthermore, these control mechanisms must be adaptive to effectively respond to continually varying network conditions. Such adaptive, distributed, localized mechanisms would provide a scalable so lution for controlling large networks. The need for such schemes arises in a variety of settings. In this monograph, we focus on localized approach to quality of service routing. Routing in the current Internet focuses primarily on connectivity and typi cally supports only the "best-effort" datagram service. The routing protocols deployed such as OSPF use the shortest path only routing paradigm, where routing is optimized for a single metric such as hop count or administrative weight. While these protocols are well suited for traditional data applications such as ftp and telnet, they are not adequate for many emerging applications such as IP telephony, video on demand and teleconferencing, which require stringent delay and bandwidth guarantees. The "shortest paths" chosen for the "best effort" service may not have sufficient resources to provide the requisite service for these applications."

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2003



    Computational Prediction of Protein Complexes from Protein Interaction Networks

    Computational Prediction of Protein Complexes from Protein Interaction Networks

    Sriganesh Srihari, Chern Han Yong, Limsoon Wong

    Systematically walks through computational methods devised to date (approximately between 2000 and 2016) for identifying protein complexes from the network of protein interactions (the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network). The authors present a detailed taxonomy of these methods, and comprehensively evaluate them for protein complex identification across a variety of scenarios.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Pocket · 2017


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