Pompeii, A Guide to the Ancient City
Publisher: Barnes and Noble Books Title: Pompeii, A guide to the Ancient City Author: Salvatore Nappo Colorful Illustrations, 165 pages Pompeii was a city of great prosperity and culture, a f...
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La canzone napoletana
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Norsk Bokmål
Når de døde våkner
På havnen i Napoli en sen natt mister en lastekran en container som tilhører camorraen, byens fryktede mafia. Containeren knuses mot kaia, og ut velter 50 plastinnpakkede lik. Blant disse finner man Lucia Forlani og hennes sønn Salvatore, som forsvant tre år tidligere. Samtidig ble Lucias mann, fysikeren Giulio Forlani, likvidert av mafiaen. Sabrina D'Avalos, en ung statsadvokat fra Napoli, får i oppdrag å gjenoppta saken. I løpet av etterforskningen kommer hun i camorraens søkelys. Samtidig er hun kanskje bare lokkemat i et kynisk maktspill for å ramme camorraen og lokke organisasjonens legendariske leiemorder Urs Savelli, også kalt albaneren, fram på scenen?
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Salvador Dalis hemliga liv
En av alla tiders märkligaste självbiografier: Salvador Dalis bok om sig själv: Salvador Dalis hemliga liv. Vad sägs om öppningsraderna: "När jag var sex år ville jag bli kock. När jag var sju ville jag bli Napoleon. Och min ärelystnad har sedan dess hela tiden vuxit."
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Fighting the Cold War
When four-star general John Rogers Galvin retired from the US Army after forty-four years of distinguished service in 1992, the Washington Post hailed him as a man "without peer among living generals." In Fighting the Cold War: A Soldier's Memoir, the celebrated soldier, scholar, and statesman recounts his active participation in more than sixty years of international history - from the onset of World War II through the fall of the Berlin Wall and the post-Cold War era. Galvin's illustrious tenure included the rare opportunity to lead two different Department of Defense unified commands: United States Southern Command in Panama from 1985 to 1987 and United States European Command from 1987 to 1992. In his memoir, he recounts fascinating behind-the-scenes anecdotes about his interactions with world leaders, describing encounters such as his experience of watching President Jose Napoleon Duarte argue eloquently against US intervention in El Salvador; a private conversation with Pope John Paul II in which the pontiff spoke to him about what it means to be a man of peace; and his discussion with General William Westmoreland about soldiers' conduct in the jungles of Vietnam and Cambodia. In addition, Galvin recalls his complex negotiations with a number of often difficult foreign heads of state, including Manuel Noriega, Augusto Pinochet, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Ratko Mladic.As NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during the tumultuous five years that ended the Cold War, Galvin played a key role in shaping a new era. Fighting the Cold War illuminates his leadership and service as one of America's premier soldier-statesmen, revealing him to be not only a brilliant strategist and consummate diplomat but also a gifted historian and writer who taught and mentored generations of students.
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A Curious Career
Lynn Barber, by her own admission, has always suffered from a compelling sense of nosiness. An exceptionally inquisitive child she constantly questioned everyone she knew about imitate details of their lives. This talent for nosiness, coupled with her unusual lack of the very English fear of social embarrassment, turned out to be the perfect qualification for a celebrity interviewer. In A Curious Career, Lynn Barber takes us from her early years as a journalist at Penthouse - where she started out interviewing foot fetishists, voyeurs, dominatrices and men who liked wearing nappies - to her later more eminent role interrogating a huge cross-section of celebrities ranging from politicians to film stars, comedians, writers, artists and musicians. A Curious Career is full of glorious anecdotes - the interview with Salvador Dali that, at Dali's invitation, ended up lasting four days, or the drinking session with Shane MacGowan during which they planned to rob a bank. It also contains eye-opening transcripts, such as her infamous interview with the hilarious and spectacularly rude Marianne Faithfull.A wonderfully frank and funny memoir by Britain's greatest and most ferocious interviewer, A Curious Career is also a fascinating window into the lives of celebrities and the changing world of journalism.
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The Crystal Shard
Their change will shake the stone of Kelvin's Cairn...
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The cleric quintet : Collectors edition
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I blinde
Salvatore Cippio, vraket kamerat og kommunist, påstår at han var den danske sjømannen, svindleren og spionen Jorgen Jorgensen i et tidligere liv. Jorgen vokste opp i København sent på 1700-tallet, ble selvbestaltet konge på Island i noen få uker, var medgrunnlegger av byen Hobart Town i Tasmania, senere dømt for svindel i England og sendt tilbake til Tasmania som straffange. Han deltar i den spanske borgerkrigen og slåss som partisan i Jugoslavia før han ender i konsentrasjonsleirene. Alltid klarer han å være på feil sted til feil tid.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Finnskogens siste apostel
Søren Heia fra Vennesla er livstrøtt og uten illusjoner, men når biskopen fra Hamar tilbyr ham stilling som prest i en nedleggingstruet kirke på Finnskogen, får han ny giv. I Åsnes Finnskog kirke arrangerer Søren uortodokse gudstjenester, der tanken er å puste nytt liv inn i menigheten. Eller som Søren sier det: «Jeg vil omvende skogfinnenes etterkommere fra deres formørkede sinn.» Ikke alle liker Sørens måte å forkynne ordet på, og snart dukker utfordringene opp. Sammen med den utspekulerte kirketjeneren Kolbjørn Olsen og den alltid positive organisten Ture Stark, legger Søren en plan for hvordan de kan redde kirken. Med på laget er kirkesangeren Ramona Skomakerbråten, som Søren er vilt forelsket i. Men hvilke muligheter har han mot den ildfulle pizzabakeren Salvatore? Mannen som kan snakke med Jesus? I «Finnskogens siste apostel» tar Trond Erik Sletmoe deg inn i et ellevilt litterært univers. Gled deg til en makeløs fortelling, full av fantasi og skaperglede. Trond Erik Sletmoe har 28 års erfaring som leder, rådgiver/veileder og kursinstruktør innen kommunal, statlig og privat virksomhet. Han er tidligere utgitt i flere antologier, og debuterer i år - som 80-åring - med sin første roman!
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Norsk Bokmål
Mafiaens siste gudfedre: historien om Corleone-klanen
Boken forteller historien om fremveksten av den beryktede Corleone-klanen. Som historiens rikeste og mektigste kriminelle, bedro og drepte de sine rivaler, og drev en terrorvirksomhet som desimerte antallet på anti-mafia-dommere, politimenn og politikere.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The vampire love triangle that spawned hundreds of thousands of fans-and inspired a major new dramatisation shown on ITV2 concludes in this powerful final volume of The Vampire Diaries. In Midnight, golden girl Elena Gilbert is back from the Dark Dimension, having successfully freed her vampire boyfriend Stefan Salvatore from imprisonment. Saving Stefan had an unlikely consequence: his vampire brother Damon Salvatore has become a mortal. While the trio reels from this latest twist, they must still deal with the demons that have taken over Elena's hometown, Fell's Church. MIDNIGHT takes Elena, Stefan, and Damon to their darkest moments yet...Danger, romance, and paranormal mystery will keep readers fascinated with this captivating finale to the New York Times bestselling series.
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Safety, Security, and Peace of Mind: Keeping People Safe Where They Live
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Signal 88 Security of Greater Philadelphia) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Food Industry and Packaging Materials - Performance-oriented Guidelines for Users
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Rapra Technology Ltd) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Dommens dag
Romanen ble utgitt posthumt, og er sagaen om byen Nuoro på Sardinia rundt århundreskiftet.
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Norsk Bokmål
Binomium Chitin-Chitinase- Recent Issues
This book offers a collection of articles on binomial chitin/chitinase from authors who have all personally contributed to the development and increased acknowledgement of this topic. The book will represents a milestone for future researchers by taking into account the known archaic function of chitinases and the new description of chitin and chitinases roles in innate immunity. This recently discovered role has likely been vital in the process of genetic selection.
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Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (CDL Press) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Human error and models of behaviour
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Norsk Bokmål
Safety rules non-compliance in two Norwegian road traffic centres
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Norsk Bokmål
Conflict Landscapes: An Archaeology of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War
This book is an archaeological exploration of a conflict landscape encountered by the volunteers of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39. A great deal is known about the Brigades in terms of inter-world war geopolitics, their history and make-up, but less is known about the materiality of the landscapes in which they lived, fought, and died.
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