Human factors engineering
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Southern Women Novelists and the Civil War
During and after the Civil War, southern women played a critical role in shaping the South's evolving collective memory by penning journals and diaries, historical accounts, memoirs, and literary interpretations of the war. While a few of these writings-most notably Mary Chesnut's diaries and Margaret Mitchell's novel, Gone with the Wind-have been studied in depth by numerous scholars, until now there has been no comprehensive examination of Civil War novels by southern women. In this welcome study, Sharon Talley explores works by fifteen such writers, illuminating the role that southern women played in fashioning cultural identity in the region.Beginning with Augusta Jane Evans's Macaria and Sallie Rochester Ford's Raids and Romance of Morgan and His Men, which were published as the war still raged, Talley offers a chronological consideration of the novels with informative introductions for each time period. She examines Reconstruction works by Marion Harland, Mary Ann Cruse, and Rebecca Harding Davis, novels of the "Redeemed" South and the turn of the century by Mary Noailles Murfree, Ellen Glasgow, and Mary Johnston, and narratives by Evelyn Scott, Margaret Mitchell, and Caroline Gordon from the Modern period that spanned the two World Wars. Analysis of Margaret Walker's Jubilee (1966), the first critically acclaimed Civil War novel by an African American woman of the South, as well as other post-World War II works by Kaye Gibbons, Josephine Humphreys, and Alice Randall, offers a fitting conclusion to Talley's study by addressing the inaccuracies in the romantic myth of the Old South that Gone with the Wind most famously engraved on the nation's consciousness.Informed by feminist, poststructural, and cultural studies theory, Talley's close readings of these various novels ultimately refute the notion of a monolithic interpretation of the Civil War, presenting instead unique and diverse approaches to balancing "fact" and "fiction" in the long period of artistic production concerning this singular traumatic event in American history.
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Med smak av urter
Spennende oppskrifter med smak av urter Med smak av urter Persille, salvie, rosmarin og timian er alle tradisjonelle urter vi gjerne dyrker selv og bruker som smakstilsetning i maten: Men i dag finnes også en rekke nye, spennende urter som gir maten en ekstra snert, f.eks. sitrongress, koriander og kaffirlime. Her får du 30 raske og lettlagede retter, som alle ser lekre ut og smaker fantastisk! I serien Med smak av... finnes følgende bøker: Med smak av chili, Med smak av eddik, Med smak av hvitløk, Med smak av ingefær, Med smak av krydder, Med smak av olivenolje, Med smak av sennep, Med smak av urter.
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Norsk Bokmål
Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context, Global Edition
For courses in Human Geography. A distinctly modern look at human geographyDescribed as "fresh, innovative, and intelligent," Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context is acclaimed for its global approach, conceptual rigor, engaging real-world applications, and outstanding visual program. Knox and Marston foster awareness of current issues and developing trends from a geographic perspective, and provide a solid foundation in the fundamentals of human geography. The authors integrate compelling local, regional, and global viewpoints to give meaning to people and places. By providing access to the latest ideas, concepts, and theories, the text deepens students' understanding of the interdependence of places and regions in a globalizing world. The Seventh Edition extends Knox/Marston's modern approach, integrating new technology as well as new visual and thematic features relevant to human geography today. MasteringGeography (TM) not included. Students, if MasteringGeography is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MasteringGeography should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.MasteringGeography is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.
4.7 av 5
Kjøringens ABC
Boka inneholder råd og tips til hvordan du kan hindre misforståelser under kjøring, og bli en sikker og bedre kusk. Den viser hvordan du legger på en sele, håndtere tømmene, tar for seg vedlikehold av vogner, kjøring på veg og har tips til stevneforberedelser.
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Norsk Bokmål
Derfor promper man: og andre morsomme fortellinger
Godnatthistorier med humor og snert for store og små Pappaen til Sallie slipper ikke unna å fortelle historier for henne på sengekanten, samme hvor opptatt han er. Og det er lett å forstå hvorfor Sallie maser sånn, for denne pappaen er virkelig god til å fortelle. Historiene er akkurat passe lange, og dessuten morsomme og poengterte .; og de har mye å gi både den som leser høyt og den som hører på.Kim Fupz Aakeson er en dansk populær tegner og forfatter med en rekke barne- og ungdomsbøker bak seg.
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Norsk Bokmål
Talk Dirty to Me
We live in a world in which almost every public image--every interaction--carries an element of sexual desire. And yet it is nearly impossible for us to talk openly and honestly about sex. Talk Dirty to Me is author Sallie Tisdale's frank, funny, and provocative invitation to the conversation we've been waiting for--but have been too afraid to start. Sallie Tisdale shuns the dry style of academics and takes us on a journey through gender and desire, romance and pornography, prostitution and morality, fantasies and orgasm. She guides us through her field research of peep shows, XXX stores, and even the pornography collection of the British Library. Interweaving her own personal feelings, experiences, and revelations, she presents a brilliant, fascinating, and wholly original portrait of sex and sexuality in America, while encouraging us to explore and create our own "intimate philosophies."
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Sex matters for women : a complete guide to taking care of your sexual self
Popular TV shows like "Sex in the City" portray women as no-holds-barred sexual adventurers: confident, free, and fulfilled. But the reality is that many women still lack the knowledge they need to make informed sexual decisions, enjoy sexual pleasure, and take charge of their sexuality both in and outside of the bedroom. This incisive, authoritative guide provides up-to-date advice on the sexual questions, dilemmas, and conflicts that women face throughout life. It helps women make peace with their bodies and personal histories, break free of persistent myths and cultural cliches, and demystify the physiological side of sex (anatomy, hormones, reproduction, orgasm, sexual health, and more). Helpful information is also presented for women coping with such challenges as injury and disability, sexual pain, and trauma. Regardless of sexual orientation or personal values, all women will find practical guidance and problem-solving ideas in this frank yet sensitive book.
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Life Abundant
A compelling vision-before it's too late In this splendidly crafted work, McFague argues for theology as an ethical imperative for all thinking Christians: Responsible discipleship today entails disciplined religious reflection. Moreover, theology matters: Without serious reflection on their worldview, ultimate commitments, and lifestyle, North American Christians cannot hope to contribute to ensuring the "good life" for people or the planet. To live differently we must think differently. McFague's has therefore written primer in theology. It helps Christians assess their own religious story in light of the larger Christian tradition and the felt needs of the planet. At once an apology for an ecologically driven theology and a model for how theology itself might be expressed, her work is expressly crafted to bring people into the practice of religious reflection as a form of responsible Christian practice in the world. McFague shows the reader how articulating one's personal religious story and credo can lead directly into contextual analysis, unfolding of theological concepts, and forms of Christian practice. In lucid prose she offers creative discussions of revelation, the reigning economic worldview (and its ecological alternative), and how a planetary theology might approach classical areas of God and the world, Christ and salvation, and life in the Spirit. Enticing readers into serious self-assessment and creative commitment, McFague's new work encourages and models a theological practice that "gives glory to God by loving the world."
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Advice for the Dying (and Those Who Love Them)
Award-winning writer and nurse Sallie Tisdale offers a lyrical, thought-provoking yet practical perspective on death and dying in this frank, direct and compassionate meditation on the inevitable._______________________________________From the sublime to the ridiculous, Tisdale leads the reader through the peaks and troughs of death with a calm, wise and humorous hand. More than a how-to manual or a spiritual bible, this is a graceful compilation of honest and intimate anecdotes based on the deaths Tisdale has witnessed in her work and life, as well as stories from cultures, traditions and literature around the world.As Tisdale explores all the heartbreaking, beautiful, terrifying, confusing, absurd and even joyful experiences that accompany the work of dying, she also addresses the meaning of 'a good death', how to communicate with the dying, loved ones, doctors and more, and what to expect, physically and emotionally, from the last months, days and hours of life.Beautifully written and compulsively readable, Advice for the Dying offers the resources and reassurance that we all need for planning the ends of our lives. It is essential reading for all of us.
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Living with Epilepsy
Encephalitis is an under recognised and under researched condition. Its sudden onset and diverse long lasting effects mean that the illness challenges people's understanding and coping resources. This book combines scholarly research and professional insights into encephalitis with `the insider perspective' in the stories of those directly affected by the condition. The narrative approach shows how supporting people to tell their own story of their neurological condition can really help in their understanding of the experience. This unique book will be of huge importance to any professional involved in the care of someone with a brain injury, and the individuals and families touched by encephalitis.
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Paved with Good Intentions?
This book focuses on human trafficking and the anti-trafficking movement, particularly as it is expressed in Southeast Asia. The study is based on ethnographic research of the emerging anti-trafficking movement in Singapore, and in-depth interviews and observations with victims of human trafficking and others subject to labour exploitation in Singapore. Research in the book adds to the significant amount of work documenting human trafficking in Asia, by offering a critical academic perspective on the rise of the anti-trafficking movement. Readers will gain an understanding of how anti-trafficking operates as a new social movement and state practice, and how anti-trafficking often sits at odds with the experiences of trafficked and exploited persons themselves.
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Models of God : Theology for an Ecological, nuclear age
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Hope for the Autism Spectrum : A Mother and Son Journey of Insight and Biomedical Intervention
When Sally Kirk's son, Will, was diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, she did everything she could to understand his condition and to find ways of improving his life. Here, she shares the story of her journey and how her discovery of biomedical interventions significantly improved his behaviour and changed their lives for the better.
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Norsk Bokmål
Socially Engaged Buddhism
Socially Engaged Buddhism is an introduction to the contemporary movement of Buddhists, East and West, who actively engage with the problems of the world - social, political, economic, and environmental - on the basis of Buddhist ideas, values, and spirituality. Sallie B. King, one of North America's foremost experts on the subject, identifies in accessible language the philosophical and ethical thinking behind the movement and examines how key principles such as karma, the Four Noble Truths, interdependence, nonharmfulness, and nonjudgmentalism relate to social engagement. Many people believe that Buddhists focus exclusively on spiritual attainment. Professor King examines why Engaged Buddhists involve themselves with the problems of the world and how they reconcile this involvement with the Buddhist teaching of nonattachment from worldly things. Engaged Buddhists, she answers, point out that because the root of human suffering is in the mind, not the world, the pursuit of enlightenment does not require a turning away from the world. Working to reduce suffering in humans, living things, and the planet is integral to spiritual practice and leads to selflessness and compassion. ""Socially Engaged Buddhism"" is a sustained reflection on social action as a form of spirituality expressed in acts of compassion, grassroots empowerment, nonjudgmentalism, and nonviolence. It offers an inspiring example of how one might work for solutions to the troubles that threaten the peace and well-being of our planet and its people.
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Tarot and the Archetypal Journey
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25 Delicious Soup Recipes
This cookbook contains 25 delicious soup recipes like White Bean Soup, Sundried Tortellini Soup, Ramen Soup and Chunky Baked Potato Soup.
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Free in the Kitchen: If It Can't Be Fun, It Can't Be Done......Even Without the Gluten
If it can't be fun, it can't be done--even without the gluten "Free In the Kitchen" has been written to accompany those who are looking for easy, encouraging, and positive ways to enter and find success in a gluten free life. There is nothing more freeing than being offered a solution to a health issue. Equally as freeing is the ability to navigate through resulting lifestyle changes. After barely eating anything for a year, Sallie and her daughter, Bethany felt trapped in a world without gluten. Today, they are free The negative has been turned into a positive, and now their kitchens are full of wonderful food options. They no longer live without, but live fully and freely. It is Sallie's hope that you, too, will find newfound freedom as you move into your gluten-free lifestyle. This easy to follow recipe book will offer scrumptious and innovative recipes that will bring back food enjoyment once again. Filled with strikingly beautiful photography, the nostalgia of family will jump off the pages creating the atmosphere in which good food is meant to be shared. Not only is this book helpful to those who have gluten issues, it is also a handbook for friends and relatives of those whose diet excludes gluten. Being a compilation of both new and revised recipes, entertaining gluten free guests is made easy Since 2012, these tried and true recipes have been aired on WCTV, Tallahassee, Florida's CBS affiliate. Meeting the public through television has been a community service Sallie Powell continues to enjoy. As a result, "Free In the Kitchen" was written to invite others to a positive, fun, and creative gluten free food adventure.
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Fresh Tastes of Asia
This title offers fresh flavours from the Far East with 100 tempting dishes. It features over 100 traditional recipes from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. Find out how to make classic dishes from every corner of Asia, such as Peking Duck, Japanese Sashimi, Indonesian Nasi Goreng, Malaysian Chicken Rendang and Vietnamese Prawn Fritters. Each recipe is photographed in glorious color with detailed step-by-step instructions to help you achieve the perfect result every time. This book is a beautifully illustrated collection of recipes that takes you on a culinary journey around the Far East. Easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions, combined with beautiful color photographs, guide you through the classic dishes of each region. With the wide range of Asian ingredients now available in supermarkets and food stores, there has never been a better time to explore the enticing and exotic flavours of the Far East. This wonderful book is packed with appetizing and unusual ideas that are sure to inspire any cook interested in exploring the flavours of Asia.
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50 Delicious 5 Ingredient Recipes
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