Ibsen i Arabia: Henrik Ibsens innflytelse på arabisk kultur i den tjuende århundre
Denne boka omhandler Henrik Ibsens innflytelse på kulturlivet i arabiske land i forrige århundre, og viser den uforutsette bølgen av både litterær kritikk og generell respons som hans verk skapte, både hos eliten og i folkelige kretser. Boka dekker den tidlige mottakelsen i Egypt og gir glimt av det særegne ved Ibsen, en dramatiker som henvender seg til et verdenspublikum. Ved å tegne et kulturelt bakteppe, særlig av Egypt i kjølvannet av Napoleons invasjon, skildrer boka framveksten av en tidlig arabisk dramalitteratur som begynte å undergrave den rådende trosorienteringen i den arabiske verden. Tolkningen av Ibsen foregikk i en turbulent tid hvor man forsøkte å komme til rette med motstridende tendenser som sekularisme og konservatisme, og toleranse og fanatisme. Avhengig av kritikerens eget trossystem, verdensbilde eller dogmer ble Ibsens synspunkt og ideer oppfattet enten negativt eller positivt. Boka belyser disse motsetningene på bakgrunn av førstehånds oversettelser til engelsk av de originale arabiske tekstene. Introduksjonen av Ibsens skuespill på den arabiske scenen i 1950- og 1960-årene vil bli særskilt belyst. Det gjøres rede for ulike oversettere, i tillegg til atskillige bearbeidelser og adaptasjoner av Ibsens verk, kombinert med bruken av Edvard Griegs Peer Gynt som bakgrunnsmusikk i en rekke arabiske filmer.
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Norsk Bokmål
Yemen, tucked into the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula, has often escaped regional and international attention. And yet its history illuminates some of the most important issues at play in the modern Middle East: from Cold War rivalries to the growth of Islamic extremism in the 1990s, and from the rise of 'Al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula' (AQAP) in the post-9/11 period to Obama-era drone strikes. Uzi Rabi looks at this country and its economic and political history through the prism of state failure. He examines Yemen's trajectory from revolutions and civil war in the 1960s to unification in the 1990s and on to the 2011 uprisings which eventually saw the fall from power of Ali Abdallah Salih in 2012. Covering the twentieth-century history of Yemen from traditional society to a melting-pot of revolutions accompanied by foreign intervention, Uzi Rabi's book offers an analysis of a state that is failing, both in terms of day-to-day functioning, and in terms of offering its citizens a modicum of security. Rabi covers the initial rulers of the country, Imam Yahya and his descendents, who ruled Yemen until 1962.But with the growing influence of Gamal Abd al-Nasser's vision of Arab nationalism, and the defeat the British and their allies in November 1967, the way was paved for the formation of South Yemen: the only declared Marxist regime in the Arab world. Rabi tracks the turbulent political history of the two Yemens, in particular South Yemen, which between 1967 and 1986 saw five presidents come and go, three of whom were ousted by violent means. But with unification came a new set of problems concerning poverty, terrorism and corruption. Rabi's analysis of the political beginnings, rule and eventual downfall of Salih are key to understanding all of these, and how they have contributed to Yemen's current explosive condition. Drawing extensively on Arabic sources, many of which are not available in the English language, Rabi offers important analysis on the volatility of the state in Yemen. Based on freshly examined materials, this book is a vital reference of any examination of the country's twentieth-century history and its impact on the current unstable situation in the wider Middle East.
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An Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial Derivatives
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial Derivatives is a popular, intuitive text that eases the transition between basic summaries of financial engineering to more advanced treatments using stochastic calculus. Requiring only a basic knowledge of calculus and probability, it takes readers on a tour of advanced financial engineering. This classic title has been revised by Ali Hirsa, who accentuates its well-known strengths while introducing new subjects, updating others, and bringing new continuity to the whole. Popular with readers because it emphasizes intuition and common sense, An Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial Derivatives remains the only "introductory" text that can appeal to people outside the mathematics and physics communities as it explains the hows and whys of practical finance problems.
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Don't Panic, I'm Islamic
A Sunday Times Best Humour Book of the Year 2017How can you tell if your neighbour is speaking Muslim? Is a mosque a kind of hedgehog? Can I get fries with that burka? You can't trust the media any longer, but there's no need to fret: Don't Panic, I'm Islamic: Words and Pictures on How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Alien Next Door provides you with the answers.Read this book to learn how you too can spot an elusive Islamist. Discover how Arabs (even 21-year-old, largely innocuous and totally adorable ones) plant bombs and get tips about how to interact with Homeland Security, which may or may not involve funny discussions about your sexuality.Commissioned in response to the US travel ban, Don't Panic, I'm Islamic includes cartoons, graffiti, photography, colouring in pages, memoir, short stories and more by 34 contributors from around the world. Provocative and at times laugh-out-loud funny, these subversive pieces are an explosion of expression, creativity and colour.Contributors: Hassan Abdulrazzak, Leila Aboulela, Amrou Al-Kadhi, Shadi Alzaqzouq, Chant Avedissian, Tammam Azzam, Bidisha, Chaza Charafeddine, Molly Crabapple, Carol Ann Duffy, Moris Farhi, Negin Farsad, Joumana Haddad, Saleem Haddad, Hassan Hajjaj, Omar Hamdi, Jennifer Jajeh, Sayed Kashua, Mazen Kerbaj, Arwa Mahdawi, Sabrina Mahfouz, Alberto Manguel, Esther Manito, Aisha Mirza, James Nunn, Chris Riddell, Hazem Saghieh, Rana Salam, Karl Sharro, Laila Shawa, Bahia Shehab, Sjon, Eli Valley, Alex Wheatle.
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Year of the Locust
Captures in detail the end of the Ottoman world and a pivotal moment in Palestinian history. This book presents a picture of daily life in the besieged city.
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Tahāfut al-salām : al-maṣīr al-'arabī fī Ẓill al-haymanah al-isrā'īlīyah
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Placing Latin America
Placing Latin America offers a thematic approach to the study of the diverse geographies of a globalizing region. This comprehensive text focuses on the dynamic connections among people, places, and environments rather than on predefined notions about the region. The book's well-rounded and accessible analysis includes discussions of borders and migration, transnationalism and globalization, urbanization and landscapes of cities, the connections between economic development and political change, the physical environment and human-environment interactions, and natural resources in the context of a global economy. The authors also explore social and cultural themes such as the illegal drug trade, social movements, tourism, and children and young people. Providing a nuanced and clear perspective, this book will be an invaluable guide for all those interested in the politics, economy, and society of a rapidly changing continent.With contributions by: Fernando J. Bosco, Christian Brannstrom, J. Christopher Brown, Altha J. Cravey, James J. Hayes, Edward L. Jackiewicz, Thomas Klak, Araceli Masterson-Algar, Kent Mathewson, Sarah A. Moore, Linda Quiquivix, Zia Salim, Kate Swanson, Benjamin Timms, and Joseph Wiltberger.
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Perfect for the non-major/allied health student (and also appropriate for mixed majors courses), this text provides a rock solid foundation in microbiology. By carefully and clearly explaining the fundamental concepts and offering vivid and appealing instructional art, Microbiology: A Human Perspective draws students back to their book again and again!The text has a concise and readable style, covers the most current concepts, and gives students the knowledge and mastery necessary to understand advances of the future. A body systems approach is used in the coverage of diseases.
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Testing Statistical Assumptions in Research
Comprehensively teaches the basics of testing statistical assumptions in research and the importance in doing so This book facilitates researchers in checking the assumptions of statistical tests used in their research by focusing on the importance of checking assumptions in using statistical methods, showing them how to check assumptions, and explaining what to do if assumptions are not met. Testing Statistical Assumptions in Research discusses the concepts of hypothesis testing and statistical errors in detail, as well as the concepts of power, sample size, and effect size. It introduces SPSS functionality and shows how to segregate data, draw random samples, file split, and create variables automatically. It then goes on to cover different assumptions required in survey studies, and the importance of designing surveys in reporting the efficient findings. The book provides various parametric tests and the related assumptions and shows the procedures for testing these assumptions using SPSS software. To motivate readers to use assumptions, it includes many situations where violation of assumptions affects the findings. Assumptions required for different non-parametric tests such as Chi-square, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal Wallis, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test are also discussed. Finally, it looks at assumptions in non-parametric correlations, such as bi-serial correlation, tetrachoric correlation, and phi coefficient.An excellent reference for graduate students and research scholars of any discipline in testing assumptions of statistical tests before using them in their research studyShows readers the adverse effect of violating the assumptions on findings by means of various illustrationsDescribes different assumptions associated with different statistical tests commonly used by research scholarsContains examples using SPSS, which helps facilitate readers to understand the procedure involved in testing assumptionsLooks at commonly used assumptions in statistical tests, such as z, t and F tests, ANOVA, correlation, and regression analysis Testing Statistical Assumptions in Research is a valuable resource for graduate students of any discipline who write thesis or dissertation for empirical studies in their course works, as well as for data analysts.
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Geografi: fellesfag vg1/vg2
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Delta!: samfunnskunnskap vg1/vg2
Delta! til fagfornyelsen (LK20) har som mål å gjøre elevene rustet og motiverte til å delta aktivt i samfunnet og demokratiet. For å delta trenger vi kunnskap om hvordan samfunnet fungerer, kompetanse til å forstå ulike perspektiver og evne til å tenke kritisk. Delta! hjelper eleven å finne og vurdere kunnskap fra ulike kilder, og til å vurdere kritisk hva slags informasjon de gir. Gode og tilrettelagte oppgaver aktiverer elevene, og gjør dem i stand til å bruke kunnskap og utforske på egenhånd. Elevene får jobbe med tverrfaglige temaer, kildekritikk og tekstforståelse, og de får utviklet sin digitale kompetanse. På nettstedet er det mer fordypningsstoff, utforskende og aktuelle oppgaver og forslag til årsplaner og undervisning for lærer. Se Delta! Elevnettsted , og Delta! Lærernettsted. Med Elevnettsted Pluss får elevene lytte til innlest læreboktekst. Læreboka finnes også i digitale utgaver som Unibok med innlest læreboktekst og som Brettebok. Les mer om læreverket Delta! på
4.8 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Geografi: fellesfag vg1/vg2
4.8 av 5
Norsk Nynorsk
Delta!: samfunnskunnskap vg1/vg2
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Norsk Nynorsk
Delta!: basis : samfunnskunnskap vg1/vg2
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Nynorsk
Trekket mot nord
«Trekket mot nord er blant de seks fineste romanene i moderne arabisk litteratur.»Edward Said, professor i engelsk litteratur ved Columbia University En gang i midten av forrige århundre vender en ung sudansk mann tilbake til fødebyen sin, «den lille landsbyen der Nilen gjør en sving». Blant alle som møter frem for å ta imot ham, legger han merke til et ansikt han aldri har sett før: Mustafa Said, født i Khartoum 16. august 1898, britisk pass, studert i Kairo og England, bodd i England i tredve år. Gift med Husna Bint Mahmoud, to sønner, bonde, høyt respektert. Men små og store hendelser rundt Mustafa peker mot at han ikke har fortalt alt, og fortelleren fatter intens interesse for Mustafa. Etter hvert innlemmes fortelleren i hemmeligheter som nesten ikke er til å bære.Denne lille, vakre boka kaster lys over et Sudan som de engelske koloniherrene har satt varige spor i. På sitt forsiktige vis tegner den omrisset av en liten landsby der Nilen gjør en sving, utmaler den brennende sola og brennevinet som drikkes, og lar oss lytte til de råe samtalene mellom fire syttiårige venner. Fortelleren gir rom til samtaler om koloniseringen, samtidig som han tvinges til å nærme seg det uutgrunnelige han har fått vite, og det grusomme som skjer etterpå.Trekket mot nord utkom i 1966 og regnes som et av den moderne arabiske litteraturs høydepunkter. Boka er også innlemmet i De norske Bokklubbenes Verdensbiblioteket.«En Tusen og én natt baklengs ... Sterkt og poetisk»Observer«Et fengslende verk av en stor arabisk romanforfatter, som utvinner den rike åren av afrikansk erfaring med den vestlige verden.»Publishers Weekly
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Nynorsk
trekket mot nord
Boken ha signert hilsen fra forfatter
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Norsk Bokmål
Trekket mot nord
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Norsk Bokmål
The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way to Lose Weight Without Dieting
Bursting with Juicy motivation, Juice Yourself Slim is the new book from the No. 1 bestselling Juice Master. Containing over 50 fantastic soups, juices, salads and smoothie recipes PLUS the Life Long Rules for Success that will help you maintain your health and- the big one- keep you slim for life. Let the Juice Master help you discover delicious and simple recipes containing the ultimate super fuel for a super body and mind! Includes: The 5 Day Launch Programme Did you know a space shuttle needs 90% of its energy to launch but only 10% to keep it in flight? Jason shows how the same principle can be applied to permanent weight loss through his launch pad to a life long programme. Kick start your system and give your energy levels a super boost by following his juice, soup and smoothie plan for 5 days Juice Yourself Slim Having successfully completed the Launch programme, it's now time to take things to new juicy heights with The Life Long Rules for Success, and with Jason's motivational tips and unique juicing programme it's the perfect recipe for a permanently slim, trim and healthy mind and body.Juice Yourself Slim also contains: 10 'Souper' Slimming Fuel recipes 15 Super Juice recipes 15 Super Smoothie recipes 10 Super Slimming Salad recipes And Super Fuel on the Go- a fantastic section packed with ideas for energy boosting healthy snacks.
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Islam og sufisme : koranens budskab og en sufists optegnelser
A.S. Madsen: Koranens budskab. 'Abd-al-Haqq 'Árif: Maktûb al-salâm fí ghuyûb al-kalâm : en sufis optegnelser
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Norsk Bokmål
Third culture kids
Å vokse opp mellom kulturer. Third Culture Kids handler om å vokse opp mellom kulturer. I denne antologien deler 30 mennesker sine historier, bekjennelser, kunstuttrykk og kloke ord som til sammen skaper et portrett av et flerkulturelt Norge. Prosjektet er initiert og ledet?av Aon Raza Naqvi.? Michael Ray Vera Cruz Angeles - Jonis Josef - Fatimah Mahdi - Sandeep Singh - Leo Ajkic - Kamzy Gunaratnam - Marta Tveit - Chirag Rashmikant Patel - Mohammed Fadlabi - «Aisha» - Galvan Mehidi - Felipe Orellana Castro - Tanita Saranya Landgraf - Philip Emilio Larrain - Aon Raza Naqvi - Kim Thanh Ngo - Sarah Zahid - Nora Ibrahim - Mohamed Chakiri - Iselin Shumba - Syed Sibte Hassan Naqvi - Lillian Halima Anderssen - Faten Mahdi Al-Hussaini - Arif Salum - Dusy og Thilip? Praba Prathapan - Hamsika Premkumar - Andreas Delgado Haglund - Elnaz Gargari - Mona Berntsen - Zeshan Shakar
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
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