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Viser resultat for 'Sébastien Rauline'

    Histoire de France

    Histoire de France

    Sébastien Rauline

    La France… Nous croyons tous la connaître. Et nous rêvons parfois d’un e France éternelle, porteuse de valeurs sur lesquelles s’appuierait no tre projet commun. Et pourtant, depuis le milieu du Moyen Âge, la conc eption de la nation et le regard que les Français portent sur eux-même s n’ont cessé de changer. La France d’hier et celle d’aujourd’hui ne s’opposent pas: cet ouvrage retrace pour vous les multiples évolutions dont notre nation actuelle est le fruit. C’est un récit accessible et vivant dont la France et l es Français sont les héros. Un récit qui vous parle de nous.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013


    kr 90
    kr 90

    Unge muslimske stemmer

    Unge muslimske stemmer: om tro og ekstremisme

    Sveinung Sandberg, Jan C. Andersen, Tiffany L. U. Gasser, Marius Linge, Sébastien Tutenges, Idil A. A. Mohamed, Samah A. Shokr

    De som kommer til orde i denne boka er den moderate majoriteten av unge norske muslimer. De reflekterer om deres personlige tro, religiøse praksis, gruppetilhørigheter og særlig om synet de har på ekstreme bevegelser. Slik får vi en rikere forståelse av den motstanden mot jihadisme som er vanlig blant norske muslimer - omfanget, styrken, grunnene og engasjementet. Boka tar samtidig for seg at det er store forskjeller blant «vanlige» muslimer når det gjelder fortolkninger av islam, og at det er kamp mellom moderate og mer ekstreme strømninger om definisjonene av grunnleggende begreper og fortellinger. En rød tråd i boka er at det ikke nødvendigvis er politiet, kommunene eller andre offentlige instanser som er frontlinjen for bekjempelse av ekstremisme. Voldelig jihadisme bekjempes daglig i muslimske miljøer, og en viktig del av dette er kampen mellom forskjellige fortolkninger av islam. «Denne viktige boken kan dermed korrigere både høyreekstremistenes svartmaling av muslimer og islamsk tro, og venstresidens generelle skepsis til religion.» Eskil Skjeldal, Vårt Land

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 100
    kr 100

    Enchanté 2

    Enchanté 2: fransk II vg2

    Hilda Hønsi, Claire Kjetland, Sébastien Liautaud, Claire M. Kjetland

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 150

    Pocket · 2013

    Norsk Nynorsk

    kr 200

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 150

    Rendez-vous 2

    Rendez-vous 2: fransk I - vg2

    Hilda Hønsi, Claire Kjetland, Sébastien Liautaud, Claire M. Kjetland

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 450

    Pocket · 2007

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 299

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 450

    Enchanté 2

    Enchanté 2: Lærebok : fransk II - vg2

    Clélia Etienne Elster, Maria Bratlie Gauvin, Hilda Hønsi, Claire Kjetland, Sébastien Liautaud, Siri Skinnemoen

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål


    En langvarig forlovelse

    En langvarig forlovelse

    Sébastien Japrisot

    En vinterdag i 1917 ved den fransk-tyske fronten. Fem franske soldater dømmes til døden for å ha skadet seg selv, med ønske om å slippe unna krigens grusomheter. "De falt for fedrelandet", er forklaringen de etterlatte får. Men Mathilde, forlovet med en av dem, verken tror på eller finner ro ved forklaringen som blir gitt. Drevet av kjærlighet, lengsel og et ukuelig håp, virvles hun inn i mørke irrganger av minner, løgner og fortvilelse, for å avdekke hva som egentlig skjedde med henne elskede. En langvarig forlovelse kom ut i 1991 ble en internasjonal bestselger og vant Prix Interallié.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Pocket · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Adjø, kamerat

    Adjø, kamerat

    Sebastien Japrisot

    Hylle 203

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1969

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    Het sommer

    Het sommer

    Sébastien Japrisot

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1980

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 30
    kr 30

    Mine d'Or

    Mine d'Or

    Sébastien Belluso

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Books on Demand) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Scepticism in the Eighteenth Century

    Scepticism in the Eighteenth Century

    Sebastien (EDT) Charles

    The Age of Enlightenment has often been portrayed as a dogmatic period on account of the veritable worship of reason and progress that characterized Eighteenth Century thinkers. Even today the philosophes are considered to have been completely dominated in their thinking by an optimism that leads to dogmatism and ultimately rationalism. However, on closer inspection, such a conception seems untenable, not only after careful study of the impact of scepticism on numerous intellectual domains in the period, but also as a result of a better understanding of the character of the Enlightenment. As Giorgio Tonelli has rightly observed: "the Enlightenment was indeed the Age of Reason but one of the main tasks assigned to reason in that age was to set its own boundaries." Thus, given the growing number of works devoted to the scepticism of Enlightenment thinkers, historians of philosophy have become increasingly aware of the role played by scepticism in the Eighteenth Century, even in those places once thought to be most given to dogmatism, especially Germany. Nevertheless, the deficiencies of current studies of Enlightenment scepticism are undeniable.In taking up this question in particular, the present volume, which is entirely devoted to the scepticism of the Enlightenment in both its historical and geographical dimensions, seeks to provide readers with a revaluation of the alleged decline of scepticism. At the same time it attempts to resituate the Pyrrhonian heritage within its larger context and to recapture the fundamental issues at stake. The aim is to construct an alternative conception of Enlightenment philosophy, by means of philosophical modernity itself, whose initial stages can be found herein.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2013



    Extending Symfony 2 Web Application Framework

    Extending Symfony 2 Web Application Framework

    Sébastien. Armand

    Symfony is a high performance PHP framework for developing MVC web applications. Symfony1 allowed for ease of use but its shortcoming was the difficulty of extending it. However, this difficulty has now been eradicated by the more powerful and extensible Symfony2. Information on more advanced techniques for extending Symfony can be difficult to find, so you need one resource that contains the advanced features in a way you can understand. This tutorial offers solutions to all your Symfony extension problems. You will get to grips with all the extension points that Symfony, Twig, and Doctrine o

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Thinking Through Confucian Modernity : a Study of Mou Zongsan's Moral Metaphysics

    Thinking Through Confucian Modernity : a Study of Mou Zongsan's Moral Metaphysics

    Sébastien. Billioud

    This book explores a pivotal dimension of Mou Zongsan's philosophy-that is, his project of reconstructing a moral metaphysics based largely on a dialogue between reinterpreted Chinese thought and Kantism-and thoroughly analyzes a number of his most paradigmatic concepts.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



    Dean Cadalan Samhach

    Dean Cadalan Samhach

    Sébastien Braun

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Acair) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    Seall Agus Inns De Chi Thu Anns A' Bhaile

    Seall Agus Inns De Chi Thu Anns A' Bhaile

    Sébastien Braun

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Acair) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Vintage French Interiors - Inspiration from t…

    Vintage French Interiors - Inspiration from t…

    Sébastien Siraudeau

    French design is rich in the exceptional details that make a home unique. Drawing inspiration from the most creative antique shops found throughout France, this book is a treasure-trove of ideas for incorporating that inimitable French style into any interior. This book features objects found in all regions of France - from the celebrated flea markets of Paris to the charming antique shops of Provence - and provides a visually stunning catalog of ideas that capture the spirit of vintage French style. From the quirky charm of a mismatched tea service to the graphic simplicity of wooden printers typefaces; from the bright charm of Provencal print fabrics to the faded glamour of distressed gilding, the many enticing facets of timeless French style are on display.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008


    Let's Hold Hands: Noisy Animals

    Let's Hold Hands: Noisy Animals

    Sébastien Braun

    Fun, animal-shaped board books, perfect for cuddling!

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015


    Traitor's Blade

    Traitor's Blade

    Sebastien de Castell

    'One hell of a good book' - Conn IgguldenThe Greatcoats - legendary heroes, arbiters of justice . . . or notorious traitors? The Greatcoats are travelling magistrates bringing justice to all . . . or at least they were, before they watched the Dukes impale their King's head on a spike. Now the land's heroes are reviled as traitors, their Greatcoats in tatters.Facio, Kest and Brasti have been reduced to working as mercenaries, but when they find their employer dead - and are forced to watch as the killer plants evidence framing them for the murder - they realise things are about to get even worse.For the royal conspiracy that began with overthrowing an idealistic young king is spreading to Rijou, the most corrupt city in the land, and the life of a young girl hangs in the balance.When every noble is a tyrant and every knight is a thug, the only thing you can really trust is a traitor's blade.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    Invisibles : Vintage Portraits of Love and Pride. Gay Couples in the Early Twentieth Century

    Invisibles : Vintage Portraits of Love and Pride. Gay Couples in the Early Twentieth Century

    Sebastien Lifshitz

    This volume is a unique collection of photographs of gay couples from 1900 to 1960. While this is a time many now regard as the deeply closeted dark ages, these photos show gay couples who were clearly out - some camping it up for the camera while others in loving or clearly domestic poses. These photos were discovered and collected by the author in flea markets and garage sale, the names of the subjects and their photographers lost to time. He was intrigued by the fact that the pictures show couples posed hand in hand, revealing happiness, serenity and a surprising air of freedom so unlike the image of gays suffering in secret or fighting for their rights. This unique collection inspired Sebastien Lifshitz to restore to these nameless couples their voices in his documentary movie The Invisibles for which he was awarded the Cesar Award for Best Documentary in 2013.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014


    Saint's Blood

    Saint's Blood

    Sebastien de Castell

    The Three Musketeers meets Joe Abercrombie via Mark Lawrence. The Greatcoats are back - and this time it's personal.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Innbundet · 2016


    Andre utgaver · 3


    Mayday Mouse

    Mayday Mouse

    Sébastien Braun

    When Captain Mouse sets sail on a bright, sunny day with a birthday present for her brother, little does she know the sea-going perils she will have to face!Her cheerful, optimistic nature refuses to be downcast by storms, caves, rocks and shipwrecks. Resourceful and inventive, she's able to save the day - with just a little help from her friends!

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


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