Negotiation is a critical skill needed for effective management. Here, the authors explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation, and the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and its resolution.
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Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases
Additional information and teaching resources to support this text are available from Negotiation is a critical skill needed for effective management. Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases 7e by Roy J. Lewicki, Bruce Barry, and David M. Saunders takes an experiential approach and explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation and the dynamics of interpersonal and inter-group conflict and its resolution. It is relevant to a broad spectrum of management students, not only human resource management or industrial relations candidates. The Readings portion of the book is ordered into seven sections: (1) Negotiation Fundamentals, (2) Negotiation Subprocesses, (3) Negotiation Contexts, (4) Individual Differences, (5) Negotiation across Cultures, (6) Resolving Differences, and (7) Summary. The next section of the book presents a collection of role-play exercises, cases, and self-assessment questionnaires that can be used to teach negotiation processes and subprocesses.
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Essentials of Negotiation
Additional Information and teaching resources to support this text are available from of Negotiation, 6e is a condensed version of the main text, Negotiation, Seventh Edition. It explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation, and the dynamics of interpersonal and inter-group conflict and its resolution. Twelve of the 20 chapters from the main text have been included in this edition, several chapters having been condensed for this volume. Those condensed chapters have shifted from a more research-oriented focus to a more fundamental focus on issues such as critical negotiation subprocesses, multiparty negotiations, and the influence of international and cross-cultural differences on the negotiation process.
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Principles of economics
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Kring tiden : etnologiska och folkloristiska uppsatser
Rotational moulding (also called rotomoulding or rotocasting), is a low pressure, high temperature manufacturing process that offers a very competitive alternative to blow moulding, thermoforming and injection moulding for the manufacture of hollow plastic parts. It offers designers the chance to produce relatively stress-free articles, with uniform wall thickness and potentially complex shapes. This second edition of the very popular Practical Guide to Rotational Moulding describes the basic aspects of the process and the latest state-of-the-art developments in the industry. It is completely
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Norsk Bokmål
Year Book of Sports Medicine 2011
From Roy Shephard: . . . Not only does a team of top international experts select the very best articles from a bewildering plethora of recent information, but their expert critique of the individual papers allows readers to weigh their limitations and understand findings that can enhance their current medical practice. There's no faster or easier way to stay informed! The Year Book of Sports Medicine brings you abstracts of articles carefully selected from more than 500 journals worldwide. Expert commentaries evaluate the clinical importance of each article and discuss its application to your practice.
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Practical Guide to Rotational Moulding
Rotational moulding (also called rotomoulding or rotocasting), is a low pressure, high temperature manufacturing process that offers a very competitive alternative to blow moulding, thermoforming and injection moulding for the manufacture of hollow plastic parts. It offers designers the chance to produce relatively stress-free articles, with uniform wall thickness and potentially complex shapes. This second edition of the very popular Practical Guide to Rotational Moulding describes the basic aspects of the process and the latest state-of-the-art developments in the industry. It is completely
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Norsk Bokmål
Obesity: A Kinesiology Perspective
There have been many books written on the subject of obesity, but most have approached the topic from the standpoint of the nutritionist, concluding from the somewhat fallacious evidence of changes in body mass that exercise has little place in the prevention or the treatment of obesity. This new volume, written by an exercise physiologist, approaches the topic through a thoughtful lens, suggesting that regular physical activity plays an important role in preventing the development of obesity, is a valuable adjunct therapy in the treatment of the established condition, and makes a solid contribution to the maintenance of weight loss once target weights have been achieved.In addition to detailing evidence that supports such a conclusion, the text offers a unique perspective on obesity over the ages. It evaluates methods of determining body fat content that are appropriate to field and epidemiological studies, and it looks at the timing and aetiology of the recent obesity epidemic. It also considers the diseases associated with obesity and the resultant medical costs, attempting to disentangle the respective contributions of a sedentary lifestyle and the resultant accumulation of fat to the observed patterns of ill-health. Other sections of the text suggest that adipose tissue has important functions beyond the passive storage of energy, and looks critically at the excuse of "bad genes" that some people plead to explain their excessive body weight.Obesity: A Kinesiologist's Perspective should thus provide helpful information and be a key resource for students and researchers alike in bariatrics, kinesiology and nutrition as well as the related disciplines.
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Physical Activity and the Abdominal Viscera
Physical Activity and the Abdominal Viscera is the first book to examine the response of the visceral organs to acute and chronic physical activity, in cases of both health and disease. Bringing together a previously disparate body of research, Professor Roy Shephard sets out the physiology, function during exercise, pathology of disease, and role of physical activity in preventing and managing disease in the visceral organs.Working systematically through the viscera, the book first identifies the response to exercise and pathologies of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract, then goes on to examine the function of the kidneys and bladder, and finally covers issues including the spleen, sickle cell disease and prostate cancer.Providing a clear and well-structured guide to the relationship between the visceral organs and physical activity, Physical Activity and the Abdominal Viscera is a vital reference text for academics and upper-level students in sports medicine and clinical exercise physiology, and for health professionals in preventive medicine.
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Nobel Faces: A Gallery of Nobel Prize Winners
More than 270 striking black-and-white portraits of all Nobel Prize Winners alive today, such as Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, John M. Coetzee, Roy J. Glauber, James Watson and Jimmy Carter, taken by Berlin photographer Peter Badge. Each photograph is accompanied by a short biography, resulting in a fascinating word/image tableau. With an afterword by Wim Wenders.
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Biotechnology Operations
This book describes seven areas in the field of biotechnology operations as practiced by biopharmaceutical firms and nonprofit institutions. Revisions focus upon changes that have occurred in several areas over the past six years, with emphasis on regulatory, biomanufacturing, clinical and technical information, along with processes and guidlines that have added to the discipline. Examples are increased for new technical fields such as cell and tissue engineering. Further, illustrations or figures are added to each chapter to emphasize particular points.
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In Remembrance of Emmett Till
On August 28, 1955, fourteen-year-old Chicago native Emmett Till was brutally beaten to death for allegedly flirting with a white woman at a grocery store in Money, Mississippi. Roy Bryant and J. W. Milam were acquitted of murdering Till and dumping his body in the Tallahatchie River, and later that year, an all-white grand jury chose not to indict the men on kidnapping charges. A few months later, Bryant and Milam admitted to the crime in an interview with the national media. They were never convicted. Although Till's body was mutilated, his mother ordered that his casket remain open during the funeral service so that the country could observe the results of racially motivated violence in the Deep South. Media attention focused on the lynching fanned the flames of regional tension and impelled many individuals - including Rosa Parks - to become vocal activists for racial equality.In this innovative study, Darryl Mace explores media coverage of Till's murder and provides a close analysis of the regional and racial perspectives that emerged. He investigates the portrayal of the trial in popular and black newspapers in Mississippi and the South, documents posttrial reactions, and examines Till's memorialization in the press to highlight the media's role in shaping regional and national opinions. Provocative and compelling, In Remembrance of Emmett Till provides a valuable new perspective on one of the sparks that ignited the civil rights movement.
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Carl Barks: bilene i Andeby : de store serieskaperne
Boka inneholder artikler om kjøretøyene i Andeby og 27 historier som handler om forskjellige sider av bilismen.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Grammar of the Edit
Tell more effective visual stories by learning the "grammar" of cinematic language with this elegant, accessible reference. The fourth edition of Grammar of the Edit gives you the answers to the all-important questions of when to cut and why, and teaches readers the principles behind transitions, editing for continuity, selecting the best shots, editing sound, color correction, and more. Designed as an easy-to-use guide, Grammar of the Edit presents each topic succinctly with clear photographs and diagrams illustrating key concepts, practical exercises and quiz questions, and is a staple of any filmmaker's library.New to the fourth edition:An expanded companion website offering downloadable and editable raw footage so that students can practice the techniques described in the book, and instructional videos showcasing examples of different editing choices and types of shot transitions. New and expanded quiz questions and practical exercises at the end of each chapter help test readers on their knowledge using real-world scenarios.Updated topic discussions, explanations, illustrations and visual examples.An all-new chapter on Sound resources in filmmaking and Audio Editing guidelines.Together with its companion volume, Grammar of the Shot, the core concepts discussed in these books offer concise and practical resources for both experienced and aspiring filmmakers.
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Det nye vannet: roman
Det nye vannet er en stramt komponert og glitrende fortalt roman om en "bygdetulling" som lever i et lite nordnorsk kystsamfunn truet av fraflyttingsspøkelset. Tre plan veves inn i hverandre: et sosialt, et psykologisk og et kriminelt. En ung kvinne blir funnet druknet. Gradvis blir vi som lesere ledet til å mistenke "bygdetullingen" Jon for å ha noe med ulykken å gjøre. Det er han som har synsvinkelen, og det er han som sitter med nøkkelen både til sine egne og det lille samfunnets mange hemmeligheter. På raffinert vis lar forfatteren oss ane hvordan tingene henger sammen. Som roman går Det nye vannet i dialog med en rekke andre tekster, framfor alt Tarjei Vesaas' Fuglane. Forfatteromtale av Roy Jacobsen.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Kompetent skoleledelse
Kravet til skoleledelse har sannsynligvis aldri vært så sterkt som i dag, og meningene om hva som kjennetegner kompetent ledelse, er flere enn noensinne. I denne antologien blir utfordringen tatt på alvor. Boka er strukturert i fire deler, etter Utdanningsdirektoratets kompetansemodell for den nye nasjonale rektorutdanningen. Artiklene gir et godt innblikk i hvilken betydning kompetent skoleledelse har for elevenes resultater og læringsmiljø, styring og administrasjon, samarbeid, organisasjonsbygging og veiledning, samt utvikling og endring i skolen. Artiklene tar blant annet opp: Norske og finske tenåringer som eksperter på ledelse i klasserommet Evaluering for læring og utvikling Kompetent klasseledelse i teknologitette klasserom Styringsstruktur, ledelse og demokratisk dannelse i skolen Demokratisk ledelse i skoler Rektors ledelseskompetanse i en digitalt kompetent skole Lederen som konstruktør av den gode skole Utfordringer i lærerrollen Lokale forhandlinger "Instructional leadership" - ledelse av forbedring av undervisning og læring i skolen Læring i reflekterende lærerteam Forfatterne er tilknyttet et nettverk av forskere og undervisere som er ansvarlig for Master i skoleledelse, som koordineres av NTNU og gjennomføres i samarbeid med høgskolene i Volda, Sør-Trøndelag, Nord-Trøndelag og Bodø. Redaktører er Roy-Asle Andreassen (Høgskulen i Volda), Eirik J. Irgens (Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag) og Einar M. Skaalvik (NTNU).
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Norsk Bokmål
Tourism: The Business of Travel
The editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the globe to inform students of the ever-changing world in a broad variety of disciplines.
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Tourism: The Business of Travel: Fourth Edition
Written in a conversational style, this book views the industry from a business perspective--examining the management, marketing and finance issues most important to industry members. Chapters reveal an integrated model of tourism and address consumer behavior, service quality and personal selling. Readings and integrative cases close each part and end-of-chapter exercises offer application activities for students. This edition includes new chapters on technological innovations and sustainability issues and offers a view of today's tourism industry that is as interesting and multi-faceted as the field itself.
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