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Viser resultat for 'Ross W. Greene'


    Utenfor: elever med atferdsutfordringer

    Ross W. Greene

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 200
    kr 200

    Eksplosive barn

    Eksplosive barn

    Ross W. Greene

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Explosive Child

    The Explosive Child

    Ross W. Greene

    A groundbreaking approach to understanding and parenting children who frequently exhibit severe fits of temper and other intractable behaviors, from a distinguished clinician and pioneer in this field.What's an explosive child? A child who responds to routine problems with extreme frustration-crying, screaming, swearing, kicking, hitting, biting, spitting, destroying property, and worse. A child whose frequent, severe outbursts leave his or her parents feeling frustrated, scared, worried, and desperate for help. Most of these parents have tried everything-reasoning, explaining, punishing, sticker charts, therapy, medication-but to no avail. They can't figure out why their child acts the way he or she does; they wonder why the strategies that work for other kids don't work for theirs; and they don't know what to do instead.Dr. Ross Greene, a distinguished clinician and pioneer in the treatment of kids with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges, has worked with thousands of explosive children, and he has good news: these kids aren't attention-seeking, manipulative, or unmotivated, and their parents aren't passive, permissive pushovers. Rather, explosive kids are lacking some crucial skills in the domains of flexibility/adaptability, frustration tolerance, and problem solving, and they require a different approach to parenting. Throughout this compassionate, insightful, and practical book, Dr. Greene provides a new conceptual framework for understanding their difficulties, based on research in the neurosciences. He explains why traditional parenting and treatment often don't work with these children, and he describes what to do instead. Instead of relying on rewarding and punishing, Dr. Greene's Collaborative Problem Solving model promotes working with explosive children to solve the problems that precipitate explosive episodes, and teaching these kids the skills they lack.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    kr 70
    kr 70

    Raising Human Beings: Creating a Collaborative Partnership with Your Child

    Raising Human Beings: Creating a Collaborative Partnership with Your Child

    Ross W. Greene

    In Raising Human Beings , the renowned child psychologist and New York Times bestselling author of Lost at School and The Explosive Child explains how to cultivate a better parent-child relationship while also nurturing empathy, honesty, resilience, and independence. Parents have an important task: figure out who their child is--his or her skills, preferences, beliefs, values, personality traits, goals, and direction--get comfortable with it, and then help him or her pursue and live a life that is congruent with it. But parents also want to have influence. They want their kid to be independent, but not if he or she is going to make bad choices. They don't want to be harsh and rigid, but nor do they want a noncompliant, disrespectful kid. They want to avoid being too pushy and overbearing, but not if an unmotivated, apathetic kid is what they have to show for it. They want to have a good relationship with their kids, but not if that means being a pushover. They don't want to scream, but they do want to be heard. Good parenting is about striking the balance between a child's characteristics and a parent's desire to have influence. Now Dr. Ross Greene offers a detailed and practical guide for raising kids in a way that enhances relationships, improves communication, and helps kids learn how to resolve disagreements without conflict. Through his well-known model of solving problems collaboratively, parents can forgo time-out and sticker charts, stop badgering, berating, threatening, and punishing, allow their kids to feel heard and validated, and have influence. From homework to hygiene, curfews, to screen time, Raising Human Beings arms parents with the tools they need to raise kids in ways that are non-punitive and non-adversarial and that brings out the best in both parent and child.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016



    Hitta rätt : en lösningsfokuserad samarbetsmetod för skolan

    Hitta rätt : en lösningsfokuserad samarbetsmetod för skolan

    Ross W. Greene

    Hitta rätt är en uppföljare till de banbrytande böckerna Explosiva barn och Vilse i skolan. I den här boken ger Ross W. Greene fördjupad praktisk vägledning i hur man implementerar och tillämpar problemlösningsmodellen Samarbetsbaserade och proaktiva lösningar (CPS). Denna modell hjälper vuxna att förstå och hjälpa elever med utmanande beteende utan bestraffningar och motsättningar.  Greene visar hur man genom att identifiera vilka färdigheter en elev saknar och vilka krav eleven har svårt att möta kan gå vidare och hitta lösningar tillsammans med eleven. Boken innehåller också många belysande berättelser och exempel från inspirerande pedagoger som framgångsrikt implementerat CPS-modellen i sina skolor och klassrum och därmed hjälpt hundratals sårbara elever.  Hitta rätt riktar sig till verksamma lärare och alla andra som i sin vardag kommer i kontakt med elever med utmanande beteende.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017



    Explosiva barn : ett nytt sätt att förstå och behandla barn som har svårt att tåla motgångar och förändringar

    Explosiva barn : ett nytt sätt att förstå och behandla barn som har svårt att tåla motgångar och förändringar

    Ross W. Greene

    Barn som har svårt att leva upp till omgivningens förväntningar reagerar ofta med utmanande beteenden. Det kan handla om att skrika, slåss eller svära, men också om att dra sig undan, gråta eller tjura. Dessa beteenden kan få föräldrar och andra vuxna i barnets omgivning att känna sig maktlösa, frustrerade och i stort behov av hjälp. I denna kraftigt omarbetade och uppdaterade upplaga av Explosiva barn förklarar Ross W. Greene varför barn beter sig så här och visar hur föräldrar och skolpersonal kan bemöta barn med utmanande beteende på ett positivt sätt, utan bestraffningar och fiendskap. I boken beskrivs hur du kan: förstå de faktorer som bidrar till utmanande episoder identifiera de specifika situationer där de utmanande episoderna vanligtvis uppstår minska eller eliminera de utmanande episoderna genom att lösa de problem som orsakar dem lösa problem genom samarbete (snarare än ensidigt) och proaktivt (snarare än reaktivt) hjälpa barnet att utveckla färdigheter för att kunna agera mer flexibelt i olika situationer, lösa problem och hantera frustration på ett mer adekvat sätt minska motsättningarna mellan dig och barnet. Boken vänder sig till alla som i sin vardag kommer i kontakt med barn med utmanande beteende.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Treating Explosive Kids

    Treating Explosive Kids

    Ross W. Greene

    The first comprehensive presentation for clinicians of the groundbreaking approach popularized in Ross Greene's acclaimed parenting guide, The Explosive Child, this book provides a detailed framework for effective, individualized intervention with highly oppositional children and their families. Many vivid examples and Q&A sections show how to identify the specific cognitive factors that contribute to explosive and noncompliant behavior, remediate these factors, and teach children and their adult caregivers how to solve problems collaboratively. The book also describes challenges that may arise in implementing the model and provides clear and practical solutions. Two special chapters focus on intervention in schools and in therapeutic/restrictive facilities.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2005



    Att bemöta explosiva barn

    Att bemöta explosiva barn

    Ross W. Greene

    Nu finns det äntligen ett sätt som fungerar för familjer som behöver hjälp med att hantera explosiva utbrott hos barn och skapa varaktiga lösningar. Metoden handlar om samarbete mellan barnen som har problem och de vuxna omkring dem. Från raserianfall och trotsigt beteende till verbala och fysiska utbrott, explosiva barn är en enorm utmaning för föräldrar, lärare och vårdpersonal. I den här boken presenteras en fortsättning på det banbrytande förhållningssätt som beskrivs i Explosiva barn. Med konkreta, tydliga ramar målar författarna upp ett helt nytt sätt att se på olydnad och orsakerna till den.  Den gemensamma problemlösningen handlar om metoder som hjälper vuxna att ha realistiska förväntningar och kunna bemöta oönskat beteende på ett effektivt sätt. Många målande exempel och utförliga dialoger levandegör metoden. Boken vänder sig till lärare på alla stadier i skolan samt familjer, barnpsykologer, familjeterapeuter, socialsekreterare, kuratorer och skolpsykologer.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    The Explosive Child

    The Explosive Child

    Ross W. Greene

    A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children What's an explosive child? A child who responds to routine problems with extreme frustration - crying, screaming, swearing, kicking, hitting, biting, spitting, destroying property, and worse. A child whose frequent, severe outbursts leave his or her parents feeling frustrated, scared, worried, and desperate for help. Most of these parents have tried everything - reasoning, explaining, punishing, sticker charts, therapy, medication - but to no avail. They can't figure out why their child acts the way he or she does; they wonder why the strategies that work for other kids don't work for theirs; and they don't know what to do instead. Dr. Ross Greene, a distinguished clinician and pioneer in the treatment of kids with social, emotional, and behavioural challenges, has worked with thousands of explosive children, and he has good news: these kids aren't attention-seeking, manipulative, or unmotivated, and their parents aren't passive, permissive pushovers. Rather, explosive kids are lacking some crucial skills in the domains of flexibility/adaptability, frustration tolerance, and problem solving, and they require a different approach to parenting. Throughout this compassionate, insightful, and practical book, Dr. Greene provides a new conceptual framework for understanding their difficulties, based on research in the neurosciences. He explains why traditional parenting and treatment often don't work with these children, and he describes what to do instead. Instead of relying on rewarding and punishing, Dr. Greene's Collaborative Problem Solving model promotes working with explosive children to solve the problems that precipitate explosive episodes, and teaching these kids the skills they lack.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010


    kr 50
    kr 50

    Lost & Found

    Lost & Found

    Ross W. Greene

    Lost & Found is a follow-up to Dr. Ross Greene's landmark works, The Explosive Child and Lost at School, providing educators with highly practical, explicit guidance on implementing his evidence-based Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) model with behaviorally-challenging students.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2021



    Raising Human Beings

    Raising Human Beings

    Ross W. Greene

    Renowned child psychologist and New York Times bestselling author of Lost at School and The Explosive Child explains how to cultivate a better parent-child relationship while also nurturing empathy, honesty, resilience, and independence.Parents have an important task: figure out who their child is-his or her skills, preferences, beliefs, values, personality traits, goals, and direction-get comfortable with it, and then help them pursue and live a life according to it. Yet parents also want their kids to be independent, but not if they are going to make bad choices. They want to avoid being too overbearing, but not if an apathetic kid is what they have to show for it. They want to have a good relationship with their kids, but not if that means being a pushover. They don't want to scream, but they do want to be heard. Good parenting is about striking the balance between a child's characteristics and a parent's desire to have influence.Dr. Ross Greene "makes a powerful case for rethinking typical approaches to parenting and disciplining children" (The Atlantic). Through his well-known model of solving problems collaboratively, parents can forgo timeout and sticker charts; stop badgering, berating, threatening, and punishing; allow their kids to feel heard and validated; and have influence.From homework to hygiene, curfews, to screen time, Dr. Greene "arms parents with guidelines that are clear, doable, and sure to empower both parents and their children" (Adele Faber, coauthor of How to Talk So Kids Will Listen). Raising Human Beings is "inspirational...a game-changer for parents, teachers, and other caregivers. Its advice is reasonable and empathetic, and readers will feel ready to start creating a better relationship with the children in their lives" (Publishers Weekly, starred review).

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Vilse i skolan - Hur vi kan hjälpa barn med beteendeproblem att hitta rätt

    Vilse i skolan - Hur vi kan hjälpa barn med beteendeproblem att hitta rätt

    Ross W Greene

    Med sin fasta övertygelse om att alla barn uppför sig väl om de kan, ger Ross W. Greene stöd åt lärare som upplever att de inte alltid räcker till för de elever som behöver dem mest. Eleverna själva vill inget hellre än att kunna hantera de sociala, känslomässiga och beteendemässiga krav som ställs på dem i skolan och i livet. Många har dock förlorat ?hoppet om att någon vuxen någonsin kommer att kunna hjälpa dem.? I Vilse i skolan beskriver Ross W. Greene hur man med empati och ett kognitivt, humanistiskt förhållningssätt kan hjälpa beteendemässigt utmanande barn och ungdomar att hantera sitt beteende. Utifrån bokens fiktiva ramberättelse och många konkreta exempel förklarar Greene hur man kan arbeta med den modell som presenteras i boken: Samarbets­baserade och proaktiva lösningar (CPS). Grundtanken bakom modellen är att beteendemässigt utmanande barn ännu inte utvecklat vissa viktiga tankefärdigheter. Genom att de vuxna i barnets omgivning identifierar och förstår vilka färdigheter som saknas och vilka problem detta leder till, kan de hitta lösningar tillsammans med barnet.? Den nya upplagan återspeglar alla revideringar och förbättringar av CPS-modellen som skett sedan år 2009.?? Boken vänder sig till studenter på lärarutbildningen, men också till alla som arbetar i skolans värld.??? Tredje upplagan

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Lost at school

    Lost at school: Why our kids with behavioral challenges are falling through the cracks and how we can help them

    Ross Greene

    <b>From the renowned authority on education and parenting, “an in-depth approach to aid parents and teachers to work together with behaviorally challenging students” (<i>Publishers Weekly</i>)—now revised and updated.</b><br><br>School discipline is broken. Too often, the kids who need our help the most are viewed as disrespectful, out of control, and beyond help, and are often the recipients of our most ineffective, most punitive interventions. These students—and their parents, teachers, and administrators—are frustrated and desperate for answers.<br><br>Dr. Ross W. Greene, author of the acclaimed book <i>The Explosive Child</i>, offers educators and parents a different framework for understanding challenging behavior. Dr. Greene’s Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) approach helps adults focus on the true factors contributing to challenging classroom behaviors, empowering educators to address these factors and create helping relationships with their most at-risk kids.<br><br>This revised and updated edition of <i>Lost at School </i>contains the latest refinements to Dr. Greene’s CPS model, including enhanced methods for solving problems collaboratively, improving communication, and building relationships with kids.<br><br>Dr. Greene’s lively, compelling narrative includes:<br> <br>• Tools to identify the problems and lagging skills causing challenging behavior<br>• Explicit guidance on how to radically improve interactions with challenging kids and reduce challenging episodes—along with many examples showing how it’s done<br>• Practical guidance for successful planning and collaboration among educators, parents, and kids<br><br>Backed by years of experience and research and written with a powerful sense of hope and achievable change, <i>Lost at School </i>gives teachers and parents the realistic strategies and information to impact the classroom experience of every challenging kid (and their classmates).

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Creating Safe and Supportive Schools and Fostering Students' Mental Health

    Creating Safe and Supportive Schools and Fostering Students' Mental Health

    Michael Sulkowski, Philip Lazarus

    Creating Safe and Supportive Schools and Fostering Students' Mental Health provides pre- and in-service educators with the tools they need to prevent, pre-empt, handle, and recover from threats to students' mental health. School safety and fostering a supportive learning environment have always been issues fundamental to educators. Over the last decade, teachers and administrators have been called on more than ever to cope with bullying, suicide, and violence in their schools. Handling every stage of this diverse set of obstacles can be unwieldy for teachers and administrators alike. Framed with interviews from experts on each of the topics, and including practical and applicable examples, this volume draws together the work of top-tier school psychologists into a text designed to work with existing school structures and curricula to make schools safer.A comprehensive and multi-faceted resource, this book integrates leading research with the well-respected Framework for Safe and Successful Schools to help educators support school safety, crisis management, and students' mental health.Featuring interviews with:Dewey G. Cornell, Frank DeAngelis, Beth Doll, Kevin Dwyer, Katie Eklund, Maurice J. Elias, Michele Gay, Ross W. Greene, Rob Horner, Jane Lazarus, Richard Lieberman, Troy Loker, Melissa A. Louvar-Reeves, Terry Molony, Shamika Patton, Donna Poland, Scott Poland, Eric Rossen, Susan M. Swearer, Ken Trump, and Frank Zenere.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Eksplosive barn

    Eksplosive barn

    Ross. W.Greene


    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998

    Norsk Bokmål


    Förskolekompassen : för dig som möter barn som har svårt att navigera

    Förskolekompassen : för dig som möter barn som har svårt att navigera

    Lena W. Henrikson

    I varje förskola finns barn med ojämna förmågor. Många situationer i förskolan kan ställa krav som dessa barn inte har färdigheter för att hantera. För att vi ska kunna kravanpassa olika situationer, kompensera för de färdighetsbrister barnet har och hjälpa barnet att träna och utvecklas, behöver vi förstå de bakomliggande orsakerna till själva beteendet, det vill säga vi behöver kartlägga de färdighetsbrister som finns under ytan. Boken Förskolekompassen – För dig som möter barn som har svårt att navigera ger dig ett heltäckande pedagogiskt material för kartläggning och situationsanalys. En kartläggning gör att vi förstår de bakomliggande orsakerna till svårigheterna och utifrån dem kan vi kravanpassa olika situationer, kompensera för de färdighetsbrister barnet har och hjälpa barnet att utvecklas. I Förskolekompassen finns alla de verktyg som behövs för att skapa en förståelse för barnets svårigheter beskrivna som ett sjökort som ska stödja och lotsa det enskilda barnet. Förskolekompassen vänder sig till förskollärare och övriga yrkesgrupper inom förskolans värld som möter barn med ojämna förmågor. Bilagan Lotsens navigeringshjälp och Checklista finns att ladda ner här: till sidan med bilagor.https://www.gothiafortbildning.se/bilagor_till_bocker Sagt om boken ”Boken är ett praktiskt, specialpedagogiskt verktyg, den är välstrukturerad och täckande och utgår från praktiska situationer [...] I materialet finns förslag på hur pedagogen går vidare för att kravanpassa och kompensera de ojämna förmågorna. Här finns också stöd för hur den enskilde pedagogen kan utveckla och göra denna metod till sin egen. Det är en synnerligen användarvänlig och handgriplig bok, ett utmärkt komplement till förskolans styrdokument.” Ulf Mårtensson, BTJ nr 3 2016 Om författarna Anna Sjölund är beteendevetare, handledare och grundutbildad psykoterapeut i KBT med fördjupning i neuropsykiatri. Anna har arbetat med barn, unga och vuxna med ojämna förmågor i 25 år. Anna fick nyligen Autism och Aspergerförbundets utmärkelse ”Årets pusselbit 2014” för sitt arbete med metodutveckling inom området. Lena W Henrikson arbetar som redaktör för tillgänglig kommunikation/information, är certifierad i den amerikanske barnpsykologen Ross Greenes metod Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS), utbildad i Studio III (lågaffektivt bemötande) samt har arbetat i olika verksamheter med barn, unga och vuxna med ojämna förmågor.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    Tantalizing tingles : a discography of early ragtime, jazz, and novelty syncopated piano recordings, 1889-1934

    Tantalizing tingles : a discography of early ragtime, jazz, and novelty syncopated piano recordings, 1889-1934

    Ross Laird

    <p>For the first time, all data for recordings of non-classical piano made for issue on disc and cylinder records prior to 1935 are brought together in this work. The majority of the listing consists of material which has never been published in any form. The volume includes piano solos, duets, trios, and quartets, as well as selected titles where a soloist is featured within a recording by a dance band or orchestra. It covers a wide variety of pianists and piano styles including ragtime, stride, novelty-syncopated, boogie, and blues. This work will be of interest to major libraries, archives, and schools of music, as well as researchers and collectors.</p><p><p>The recordings covered in this work range from the earliest known piano recordings which were made in 1889 as cylinder records for the North American Phonograph Company through recordings of the early 1930s by some of the great jazz pianists of that era (Mary Lou Williams, Garland Wilson, Herman Chittison, Art Tatum, and Teddy Wilson). In between are a wide variety of pianists and piano styles from around the world. While many of the solos recorded were of popular tunes of the day, there is also a fascinating selection of piano compositions, often played by the composer. They include such well-known names as Felix Arndt, Nacio Herb Brown, Hoagy Carmichael, Rudolf Friml, George Gershwin, John W. Green, Ferdie Grofe, Ralph Rainger, Leslie Stuart, Clarence Williams, and Vincent Youmans. A comprehensive title index includes composer credits for the majority of titles listed.</p>

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1995

    Norsk Bokmål


    Dexter and philosophy

    Dexter and philosophy

    Ross W.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011


    kr 70
    kr 70

    Teaching Actors : Knowledge Transfer in Actor Training

    Teaching Actors : Knowledge Transfer in Actor Training

    Ross W. Prior

    In the Teaching Actors book, the author discusses a language for actor training and argues that there is a need to re-assess not only how actors should be trained but also how teachers of acting should be trained. In this book, the author represents several topics that relate to current training practices in which he sets out to promote discussion and scholarship. Dr. Prior contextualizes actor training past and present, its theory and practice, the notion of vocational expertise and the organization of acting courses in drama schools. He explains the discussion by introducing case studies rel

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony (and Why You Should Care)

    How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony (and Why You Should Care)

    Ross W. Duffin

    What if Bach and Mozart heard richer, more dramatic chords than we hear in music today? What sonorities and moods have we lost in playing music in "equal temperament"-the equal division of the octave into twelve notes that has become our standard tuning method? Thanks to How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony, "we may soon be able to hear for ourselves what Beethoven really meant when he called B minor 'black'" (Wall Street Journal).In this "comprehensive plea for more variety in tuning methods" (Kirkus Reviews), Ross W. Duffin presents "a serious and well-argued case" (Goldberg Magazine) that "should make any contemporary musician think differently about tuning" (Saturday Guardian).

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008



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