illusive contemporary illustration and its context
Today, illustration appears in design-related projects in a wide range of styles. One can find drawings done fleetingly by hand just as often as polished vector graphics created on computers. Motifs are not only being produced in pencil, chalk, airbrush and marker but also by mixing media, for example by combining illustration, photography and wallpaper. But when so many alluring possibilities currently exist in illustration, how can one stay up to date and how should one evaluate new developments? Illusive is a collection of contemporary illustration from around the world that addresses the variety of existing techniques and puts them into context with explanatory text. It features personal designs alongside fashion illustration and commercial work produced for books or magazines a diversity that reveals how the medium of illustration functions independently from trends. At the same time the book is also a survey of current tendencies and design approaches. Features introducing leading protagonists supplement the examples shown. The fact that it presents manifold methods by such a broad spectrum of international designers side by side makes Illusive stimulating and educational reading for the professional illustrator.
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Istanbul bridges Europe and Asia. Based in that city, Autoban is one of the most soughtafter design studios in the world, whose work masterfully melds Western design traditions with Eastern elegance. Autoban is one of the most sought-after design studios
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North by North Scandinavian graphic design
"After a close look at recent design developments in both Switzerland ("Swiss Graphic Design") and Japan ("Narita Inspected"), "North by North "highlights the current state of young, contemporary Scandinavian graphic design. Exploring the astonishing variety and quality of emerging talent, from this area in all areas of graphic design."
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Brand Spaces - Brandes Architecture and the Future of Retail design: Brandes architecture and the future of retail design
Brand Spaces - Brandes Architecture and the Future of Retail design
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Papercraft: Design and Art With Paper
Papercraft is an extensive survey on the insatiable trend of innovative art and design work crafted from paper. It explores the astounding possibilities of paper and gathers the most extraordinary creations-from small objects and figures to large-scale art installations and urban inventions as well as three-dimensional graphic sculptures from a vast spectrum of artistic disciplines ranging from character design, urban art, fine art, graphic design, illustration, fashion, animation, and film. The book also includes a DVD with fun DIY printable templates for creating your own paper characters and toys as well as a curated selection of the best stop-motion animations.
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The Chopper
The chopper is quintessentially American and, since Easy Rider, has embodied the American dream. This book tells the true story of the most rebellious of all motorcycles. The chopper is a quintessentially American invention, rivaling jazz and abstract exp
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Start Me Up! : New Branding For Businesses
Start Me Up! is a comprehensive compendium of innovative corporate design for a new generation. Brimming with imaginative business ideas that range from a turban tailoring house to an artistically ambitious mattress manufactory, this book presents brands that break away from stereotypes through their visual identities. Brands are people and people are brands: the featured examples show that entrepreneurship today is more personal than ever before. Whether a beauty parlor in Singapore or a whiskey From cutting-edge logotypes to high-quality packaging, Start Me Up! showcases the best in branding from around the world. distillery in Finland, businesses are seen as extensions of the passionate professionals who founded them. And this is where the graphics come in. Young entrepreneurs are turning to creative agencies that transform business ideas into personalized narratives through visual storytelling strategies. NEW BRANDING FOR BUSINESSES
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Sonic visuals for music
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A Girl's Best Friends
Creative jewelry design beyond luxury and pomp. Today, jewelry--whether glamorous, gothic, or minimalist--is en vogue. Jewelry goes back centuries and has been on the forefront of design many times throughout history. Now, thanks to a burst of innovative concepts, materials, and designers, a new age of contemporary jewelry has begun. Girl's Best Friends is an eclectic collection of work from around the world that documents this current development. Today, jewelry exists in a wide spectrum of forms from traditional to modern, from geometric to organic. It is inspired by elements of folklore and the composition of collage. The materials used include gold, silver, and gemstones as well as plastics, porcelain, leather, wood, feathers, and hair. These are being used to create not only necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, and brooches, but also more experimental forms of decoration that expand the human body. Girl's Best Friends features work by outstanding jewelry designers including Ted Noten, Saskia Diez, byAMT, and Kelsey Quan; fashion labels such as Commune de Paris 1871; artists such as the duo Confettisystem; and a range of innovative designers from other disciplines. In short, Girl's Best Friends is the most comprehensive showcase of the innovative jewelry being created today.
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High Touch
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Die Gestalten Verlag) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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From Tip to Toe
A guide for those who want to be impeccably stylish, this book presents iconic men's clothing and those who wear it, as well as leading brands and manufacturers. For any man, appearing timeless and laid back at once is a challenge. Who makes the best shoes? What styles suit me? Who makes the best white T-shirt and could I wear one with raw denim jeans to an important presentation? Where can I buy suits that are actually worth the money? Which pattern, which fabric, and which cut? Harris tweed or waxed coat? Leather vest of functional outdoor parka? Sweatshirt or V-neck and, if so, cashmere, merino, or wool? From Tip to Toe answers all of these questions and many more. There are countless manufacturers and products, but only a few brands are serious about what they do. Quality shops can provide an overview of what is currently available, but this book is a fundamental guide to the pieces that ought to accompany a man throughout his life. From the hat on his head to the sole of his shoe, From Tip to Toe presents the ever-essential items of a man's wardrobe. These include laid-back sportswear, solid everyday basics, and elegant styles for special occasions--as well as fitting accessories. These iconic pieces are worn by men who know exactly what they want and stick to it. As the dandies before them, these men pay attention to details. The featured products from small manufacturers and select brands do not embody superficial luxury, but rather represent authenticity, handcraft, quality, originality, and character. This compendium of male style showcases products that range from the elegant to the sporty, from the eccentric to the rustic, but which always stand out from the mainstream. these are items that accompany a man without overshadowing him. From Tip to Toe is a book for men who have found their style but who seek to continuously develop and refine it.
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Off the Road
More and more people are hitting the road to the middle of nowhere. Along less-traveled paths they are heading up mountains and down dunes in converted mobile homes, campers, trucks, or vans. They are enjoying the drive and the view through mud-splattered windshields as much as the stops and evening campfires amid stunning terrain. Although many of us love living in cities, we have a growing longing to escape into nature. The outdoor scene is booming and many people are heading off to discover it with their own converted vehicles. This way, they can determine their own routes, itineraries, and pace, as well as how many challenges they'd like to meet along the way. After a day on the go, these multifunctional vehicles also serve as kitchens, campgrounds, and sleeping quarters that offer a great deal more improvised fun than a standard, perfectly equipped RV. Conventional luxuries are eschewed for the sake of greater freedom, tranquility, and adventure. Off the Road captures the special mood of such trips by solo travelers, couples, or families who are seeking an alternative to a more standard vacation or want to live their lives differently --at least for a while. On the one hand, the book shows how familiar models, such as VW buses, Land Rovers, jeeps, and Toyotas are being rediscovered and repurposed for these exploits. On the other, it presents automotive dreams turned into customized, homey vehicles that offer tailgate breakfasts or roof beds to better admire the stars and that can, in an emergency, cross a river or drag a fallen tree from the road. Whether exploring the desert, showing children the world, or navigating polar landscapes, the journeys collected in Off the Road are as unique as the people who take them. From radical escapists to fans of nature looking for their next trip, the book celebrates the joy of being on the go on four wheels.
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Sonic: Visuals for Music
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Christinas hus
Hjemmets bokklubb - i kunstig skinn, pen bok med forgylnet ornament foran og på bokryggen Satt i Østerrike før andre verdenskrig, dette er historien om Christa; hennes far, general Helmer; Christas ekteskap med en amerikansk forfatter, Lan, og hennes forhold til Josef, en gåtefull jøde som jobber for å hindre Hitlers overtakelse av Europa. Rundt kantene lurer Robert, Christas barndomsvenn, som blir nazist, og som enten vil være ødeleggeren eller redningen av familien hennes. Denne historien involverer fra første side; det er delvis en romanse, men en med mer alvorlige undertoner enn det vanlige (gitt tidspunktene den er satt til). Det er den sjeldne typen roman hvor vi får muligheten til å virkelig kjenne disse karakterene – forfatteren slipper oss inn i hodet og deres liv; ingen er utelatt. Den typen bok hvor du etter at du lukker den sier: "Fy faen, det var godt å lese!" Og du skulle ønske at historien fortsatte, eller at det ble en god oppfølger. Hvis du finner den i en bruktbokhandel, oppfordrer jeg deg til å lese den.
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Norsk Bokmål
Just kids
A prelude to fame, Just Kids recounts the friendship of two young artists--Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe - whose passion fueled their lifelong pursuit of art. In 1967, a chance meeting between two young people led to a romance and a lifelong friendship that would carry each to international success never dreamed of. The backdrop is Brooklyn, Chelsea Hotel, Max's Kansas City, Scribner's Bookstore, Coney Island, Warhol's Factory and the whole city resplendent. Among their friends, literary lights, musicians and artists such as Harry Smith, Bobby Neuwirth, Allen Ginsberg, Sandy Daley, Sam Shepherd, William Burroughs, etc. It was a heightened time politically and culturally; the art and music worlds exploding and colliding. In the midst of all this two kids made a pact to always care for one another. Scrappy, romantic, committed to making art, they prodded and provided each other with faith and confidence during the hungry years--the days of cous-cous and lettuce soup. Just Kids begins as a love story and ends as an elegy. Beautifully written, this is a profound portrait of two young artists, often hungry, sated only by art and experience. And an unforgettable portrait of New York, her rich and poor, hustlers and hellions, those who made it and those whose memory lingers near.
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Norsk Nynorsk
13 dager som rystet verden: 50 år siden Cuba-krisen
"Det er 50 år siden, og jeg ser ikke tilbake på noe begivenhetsløst eller udramatisk liv som pressemann. Men for meg er Cuba-krisen og de dagene i slutten av oktober 1962 fremdeles den uken da følelsen av å stå på kanten av stupet var mer tyngende og nedslående enn noe jeg senere har opplevd." Per Egil Hegge
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Norsk Bokmål
Brand: et dramatisk digt i fem akter
Et sammensatt dramatisk diktverk om mennesker i konflikt og dyptgripende sjelestrid. Brand er en ung prest som ankommer en liten bygd med en sterk kallstanke. Hans kompromissløse krav - til seg selv og andre - om tro og livsførsel reiser en rekke konflikter og etiske dilemmaer.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Klanenes oppbrudd: tidshjulet femte bok del I
Tidshjulet dreier, Aldere kommer og går, etterlater minner, minnene blir legender, legendene svinner hen i myter, og selv mytene er for lengst glemt når Alderen som var opphavet, igjen ruller frem. Slik innledes "Tidshjulet"-serien, som må karakteriseres som den ubestridte ener innen moderne fantasy. Handlingen utspiller seg i en verden som er et av litteraturens mest sammensatte og helhetlige fantasilandskap, og forfatterens komplekse skaperkraft gjør skikkelsene og konfliktene intenst spennende. Verden er preget av splid og uro, og dagen da Den Mørkeste slipper fri, og den Siste Strid bryter ut, nærmer seg raskt.Rand al'Thor, Den Gjenfødte Dragen, forbereder seg på Den Siste Strid ved å skaffe seg stadig større kunnskap om de mektige kreftene han besitter.Men vil Den Mørkestes fengsel holde lenge nok til at Rand al'Thor blir sterk nok til å redde verden? "Klanens oppbrudd" er del I i Femte Bok av "Tidshjulet"-serien. Robert Jordan (f.1948) regnes som den fremste blant fantasy-forfattere som har tatt opp arven etter Tolkien, og er i dag en ubestridt ener innen genren. Han har bakgrunn som fysiker og som offiser i den amerikanske marine. "Tidshjulet"-serien er blitt en verdenssuksess. Den omfatter åtte titler og er ennå ikke avsluttet.
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Norsk Bokmål
På kanten av verdens tak
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Norsk Bokmål
Shooting Elvis: confessions of an accidental terrorist
Handlingen følger Mary Alice Baker, en søt og hyggelig jente som etterhvert foretar seg ting på kanten av loven. Hun livnærer seg som fotograf og tar bilder av småbarn før hun en dag blir bedt om å levere en koffert på L.A. flyplass. Da kofferten eksploderer og utsletter en hel terminal, må hun ta et oppgjør med sin egen identitet. Hun ender opp med å bli en lovløs privat etterforsker og tyv under navnet Nina Zero.
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