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Viser resultat for 'Robert Ervin Howard'

    The complete chronicles of Conan

    The complete chronicles of Conan

    Robert E. Howard, Robert Ervin Howard

    Conan the Cimmerian, the boy-thief who became a mercenary, who fought and loved his way across fabled lands to become King of Aquilonia. Neither supernatural friends nor demonic sorcery could oppose the barbarian warrior as he wielded his mighty sword and dispatched his enemies to a bloody doom on the battlefields of the legendary Hyborian age. Collected together in one volume in chronological order, are Robert E. Howard's tales of the legendary hero.

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2006


    kr 139
    kr 139

    Conan the Barbarian

    Conan the Barbarian

    Robert Ervin Howard

    Conan the Barbarian includes the stories originally written by Howard to be published in the magazine Weird Tales in the 1930s. These include the first published Conan story 'The Phoenix on the Sword' and short stories such as 'The Tower of the Elephant' through to longer tales like 'A Witch Shall Be Born' and the novel 'The Hour of the Dragon'. Although many have taken up the challenge to extend Conan's adventures over the years, Howard was a master of his craft, lovingly creating a mythical world in which his original masterpieces reign supreme.Conan the Barbarian is a name known throughout Cimmeria, Brythinia, Turan and all the territories bordering the Vilayec Sea - as well as most countries more familiar to us in the real world. The character has become a multi-faceted industry all on his own with toys, comics, card games, role playing games, TV series, movies (starring Anrold Schwarzenegger), video games and board games making him as famous in our world today as he was in his own world during The Hyborian Age.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018




    Robert E. Howard, Robert Ervin Howard, L. Sprague De Camp

    Prinsesse Yasmina fra Vendhya var Conans gissel. I alle fall hadde han planlagt det slik. Men da visste han ikke at kampen mot magikerne i borgen med de tusen skjulte farer skulle forandre livet for dem begge.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1995

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Snikmordernes by

    Snikmordernes by

    Robert E. Howard, Robert Ervin Howard, L. Sprague De Camp, Lin Carter

    På fjellplatået bortenfor den trange kløften ligger byen Yanaidar, der den djevelske sekten "De som lever i det skjulte" holder til. Her havner Conan på jakt etter flammeknivens hemmelighet, og kanskje for å ta makten over byen, eller å kapre skjønnheten Nanaia.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1995

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Conan fribytteren

    Conan fribytteren

    Robert E. Howard, Robert Ervin Howard, L. Sprague De Camp

    Conan var den hyborianske tidsalders mest beryktede eventyrer. Han var barbaren fra Kimeria i nord, alltid på jakt etter gull, makt, ære og kvinner.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1995

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Conan fra Kimmeria

    Conan fra Kimmeria

    Robert E. Howard, Robert Ervin Howard, L. Sprague De Camp, Lin Carter

    Conans rykte som slåsskjempe fører ham ut på farlige oppdrag i den turanesiske hæren. I denne boka er han karavaneleder i Khitai. Karavanen slår leir i en øde dal. Conans føler at dalen stinker av redsel og død.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1994

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139



    Robert E. Howard, Robert Ervin Howard, L. Sprague De Camp, Lin Carter

    Conan var den hyborianske tidsalders mest beryktede eventyrer. Han var barbaren fra Kimeria i nord, alltid på jakt etter gull, makt, ære og kvinner.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1994

    Norsk Bokmål


    Conan's brethren

    Conan's brethren

    Robert E. Howard, Robert Ervin Howard

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009





    Robert E. Howard, Robert Ervin Howard, L. Sprague De Camp

    Conan stormer hovedstaden i Aquilonia. Den korrupte og udugelige kong Numedides faller for hans sverd rett foran tronen, og den ville barbaren blir ny konge i det største av de hyborianske rikene. Men hofflivet passer dårlig for villmarkens sønn. Å bære krone gir ofte hodepine, og trubadurene synger alt viser om martyren Numedides og tyrannen Conan. En flokk intrigemakere samler seg rundt den forræderske Ascalante, og snart vil marken farges rød av soldatenes blod. Conan blir stående alene mot en hel hær.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1995

    Norsk Bokmål




    Robert E. Howard, Robert Ervin Howard, L. Sprague De Camp

    Selvsikkert gikk Conan gjennom massen av kjempende menn. Han la et kjølvann av døde xotalanca etter seg. Ved hans side slåss Valeria, med sverdet som et levende dyr i hånden.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1995

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Appalachian Experience

    The Appalachian Experience

    The proceedings from the 1983 Appalachian Studies Conference includes contributions by Melinda B. Wagner, Allen Batteau and Archie Green; William Philliber; Susan Emley Keefe; Loyal Jones; Richard Drake; John H. Mongle; Michael Henson; Nancy Carol Joyner; Sally Ward Maggard; Phillip A. Grant, Jr.; Phillip J. Obermiller and Robert Oldendick; John L. Bell, Jr.; Russell D. Parker; George B. Bay; Howard Dorgan; James M. Gifford; Jean Haskell Speer; Stanley Taylor and Arthur J. Cox; Erin J. Olson; William H. Tallmadge; Marcia F. Barron and John G. McNutt; Edgar Bingham; Thomas R. Shannon; Rosemary Carucci Goss; Barbara Matz; Myra jones; Judy Martin; George Ella Lyon; and Nellie McNeil and Joyce Squibb.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Love, Romance, Sexual Interaction

    Love, Romance, Sexual Interaction

    Nathaniel Pallone

    This volume brings together in a single resource fourteen empirical studies examining a variety of emotions and behaviors covering many aspects of love, romance, and sexual interaction from recent issues of Current Psychology. Scholars from universities and research centers bring under the empiricist's microscope a variety of emotions and behaviors, ranging from dating relationships, criteria for the ideal mate held by both men and women, the relationship between perceptions of parents and partners in a direct test of psychoanalytic conceptualizations of mate selection, how the media influence perceptions about love and romance, sources of marital conflict, gender differences in responses to infidelity, and even the attitudes of "consumers" toward prostitution.Contributors and topics of discussion include: Albert Mehrabian and Jeffrey S. Blum, "Physical Appearance, Attractiveness, and the Mediating Effect of Emotions"; Gordon L. Flett, Paul L. Hewitt, Brenley Shapiro, and Jill Rayman, "Perfectionism, Beliefs, and Adjustment in Dating Relationships"; Robert Ervin Cramer, Jeffrey T. Schaefer, and Suzanne Reid, "Identifying the Ideal Mate: More Evidence for Male-Female Convergence"; Glenn Geher, "Perceived and Actual Characteristics of Parents and Partners: A Freudian Model of Mate Selection"; Claudia J. Haferkamp, "Beliefs about Relationships in Relation to Television Viewing, Soap Opera Viewing, and Self-Monitoring"; Blaine J. Flowers and Brooks Applegate, "Marital Satisfaction and Conventionalization Examined Didactically"; Claudia J. Haferkamp, "Dysfunctional Beliefs, Self-Monitoring, and Marital Conflict"; Emily A. Impett, Kristin P. Beals, and Letitia A. Peplau, "Testing the Investment Model of Relationship Commitment and Stability in a Longitudinal Study of Married Couples"; Richard Clements and Clifford H. Swensen, "Commitment to One's Spouse as a Predictor of Marital Quality among Older Couples"; Robert Ervin Cramer, William Todd Abraham, Lesley M. Johnson, Barbara Manning-Ryan, "Gender Differences in Subjective Distress to Emotional and Sexual Infidelity"; William Todd Abraham, Robert Ervin Cramer, Ana Maria Fernandez, and Eileen Mahler, "Infidelity, Race, and Gender"; Ami Rokach, "Strategies of Coping with Loneliness throughout the Lifespan."

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Applied Anthropology

    Applied Anthropology

    Alexander M. Ervin

    The most up-to-date and accessible text on the subject, Applied Anthropology provides the skills, perspectives, and methodologies needed when working in today's communities and organizations. An invaluable resource, this practical book answers the question, "What can I do with a degree in Anthropology?" In addition to a focus on method, this book provides a solid foundation in the history, activities, and ethical concerns of applied anthropology. The book stresses decision-making and the need to understand policy through anthropological analysis. Because an anthropologist must communicate effectively with the general "non-anthropological" public, the text employs an accessible, jargon-free writing style. More than twenty case studies plus many "real-world" examples of anthropological practice reinforce the usefulness of anthropology in the real world. New material includes a summary of Elizabeth Guillette's research, a case study summarizing the work of Kendall Thu on intensive livestock operations, an analysis of Rapid Assessment Procedures and a summarization of the work and ideas of Robert Chambers.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004



    Public Relations and Social Theory

    Public Relations and Social Theory

    Public Relations and Social Theory: Key Figures, Concepts and Developments broadens the theoretical scope of public relations studies by applying the work of a group of prominent social theorists to make sense of the practice. The volume focuses on the work of key social theorists, including Max Weber, Karl Marx, John Dewey, Jurgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann, Michel Foucault, Ulrich Beck, Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, Robert Putnam, Erving Goffman, Peter L. Berger, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Bruno Latour, Dorothy Smith, Zygmunt Bauman, Harrison White, John W. Meyer, Luc Boltanski and Chantal Mouffe. Each chapter is devoted to an individual theorist, providing an overview of that theorist's key concepts and contributions, and exploring how these can be applied to public relations as a practice. Each chapter also includes a box giving a short and concise presentation of the theorist, along with recommendation of key works and secondary literature.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 139

    Innbundet · 2018

    kr 139

    Kameraet forteller

    Kameraet forteller: bd 2. Teknikk og metoder

    Tor Edvin Dahl, Robert Meyer

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1975

    Norsk Bokmål


    Pocket · 1974

    Norsk Bokmål


    Solvent Effects in Chemistry

    Solvent Effects in Chemistry

    Erwin Buncel, Robert A. Stairs

    This book introduces the concepts, theory and experimental knowledge concerning solvent effects on the rate and equilibrium of chemical reactions of all kinds. It begins with basic thermodynamics and kinetics, building on this foundation to demonstrate how a more detailed understanding of these effects may be used to aid in determination of reaction mechanisms, and to aid in planning syntheses. Consideration is given to theoretical calculations (quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics, etc.), to statistical methods (chemometrics), and to modern day concerns such as "green" chemistry, where utilization and disposal of chemical waste or by-products in an environmentally safe way is as important as achieving the desired end products by all chemists nowadays. The treatment progresses from elementary to advanced material in straightforward fashion. The more advanced topics are not developed in an overly rigorous way so that upper-level undergraduates, graduates, and newcomers to the field can grasp the concepts easily.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015


    Fractional Diffusion Equations and Anomalous Diffusion

    Fractional Diffusion Equations and Anomalous Diffusion

    Luiz Roberto Evangelista, Ervin Kaminski Lenzi

    Anomalous diffusion has been detected in a wide variety of scenarios, from fractal media, systems with memory, transport processes in porous media, to fluctuations of financial markets, tumour growth, and complex fluids. Providing a contemporary treatment of this process, this book examines the recent literature on anomalous diffusion and covers a rich class of problems in which surface effects are important, offering detailed mathematical tools of usual and fractional calculus for a wide audience of scientists and graduate students in physics, mathematics, chemistry and engineering. Including the basic mathematical tools needed to understand the rules for operating with the fractional derivatives and fractional differential equations, this self-contained text presents the possibility of using fractional diffusion equations with anomalous diffusion phenomena to propose powerful mathematical models for a large variety of fundamental and practical problems in a fast-growing field of research.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Erwin Wurm: The Artist Who Swallowed the World

    Erwin Wurm: The Artist Who Swallowed the World

    Thierry Davila, Robert Fleck, Harald Kunde, Erwin Wurm

    In his wonderfully ambiguous One Minute Sculptures, which are only humorous at first glance, the Vienna-based conceptualist, Erwin Wurm, takes a literal approach to sculpture while also taking the medium apart: anyone can be a piece of art for a minute by following his instructions. The non-human works by which he is best known, the overinflated and floppy Fat Car and Fat House, are likewise spirited, thoughtful critiques, in this case of consumer culture. Their strained poses, like those of his One Minute participants, raise immediate, simple questions concerning normality and the meaning or lack of it in both artistic conventions and human actions. Wurm's profoundly humane work is an eye-opener to social forces, and always playful. Those who know it look forward to each new piece. This informative monograph assembles many previously unpublished videos, sculptures, installations and performances.

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    Innbundet · 2007


    kr 249
    kr 249

    Redesigning Learning Spaces

    Redesigning Learning Spaces

    Robert W. Dillon, Benjamin D. Gilpin, A. J. Juliani, Erin M. Klein

    Bring hope, joy, and positive energy back into the daily work of the classroom. In this book, learn to design brain-friendly learning environments that foster engagement, productivity, and achievement while allowing for seamless integration of educational technology. Discover how flexible, welcoming, and comfortable learning spaces can prepare students for the future. In this book you'll:Find resources for redesigning spaces on a sustainable budgetSupport technology integration through blended and virtual learningHear from teachers and schools whose successfully transformed spaces have increased student achievement

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Marketing Channel Strategy

    Marketing Channel Strategy

    Anne Coughlan, Erin Anderson, Robert Palmatier, Louis W. Stern, Adel I. El-Ansary

    For advanced undergraduate and/or graduate-level courses in Distribution Channels, Marketing Channels or Marketing Systems.Marketing Channel Strategy shows students how to design, develop, maintain and manage effective relationships among worldwide marketing channels to achieve sustainable competitive advantage by using strategic and managerial frames of reference.This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students. Here's how:Bring Concepts to Life with a Global Perspective: Varied topics are covered, bringing in findings, practice, and viewpoints from multiple disciplines.Teach Marketing Channels in a More Flexible Manner: Chapters are organized in a modular format, may be read in any order, and re-organized.Keep your Course Current and Relevant: New examples, exercises, and research findings appear throughout the text.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


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